The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 15, 1919, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY, AUOUflT 15, -f
11 line (bare o:
Your Car
Unless the rare of your car Is a hobby with you It
it ought to be entrusted to those who make good
care of ears their business.
If you haven't the time we have. If you haven't
the farilities we have.
Your car will be our car while loft In our care.
We can give you exactly what you want full serv
ice or part 6ervice with or without storage. Let
us quote you prices.
Does your car need cleaning now? Rring it to us
for a triaL
Don't forget our conveniences for air and trater.
you need not buy from us in order to make use of
W. W. EBBETT, Prop.
Main Street Phone 17
j Mt.s J.iuo l Alton am! Miss Mary
llrowncll visited SprlniifUdd tvUy and
ispent the day rettlnn In touch with th
i hsU'tann ami n few of in repre
sentative cltlrens In th'o Interest of
tho wtrk of the public health uurs
in'tane county. Miss Alton is I ho
state organixcr of thin work and Mian
Urownell In tho nurse who will slvs a
thit'O ntnuthg' demonstration here.
County public hrattli nursing; ia fast
becoming jonoral throughout tho
country since the war has awakoued
the people to fs fact that there -In
urgent" nood of steps toward luipror
Ing the health of the people. The
startling statement by the government '
that 35 per rent of all men examined !
by the draft boards were rejected as
physically unfit and that a largo pro
port ton of those men's physical de
fects In childhood has caused a wide
spread interest In this matter such
as haa never before been known, l're-
natal work. Infant welfare work aud
tho inspection of ychool chilrirru for
(Continued trout Po tine)
Jovlded now; and ou a wise decision
in st depend the future aavatlon of
the world's Kepubllo.
Sidney Gulick'a Miaslon to America
His "Oriental Policy"- Securing to.
4or?ment of a Great Church Feder
ntloo Organiiation of the League
for "Constructive Immigration"
Why the Japanese Is Undesirable as
Immigrant and CHlien.
Th following letter from H. T.
ftM, the genial manager of the
UoanUln States Power comp&uy, who
fe spending hia racslion at McCredie
prints, would Indicate he is having
"aWme time. He doesn't say whether
tbe chtna he ia holding up are of the
sale at female gender, bat we have a
nHly good Idea, anyway.
Following is the letter:
Editor Springfield News,
Springfield. Oregon,
."i did not want to nerlect tay weekly
fjet of items, eren if I am out of town,
00 am inclosing a few from this place.
Iff duty a official "chin toldor" of
Beginning August SO, rebUlents of
Springfield and Eugene will be com
pelled to pay more for gag, according
to the decision of the public service
commission, which has been investi
gating the application of the Oregon
Power company to raise their rates,
the application being made in Xovem
ber, 1918. The matter was heard fully
at this time, testimony was taken, and
exhibits wero offered and received.
According to the decision rendereJ,
tho company, about JTovemlxir, 1913,
thinking it possible to increase their
output by the reduction of gas rat.
voluntarily wade application to the
4fce beginners in the swimming tink'comn3i81jon or reduced prices. They
keeps me pretty bu?y Having a fine ; did this in order to popularire the us5
tsar. iof gas and thereby Increaro the vol-
Mrs. Shea and I spend two lo three j unJe of sales. The records show that
stairs ia the swimming tank every lth tpecled Increase in sai'.-s did not
jgternoon. j materialize, and the benefit of the
' Tht hotel 13 crowded with guests .reduction inured to the customers
-a tho cottages are full and several 0iy
-tampers. i Tho d.yiisiou states that this gas
Some of the results of the Springs u,i!ity ehouI(J be assured of its con
ABC baths are wonderful. One lady J liaxiex cptmilon. and this can only bo
rbo has not been able to walk with l1oce by allowing the company such
at aid for 20 years ia dally walking ntess ag are rf.ff,SKary weel tho ln.
round almost as fast as I can and in;creaswl r,,...B of manufarture an .
M. short time this will be the brut re
jugt in the Northwest. I trust all ia
iwdl with you We wlil be home next
3mraday. "
It. T. SHEA.
lowance 'for accruing dopyeciatiou,
acd if possiblo give a fair return on
tho- fair value of the property durote.l
to tlh public service.
The new rate schedule Oh it hj
hm-.u prepared follows: First 300
f cubic feel or lf-HH, per month 73 renu;
Wm. Long, wife aud family and Ornon j
Vaughn drove in Saturday Kcssry
Cave an exhibition of his famous
. ... per 1000 cubic feefi hxcesH
Vtog pool TLey l0fi for home feun-;oVf,r f(. () fM jnon(h
ixj evening. . f ,.usloni).r'H rarf,.,. w removed
oeraiibe ui nonpaymeiii fit u lull, re
McCredie Springe. A .gust, 12.1919.
!per 1000 cabii: i' ei ; next "O'.'O cuhi'
jiee.t, rcr n(iitU $1.50 per lOoO ruble
'fot; next 15.000 cubic feet. Der inoutb tiiu.
pr. R. P. Morteuce-n, wife and faiijily ;
conned ion will ) uiadi
if ulesired.
upon thft payiuenf of $1 pins any
amount then due the company.
Arrived Monday. The d(-t r ccuglit j
Ike largest (?) f!ah of the week and
is at present in training to be swim-
Mr. and Mrs. T. X. Stewart aiid Mrs.) BY QUICK
A n J,.Tr.,.i. ah M '. . I " mm
lesulta of simple wilciiliael
Japanese propaganda la being car
ried cn In this country as determin
edly and aa successfully as was Ger
man propaganda before we entered
the war. The end sought Is the same
the conquest cf the United States.
The means are different. Conquewt
by arms was shown within the past
two years to be Impracticable. Con
quest by "peaceful penetration" Is now
the plan.
There Is now openly operating In
the United States an organiration
whose work. If successful, will make
the courftry In a comparatively few
generations a province of Japan,
The promoter and manager of the
organisation Is a professor of the lm-
symptoms of phyrlcal defects haver .
assumed important places in a far.!"" m im" coun'ry n ,ur,ou"n
reaching and nation wide pregn.n. of lfor ,,v- "n and tntd dur,n ,K,t
Public health work. !t,me ,n ,hl worh' Th "'"
fi . li. i. i.w . i he organlxation is one cf the organl-
The public health nurse. tpivJuly
, ... . . .iiers of the Japan Society of America.
lu the Eiiia.ll towns and tho rurnl v f - r
first place lu this program. ' Oregon
has attacked the problem and the
Stat Tuberculosis Association, which
obtalus its funds through tho tale of
the littlo Rod Crncn 1'hrlHtmat Seal,
has been designated by thn Itoard of
Health as the agency to carry ou this
work. This association has already
induced the counties of Jackton and
Coos to employ county public health!
nurses and the counties of Clatsop.
I'maUlla. Linn. I'nlon and Klnmath
are seriously considering the plan, and
in several of these "auch are
beginning this work. Mitts Urowncll
has been sent into Lane to do public
health uureing for three mouths and
the county will then be asked to take
over the work at county expense. Her
services will be free and she will be
glad to respond to all calls as promptly
89 possible.
The work ."he is prepared to do Is
in the nature of lubtrurtion f-rimarily.
Having such a large territory aa her
field of work, she cannot necessarily
May long in a community at a time.
She expects to make htT visits to the
d'fftrent communities on a definite
-ihedule. Erh visit to a section will
iuclude tome work lu the public
schools, giving such pupils as need it
and whose parents wixh it a nurse's
Inspection for physical defects. This
Inspection is the testing cf the vision
and the looking at the condition of the
teeth and tonsls. Sealed note will
then be sent to the parents telling
them of the findings of the nurse and
adviHing them to take their children
(o their family physician for diagnosis
uii'l cure. Visits to the homes to in
struct th.- parents in matters of bcalt'i
iiil Ut teach theiu tin? care of
l-ahies or of patients 1ll also be
ma!e whenever necessary. She will
hI."0 he glad I" Kive talks to groups of
people, clubs, parent tea? her clrel'-s,
Mis Krownoll has Keleite.) Eugene
:ts her headquarter. and bun opened,
an ofi'ice on l life second floor of the
t'ourt Houho uliero h't enn he found
eveiy Saturday afternoon from one to
falls may be Kent her at phone
number '.'A or
on! I. iiox '''a.
mIT-J. or ill rough tin-
. Mrs. H. J.
J)arllng are
Cox and Mrs. IWbni'ft ;
camping hero for two
hydras tin
' n.ilion KaunrlerK. who been lav
ing iitt u BC-meiice in the i.ounty jail,
lias ecai-ed tho cUKlody of the off I-
MESULT 3 -1... nrr. ni.n- LUn.l.ini tnr lilm
Willi ilie iiic k ! ''"''on ha been ronfined becauhe of
cbinolior ilailnre u pay a l.oanl tilirat a Spring-
mixed in Lavopiili
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth IWrt-tt r.t-e
ATis Thompson, drove In Tues'lay and
Clayed long enough to take
tho swimming pool.
An informal danr.o in tLo dining 'or inflamed eyes.
' xoom cf tho hotel last Satiiroay even
'lug was enjoyed by thn pui-Ms bDd
etc., fiB mixed in L.ivoptiU , " '" 'muiik iihuhi-. naiunuiy u
, eye wash. Oi.e nijin's .-yes were .)!;'s '' ' l" am. oui:rt, a roai fcup
'badly strained he eotild not read wl.h-j "r ir"r '" u'" Hii'ilehnuke hutte
'out pain. Two iipplif aiions c lieved "'Untry. mid was working nil tho rork
him. A lady with weak, inflaaiod eyfp !' the day, he disappeared,
l ili.l I'ui.'iili!; has yet 1 i ( n heard of Ills
win realii.ulx, S.tuiiiloi ii was also flr
rifled lai-;! week on a charge of steal
ing mi iiinomohili!.
zatlon been carried out under the
guise of protection to American citl-
' n,k in mnA rpltlAN A IirmIhmIIan t
gererally, that 1,000 "representative
American citizens In various states of
the Union have given It Innocently
their endorsement and financial sup
port. The organization has prepared a bill
for presentation to Congress which
will let down the bars and pave tlte
way for future contributory legisla
tion to hasten the end.
The first work of the promoter, Ave
years ago, was to secure the endorse
ment and financial assistance of a
combination of Protestant churches
representing over 100,000 ministers
and over 17.000,000 members, which
organization pledged Itself to the
scheme and efficiently aided it also
undoubtedly in ignorance of its full
Hawaii Is already hopelessly Japan
ese, that race now comprising one -Ha If
the total population of the territory,
and having mere than four times the
number of Caucasian or eny ether
In a few years the Hawaiian-born
Japanese will rule the territory by
their votes,' and rule it not as Ameri
cans, but as Japanese, while under the
proposed legislation the Japanese vote
would be given Immediate preponder
ance. What haa already happened In Ha
waii is now rapidly progressing In
California, and It is only a question
of .time under existing conditions
and even without aid of the proposed
legislation when all the fertile spots
of the Stote will be peopled by Jap
anese to the exclusion of whites.
Our civilization cannot exiat beside
theirs in the face of economic com
petition and a blrtn rate per 1,000 five
times or more as great as ours.
What is happening In California wilt
b brought about In all spots of the
United State sufficiently fertile and j
advantageously located to attract the
settlement of the Japanese, provided
conditions permit their eteady and
rapid increace within our borders, as
contemplated by the promoters of the
If the plan now urged upon Congress
be adopted this year the Japanese
population of the United States will be
100,000,000 In one hundred and forty
years from now, on the basis of a
ratio of natural increase about half of
that now shown by the Japanese In
Under the Gentlemen's Agreement,
as now operated by Japan, the process
would be slower, hut equally effective.
In either event this country would be
come a province of Japan,
(fontliiued Next Woek)
(lip In j v,'a'i "r-fittly holped by ONE hoitli
u fcuarante.) a Htotill lioiile of i.avo;-
tik to h-Ip ANY" CASE weak, strained
M. M. i'eery l'rug
.Mrs. Nina Burton lian re-turncd from
m left with her mother, Mrs. Butlcer,
Ja Tortland.
The Best Plaster
A piece of flannel dampened with
: Chamberlain' Liniment and bound en
tret the neat of pain is often more
effectual for a lame back than a plas
ter and doea not cost anything like as
S. Vane t.'agley. Junior partner of
i he News, returned Monday from a
week in Portland where ho attended
the National Editorial Convention
whli It was held there Friday," Satur
day and Sunday.
Miflg Agnes K. LiU-x, of San Fran
cisco, was a visitor a few days
with Mrs. C. W. T.ige. Mi :s LillU Is
on hor way h.-,rne from a two wctka'
vaeatlon Jo Seattle, Tacoma ail Portland.
, 4-
Have you all the cows you
tihould koop or have you feed
.going; to waste? In any event
if you need a few more cows
' and conditions jimUfy the ex
pense, we will be glad to aid
yon financially.
' Koy Love, of Jasper was in town
Wodncsday, on IiiikIiktij.
Frank Wag nor, of Portland, 1b vlnlt
!ng bis coumii, Miss Kluinc- Jenkins.
How's This?
Wo offer One Hundred Tollar6
Ftevvard for any cao of Catarrh
that cannot te cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. X CHFN'KY A CO., Toledo, O.
We, the un)urtiKnd, have known i J.
Cheney for tli jr. vrs, and brllovo
him perfectly lionoruljf in nil buslnras
tiuneuctloiin and liiiunilally ubla to l urry
out uny obligations rnuJn by his firm.
Toludo, O,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
artttiK dlraelly upon Die blond and mu
cou surfacei of I ho ayalem. Tnstlmonlals
sent tres. I'rt'4 76 cents pr bottle, gold
iy all J M-uttrliits.
Take Haifa sadly I'll la far oeosOpatlo,
"Maybe nobody has told you,"
says the Good Judge-
Why this good tobac
co costs less to chew.
You -get real tobacco
satisfaction with a
small chew. It gives
you the tfood tobacco
taste. 1 1 lasts and hisfs.
You don't need a '
fresli chew so often. '
It saves you money.
tut up In two ityht
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
WD CUT is a long finecut tobacco
J. W. Huberd
Will make to yonr order the Lett wear
ing Work Shoe you ever had. Fully
guaranteed to give satisfaction in fit
and wearing quality for
Sixth Avenue and Willamette St, EUGENE, ORE.
U - I - . J . 1 . . '. J 1 .. I . . . i 1 . 1 1 ' l ''. j. . . . . ; . i j i . i
ri For
foun tain States Power Co.
... 1.. 11-11 I..11111.U .
Kotlcft Is lioreliy ;ivon thai by an
order of llio Couuly t'ourt of and for County, Orofcon, J T. Moorn, waf
aiipointPd Adnilnlt urator of thn Kstul;
of Ainatia I'. Ilurd, rioRnauncI, whlc'i
onlcr was iiihiIh June Ctti, 1910, nl fill
jtrtiotis hitvliiK cIhIiuh riBJiinMt. Bnld
tjHtuto ore hon.liy notlfloil to fila snid
iJulins, duly verified, with tho Admin
Islititor of wild rotate, tvlioi.a oont
officio address is Hi'riuKflfld, Oroei,
Said claims intiHt bo fllod within xix
months from tin (Into of the fimt nub
litutlon of this notice, to wit: Within
six months from July 25, 1919.
J. M. DEVERS, Attorney for Admlnla
trntor. First publication, July 25. 1919; last
publication, August 29, 1919.
J. N. Darr, of Portland, was lu town
on buslnoea uady.
Dr. N. W. Emery
John Bushman, who baa boon em
ployed in tho office of the county sur
veyor, has resigned his position ttero
and taken a place with the Bpringtield
Mill Mai Grata company,