The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 31, 1919, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PMDAY, OCTODRU SI, ifilfl
frits spiiiNorittD news
Analalt Situation by Dsan of
Washington Stat College
That tht farar receives th lion's
shar ot th coat to tha consumer
and that ha ia a profiteer, la tha be
lief of nan who know compart
Uvly llttla or nothing about farmlni
and what It coats to produce, accord
laf' to E. C Johnson, dean and direc
tor of tha Washington college ot ag
rlcultur. In discussing the agitatloa
to reduce tha high cost of living.
"A brief analysis of the situation
demoatrates tha fallacy of this be
lief," aald Dean Johnson." The wheat
farmer of today, who receives $2.00 a
bushel for his wheat, gets about 17.50
tor tha wheat required to make one
barrel of flour. This flour will make
approximately 300 14-ounce loaves of
bread, selling at about 10 cents a loaf,
or 130.00 a barrel. "Were the price
reduced 1 cent per loaf and the entire
reduction taken frooni the price of
wheat to tha farmer, the consumer
-would bo little benefited and the
farmer would receire at the rate of
$1.35 per bushel for his wheat, which
ia less than the cost of production at
tha present prices of land, labor and
Take wool and shoes. "If the pros
ent price of wool to the farmer were
reduced 20c per pound, it would mean
leaa than fl reduction in tha price of
a wool auit retailing at $55 to $100
If tha present price ot hides to the
farmer were cut in two. it would
mean less than 50c reduction in a $12
to $15 pair of shoes, the hide for
which now costs not to exceed be
tween SOc and 90c per pair.
The case of milk. "If the price of
milk, which at present is between 25:
and SOc per gallon to the fanner,
ware reduced one-third it would mean
comparltiTely little to the consumers
of milk, who pay 12c to 15c a quart
but it would mean bankruptcy for the
commercial dairyman under present
prices of hay. feed and labor, and the
only dairying that would survive
would be in the small dairy herd on
tha diversified farm where the herd
la aaed to consume grass, roughage
and feeda not readily salable, and
where the farmer's family doea all the
work, the day being closer to 16
boura than 8 hours and the price
per hour 15c to 30c instead of 50c to
$1. The ultimate result would be a
great ahortage of milk and of necess
ity prices so high in the not distant
future that the average family could
not afford to buy milk or other dairy
"It these facts, well understoood by
the majority of the producera In the
country, also are understood by the
consumera in the towna and cities,
there will be less tendency than at
present to lay undue blame upon the
producer for the high cost of living,
and a greater interest on the part of
every one to insure prices to the
farmer aa will safeguard farm pro
duction, which is the basis of a pros
perous and contented nation.
Creswell The apple crop is sur
passing all expectations. Storage
and manufacturing capacity are in
sufficient to handle the crop.
Dr. 8. Ralph Dippel, dentist, Spring
field, Oregon.
Sincere Gratitude
Mrs. William Bell, Logans port, Ind.,
write : "I deem It my duty to express
my gratitude for the good Chamber
lala'a Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
did me when I had a aever attack
f diarrhoea three years ago. It waa
the only medicine that relieved me."
News, $1.75 per year In advance.
Your Wife
Fertlde Your Playing Pool and
Carda at Our Place
Had Setter Stay at Heme.
If She Calls for You and You Are
Here We Will Tell Her So.
Glover & Cox
Persian Dervlshe Demand Alma M a
Right nnd Mmpt People Read
ily Olvo Up.
A feature of Persian life which tll
tratea the almpl and uperstltiu
nature of the peovle of the mldeast la
their tolerance of the dervlshe. These
weird, gypsylike beggar latest the
dtiee and annoy th village folk la
passing from one place to another, ac
cording to their vows ot Itiaeraacy.
These are not the whirling dervlshe
of circus ram. Whirling would bo to
oaergeric a feraa of worship for th
member of this moot aacteat leisure
clsss. Their greatest exertion consist
of walking slowly and blowing a bora
to announce their presence.
The dervish of Persia la kaowa by
bla begging bowl, conical cap. aalasal
akla cape and club. The weapon,
which la asaally a atlck driven through
with astls. Is carried conspicuously.
It fact. It aeeusa nnpleassntly ready
for use when Its owner calmly de
mands tribute. It la true that there
la small danger of tta use. even If
alma are refused, but a refusal how
ever polite and apologetlcal, la aure to
arouse the wroth of the dervish. Bla
vocabulary may be unlatelllglble, but
the meaning of bla threat and proph
ecies Is usually understood. Fellow
cltisen of the dervish tribe prefer to
make a gift at any coat In order to
avoid having the wrath of heavea
called down upon them In th masterly
language of an experienced heaven la
oker. The dervish make himself useful to
the community honored by his pres
ence by telling fertuaea and stories,
reciting prayer, aelllag chanaa aad
even curing th sick by hlewlug his
sacred breath on them all In return
for which he turns over to his chief
after deducting a living wage.
Historical Appellation Seetewsd en
Summits of Mountain Range In
Old Vermont,
Heretofore when one snke of the
presidential range everyone every
Kew Knglsnder. at least knew, with
out further partlculsrlalag. that Mount
Washington and Its attendant aummlta
waa the subject, write Allen Chem
berlsla In th Boston Evening Traa
script. Henceforth one must needs be mere
specific, since during the Isst year a
rival presldeotlsl range has appeared
on the map la Vermont. That region,
hitherto generally apoken of aa the
Bread Loaf Mountain section, lying
between Mlddlehury gsp and the IJn-eolo-Warren
pass, was hut little
known, except la It southerly portion,
until the Oreen Mnunteln club men
rsn their Skyline trsll through. They
found there a maae of unnamed aum
mlta grouped aa In council, and seem
ingly worthy of being recogolsed as
Individuate of distinction.
Just north or these heights Is the
rugged mass whose summit have been
known for more than half a century aa
Mounts Abrsham and Lincoln. Quito
naturally the idea of a aew yrealdea
tlal range aroee and, with great parti
san restraint, four of the neighboring
mountains were therefore named
Mount Oraat, Meant Grover Cleve
land. Mount Roosevelt and Mount
Wood row Wilson.
Pelaonod by Ink.
Behind the scene at the Olobe the
ater, where, to the delight of all play
goers, Miss Violet Vanbrugh ha scor
ed another wonderful auccesa la
Trimmed In Scarlet," the famous ac
tress told m this amualag story of her
early days.
"We were playlag 'Borneo aad Jul
iet on tour,' aha aald. "aad one eight
In the polsoa aceae, Juliet found her
self without a phlaL The audience
waa waiting, and la despair ah
saatched a Ink-bottle from the atag
carpenter, aad gasplag 'I It empty r
rushed oa.
"But when the hapleas lady raised
the bottle to her lip and tipped It
downwards, a Stream of lak deaceaded
ever her chin and down her ' white
dree. The house yelled at the comi
cal sight" London Tit-Rita.
No Mere Shiny Demee.
After the wonders which we have
seen worked for the soldiers who suf
fered disfigurement during the war,
It Is not surprising that plaaMc sur
geons are turning their attention to
Improving civilians also. Ugly noses,
pro'ertiag eara, harelips snd sll sorts
of other ohstaclea to good looks will
probshly be easily corrected in the
not-fsr-sway future. The most In
teresting thing along this line which
bes been recently discovered is that
no ens need suffer from baldness any
more. By grafting a piece of akin
trot com part of th head where
kslr 1 still growing onto the bold
patch, a new covering Is said to bs
News, $1.75 per year la advance.
Ilav you examined the Deotnan
hand tractor at th Bprlugfield Feed
company T
Monmouth has voted $60,000 tor
a waUr supply from Teal creek, in
th foothills ot th Cent rang ta
mile distant from town.
Th safest asset you can hav 1 a
bank account at the First National,
Read Dr. Dlppol' talk on "Shell
Crowns" page 3.
News, $1.76 per year in advance.
In th Circuit Court of the Stat
ot Oregon, for Laue County. Den J.
F. Conway, plaintiff, vs. Fannie Con
way, defendant. Summons: To Fan
nie Conway, the above earned defend
ant: In the name of the State of
Oregon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
ault on or before the 5th day of De
cember, 1919, said date being more
than alx (6) weeka from the date of
th first publication of thta summons
and being the time prescribed for such
appearance by you in the order of
publication of summons herein en
tered of record, and It you fail to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief In the complaint de
manded and prayed for, to wit: For
a decree of the court dissolving the
marriage contract and bonds exist ing
between you and the plaintiff on the
grounds of desertion for more than
one year. This summons Is served
upon you by publication thereof pur
suant to an order ot the Honorable
O. F. Sklpworth. Judge ot the above
court, made and entered of record
on October 18. 1919. ordering that
summons be published once a week
for six successive weeks and the
date of the first publication will b.i
October 24. 1919, and the last publi
cation will be December 5. 1919
Frank A. Delue. attorney for plain
tiff. Post office address: Fifth and
I streets, Springfield. Oregon.
News, $1.75 per year In advance.
Advance in Price
of Oils Expected
Wt art txpecting another advance In lubricating oils toon.
Wt ndvitt you to buy now for your tpring tupply. Wt
can tell you oil in bulk or in cant nt pricet that are right.
Wt are exclutivt Springfield agtntt for
WAVERLY OILS, purt Ptnntylvania product,
MONOGRAM, tht old reliable eattern oil.
We can alto furnith you with
We are now prepared to overhaul your car, and advite
you to come In now and make arrangementt for having
your car overhauled for your winter and tpring ute. Avoid
the ruth which will come along a little later.
Sandsaf he & Adrian'
Phone 11 Main St., bet. 4th and 5th
ItDtMP N'tf ed Moralae.
t1 Smart or Bum. tf Sor.
7.tVrC iTltated. Inflamed of
JURtYtJ Granulated. uasMurind
ten. 4 thee, freshes. Sal for
Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for
free Ey Book. Rvtat Cw IWr U. Cmmv
News, $1.75 per year In advance.
Lee Clark
71. A. M. K Ancient am
Accepted Bcottlah flit Unl
versal and Bymbollo Frt
Masons meet first and thin
Friday evening In W. O. f
haJL Visiting brother wV
Chaa. Klngswll
R. W. 14.
mm mm' ai saam wa
A good oil heater filled with
Pearl Oil gives instant heat
when and where needed. No
Emoke, no odor. Easy to
carry about. Oil la consumed
only when the heat is needed
no waste.
Pearl Oil is refined and re
refined by our special process
which -makes it clean burn
ing. For salajrl bulk by deal
era everywhere, the same
high-quality kerosene as the
Pearl Oil sold in fire-gallon
cans. There is a savins; by
buying in bulk. Order bjj
name Pearl Oil.
W recommend Pert actio Ofl Htra
A. H. SPRAGUE, Special Agent, Standard Oil Company, Eugene, Ore