The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 31, 1919, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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War Unity of Producer, Di
tributer, Comumer Needed
To Meet II. C. L.
Washington. D. C. -The failed
States Council of National Ifn
composed of the secretaries of war,
tbe navy, the Interior, agriculture,
commerce and labor reiterated today
warning to the people of the foiled
States of the necessity for Increased
lODOtnr and saving on the part of
vary cltltan.
Aftar outllnlnt tha causes of the
high coat of living tbe statement of
tba rounrll aald:
"Tha entire nation producer, dis
tributor and consumer alike should
return to tba unity that won tba war.
Group Interest and undue pergonal
gala inuat give way to tha good of
tba wholo nation If tba alluatloa la to
bo squarely met.
. "Our common duty now, fully ai
much In tbo war, la to work and to
a to. In tht worda of tbo Froaldant
In his add rem to tba country on Au
gual IS, lilt, only by Increasing
production, and by rigid oconomy and
savings on tbo part of Iho people,
can wo hopo for largo decreases In
tbo burdensome coat of living wblcb
now walgba ua down.'"
Tbo Podaral Reserve Board, In Ha
bulletin outlining tbo financial condi
tion of tbo country Jual Issued, says:
"Tbat tbo blgb prlco levels wblrb
bar been attalnad In tbo United
States present a grave altuatlon Is
clear from the attention wblcb cur-'
rent discussion of the cauaea of In
dustrial unreal ta directing to tbo
cost of living problem. Bo -far as
profiteering practices are responsible
for price aggravations, some consid
erable mitigation of tbe cost of liv
ing situation may bo eipected and In
deed la already In sight.
"Tbo problem of reducing the high
cost of living, however, Is mainly tbat
of restoring tbe purchasing power of
tbo dollar. Tbe dollar baa lost Its
purchasing power becauae eipanaloa
of credit proceeded at a rate more
rapid than tbe production and aavlng
of gooda. The way la must be tbo
way out. Aa tbe way In waa eipan
aloa of credit at a rate more rapid
than the eipanalon of production and
saving, tbe way out must be an In
crease In production and saving. Tbe
effect of Increased saving will be a
reduction In tbe volume of purchasing
media In use, and by consequence, a
reduction of prices also.
"Tbat the expansion of credit haa
been a considerable factor- In our
financial and price situation la clear;
that It la atlll a factor aud one tbat
calls for correction by tbe process of
Increasing production and aavlngs and
by the Investment 01 the proceeds of
savings In the absorption of govern
ment bonds Is equally clear."
Sincere Gratitude
Wllllum Hell, Logansport, Ind.,
"I deem It my duty to express
my gratitude for the good Chamber
lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
did me when 1 hal a severe attack
of diarrhoea tbrco years ago. It waa
the only medicine that relieved me."
"I commend unto you Phoebe, our
later, who Is a servant of tbe Church
which Is at Cenchrea," wrote 8t Paul
to the Romans, "that ye assist her In
whatsoever business she hath, need
of you, for she hath been a euAorer
of many and of myself also."
Phoebe, explains Illbllcal Jilstory,
wasa woman who went about nuralng
the sick and leaching them better
methods of living. Phoebe was the
first public health nurse.
Public health nuralng, which Is one
of the most important enterprises In
the pesce program of the American
Red Cross, Is not a new movement,
but It Is one which heretofore has
never received Its just meed of atten
tion as a factor In maintaining tbe
health of the nation.
Phoebe's sister In the twentieth cen
tury Is the community nurse who
teaches better, cleaner living. Becauae
the betterment of public health Is now
definitely accepted as an Individual
and a community responsibility, the
Red Cross will make a definite effort
to raise tbe standarda oMlvlng In the
United 8tates by urging the employ
ment of public health jturses in all
cities, towns and rural districts, par
ticularly In those where there are no
organised public health activities. A
healthier, happier America that Is
what the Red Cross Is striving toward
In Ita Roll Call tbe first weeks In November.
With the Red Cross societies of
twenty-six nations co-operating as
members, tba League of Red Cross
Societies Is now actively engaged In
extending Red Cross efforts through
out the world, says a cablegram to tbe
American Red Cross fcom Sir David
Henderson, director-general of the
The membership roster now In
cludes, the cable aald. the Red Cross
of the following countries: Argentina,
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
China, Cuba, Denmark, France, Great
Britain, Greece, Holland. India, Italy,
Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Peru,
Portugal, Rouoianla, Serbia, South
Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United
States and Venezuela.
Sixteen thousand mother die in
childbirth every year in the United
States of America, more than are thus
sacrificed in any other country of im
portance in the civilized world. Tbe
American Red Cross has announced
Us belief that these mothers, the very
flower of the womanhood of America
and heroines every one, shall no longer
die through Ignorance or nutlet t. if ,
tbe public health nursing resources of
the country can possibly be extended j
to give them the nnccssary caro. Thia (
Is one of the reasons tor the, Third!
Red Cross Roll Call which begins Sun- j
day, November 2..
"The Polish people look upon the
American Red Cross as their salva
tion. It holds In Its hands the des- j
The residents of Springfield district
should stand by the business Interests
of the district. The First National
Bunk of Springfield can take Just ns
good care of you as any other bank
in the county.
tlnles of nations. This world war haa i
been fought In vain if there is no I
early restoration of normal physical ;
and moral conditions In the newly
born Republic of Poland. Poland la
the keystone of the world's perma
nent peace." Lieut. Col. Francis E.
"I wish to express to the millions of
Americans, m ho have made the work
of the American Red Cross possible,
the deep gratitude of my people."
The young King Alexander of Greece.
mm u
li ill -s a i -in
CAMELS supply cigarette contentment beyond anything
you ever experienced 1 You never tasted such full
bodied mellow-mildness; such refreshing, appetizing
flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke the
greater becomes your delight Camels are such a ciga
rette revelation I
Everything about Camels you find so fascinating is due to
, their quality to the expert blend of choice Turkish and
choice Domestic tobaccos.
You'll say Camels are in a class by themselves they seem
made to meet your own personal taste in so many ways I
' Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un
pleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels particularly desirable
to the most fastidious smokers. And, you smoke Camels as
liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your
taste ! You are always keen for the
cigarette satisfaction that makes '
Camels so attractive. Smokers real
ize that the value is in the cigarettes
and do not expect premiums or cou
pons! '
Compare Camels with any ciga
rette in the world at any price I
18c a package
Csmrlm srm ioW 9vrywhmr in etmntMcAtty
mvmfod pmckmf of 20 agmrwtfmm or rem pscM
mt (200 ctfmrmttn) in m fklmmmtn-$Mipmr
fovtrtd cmrtnrt. Wm mtrongjj neommmnd
thim cm ft on for thm homm or ofhem muppff
or mhn you trmvmt.
Winston-Salem, N. C
r e service i
n-h things that count
whtn It lAlns ji;Vlvk
I, , I 1 K ,1.
REFLEX- -'i1
have made 4 A
:i xi net iojo
w in
Pitts' Gabinet Shop
Corner 4th and C st.
Anything Made of Wood
- -"M"'
"As good aa gold" is a savings ac
count in the' First National Bank of
r1 w4Re w t go. Hap?
IL FlklniTK
I . " i
, I IL
teiT a ?
sjtaaaaK I Ti rT rx ill v r i m cl ' I
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.,
September 27,' W19.
NOTICE 18 hereby given that Wal
ter , J. Brown, of Vlda, Oregon, who,
on July 29, 1914, made Homestead
Entry, Serial No. 09659, for the se4
of Section 12, Township 17 South,
Range 2 East," Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Three-year Proof, to establish
claim , to the . land above described,
before E. O. Immel, V. S. Commission
er, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon',
on the 25th day of November, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses: Car
ey Thompson, John Law, Milo Thomp
son, Alden Law, all of Vida, Oregon.
W. H. CANNON, Register.
First pub., Oct. 3, 1919.
. Last pub., Oct. 31, 1919.
H. L. Studly, Plaintiff, vs. Mollie
Loken, ' Mollle Loken Matchett
and Will Matchett, her husband, and
all persons unknown, if any, hav
ing or claiming an interest or estate
in and to the hereinafter described
real property, Defendants.
To Mollie Loken, Mollie Lokeu
Matchett and Will Matchett, hr
husband, and all persons unknown,
if uny, having or claiming an inter
est or estate in and to the herein
after described real property, the
above named defendants.
You are hereby notified that this
plaintiff is the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 1447, issued on
the fifth day of April. 1916. by the Tax
Collector of the County of Lane, State
of Oregon, for the amount of $18.29,
the same being the amount then due
and delinquent for taxes for the year
1913 . together with penalty; Interest
and coBt thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed tp you, of which you are
the owner aa appears ol record, situ
ated la said County and State, and
particularly louudud and described as
follows to-wit:
North of S. E. and S. E.
of S. E. '4, section 2, township 20 S.
R. 2 W., W. M., Lane County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
holder of said Certificate of Delin
quency has paid taxes on said prem
ises for prior or subsequent years as
follows, to-wit:
On April 6, 1916, the sua dt f 17.79,
for taxes of the year of 1914.
On, April 5, 1916. the cum of 19.78.
for taxes of the year 1915.
On April 5, 1917. the sum of 110.71.
for taxes of the year of 1916.
On April 5, 1918, the' sum of 112.94.
for taxes of the year of 1917.
On March 2, 1919,'the Bum of $10.44,
for taxes of the year 1918.
All of said amounts bear Interest
from date of payment at tha rate of
15 per annum.
Said Mollie Loken as the owner of
the legal title of the above described
property as the same appears of
record, and each of the other persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that the plaintiff herein will apply
to the circuit court of the county and
state aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the lien of said taxes and" coats
against the property above described
and mentioned in said certificate.
And you are hereby summoned to ap
pear within sixty days after the ser
vice of this aumons upon you, ex
clusive of the day of service, and de
fend this suit or pay the amount due
as above shown, together with costs
and accrued interest, and In case of
your failure to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien ot
said taxes and costs against the land
and premises above named.
This summons Is published by or
der of the Honorable Q. F. Sklpworth,
Judge of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon for the county of
Lane, and said order was made and
dated this fifth day of July, 1919, and
the date ot the first publication of
this summons la the twelfth day of
September, 1919.
All process and papers In this pro
ceedings may be served upon the
undersigned, residing within the state
of Oregon, at the address hereinafter
mentioned. ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: Eighth Ave. and Willamette
streets, Eugene, Oregon.
First publication, Sept. 12. 1919 1
Last publication, Nov. 14, 1919 '