The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 07, 1919, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    FhtDAY, NOVEMbEft 7, iM
page 6
Lucky for Sleeping Occupants That
ths Road Had Bon Cut Up by
Heavy Wagon.
X recall a funny motoring Incident
that might have turned out decidedly
otherwise if it hud not been for a
mere rbance, writes a correspondent.
It occurred In the country during the
early spring.
A young fellow and Ms sister were
returning In the wee small hours from
a dance In a neighboring town. He
was driving a flivver. They were both
very tired, aud Anally they both
dropped oft to sleep.
It so happened that tate the day be
fore a heavy farm wagon httd passed
that way, leaving deep ruts lu the mud.
and during the evenlug these had froz
en sotld. The car got Into these ruts
and ran along them with no one guid
ing It for some time. The tracks turn
ed several corners and flnnlly turned
Into a farmyard aud we'll t Into the
The fllr turned the corners and fol
lowed the tracks Into the yard. It
was going straight on and would have
smashed Into the burn door had not
the girl waked In time to see the build
ing looming up just In front of them.
Realizing the situation Immediately,
she Jammed on the brake it ml stopped
the car a few feet from the closed
I am assured that this Is a perfectly
true story.
Southern Doughboy Who Fought In
France Is Strong for the Appella
tion -Yank."
The monicker. Tank, Is going to
stick. Just read what this fellow, who
was bom south of Mason and I 'Iron's
line, writes:
"I come from a line of 'rebels' who
boast that they did not surrender.
Until I was quite a hnsky chap I be
lieved that d Yankee' was one
word and 'Republican' Its synonym,
and knew Jhe "rebel yell as a varsity
boy knows his college yell. Before
' the war I wore a slouch hat, rode
horseback and shot squirrels. I still
say cawn bread, think Pixie should
be our national air, that Robert E. Lee
was the world's greatest general, and
Jefferson Davis, sun, the world's great
est statesman.
But, speaking for myself snd a
not overly small bunch of fellow reb
els.' I am exactly satisfied with the
honest, hard-fisted. firm-Jawed and
seemingly Inevitable nickname of
Yank, and say, with one of the papers
bark home:
"'Let Tank be the official battle
nrme of our boys, and the "rebel yell"
their official battle cry.' "
In truth, the South and the North
are welded. Stars and Stripes.
Cutting the Nation'a Tire Bill.
"Forty makes of motor tires were
submitted to the bureau of standards
by the office of the quartermaster gen
eral." writes Thomas H. I'zzell in Ev
erybody's. "They were given labora
tory 'durability run.' after which they
were autopslrd by the rubber special
ists. Their carcasses' were cut up and
the pieces boiled, roasted, stretched.
The result were discouraging. Kven
the beet of them seemed to suffer
from Improper 'toughening.'
"So Into tlielr little rubber-mill went
the experts, with notes furnished them
by the tire manufacturer, and pro
ceeded to make up some tire rubber
which had the proper degree of tough
ness. They succeeded. They passed'
out the word: The trouble is that you
makers are not sifting your zinc oxld
before mixing It with the rubber com
pound.' "The makers began to sift. Better
tires resulted. Sume .$30,000,000 wore
saved to the government. And today
you are enjoying a cut In your tire bill
by getting better tires a result of
that experiment with zinc oxld."
FIJI Fashions.
' Mr, R. W. Dalton. In his report of
the trade of the Fiji islands, says:
"Shirts are gradually gaining in popu
larity among the FIJIaiis. AH kinds
of soft tennis shlrtK with collar and
pocket or collar and two pockets sell
freely. These shirts are usually worn
for dressy occasions, when the na
tives are generally clothed In white
or cream. There Is an Increasing de
auand for khaki shorts and trousers.
The shorts are either plain or with
buckle knees and are being worn oy
'Fijian men beneath or instead of a
loin cloth. There is also a large sale
tor umbrellas.
Bridegroom Grows in Importance.
The war has given the bridegroom
a significance he never before pos
sessed. Formerly wedding notices
were devoted to the bride, her trous
seau, her bridesmaids and her family.
The bridegroom was mentioned only In
cidentally. If at all. By reason of his
rank, he has become one of the most
important persons In the alliance.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Position of Sculptured Lion on Fa
moua Battlefield of Waterloo Is
to Bo Reversed.
The lion on the battlefield of Water
loo Is to face the other way, and
before long it will stand with opeu.
ponderous paws roarlug slleutly, after
Ihe iiinuner of your fierce but consid
erate sculptured Hons, toward Ger
many Instead of France. Fortunately
for. the quiet of the countryside the
roar Is Imaginary or tht llou would
long ago have become a nuisance
whichever way he faced. The lion
was set up by Belgium after the bat
tle of Waterloo, aud stood as a warn
ing to France not to engage lu any
more Napoleonic dreams of conquest;
and year after year It looked toward
France, while behind It Germany pre
pared for the next effort to dominate
other nations. It maintained Its atti
tude while Germany carried through
the program that separated Alsace
Lorraine from France; but presently
behind the lion's back Belgium began
to fortify, aud eventually left him In
the ridiculous position of looking In
one tfl recti on while the Belgian fortifi
cations looked in another. A tame
lion, one might .say, roarlug for the edi
fication of tourists and with no per
sonal feeling about It. But now Bel
glum decides to turn him round and
let him ronr toward Germany as a
solemn reminder of the unwisdom of
dreams of world conquest.
Some Tennis Players Object to Word
"Love" as at Present Employed
in Scoring System.
There Is talk among the overlords
of tennis of finding another word than
"love" to mean "nothing" In the scor
ing system, for, although It may sur
prise many to hear It. the game Is
sometimes spoken of as effeminate,
and this bit of terminology Is held re
sponsible. Nobody has ever explained
why "love" means "nothing" in tennis,
but there Is a footnote In an old and
rare book about card-playing which
refers to an old Scottish word "luff."
which meant "nothing," and this, per
haps, may have been somehow trans
ferred into the game of tennis. Or.
again, the term may be of far eastern
origin, where a word sounding like
"love" wss used In the old form of
tennis that was once popular In the
orient. Whether or not the termin
ology undergoes change, the gsrne Is
In no Immediate danger of falling off
In popularity, and the repeated shout
ing of these seeming endearments
across the. tennis net has occasioned
much Innocent merriment. Christian
Science Monitor.
Schools of Dunkerqus.
One of the things thst deeply Im
pressed the company of Journalist
from some twenty different nations
who recently visited Dunkerque In a
party was the story of the public
schools. Dnnkerque, although It es
csped orcupstlon. was under constant
bombardment; the enemy at one time
and another had the city under fire
by land, sea and air, but, except for
a short time In the beginning when the
buildings were used for wsr purposes,
the schools of Dunkerque, like those
of Jteims, continued In session, and
new schoolhouses were built. When
ever the city was bombarded, the pu
pils, big and little, marched to the cel
lar in orderly procession, sod some
times the entire session wss held there.
If a scboolhouse was partly shattered,
It was repaired at once, and school
promptly resumed; nothing, In short,
was allowed to Interfere with the con
tinuity of the schools of Dunkerque.
Practical Sympathy.
James Shaffer of Utilontown, Pa
struck a foreigner who rnude disloyal
remarks and was fined $10, but the
mouey was paid by ten members of
the locsl Christian church, who on
their way home happened to stop In
the burgess' ofliee. . Kach of the men
planked (1 down on the desk of the
official and the case was ended.
Quackery 8ometims Effective.
"Faith and foolishness will cure any
disease," ssys the cynic, and Judging
by some Instances of miraculous whole
sale cures, there seems to be some
ground for the assertion.
There Is the historical episode of the
prince of Orange, for Instance, who
during one of his campaigns, cured
those of bis soldiers who were dying
of the scurvy by a piece of quackery.
With his doctors, who were In the
secret, he said he had procured a med
icine really a decoction of camomile,
wormwood and camphor of the great
est rarity and value from the F.ast. It
was so strong that two or three drops
would Impart a healing virtue to a gal-,
Ion of water. The men took the medl-'
cine with faith and cheerful faces, and,
so historians tell us, grew well rapidly.
See the lice man hand tractor at the
Springfield Food company.
Everyone. Is pleased with thequtck
results of simple wltchhazcl, camphor,
hydrsstls. etc.. as mixed lu Lnvoptlk
eye wash. One man's eyes were so
badly strained ho could not read with
out pain. Two applications relieved
htm. A lady with weak, Inflamed eyes
was greatly helped with ONK bottle.
We guarantee a small bottle of tavop
tik to help ANY CASK weak, strained
or Inflamed eyes. M. M. 1'KF.HY
Dr. S. Ralph Dlppel. jcv.ittt., ,.ng
fle'd, Orsgou.
Demand t.'ggluiunu' bread from
your grocer.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lane County. HcnJ.
F. Conway, plaintiff, vs. Fuunle Con
way, defendant. Summons: To Fan
nle Conway, the above named defend
ant: In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer tho complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 5th day of De
cember, 1919. xaid date being more
than six (6) weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons
and being the time prescribed for such
appearance by you In the order of
publication of summons herein en
tered of record, and If you fail to ap
pear and answer, tor wunt thereor,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief In the complaint de
manded and' prayed for, to wit: For
decree of the court dissolving the
marriage contract and bonds exist ing
between you ami the plaintiff on the
grounds of desertion for more than
one year. This summons la served
upon you by publication thereof pur
suant to nn order of the Honorable
G. F. Skipworth. Judge of the above
court, made and entered of record
on October IS. 1919. ordering that
summons be published once a week
for six successive weeks ami the
date of the Mrst publication will b,
October 21. 1919.
cation will be
Frank A. Dol'iie.
and the last puhll
December T, 1919
attorney for plain
tiff. Post office
address: Fifth and
I streets. Springfield, Oregon.
In your home-
ior "" convenience
comfort and
economy .4
r .
We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters
f. al i t o r nl ).-.,-..,,, MMM-iiMw-m
A. H. SPRAGUE, Special Agent, Standard Oil Company, Eugene, Oregon
Advance in Price
of Oils Expected
We are expecting another advance in lubricating oils oon.
We advise you to buy now for your spring supply. We
can sell you oil in bulk or in cans at prices that are right.
We are exclusive Springfield agents for
WAVERLY OILS, pure Pennsylvania product.
MONOGRAM, the old reliable eastern oil.
We can also furnish you with
We are now prepared to overhaul your car, and advise
you to come in now and make arrangements for having
your car overhauled for your winter and spring use. Avoid
the rush which will come along a little later.
Phone 1 1 Main St., bet. 4th and5th
muRjNe say tnb
cr " thy Tlr' ,u:h-
os 0AJ Smart or Burn, if Sore
Vf.. rJrC Irritated. Inflamed or
TOUR LI LO Cranultd.ue Murine"
often. Soothes. R.fresa.s. Safe for
tnfsnt or Adult At all Druggists. Writs for
'rot Eye Cook. Nutat Ct Um4j Oka
News, $1.75 ;kt year In advanco.
X-Wa&& 0 i fx tx
78. A. M. V., Ancient aw
Accepted Bcottlsh Illte Unl
vernal and Bytnbollo Kre
Masons meets first and thin
Friday evening In W. O. W
hall. Visiting brothers vet-
Leo Clark .
Chas. Klngswell
R. W. M.