The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 12, 1919, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    j y lis; Tf, ilKr)v,
FninAY, hiccEMnicii 12, iMfl;...
. falti SPtltKCFUiLD NEWS
Tbe "Miracle Mh" It comlnf to tbt
Doll theater Baturdny a"nd Bunday,
December 20 find 21.
Mm. Martin, of Portland, wlio haa
ben stopping In Sprlnaflfld for tbe
paat two WHka In behalf of the Ar
tisan lodge Miss gone 'to Eugene
Use Our Nw Fresh Pack of Bacon
and Lard - Hwcct and mild cured.
Mama 40c- per lb.
Hrcakft IIik oii 40c per lb.
Hat-on Harks 35c per lb.
Seasoning Uncoil 30c per lb.
WcnlC llama 30c ped lb.
Cottage Holla .. 35c per lb.
Pure Lard ., 35c per lb.
Flake White 30c per lb.
8 warts A Wushburne
Mrs. Hagland Irft today for Mis
souri wber ahe will vlalt for the next
two or threw month. She will atop
Jn Portland for tha . week end and
will go on to MiMMourl Monday.
Dr. 8. Italph Dlppel, dentist. Spring
field, Oregon.
Mr. and Mra. Jos Seavcy, of Cor
vallle, have movod Into tbolr borne
on tba corner of ftb and I atreeta.
Mr. and Mra. Kavey mud their horoa
here aeveral yar ago. but for the
pant two or three years Mr. Baste?
has been conducting a large hop
ranch near Corvallla. Tbcy will make
thttlr homa bera during the winter
months and will return to tba ranch
next Spring.
Pfe page 6 for "dost Feathers.''
Tbe Kd Cross stamps will ba
ready for sale this week at tha stores
and by tha School children. Show
tha right spirit by placing tbem on
all your Christmas packagea.
Mr. J. T. Ash, of Oak rid go, waa In
laat Tuesday.
Buy Kgglmann's tnlUt bread, 10c
and He.
Mr. Bruce Lanabory left Thursday
morning for Salem to attend a staff
meeting of the Metropolitan Life In
surance Company.
We have whipping cream, table
i ream, aweet milk and aweet skimmed
milk for sale. Springfield Creamery.
Mlaa flora IMcbardHou of Idaho is
vUltlng at the home or Mra. May
Krglls la this city. Mias Richardson
Is expecting her sUtor Martha, to
loin her in a few days and after an
What is It sends a cheer up when you announce
them for breakfast, dinner or supper? f
Doughnuts, bf course.
are the tender, melt-ln-your-mouth kind that are
enjoyed by young or old.
Sweet dreams follow them never nightmares.
"A Good Bakery"
New Shipment of Chains In the following sizes:
30x3 32x4
31x4 33x4
32x3 V4 34x4
Prices from $4 to $5, according; to tize Why pay more?
Columbia Dry Cell lotteries 45c 4ch
30x3 Wheels $6.00 each
Tube patches from 25c to $1.75 a box.
Radiator Hose all sizes.
Piston Illngs all sizes.
We overhaul and repair all makes of car.
First class work guaranteed.
Storage battery recharging and repairing.
1 1914 Ford ..'i.$350
1 11)18 Maxwell, run GOO0 miles $600
1 1918 Maxwell, run 3500 miles $G50
1 1914 Maxwell $250
1 1917 Maxwell, run 8000 miles $500. ...
1 1916 Chevrolet $400
1 1916 Chevrolet $450
1 1917 ChevTOlet $600
1 1916 Overland 83 . .l. $600
nn a n rn
W. W. EBBETT, Prop. '
Main Street Phone 17
extended rlalt they will return to
tbelr home In Idaho.
' Tbe girls will be remembered by
the young, people especially, having
lived and attended school here sev
eral years ago.
' Tbe "Miracle Man" is coming to the
Tlcll theater Saturday and Sunday,
December 20 and 21.
Miss Juanlta Barnes and Miss
Lydia K. Ilalney were guests at the
heme of Mrs. Wm. Holland Tuesday.
See the Beeman hand tractor at the
8pringfleld Feed company.
Matt Hickman and wife were In
Springfield on business Saturday. Mr.
Rlckman has charge of tbe state fish
hatchery up the McKenzle river.
John Tomseth came down from Cot
lags Grove Saturday evening to spend
the week-end with his family.
Have you examined the Beeman
band tractor at the Springfield Feed
You will get granite ware cheaper
at tbe Variety Store.
John Price of Thurston was in
town on business Saturday.
Jamea Clark of Independence waa
In Springfield Friday.
The "Miracle Man" is coming to the
Bell tbeater Saturday and Sunday,
December 20 and 21.
Mrs. U. Klntxley of Lowell was a
business visitor in Springfield Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Wendling were
in the city last Friday.
See page 6 for "Goat leathers."
Dr. 8. Ralph Dlppel, demise, Spring
field. Oregon.
Miss Juanlta Barnes has again taken
up her duties as clerk in the variety
store after a week's vacation.
J. P. Smith and family of Mabel
were Springfield callers Saturday.
A town is Judged largely by its
banks. Tbe First National Bank of
Springfield is one of this town's
greatest assets. Are you helping to
make it stronger by your patronage?
The Pine Needle Club was enter
tained at tbe Roberts( home on Se
cond and A streets Thursday, Dec
fourth by MIbs Mary Roberts and
Mrs. L. K. Page. A very delight-1
tul time waa enjoyed by all. Those J
present were, Mesdames Ola Young,
Delia Peterson, Hattie Casteel, Julia
Tomseth, Nina McPherson, B. A.
Washburrld. Dorlty, Montgomery,
Klier, Gerard. Vina McClaln, giannah
Hill, I. D. Larimer, Page and A. B.
Van Valxah.
Mr. Raymond Bates, of this city,
returned a few daya ago from Kansas
wfcere he has been visiting for the
past few months.
Demand Egglmann' bread from
your grocer.
' Jesse Larlson returned to Spring
Meld last Friday after spending a
tew months In Washington.
Roy Love, of Jasper, was operated
on at tbe local hospital for appendi
citis, last Tuesday.
' The "Miracle Man" Is coming to the
Bell theater Saturday and Sunday,
December 20 and 21.
Number of books In circulation,
9CS; number of maglxlnes in circula
tion, 26. new readers registered, 16,
readers using reading room, 246.
Days library Is open, Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, dentist, Spring
field, Oregon.
1 Lee Fountain was In town Wednes
day on his way to his borne in Walt-
rvllle. He haa been confined in the
hospital since Thanksgiving, sustain
ing a broken arm.
The Springfield Bowling Alleys, on
Main street, are nowt open.
Tom Rthbun who was injured In
the BootbKelly mill aome time ago
Is able to be about again.
We have whipping cream, table
cream, aweet milk and sweet skimmed
milk for sale. Springfield Creamery.
Bob Barn es returnd Sunday from a
trip to Wasco. Oregon. He left here
Thursday with, the intention of stay
ing in Wascp all winter but reports
ays, "Springfield is good enough for
me for a while."
' Fred Walker of Uila city went to
'Portland Monday on a business trip.
He will be goat several days.
' Mr. Klncad of Eugene was la
'Springfield Tuesday. j
Mrs. O. T. TbelL of Toncolla, is Im
proving nicely after a major opera
tion tbe first of tbe week.
Dr. BLJL York
Who has been practicing in Eu
gene for many years with of
fices in the Preston - Hales
building, has formed a partner
ship with Dr. J. D. Tye, former
ly of Portland, and they are In
stalling some of the latest, up
to date equipment, and are ar
ranging their rooms accord
ingly. With modern equipment, per
fect service and absolute sani
tary methods one can rest as
sured of the best of service in
the practice of
Every effort will be made to
please, both in price and workmanship.
' Expert Watchmaker and
Manufacturing Jeweler.
Agate Jewelery made to
order, agtes cut and
Bring in your old Jewelry
and have it made over in
tbe newest styles.
You don't have to go to
Eugene for first class
work. No Job too difficult
for me. A trial will con
vince you.
Price Reasonable and
Prompt Service.
News Office
Main Street
Sunday, Dec. 14th Elsie Furgerson in
Monday, Dec. 15th Wallace Reid in
Tuesday, Dec 16th Serial
Wednesday, Deo. 17th Warner in
Thursday, Dec 18th
Friday, Dec 19th WM. S. HART in
Saturday and Sunday, Dec 20-21 Special
Where Cash Beats
Jap Rice, 7 pounds lor ., $1.00
Spike Rice, 10 pounds for $1.00
Handy Cut Macaroni,, 12 pounds for $1.00
3 Cans Lye for 25c
Cod Fish, 2 pound brick 40c
Prune", per pound 15c
A full stock of Christrrias Candy and Nuts at the right
Prices. t ' i
!3 ?i "We Lead, Others Follow." - 'JZ'
- A. R. Gray, Prop.
W. M. Green, Mgr.
tbe weather too cold for him. He