The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 07, 1919, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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We have moved our business from the creamery build
ing to the brown front building first door west of Cox's
In our new quarters we will have more room and will
be able to give our customers better service, and carry a
larger stock ,
And we expect to keep
down the cost
Without basing our talk on "charity," we would like to
say that we are making an honest and sincere effort to
cut down the price of living. The motive is as much for
our benefit as -vours, as it is a business proposition with us.
Because if we can cut the cost of living, we shall greatly
increase our sales and with a greater business we can work
on a small percentage of profit with the same "overhead
Think this over a little and give us a chance of proving
it to you.
Southern Pacific Railway
Electric care leave Eugene for
Springfield every half bour from 5:30
a. m. to 11:30 p. m.
Arrive Main Line Arrive
South bound Eugene North bound
12:22 a. in 2:25 a. m.
6:00 a. m. 4:30 a. m.
1:50 p. m 10:50 a. m.
2:50 p. m 2:55 p. m.
7:10 p. m 5:05 p. m.
Oregon Electric Portland to Eugene
Arrive Eugene Leave
12:35 p. m 7:25 a. m.
6:40 p. m 1:40 p. m.
8:50 p. m 5:25 p. m.
Southern Pacific Wending Branch
Leave Springfield Arrive
4:15 p. m 8:40 a. ra.
7:15 a. m. (mixed train) 12:50 p. m.
Southern Pacific Oakridge Branch
Leave Springfield 1:45 p. m. Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays; arrive
Springfield 11:15 a. m. Tuesdays
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Northbound Mails close at 10 a. m.
and 4 p. m.; arrive at 11 a. m. and
5:15 p. m.
Southbound Mails close at 1:30
A money-maker and bard work saver
contractors. One man can soove it from
Hudrcda la om all orar the U. S. Wbea set ia aa
na amuia, mg null, leea cuiiera, pnaipi, etc.
H, Wmdt n it emmtmg wJ m Urn iKmm S WM
mrd. i. mrilkmmt. Bmrm. On.
ttlmjtk rmjktm fim miUlHf
mfmmmt aUaaM. U T. Mm bum.
America moat burn sore
wood lor roeL On Wad
will do It men work at
na-tenth th eoit Wnta
for fr. Book. "How
Botm eota M cord
day." lull da-
talla aad tp
Ul pnea.
S1 v W L L ..UfST. 'J J a -M ' m
vcrniu v.
p. m. and 6:30 p. m.; arrive at 6:30
a. m. and 2:30 p. m.
Wendllng Branch (Daily except Sun
day) Mail closes at 4 p. m.; arrive!
at 8:30 a. m.
Albany-Oak ridge Branch Mall clos
es at 1:15 p. m. Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays; arrives at 11:11
a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays. J McKenzie River (Dally except Sun
day) Mail closes 7:30 a. tn.; arrives
1:30 p. m.
Mohawk Rural Route No. 1 and
McKenzie Rural Route No. 2 (Daily
except Sunday) Carriers leave post
office at 8 a. m.; arrive at 1 p. tn.
S. Jacobsen left Tuesday for a few
days' business visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen, of Mabel,
were Springfield visitors last Sunday
Many bargains to be had in trimmed
hats at Mrs. Thompson's.
Mrs. Frank Morris, of Marcola,
spent last Sunday at the home of her
! mother. Mrs. Bell Spong.
Mrs. A. C. Travis left last Saturday
for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
James Morrow, In Rose burg.
The safest asset you can have Is a
bank account at the First National,
for land clearer and wood-cutting
cut to eat Simple and reliable.
tor wm4 eutUa, la. t H. T. motor wiU
Quirk dtlimtwim ft m
rw IMaMltntftal H
Peter Chime and Leonard Lcploy
are putting In a bowling alley on Main
street, between Third and Fourth.
Miss Dora Nelson left last Sunday
for Coburg. being called home on ac
count of the illness of her mother.
Mrs. L. J. Green, of Cottage Grove,
was a visitor last week at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Tennis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis and
little son. from Leona, v. ere visitors
In town the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sylvester were
down from Jasper on Wednesday Jo
visit their daughter, Mrs. Fred Illnson.
Prices reduced on all hats at Mrs.
Ben David on. who Is attending
college at Oorvallls, spent the Inst
week-end with bis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Davidson
Mrs. John Carson, of Marcola.
brought her little daughter to Spring
field last Saturday In order to have
her under a doctor's care.
Charles Mitchell, commercial agent
for the Mountain States Powvr com
pany, was working up new business
in town for a few days this week.
Mr and Mrs. Fred E. Brown, of
Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Iwls
Brown, of Portland, spent Sunday
visiting with Springfield friends.
Cottage Grove Sentinel: Mrs. Curtis
Parker, of Springfield, arrived Wed
nesday for a vlult with her parents-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker.
S. A Gay came up from the roast
last Saturday and. arc-tun pan led by
Mrs. Gay. returned Sunday to Reeds
port, where they will make tlu-lr home
May Allison In "Fair and Warmer"
st the Bell theatre. Saturday. Nov-
ember 8. Admltslon prices, 15c ami
Mixs Etta Vnllier. of the Spring
field telephone exchange, underwent
an operation for appendicitis on
Thursday of Inst week nt the Mercy
hospital. Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Leavltt left to
day for Lowell, where Mr. Leavltt
will speak this evening. While at
Inwell they will be the guests of
W. J. BoHHermnn.
Eggtmann's bread made clean,
wrapped clean, and sold clean.
The working hours for the night
force at the Booth-Kelly mill in this
city were changed this week, the
hours now being from 6 p. m. to 3 a
ni. The former hours were from f
to 2.
Hallowe'en was very quietly ob
served by the young folks In Spring
field, no depredations having been
committed of a sufficiently serious
nature to warrant reporting them to
the city peace officers.
H. E. Pitts is Installing a sander
and boring machine in his cabinet
and furniture shop at the corner of
Fourth and C streets. He reports
that he now has all he can do In fill
ing orders for his handicraft.
When you need the services of a
bank, remember that the First Na
tional, Springfield, Is Uie one to call
Rev. II. C. Ethell returned Monday
evening from a visrt of about six
months at his old home In Iowa. On
bis way west he attended the general
assembly of the Nazarene church.
held in Kansas City. He also visited
In Los Angeles.
Mrs. S. N. Holliston and daughter,
Mrs. J. B. Sherlock, from Sioux City,
Iowa, on their way to California,
have been visitors during the week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Wheaton, who are old acquaintances
of the ladles.
N. D. Pohll, from Creswell, has es
tablished the Springfield Jitney Ser
vice, with headquarters at Sandgathe
& Adlan's garage. Ills auto is an
Oakland Six. Mr Pohll has been con
ducting a garage at Creswell, having
recently disposed of the business.
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, dentlse, Spring
field, Oregon.
Msy Allison in "Fair and Warmer"
at the Bell theatre, Saturday, Nov
ember 8. Admission prices, 15c and
We arc cnstJnK our lot among
Springfield bualnesn iVn, and
feel that we BhouM tell the peo
ple of Springfield and vicinity
Romethlng about our styMtem of
doing buKjncBs.
The Cash and Carry pysdem
of selling groceries as carried on
In our Kugene store has benefit
ed not only those who patronize
ns. but Indirectly by setting a
lower level of prices has led
credit stores to sell their goods
at less.
Paying cash alwnys benefits
the purchaser. The merchant
is able to sell for loss and tho
purchaser with tho money In
his pocket can go wherever he
pleases and Is more Independent
about the quality and price.
Eugene stores have enjoyed
quite a trade from Springfield
people and one of our Kugene
bankers was fair enough to tell
lis that "Springfield jxople
should have an opportunity to
spend their money in their own
Any fair-minded person wants
to see his own town prosper.
,but not at the expense of some
other town.
We are fumishinr nn opior
tunltv for Springfield people to
spend their monev at home,
and. while there is a field for
credit stores. It is onlv fair that
those who wish to pnv cash and
help cut down the hlch cost of
livintr bv mnklnir a business of
their home finances should have
the opportunity.
Mr. W. M. Creen. for Lr. years
a business man of Kugene, needs
no introduction to n. treat nuin-
)er of Springfield people. Those
who know him will welcome
him to Springfield and the oth
ers, when they know him. will
be tlad he came,
Mr. A. Ralph Jtlrny will be
busy looklne after the Kugene
store, but will be with Mr. fJreen
doiiiK the firm's part In boost
ing Springfield.
We will assume charge of the
store Monday. November 10.
and will enlarge the stock and
price eventhing on the Cash
and Carry basis.
Come in and get acquainted.
Sincerely and respect fully,
A. RALPH fIRAV. Proprietor.
W. M. CRKKN, Manager.
AS nearly perfect as any
range can be made. It
conserves time, food, fuel
and money. Remarkably
easy to keep clean with its
white porcelain tray and
splasher back. Enables you
to do your cooking with a
minimum of time and ef
fort, giving you leisure, for
out-doors. A truly wonder
ful range for the money and
thoroughly guaranteed.
Mountain States Power Co.
We are selling our grocery busi
ness to A. 11. Gray, proprietor of the
Cash and Carry store of Eugene, and
take this opportunity to thank our
many friends ami customers for their
liberal patrottugo, and wish to bespeak
a good word for our successors, who
are to take possession Monday, Nov
ember 10.
Proprietors Ideal Grocery.
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel, dentist. Spring
field. Oregon.
For Sul Five-room hous on A
street between Fifth slid Sixth streets.
Itutli; ! trio light. Price f 1.460.
Terms. See i. A. Howe or A. Middle
ton. For Sale Six room house and three
tots at Boutlicoot corner Sixth arid F
streets; house new and strictly mod
ern; all Improvements; city water end
fluo arP'siun well. A bargain if taken
at otu e. Inquire of Mrs. M. IS. Noble,
on premises.
For Sale Twenty acres river bot
tom land three miles northeast of
Springfield, on Mi Kenzle river. Good
huiignlow; family orchard and small
fruit. Price, Iti.Ooo. Terms. See N.
A. Itowe or A. Mlddloton.
For Snle or Will Trade for Spring
field lt-lil.'ii ltiuatre stork fur in 8
miles out; 100 acres cleared; CO or
tiO acres has been farmed; all fenced
with woven wire; on county road,
half mile from achiMtl; 7 room hous,
lurge barn, chicken house, wood shed,
work shop, smoke house, spring hou jo,
Hiring witter piped to house; 2 acre
orihurd; some outside range; H acres
fine bottom luiid, balance rolling,
plenty timber for wood and fencing.
Address pox 3.V), Springfield, Oregon.
For Sale lllgh-grado White Leg
horn cockerels. Inquire of J. J.
Go to II. E. Pitts' cabinet shop.
corner Fourth and C streets, for your
windows, glass and window frames.
door, kitchen ruhlnets. klli hi-n tables.
English brcakfuxt tallies, uud general
job work.
1919 Model
Gas Range
Corner Sixth and Main
Buy Eggimann's milk bread, 10c
and 15c.
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