The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 10, 1919, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Friday", ocronicn 10,1010
Abundance of Fresh Air and
Sunlight Do Much to Check
Ravages of Tuberculosis.
National Tuberculosis Association,
Which Sponsors the Annual Salt
of Red Cross Christmas Seals,
Reports 150,000 Death.
Each Year From the
People who live In the Miintlor towns
nd on farms have a Ft health ad
vantage over tlie city dwellers In thut
they have ever an abundant supply of
fresh air and sunlight.
These two gifts of nature, so lavish
ly bestowed, are not always appreciat
ed to their fullest extent. They are
two of the strongest weninms against
the menace of tuberculosis, or con
sumption, as It Is sometimes culled.
But consumption Is not unknown In
the rural districts. The death mte Is
sometimes as great Id these sections ns
In the more crowded localities, chiefly
because of carelessness or Indifference
to laws of health.
Few, indeed, are the farm houses
or the homes in the smaller cities and
visages that cannot have an outdoor
kieeplng !orch. On the contrary, we
often Bud that the windows of sleep
ing rooms In the home are shut tight
in the mistaken, belief thut niht air
Is harmful.
This paves the way for disease, espe
cially tuberculosis, which generally at
tacks the lungs.
White Plague Kilts 150.000 a Year.
The white plague claimed 1.V1.IXX)
lives last year In the United States.
More than l.OOO.ixx) Americans are suf
fering from It today. These figures
tre compiled from reports of experts
all over the country and sent to the
National Tuberculosis Association, the
leading agency in the country to com
bat this disease. This organization is
hponsor for the Red Cro-s Christ mas
Seal sale, from which Its financial sup
port is chiefly derived.
As medical science has proved con
sumption is both prevent:Me and cura
ble, the suffering caused by this dis
ease Is largely unnecessary. Most tu
berculosis victims are between the
ages of eighteen and forty-five.
Causes Half Billion Loss Annually.
These are the years when people
are most active, the years of their
greati st proiluction. Tl.e biiurtms out i
of llu-se lives just wlien th-y are at I
s pieans
en annual loss to t!e cmiiiiry
of near
ly I. air a Mliii.ii -1. .liars. j
Fresh air is the cheapest of rnedl- j
ones. u ; : .or s'ecp:ii:; pun lies tre
not o:"ly for the sii k. They help well
folks to keep well, and tl;e country
dweller can have ties aid to healthy
liii.'i; at far less iin on ciiience than
liis city iifi'lilinr.
You can help direeiiv by seelnjr that
you and your fmiiiy ;re I ivinv: under
the In.ot l.ialilit'lij cul..iitioli.S iJ'j.-sihle.
Can Now Eat and Sleep in Comfort.
If troubled with indigestion or sleep,
lessness you should read what Miss
Agnes Turner, Chicago, Illinois, has to
say: "Overwork, irregular meals and
carelessness regarding the ordinary
rules of health, gradually undermined
5t until last fall I became a wreck
of my former self. I suffered from
continual headache, was unable to di
gest my food, which seemed to lay
as a dead weight on my stomach. I
was very constlpped and my com
plexion became dark, yellow and mud
dy as I felt. Sleeplessness was added
to my misery, and I would awake as
tired as when I went to sleep. I
heard of Chamberlain's Tablets and
found such relief after taking them
that I kept up the treatment for near
ly two months. They cleansed my
ttomach, Invigorated my system, and
since that time I can eat and sleep
in comfort. I am today entirely well."
Uooth-Kelly mill employes take ad
vantage of the splendid banking ser
vice offered by the First National of
Springfield and a large percent carry
a good bank account at that insti
tution. News, $1.75 per year in advance.
lr. S. A. I ton ford, for the past three
years pastor 6f the Methodist church
in Springfield, was appointed super
intendent of the Klamath district by
Hisliop Htm he at the Methodist con
ference held In Salem hist week.
Dr. I to n ford before coming to OtV
son as superintendent of the Fargo,
North Itokota, district for six years
and superintendent of the Ulxinark,
North Itokota. district for six years.
so he will be at home In his new po
sition. His headquarters will be at
Kev. J. . Khert, who succeeds 1T.
Stanford at Springfield, comes from
Forest t J rove, where he has been pas
tor for three years.
Dr. Khert Is a graduate of Morning
side college, in Iowa, and also a grad
uate of the Garrett ltiblical Institute,
('lik ago. He is reported to be a
young man of fine talents and with
a past record of success. He has a
wife and two children.
He will preach his Initial sermons
as pastor of the local church the com
ing Sunday, morning and evening.
New York Sun
An inconspicuous item In the Sun
Is full of suggestion as to the future
of our food supply. It records that
an American provision firm has a cli
ent at Tientsin, China, who is In a
position to supply large quantities of
beef, eggs, poultry, potatoes and var
ious other products to this country,
and the lack of vessels with proper
refrigeration space plying the Pacific
presents the only obstacle to the Im
portation of perishable foods.
At first sight it will strike one as
anomalous that the oldest, most worn
out. most densely peopled nation In
the world can possibly have large
surplus supplies of food to offer to
the uewest. most fertile, richest, and.
among the great countries, least ,
thUkly settled realm. Moreover, we j
are used to hearing of famines in :
China. They are regarded as a nat-
ural, inevitable happening, every now
and then. A failure of the rice crops i
always brings famine to certain dis-'.
triets regions holding many millions j
of people. Yet China can spare us (
"large supplies" of meat. eggs, poul- !
try, potatoes and other things! i
It might also be added that, given I
fairly moderate ocean freights rates ;
these foods can be delivered here at '
a price far below what it would cost
us to nrse them. There is. in fact,
a very large trade in Chinese eggs.
It Is no new thine, and it is likely to
increase, because it is easy to pre
serve eggs ami our consuming mar
ket is uncritical.
With ships enough anil Japan is
building them for Chinese-American
trade as fast as she can. the Orient
can follow its eggs with preserved
chicken, beef and vegetables. They
will find a ready market.
Why? The reason Is not far to
week. With all her other handicaps j
China has the one thing that we con
spicuously lack: an immense surplus
of cheap ami efficient labor. It Isn't
a question of whether we like the con
templation of it or not but rather a
brute fact which we cannot safely
ignore. With free, plentiful ocean
carriers we are coming squarely into
competition with Oriental production,
from primary foods to the moMt com
plex manufactured article. The Chin
ese egg is likely to hatch out a mon
strous big bird some day.
For Sale Paying country weekly,
favorable terms. Eastern Oregon.
Write care K. W. Allen, University,
Eugene, Oregon.
Your Wife
Forbldi Your Playing Pool
Cards at Our Place
Had Better Stay at Horn.
If She Calls for You and You Are
Here We Will Tell Her 80.
Clover & Cox
r.ugene. Debalo, developed more
last year thun ever before In the
University, has received an additional
impetus this fall In (he announcement
by the department of public sHnking
that two hours of college credit to
ward graduation will be allowed
those who participate In iulrnmuisl
debating under faculty supervision.
The plan to bo followed for the In-ter-organlation
debating will be ap
proximately the same us that In use
last year, when sixteen fraternities.
sororities and hulls of residence, to
gether with the Oregon club, made
up of lion fraternity students living
off the campus, put affirmative and
negative teams into the race for the
campus championship.
An organization meeting Is (o be
called by llobert W. I'rescott, profes
sor of public speaking, within n few
days. hen the rules for this year's
contest will be drawn up and a sched
ule prepared. Professor I'rescott nil
nounces that competent coaches will
be privided from among members of
the faculty, varsity debaters and oth
ers, and he expects even more Inter
est In debating than was worked up
last year.
Hendricks Hall, champions of the
girls' division, last year, and fleta
Theta PI fraternity, lenders among
the men, tied for championship, and
the names of both teams are Inscribed
on the cup offered as the trophy to
the winners In the series.
Intramural debating. an enlarged
schedule of Intercollegiate debute Is
to be contested this year.
The cii U k action of simple witch
hazel, hydrastis, camphor, etc., as
mixed In l.'Moptlk eye wash, will sir
prise Spr.l tlield people. )ie 1.1
w:'h w i:k. strained eyes was help mI
1-y i in;le application. Her tnoth-T
colli I ";i ret ; v pew or road because -if
eye pains. In one week she too was
benefited. Wo guarai.'ee a small bo'
tie of I.avoptik t In !p ANY CASK
weak. sir . hit d or inflamed eyes. 1
l Ml i 'i u 1 1 1 ve cup Fit EE. M. M.
pirr.KY : iitcc; to.
Wear life service mile
age safety comfort. These
are the things that count in
a tire.
These are exactly what you
get in United States Tires,
general all-round tire satis
faction. This greater total of tire
everything for your needs for
winter driving
WEED CHAINS in stock
All sizes
Windshield Rubbers, Tire Repair
Materials, etc.
A big stock of Standard Makes of Tires
SHOP. Come and see us first
Phone 1 1 Main St., bet. 4th ,d5th
Say, Mr. Springfield resident, trans
fer that banking account from Eugene
lo the First National Hank of Spring
field. Hoost for Springfield lu prac
tice as well as In words, if m.t, why
NlM anil Morning.
Hav Chan. Htulthf
. If they Tire. Itch,
0 OV-.W,- nm
M)im EVES &.'
Smsrt or Burn, if Sor
tiled. Inflamed of
Granulated, um Murlrt
often. Sooih.a. Refresh. Safe (or
Infant or Adult. At J1 Druggitti. Write for
Free Eye book. Hum In M O., Uio
'Royal CorJ
Most Economical
values means greater econo
my less cost of maintenance
less repairs and depreciation.
Car owners who do their,
own thinking prefer United
States Tires. Their merit is
recognized everywhere.
We have them a type and
size for every car.
Start a bunk account at the First
Nutioiiiil Hunk or Springfield, and
keep tint account growing. It will help
Springfield to grow The Index to any
town is if bun Wing condition.
78, A. M. F., Apclnut am
Accepted Scottish Hit Uul
vernal and Symbolic Frw
Masons meets first and thin
Friday evening In W. O. W
hall. Visiting brothers wel
come. Clark
Chun. KliiK'well
II. W. M.
United States Tires
arc Good Tires
Pitts' Gabinet Shop
Corner 4th and C st.
Anything Made of Wood