F HIDAY. AIK1U8T 22. 1019 TUB BPBTfOPlKT.D NEWS rAGE S He Will Be Proud of Your Pretty Complexion Kteiy woman hhoiild consider It a duty to protcrt her per vmiil luiiniH. The prlixl h 1 cHHrtitiulH of Ix'uuty nn u .ofl, velvety skin and u pretty complexion. Your Kiitlemii frli'iiilH will lulinlrp the beauty which Garden Court Face Cream IhIiikk. It will l.aidKh rciiKli"'HH ntul leave tin- hKIii pink and lieuutlftil. It In tlelleutely cetiieil and roniiH In an attractive Jar that v. Ill prove an ornament to your dresHhiK table. Price We also have nil nf the approved Cold Cream. Vanishing Cream. I'"ae Powder. Tui.iiimh, M;ihs:ii;e Creams, Ktc, which are In demand by women who Ive daily attention to the cliarm of a pretty completion. r NIVFII UUSIIf etc : Town and Vicinity Imn Miilli i', of lionna, Monday. In town Mr uud Mra. S II. tialkey. of Mable. I, pi tit Saturday In town M rs Wtl'- in J K Keiiniily. inwii Miiiiiluy on of I.eahurK. hUMIiecH. Siitluii returned Saturday from !.., nil' In Piiitluiid hu Vr ami Mra. Ulley SnodgriiHa apent Suml.'i) III CotlaKe (irovu. All Milliliter tiala reduced to half iii r at Mm ThompHon'a i . I Mr. and Mra. Mum healer apent the weekend oudUK up the McKenxlo rrer i J.ob Wllllama apent few daya In Koaehurg on hualnesa returning Sun- 1 "vrnllig. 1 Paul Needliam underweiii minor t operation at the North went lloapltal in Kugetie Tuesday. Miss Jennie A Reed, of Marrlabuig, waa a week end visitor at the home of '' A Kaatnian ojid family. I Mrs. II. I). Neff, of Portland, came htht Saturday for a weeaa visn wiui be; mother, Mrs. T. E. Nye. Mrs Mar Montgomery spent a few Inys with her daughter Mrs Herbert Sneil of Wallervllle this week Il'-n Conley, son of Mrs. E. K . I.ee h rt Monday for Salem to accept , f.i.t'.oit with the Street Railway. it H'niald Roberta and Jim Uleiinrdt an we.-e Sunday visitors at the home of .Mr Roherls" aunt. Miss Mary Roberts. Oil llliisou and Clarence Hill who are working ut Shedds for the stun ner came In to spend Sunday with lV-; parents. , Mrs. .1 1 1 1 ii KltKeruld and wife have ore. "5rra' r. Mi-iied from a two months' outing A number of vouug folks gave a aur l ake View. Klamatl. Kalis. O.tell ()(t m,wi.h Vtffu af( .!,; and Mend Oregon. i. and Mm N J Nelson, of liar , :t irg, were here Tu'-aday lo spend the day with tin lr daughter, Miss ;ur.' Nelson. V s. Sam Uiihiiiond and chlh'ren. who have heen visit lug In Port land f ir the past month relumed Satur day Pi of. W. M. Sutton, wife and n Iher In law, Mrs. Mary Chamber Wn ho have spent the past two months In Springfield, len Weilnea dry morning for their home in Hums, v 'n. Springfield Feed Company New Cheat and Grain Hay at a Moderate Price. A Full Line of Up-to-Date Grocer ies. Come in and Give Us a Trial. PHONE 31 Mr. and Mix. (Jeo. Smith of Port land, hpi ni Monday at the home of Mr. and Mm C. K. Swaria. on llirlr way Up the Ml Kclizic for all outing Coming to the Hell Theatre the special picture, entitled, "Kin s of Kulth." the Rreul Salvation Army story Watch fur the date. Mm Paul llt.illalii ami Iwn children who luoiiiri'd to KlainitHi Kallh to lit - : lend the Klko vIhII wlih Mi day I I no t I'll! lull 11 Nil tnr a Piattaiti iciuriu'd Mun MrN Powii't and dniii'hier Mia Ktliil who liuvi- Hieul I lie al two weeka III .Newlierg, Newport and Sea- i aide with trli'inlx a ic expected home Saturday. I Mia Margaret W'indatroin. of Ma hie, vlalted w ith Mr. and Mra. J. YV. Me-, Unwell Monday. Mra Windham and' iim. .ticiMiweii were girilioon irieuua years ago In Nehraaku. j j MIm Adele Mrault. of Portland who, h" '" vlHl.Ing at the home of W. W Vu n. -a tim 1, u nnul v . . Ir lafl I ....... i ueauay aceompaiiiiHi ny nuaa Ktnei Newman for Suuaet Bay. for a few J dayi rs outing Mra . i.. i . t I 'i liiviivi, niniri ill Mrs Kred Ruby, who 1IIukiiii. and daughter, have heen visiting here 'for the pant few weeks with frfeuds ,, r,.ulve pft ln,.,r ,mo (n nymouih, Oregon. Wednesday. John Lambert and fHiuily. of Alli.ny. f .em Sniidav wilh hl rarents Mr n( Ni(((. U((w, bmi) M Mnn. day morning for Belknap Springs fori,,v,r "'"' " ".ects to re a two weeks' outing They will also I""" h"u" ",m," ,W,h"r 4t"- visit with Mm. I.ninlierly'H parents In iLcaburg, Mr. and Mrs. Tibbetts. ' Kmeraon I.ovegrove, who has been lulling fur a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs Kred Halliard, started ; Tuesday on the return trip to his home in Hrlilgcport. Conn. Mr. l.ove- ' grove Is an old schoolmate of Mr. I Marnard's He days at Seattle the return trip. will and slop for a few other places on Kiiima Travis at the Travis home on Saturday evening A Jolly time wa.-t spent including relieshmenis al "Kelels". Those present wire; The Misses Mi lil red Newlanil, Helen New laud. Augusta Brabham, Mrs TeiUly l.eavitt, Earl l.epley, (iladya l.epley, Kern Travis. Krauces Trav's and Km me Travis. Sunday, Aug., 2-4, .Marguerite Clark will appear ut the Mell Theatre in her most beautiful presentation of "Tim Seven Swans. This Is a picture for kiddles, including those from 7 to 77. nnd all others who have not grown old and hard of heart. In this picture Miss Clark knits seven shirts for her seven brothers, after which Prince Charming carries her off to his pal ace, where they live in great splendor until a wicked queen heenmt' Jealous Mid- Mill we will leave the rest of the story for you to see on Sunday, Aug., J I, at the Hell Theatre. A Blllioui Attack When you have a billions attack your liver fails to perform Its func I Ions. You become constipated. The food you eat ferments In your stom ach Instead of digesting. Tins In flumes the stomach uud euutiea nau sea, vomiting and u terrible headache. Tuk three of Chamberlain's Tublotx. They will tone up your llvor, cleau out yonr nUtuach uud you will soon b at well as ever. They only oey juurter. HORN To Mr. and Mm. J. B. Orern. on Wednesday, August 20. a boy. Mr and Mm. Henry A'lrlHn motored up f ti Mi Kenr.l; above Vlda, Hunday for t li day. Mm. V. T. Ni'mI, of Marcola, wait ad milted In the. local hospital Tuesday for a in 'nor operation. Mr. Lewis, of Hi" Kiiiirinll, was ad mil tod to the local hospital Tuesday for medical treatment. HORN- Haturduy. to Mr. anil Mra. Mai Coglll, who live on north 7th n reel, a AH pound girl. I Now la the time to mm lire a good j summer' lint at one half the regular I price at Mra. Thompson's. ) Mm J II Miirdork was operated on m the .Mercy hospital Thumday, and ; !s reported doing very ril ely. I ' Mra. Ollbert Olivia la reported aa get ting along very nicely and will aoon tin able to leave (lie hospital. Mr Walford. of Cottage Grove, and Mr. Irian, were operated on at 1ifl Merry hospital the first of the week. Mr and Mra. (iwi, Klnlcy, who have, heen visiting at the home of Mm. Fin ney's mother. Mra. Mary .Maglll, have returned ' to Alhuny. Itev. Jauiea, a returned ovemeait chaplain will fill the pulpit at the j MeihodlHl' hiirch Sunday. In the ah sciicc of lr. I la n ford. There will he a ahow on Thursday, Auk, I', ut the Hell Theatre, a splen !lld program, consisting of a two reel j western drama, a two part comedy and the I'nlveraal Current Kvents Miaa Mjirlha WlllianiHou. of Corval Iih, in vinltiiiK ii the home of Mr. and Mra Carl K'.aclier, fur a few days thlH week. .Mian Wllllamaon will leach eciiuiiinlcH ill the Springfield Hchnola thin year. Mm Kred Mill, tneal MIhb KlMe Maker, and little daughter, are here from Mamhficld on their way to Ari zona where they will make an extend ed vlail with her adopted father, V. J Maker ,. ,,ov aKainp,p uder the Hm Im.h1,,.b ,ne ihrilllng clr- . ,, romBIlce ,n ..)ne T ( T)m ( .. w(h Lvtell In nii untiHiial role, at the Bell .Theatre. Saturday. August 22. Mm. Kuinia Olson left Saturday for finalaaka. Wash., where she will vlalt I with her brother, II 'Jl. llallln. and ; family, for a month or six weeks. Mr llallln was formerly superintendent of the MiMith Kelly mill In Cohurg. Rev S. A. Iinnford left the first of ,,, U,r w,"re n HIlclKI a two weess conierence ami from there he will go to the Columbia The fuiall 4 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Slarks. fell from a ladder I Suml'iy and fractured his collar bone. It was thought for a time that there were oilier injuries more serious, but It has developed only a fractured col lar bone. I Mis. W. N. Thompson and little 'daughter, liladys. returned Tuesday I from a two weeks' vacation, one of I which was scent in Portland selecting her tall stock of millinery, and the last week at (iearhart and Seushle where they motored with friends from Porlaud. There was a goodly number In al tendance at. the dance In the open-ait pavilion last Thursday night. There was good music, unci the floor is now In good condition. A few coats of pa'llt have been added and above this jit has been Fcraprd ami parat'iiied, I which finishes It up as llie best in the ' country. i Walter R. Diiiiin, formerly con i itected with the Springfield News and a graduate of the school of Journalism of lliu I'niverslty of Oregon, was in town Wednesday visiting with friends. Waller has Just been relieved from service as u lieutenant with the :'0!lth engineers, which have recently arrived from overseas. Mr. Diium while hero was very prominent in Y. M. C. A. and church work as well us ussociate edl I lor of the Springfield News. NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN SPRINGFIELD There has never been anything in Springfield with the INSTANT action of simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc us mixed in Aillerlka. ON 10 SI'OONFIU. flushes the KNTIRK bowel tract so complet dy It relieves ANY CASK' sour stomach, gua or con flipation uud prevents appendicitis. The. INSTANT, pleasant uc.'ou of Ad lei i ku surpi laim both riueiors Rn(l P' tiontn. M. M. Peery '''Mf Co. Clifford Weaver, of Thuraton, waa In town Tuesday. Frank Crabfree. of Camp ('rnek spent Hunday here. Jmnen (fart, of Odar, wan In town on business Monday. Mra. K. W Maker who hasjheen via King here returned to her home In Wlnherry. Mr. and Mm. J. W. MclHiwell apent I Hunday with their daughter and fane I lly, In Monroe. Paul Scott, la upending the week at the home of hla father C. L. Scott. on eaal main. Mr. Scott la employed I hy Whitfield Whltconie and Co., In i Portland. ! According to telegraphic Irmtry. j iIoiim from the Salvation Army head-1 neariera In New York, Carlton Sen- aenaey. son of A. K. SenHens'y, of thla city arrived In Camp Merrill Aug ust () from oversea where he haa heen with the Third division for thej past year. HIS ESCAPE. "Tell nie, Mlstah Hones, how did you escape being killed over In France?" "Mow did Ah escape beiti' killed'' Maten, In do funt plare, do bullets came, flrat on mah right, then on man left, then below me and then above me, no Ah aaya to mah legs 'Llg8 Carry On, your body la In danger.' And they ahore did. for I caught up with dat shell that pasaed over me In il' next fiuarter mile." The Mesa Kit The man who haa a little and want: lem in richer than the man who haa much and wants more. THIS WILL ASTONISH SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE ! The ijuii k action of simple witch- hazel, liydraatiH, camphor, etc., a mixed In I.avoptik eye wauh, will sur prise Springfield people) One girl with weak, atrained eyes wan helped by a alngle application. Her mother could hardly aew or read because of eye pains. In one week Khe too was benefited. We guarantee a email bot tle of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE week, strained or Inflamed eyea. Al uminum eye cup FREE. M. M. Peer) Drug Co. CALL FOR WARRANTS Notice la hereby given that I will pay all outstanding warrants ipsued by the Town of Sprlngfied, of the General Fund up to and Including No. 7T7S and of the Street Improvement Fund up to and Including No. 7796. Interest to cease after August 16th. 1919. O. B. KESSEY, Town Treasurer. TO THE FARMERS OF SPRINGFIELD DISTRICT The Importance and value of silo on your farm can hardly be over estimated. We are not agents for any alio hut we do want to help you in every way we can. nnd If you own your farm or are in a position to Justify the expense, we will be glad to aid you financially in adding a silo to your equip ment. SPRINGFIELD FIRST NA TIONAL BANK. NOTICE f I pay from 10 to 100 per cent more j tor second hand goods of nil kind.s. land sell from 10 lr 100 per cent cheap er , MARRY CARS.WV. , The Home Furnisher. NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice Is hereby given that 'i! til ' l second Monday in September being i (he 8th day thereof) 1919. the County1 : Mnard of Kiiuulization for 1-atie County j will meet at the Court House in Kit j gene ami publicly examine the Assess nient Rolls and correct all errors in ; valuations, description or qualities of; lands, loT-s or other property assessed i in said rolls, at which lime and place It shall be the duty of all persons in I ores ted to appear. HKRHKRT 10. W.M.KKR. , County Assesso'-. Cure for Dysentary j "While I was In Ashhind, Kansas,; a gHiitletuati overheard me spi-akin , id Chamberlain's Colic and 1 liarrhoea I 'Remedy." writes William Whitelaw. of; Des Moines, Iowa. "Me told mo in d3-: ;tail of what it hud done for his fum-j J lly. but more especially hla daughter I who was lying at the point of death ( with u violent attuck of dysentary,; and hud heen given up by the fami.y ; physician. Some of hla neighbors ad 1 vised him to give Cuuuiburluln's Colli; and Diarrhoea Remedy, which be did. ami fully be'!iva that by doing no tu"--"d the life :f h;e child. lie stated that he had alao uaed thla remedy him - belt with eml' frstifyiaf rental" W. A. Shoe Boots andS hoes Men's Gloves, Mitts and Socks FIRST CLASS REPAIRING fOUB 5 ervice We carry a very large stock of Genuine Ford Parts, We have shop equipment for taking care of Ford Service. We have the mechanics who understand your Ford. We have the accessories to fit your Ford car at prices that are right. In fact we are equipped to work on any make of car and can furnish you with any parts or accessories you may need. STANDARD LINES OF ACCESSORIES CAS, O I L, ETC.,1 N STOCK Sandgaf he & Adrian e SPRINGFIELD GARAGE Phone 11 Main St., bet. 4th and 5th Loggers Shoes Shoe Strings Polishes Rubber Heels Having installed all new ami up-to-date Goodyear equip ment, I am now in line to do your work and do it right, L. G. Helmer Shoe Shop t n c Springfield PAVILION FRIDAY Aug. 29th Excellent Music By the Famous IMPERIAL ORCHESTRA Go as Late at You Like M. J- IUdinenschuelder and wtte, who have spent the past two months ' touring California, are here enroute J to their boaj-J la Marcola. HALL Store If Your Wife Forbids Your Playing Pool and Cards at Our Place You tad Better Stay at Home. If She Calls for You and You Are Here We Will Tell Her So. Clover & Cox Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. KOR SALK A good Charter Oa Cook Stove, and also Gas Range. See them at II. E. Walker's. 116 U Street, Springfield, Oregon. FOR SALE--A bavg tin almost new next winter coat, mirror plush with genuine grey squirrel skin cape col lar. Coat $35.00, will sell for J22.&J. Call at News office. LOST lilack kid slipper, ster buck!. Finder please leave at News office. LOST Small white Maltese. I'oodle dog, answers to name of I'ompy. Return to Mrs. Jess Smitson. Re ward. 676 O Street. ROBERT BURNS Lodge. No 78, A. M. F., Ancient ani Accepted Scottish Rite Uni venal and Symbolic Prw Maaona meets first and thin Friday efenlug In W. O. W hall. Vlaltlng brothers weV com. P. A. Johnaoa SecreUr?. Chaa. Kings well R. W. ML