U. of 0. Library - X n. v.--!- TfrrTT MEL .1 M 8IXTEENTH YEAH. Sl'KINQFlELD, LANE COUNTY, OREO ON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919. NUMBER 47 IN MEWS 0 CITY BUDGET IS CUT $2000 LOWER Budget "Voted by City Council Will Lower Taxes Dy tuuu Over Last Year. At a vpoctal meeting of the rutin ell taut Alondnr night, the annual budget for the 11 of Springfield for the ensuing fiscal year from Novera ber 1, 1919. to November 1, 1920, wan prepared and toted. As adopted it cula the amount, needed for next year $2000 lower than the budget for the previous year, thua decreasing- tha taxes of the city by 12000. To aecomplUh thU result and en able the city to run on thla amount for the next yead the councllmen and rlty official declared that it would be absolutely necenaary for very property owner to pay all city assessments, street, aldewalk, or any other, that may be levied attaint! them. Only with the cooperation of the people and property ownera them aelvea ran their taxes be reduced. The budget for the 1918 1919 year totaled 917.000 of which only $13, 490.85 waa expended, saving to the city over 13000 for laat year. Following la a comparative table ahowlng the amount expended taat year and the budget for the enaulng year: . Expended Budget 1918. 1919. IoIlce I12RO.00 11700.00 Re. A Treaa 960.00 960.00 Attorney 125 50 200.00 Light .... 1932.48 1950.00 Water ...... 998.00 1000.00 General .. 626.03 100000 Bt Improvement .... 1848.75 1900.00 Library 373 64 400.00 Intereat ..... - 6000.00 6290.00 ToUla 113.490.85 915.000.00 III HIS MESSAGE Little Said About Treaty Mi- nority Rule Intolerable. Hits the Reds. WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. In bis message delivered to congreaa today President Wilson outlined a large program of legislation which would restore a peace-time business status, reduce the coat of living, rectify lubor and farming conditions, revise the tax system and curb unreal. He re newed his recommendation for a budget ayatem of national finances and declared the administration bill providing farms tor soldiers should be passed without delay. The railroad problem he reserved for a future meaaage and he made n atatement of his fntent'.ona regarding tha peace treaty or Mexico. tills only reference to the senate's failure to ratify the peace treaty In aaying that the reatlessneBH was due largely to the nation's hesitation in determining Its pence policy. The fed eral government, he declared, should be armed with full authority to deal In the criminal courts with those who promote violence. To meet the cost of living, the president asked extension or Jhe war line food control bill, federal regula tion of cold storage, readjustment of food transportation and establlHhmeut of a ayatem of federal license for all corporations engaged In Interstate commerce. The preaident'a principal recom mendations were as follows: Establishment of a budget system for the national finances. Recognition and relief for veteran soldiers of the world war, particu larly In the way of government farms aa proposed by Secretary Lane. An enlarged program for rural de velopment, in recognition of the fanners' part in the war. , Reorganization of the taxation sys tem with simplification of the Income FARMERS, BUSINESS MEN, ' ARE YOU READY? If the fanners of this community knew that they could lncreaso the prenent profits from their land with no greater proportionate amount of labor and cost than at present, would they be sufclently Interested In a method which would enable them to do this to see it through and stand back of such a move? We believe they would. If the business men of this city realized that by some effort and tact a much greater pay roll could be brought to this city through a factory which would enrich the farmers and the city, too, would they stand behind It and help make it a success? If they knew that it had been a great success elsewhere, in a farming country not one bit more favorably situated than Springfield and surround ing territory, would they say, "Let's go!" We believe they would. We refer to a dehydrating plant This method of marketing the different varieties of fruits and vegetables is rapidly becoming one of the leading industries in Oregon and Washington. It has proven profitable for the farmer .wherever tried. There are several large plants on the coast, one being located at Salem, another at The Dalles, ope rated by the Wittenburg-Klng company. The Salem plant was start ed only a few years ago on a small scale. It has grown to be a great plant, employing several hundred peo ple, operating day and night through the entire year. They buyjrora the farmers all they can raise of the fol lowing: All berries and small fruits. String beans, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Turnips, Beets, Spinach, Beans, In fact, they will take any vegetable the farmer will grow in a marketable quantity. And they have always given good, profitable contracts. More than that they send their trucks out Into the countryand pick up this produce from the farmers. , . The farming country around Springfield is served by un excelled good roads. There are more miles of macadam roads tributary to Springfield, and serving a larger ana richer farming area, that are passable to heavily laden trucks any time of the year than In any other section of western Oregon. Portland alone may be served by more miles fof paved and macadam roads but there is not the same class of farm land surrounding it as Is the case with Springfield. Ths means that the farmer's produce can be marketed any time of the year; that he can haul his seeds and supplies at any time. It has long-since been proven that land In the Willamette, McKenzJe and Mohawk river valleys, all of which are tribu tary to Springfield, is capable of yielding abundantly any of these crops. Virtually every foot of this land will grow -some variety of berry or vegetable, and these when marketed at a dehydrating plant will yield the farmer from 26 to 100 per cent interest on the investment annually. Western Oregon and Washington is rapidly becoming the small fruit center of the world, says the Manufacturer. This land la the equal of any and better In quality to that of many localities where prices are much higher per acre. Adjacent to Springfield thousands of acres are being made ready to Irrigate next year and this will greatly in crease the acreage and yield of berries and vegetables as many of the farmers who will irrigate plan to put in logan berries, strawberries, raspberries and vegetables. The irri gated district is one of the richest sections in the valley and with the addition of water at the right times of the year will yield crops almost beyond the imagination of the most enthusiastic. ' - Thus it will be seen that the farmers of this community have the fertile land that will produce the crops to support a dehydrating plant and the necessary good roads are al ready here. It would Involve no radical change for the farmer to grow berries and vegetables and many are now finding that their land Is better suited to such crops than wheat or other cereals. Those who reaped a harvest off the evergreen blackberry last year know that there- is money in berries. Why not enlarge these profits and keep more of the money at home at the same time. NEEDED: A GOOD MARKET! IT CAN BE OBTAINED. Are you ready? s LOYAL LEGION TO START STORE Local Chapter Favors Coopera tive Store for Member of Four L Only. The L. L. L. of Springfield are working out plans for the operation of a atore in the near future for the benefit of the members. This proposition has been thor oughly discussed at the meetings, as well aa having been presented to each member, all of whom are in favor of anything that will lower the present high cost of loving. Cooperative buying la being suc cessfully tarried out by 4 L members at North Bend who make their pur chases by pooling their, money, mak ing tbe division upon receipt of ship ment. By thia method a substantial saving is being made over the pres ent retail prices. The most favorable proposition at thla local calls for the operation of a atore or 4 L members only. This will necessitate an overhead expense which has been carefully estimated and aftr being added to the cost price will still leave a substantial saving over the present retail prices. The Springfield local has an active "membership of 316 one of the largest in the state. This member ship represents, in the neighborhood of 1200 persons who will be directly benefited by this store. In view of the fact that this propo sition is assured of sufficient finan cial backing and capable administra tion the members have no doubt but that it will be a success in solving the present high cost of living. BASKET8ALL HALL TO BE OPEIIED Efforts of American Legion and High School Lads Success ful in Gaining Gym. Arrangement have been ma, j whereby the high school and Post N-fc 40 of the American Legion will leaf the lower floor of the W. O. W. buiM ing for use as a basketball floor an t club room. This was determined at a Joint committee meeting or the tw bodies last night The manual training class of tb i. high school will work Saturday in an effort to make the building ready tr commence practising the first of nexc week. The high high school expects to have a strong basketball team, as also yr the local post of American Legion. : ; . J The two bodies will share equally ' the expense of the rent and the cost ,of fitting up the building for use. I One roocr is to be used for a club room, games and reading room. It is said that the movement mar later expand Into a community build ing. The Loyal Legion of Logger and Lumbermen will be asked to Joia the high school and American Legion in the use of the buflding and share the expenses. The 4 L local holds its meeting the lest of this month when it la expected they will decide upon the matter. The securing of this building will fill a long felt want in Springfield! and the boys of both organizational are Jubilant over their success. BANKS SHOW . DEPOSIT GAINS Statements of Local Banks In dicate Prosperity of Spring field Community. and excess profits. Readjustment of the tariff system, if necessary, to meet changed world conditions and make the system con form with the fact that the United States ia "the greatest capitalist in the world." Protection for America's new chem ical and dyestuffa industry. Federal aid in the building of good roads. Development of forest resources. Laws to bring about, democratic tion of industry, Including partlcipa tion of workers in decisions affecting their welfare. Establishment of the principles re garding labor laid down by the league of nations. Enactment of Attorney General Palmer's legislation tor dealing with the Reds. (Continued on Page Eight) That the business interests, farm ers and people ,of Springfield and community are prosperous and pro gressive is shown by the statetrients of the local banks. Both show a good Increase in deposits. The First National bank deposits have increased nearly $31,000 in roundi numbers, in they last two months, as shown by their statement at the close of business November 17th. Their Individual deposits at the close of business September 12 were $238,704.76 and at the close of busi ness November 17, deposits were $269,660.87-, making the exact in crease $30,956.11. The deposits of the Commercial State bank show a net gain in the four and one-half months of $56,295.09 These figures may be taken to in dicate two things: the increased prosperity of the people of the Springfield territory, and the increas ing tendency of the people to place thetr confidence and business with their home Institutions. STATE TEACHERS TO HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION Local Teaches Will Attend Stats As sociation Meeting In Portland Last of Decemeber. . Several Springfield teachers will attend the annual meeting of the Ore gon Teachers association In Portland December 29, 30, and 31. F. M. Roth, principal of the high school, has been elected an alternate delegate . from' Lane county and expects to attend. F. B. Hamlin, city school superintendent will also attend the convention. Mrs. Hamlin going with him. Miss Lindahl and Miss Nelson will attend some o the sessions and spend the holidays with relatives In the city. Other delegates from the county are Maude Drury. Walker. Marie Gallagher. Coburg; Will Haley, Tier, nan; SupL C. A. Howard, Eugene. Alternates: Mrs. May E. Cox, Mar cola; Mrs. Maybelle Jones, Spring field, Rt 2. . Indications are that this will be the largest and most important teachers convention ever held in this state. Delegates from every county and from every local teachers' organiza tion in the state will attend the busi ness meetings of the representative council. This meeting as well as all of the other sessions is open to all teachers in the state. PlIE TOLL TO EUGENE IS OFF Declaring the Burleson telephone schedule and rates to be unjust and arbitrary the state public ' service commission has held the phone rate rise to be illegal. A refund retro active to Juy 29 haa been ordered, the new rates having went into effect December 1. Springfield is affected ' by having the rates reduced and the toll of 10 cents per call to Eugene discontinued. Local phone rates hereafter will be $2.25 for Individual line phones; $2 for a two-party line; and $1.75 for a four party line. These prices are for wall set services and for desk set service the added differential of 25 cnts per month will apply. UNIFORM LAWS HEED OF SCHOOLS Minimum Salaries of $100 for Ail Teachers in Oregon Is Urged by Institute. New or additional legislation for high school laws, their maintenance and distribution of funds, and a mini mum salary of not less than $100 for teachers were Important resolutions adopted' by the legislation committee of the Lane county institute. The 1 resolutions in full are as follows: "We, the legislative committee, beg leave to report as follows: - . "Resolved, that It Is the sense of this institute that there should be I new or additional legislation upon the subject of high schools in this state. that there may be uniform lawafof (continued oq page three)