Friday, nrcercMnicn 12, 1019. tldB SPRINGFIELD NEWS tlonlsta, the contract for tbe sale of the timber will contain spnclal stlpu latlon to preven the logging opera tion from marring the natural beaut? of the batiks of tbs stream or destroy In all tbe splendid virgin forest which tbe scenic road sometime to be built up the north bank of the river will traverse. I!1! I'l 1 - 1 1 ' ii j. w, Mcdowell Headquarters for Dolls, Coasters, and in fact every kind of toy maJo. Also Betty Bright Alumi num ware and decorated ware. Come in we would con sider it a pleasure to show you our display. Prices right. Watch this space next week for more complete display. 8ALC OF TIMBER Ofl THE 8ANTIAM NATIONAL FOREST I ftevnnty million twl of timber on the IlrrllenbuMh river within the San tlam national fnn-Ht Iiiim Juhi been put up for aal by the district forester. Thla "la the Iuiki'hI trad of national forest timber to bo put on the market for neve ml month In thin district of the forpm service. The timber lli'B on both aides of the Ilrelienbush river a nhort distance above Detroit. On-gon, lurgely within drainage of two smull creek known as Canyon und llanncn creeka. The tract contains alxty million feet of Douglas fir of medium nlz and fair quality, and about nine million feet of sugar and wentern white pines, noble fir, weatern red cedar, hemlock and allver fir. Since the Hreltenhutth river la a fav orite retiort for fishermen and vca- TART CAMPAIGN TO RAISE 130,000 FOR WOMEN'S BUILDINO To ralne the last 130,000 neceasary to flnlab the $200,000 building for women on the University of Oregon ram pun, Mlaa Florence Puruaet of Eu gene haa been appointed by tbe atu dent council of the university to have charge of the work. Tbe etate has been divided Into aeven districts and students of the university will carry on the entire campaign. Tbe district covering lane county Is In charge of Miss Marjorle Kay of Salem. The women's building will bouae the women's gymnasium, the depart' mnnt of household arts and others of the women's activities on the campus. With Its enrollment almost doubled since Hn last new building was com pleted, the university finds Its build- 'ngs et tlrely Inadequate to handle the sfiwtntf already there, to aay enothlng of the large Increase certain for next fall. The students, aroused to tbe emergency, have called their "Oregon Spirit" to the rescue and have organ lied the present campaign In which they feel confident of succesa. The committee consists of 1C0 members. Tbousanda of children are killed ev ery year because parents say, "They will have It anyway," aud permit tbe little onea to ezpOHe themselves to whooping cough, measles and scarlet fever, says the United Statea Public lloulth Service. lxi you live in Springfield and do your banking In Eugene? If so. It Is not necessary for the First National In Springfield will take care of all your Interests aa well as any bank could. If you are In need of typewriter sup plies, don't forgot the News ofice. .1 x' . ' i-Z a- y1! - If I 1, f -? I, J' -V V row V- v.. l Mi --fTOB!WIKin.i.iMlPe' i --'hi i RCULOSIS! BE RIGHT TU Red Cross Chrisiiiias Seal This la the poster selacted by tfl th National Tubarculosls Aasoda tlen officials for the Red Cross Christmas 8al sale. It will appear through out the country on th eve of the seal sale Dec. Caoiti are told very whmrinBciunttflcmlly titled pmektgtt of 30 ciiarattet or Itnptcktgtt (200 ciret let) in a glttmint-ptper-covered barton. Wt ttron&ly recom mend thit carton for the homt or office tupply or whan you traval. R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. Wiaaton-Salem, N. C CAMELS are in a class by themselves easUy the most refreshing, the most likable cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that 1 Simply compare Camels puff-by-puff with any cigarette in the world at any price 1 Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the utmost testl Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how liberally you smoke them I The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild- Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment I Freedom from any unpleasant dgaretty after taste or any unpleasant dgaretty odor makes Camels aa unusual as they are enjoyable. In fact. Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefmr Cmtnel Quality! SHIPYARD STRIKERS OWN $7,200,000 U. S. SECURITIES Liberty Bonds and War Sav- ings Stamps Help Support Idle Workers One of the reasons the striking shipyard workers in seven plants around San Francisco bay have been able to hold out for their demand of eight cents an hour Increase is that collectively tbey own more than 7,- 000,000 worth of Liberty Bonds and THE TAT TLER (Continued from Page 6.) writing bo that Mrs. Plank can sot detect the erased places. Laurel Grif fen and Hazel Brattaln. Wanted: A secretary who can trans late my writing. Sylvia Struben. Wanted: To know by the boys of S. II. S. the prescription which the presi dent of the student body holds so dearly, for growing a "Charlie." Wanted: A class for algebra stu dents. Freshmen preferred. Hours 10:40 to 11:20. Number limited. You must hurry if you wish to enter. "Jit!0,0. J' .?r'!! I Clarence Powell. Instructor. Savings Stamps holdings of our men have certainly atood us in good stead," said Frank Miller, secretary of the S&n Francisco Iron Trades Council. "When we win our demand I am going to re-ommend that the men save that eight cent an hour In crease and tnveat It weekly with the Government In War Savings Stamps. They provide an Ideal way for the worklngman to save." C. A. Farnsworth, associate direc tor of the War Loan Organization for the Twelfth FederU Reserve District. But Pa appeared to raise his foot, said: "Secretary Miller's figures on And snorted with decision. A Message In Arithmetic. He was teaching her arithmetic, :He said that. was his mission. He kissed her once, he kissed her twice, And said. "Now, that's addition." And so he added kiss to kiss In ellent satisfaction, Till timidly she kissed him back. And said, "Now, that Is subtraction." ) While it Reins 1 FISH BRAND h 'U REFLEX f SLICKER i Is the bestwet weather Id prttllonZ' svtr made U "ffi rk-c5v LjZZU V rtr " ll0&t rfl 1 11 ffliTttTw the Liberty Bond holdings and their Investment in War Savings are con servative and there is no' doubt that they have aided greatly in enabling the men to support themstives while on strike. The men can borrow the face value of their Liberty Bonds without sacrificing the bonds and they can cash in their War Savings 8tamps." The Government's War Savings Stamp is the working man's weapon against a hand-to-mouth exlutence. It helps blm get ahead. A S Christmas present for $4.23 a War Savings Stamp. Fifty-one cars of apples hove been shipped from the Eugene Fruit Grow ers association. The highest price received' for the apples was $4.05 a box for the King variety. The charter of the Lano County poBt No. 3, American Ltgton, closed November 11 with 4GG members. A landslide recently occurred on the new Pacific highway at Divide at the south line of Lane county. Plana for a no-accident week cam paign to be conducted In Oregon are helng laid by the Oregon safety coun cil. And kicked poor Bill a yard away, And said, "Now that's long division. (Found In the laboratory.) If money is worth having It is worth saving. Begin the sarins habit now by starting an account at tbe First National Bank In Springfield. RAILWAY TIME CARDS Southern Pacific Railway Electrlo oars leave Eugene (or Springfield every half hour from 6:10 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. Arrive Main Line Arrive South-bound Eugene North-bound 12:22 a. m 1:25 a. m. :00 a. ru 4:30 a. m. 1:60 p. m .... 10:60 a. m. 2: CO p. ig ... 2:66. p. m. 7:10 p. m 6:06 p. m. Oregon Electric Portland to Eugene Arrive Eugene Leave 12:35 p. ra 7:26 a. m. 6:40 p. ui. ...... 1:40 p. m. 8:60 p. m 6:25 p. m. Southern Pacific Wending Branch Leave Springfield Arrive 4:15 p. m 8:40 a. m. j7:15 a. in. (mixed train) 12:60 p. m. FURS ARE HIGH Everywhere 'trappers are making big money. 'Are YOU one of them We are paying top-notch prices. Try us youH be. pleased. Send for Kre Pries List today. E. R. SKINNER eV CO. 1121 Front 8t, Box Y 8acramento, C - We hare whipping cream. u.'t cream, sweet milk and swet hit r..." c. milk for sale. SpringfkJa Southern Pacific Oakridga B.-a:.c Leave Springfield 1:46 p. m. Mon- Idays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arrive Springfield 11:16 a. m. Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF MAILS AT SPRINGFIELD POSTOFFICE Northbound Malls close at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.; arrive at 11 a. m. and 6:16 p. m. Southbound Mails dose at 1:30 p. m. and 6:20 p. m.; arrive at 1:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Wendling Branch (Dally azoept Sun day) Mail cloaca at 4 p. m.; arrivea at 1:36 a. m. Albany-Oakrldga Brandt Mail dos es at 1:16 p. m. Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays; arrives at 11:16 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. McKentls River (Dally except Sun day) Mail closes 7:30 a. m.; arrives 1:30 p. m. x Mohawk Rural Rout No. I and McKansls Rural Route No. '1 (Dally except Sunday) Carriers leave post office at I a. m.; arrive at 1 p. m. i