The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 15, 1919, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    J'KIDAY, AUOUHT 15, 1019.
Use ItThen Decide
The AutoStxop Razor
la CotnpUU la lUrlf
ll i mar than a resor nm than
a..Mjr Uic.
i ll it Mrnpptd, il ilia vr and icUnai
vithout taking apaitj without ven -In'tvinf
lbs bbula.
Ami likar'l"tly"PI"J ordinary
r, lha bliU impforr will. .
And ll dorin'l colt you rent In
t io all llm lo yn'V nwn MtnlaMion.
Ketels Drug Store Phone 31
: Town and Vicinity
Mr J V. I'urcKll left today for
Jtt !ll OU hUallinas. ,
lurry Curssw. The Home I'liriiinhur
.The time they talk about.
Mr. and Mm Fred Flnher, of Mur
t.uln were over Sunday Ul(or.
Mini K!im Hippie, of lliiiilim, Mlki'-r
of l'r S. It. Hippie. In vimiliiK lore.
Mr ami MrK Jim Kryea. of Walter
' r j npnil Sunday here with fi lends.
?' I'l t'(1 lllll II k III llUilJIlIK II tlOllHe
iuj ! )' rum li i's lull' ii noilh of town.
Mr (iiul Mrn Clny Willi laker upent
s-imluy will! Mm Whlltuker's purenta
jV'.i Coburg
!rn IUy Daily of McridelU. la hero
vi.iiring her sister. Mrs. J. T. Porter,
nltii friend
J J. Bryan and family and (Iraee
It txria era apeudlng Uielr vacatloo
uu ttf eoiiht
Tr. It l. Mortcu4ua and family sro
nivftduiK a two . werkn'- vacation at
HcCfdle brings. .
Mrs. !IHmi Martin, dauRhtur of Mr.
and Mrs. I). A. Wuahburoe, Is visit
uif frloods In Portland
Mrs. J. fc. Wells, of MorldelU. Is
br for a few dsys to tlalt with lur
tno'Uer, Mrs. P. J. Foattr.
Mrs. Arthur Vallier. who has boen
vlbl'inic In Msrahficld for the past
uicD'.b returned Thursday. .
Mr. and Mm. Howard NcIhoii. of
W-?dtinK. were Sunday visitors at tho
liorae of Mis. K M. ,I)urye).
Vi.ii 1'audln, of lUehloy. Malted
rii-nds In SprlnKfleld for a tew days
U: fliht of th week.
Mm. J. V Pureoll and thrte child
ren tro visiting in MhiioIm for a few
vcrkn with friends and relatives,
Ma. Lilly Keith and two children,
vnd Mrs. Kinnui Sales were visitors
at tte home of Mrs. N. Itowo. Sunduy.
hnry Conrud loft Bcnday for Gard
iner where he will spend a fow days
at tie home of his father, Sam Con
rad, A;ilier Halley Is 6endiiiK a weehn'
vncnfun near Loralne, fishing and
liuiiUna; und ineideiilly vltiltlug with
the Hum family.
t Mr. und Mra. Mike Webber and son,
and Miss KImIo Woddle, aro visiting
in Portland. Mrs. Weddlo expects to
go (i to Preseott to make au extend
ed v;lt with her sister.
Springfield Feed
.This is the time of the year to
take good care of the laying hen
Feed her Egg-Maker, the bal
anced ration for hens. If she is
not laying get some of Conkey's
Poultry Tonic and bring her
back to good hoalthy laying
condition. Use every induce
ment to keep her laying. Don't
forget the genuine Eastern Oys
ter shell. It contains the most
lime and is the only shell to buy.
We handle them all. t Call on us.
We Will Lend You
An AutoStrop Razor at odvrr.
tited in the Saturday Evening Post,
for ft full thirty day trial. If you
then decide to keep it, nay u
$5.00 for it if not, return it with,
out further obligation.
You Pay Nothing to Try
This Razor
Any responsible party can make
arrangement over our Cutlery
counter for this Free Trial. If you
have a Charge Account, write to us
and we will send it to you by mail.
You are given the opportunity
of trying this wonderful Razor,
without any kind of rink. For a
month your shaving will cost you
nothing then you may return the
razor if you con get along will
out it.
Mr ami Mrs. P. K. Tracy, of New
port, rpnnt Wednesday lug with
Mr ni'l Mrs J. W. McDowell.
Mm Zi ll.i ( 'mii 1 1 till mul Mr. und Mm.
Oivlll.. Howard left fur Newport on
Thuriel.iy to spend a couple of weeks.
Word ha been received by Mm.
R :. I hi v hi nun that her brother. Jeffe
C Mint it, I -i enroule home lifter almost
tW) yvatS Oversea
The Whli inker LwIiih. Lot fa unit
l.ettle. H.ftit u fi-A days !u;ii wi'i'k In
Coliurit wth tclatlven und friends,
rittuituiiK home Tii'mI.i.
I Mr Win. Durlmt;. of Albany, In hero
In vli;t wltli In r alter, Mm. Cora
Komi-., ill llii' home of Mrs It.dlu
' l' It r-fili, of Spi'liiKlMd. alio u Muter.
Mrd. Ir S It Hippie, wlio hua been
'U1iiiik lier parent, Mr. and Mrs.
Sli'fi' Culllt r, of llaudou, tin- pant
three wreks. returned home Tuesday..
II. K tlrandy, of Wyoming Kpnl a
iluy with Mh noli, lA-win. tlie firt
of the wifk. Lewis will lenvo for
t'onall! in a few duya wlur he
litiend a A. C. thin winter.
I Mrs. Cora Koads and baby, of
jKattle, arv here to visit with her par
ent a. Mr. aud Mrs. Cash Mead, of Wal
tervills, . also br slitter Mrs. Delia
I'eiernon, of West Sprlngflold.
Mm. Lenlie HosKland and three
children, of Walla Walla, WanbliiR
ton, who hao been, vlalllng her for
the pusl three weeks, left Wednes
jlty for Portluud enrouto homo
MiH Ethlyn Towers, elerk In ths
locsl HiHtofflce, left Thursday for two
wvekh' acao( (n Newport Miss
Myol Arnold l asslhtlng Poitroasier
Stewart In MIhs Power's absence.
Mrs.' Paul llrattain. daughter, llaxel,
and sou, loft Wednesday for Klamath
Falls, where they will Join Mr. Urat
tain atd attend the Klks convention.
She expects lo retuulu for a visit of
a few dsys.
Miss' Alma Smith, who recently ar
rived from Illinois, will teuch In dis
trict lou. l.lnslaw," this year. Miss
Lucile Smith, who la a cousin of Alma,
will teach the oilier school In that dis
trict. Mr. K. Rowe and family, of Marsh
field, visited with his cousin, Mr. Nale
Rowe und fumlly, Tuesday Mr. E.
Rowe la on Mh vacation and expects
to upend some timo hero with friends
slid relative.
An eight pound boy urrived Satur
day morning, via airplane, according
to Mm. Mury Maglll. the nurse. The
happy parents aro Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Johnson, of Murcola. Mr. Johnson
Is millwright at that place Talk
about progressmachinery 'has eveu
cheated tho stork out of a Job.
Mr. Orvlllo Howard, son of Mr. und
Mra. A. I). Ruddiumn, of Kugene, who
bus boou In Franco for the past 17
mouths, returned to Portland' last
week and a few days luter received
his honorable discharge at Camp
Lewis. His wife, who has been em
ployed at the local telophouo office,
hiu mother, father, and sister Miss
Margery met hint lu Portland. Mr.
Howard enlisted with tho 4th Kngl
A- Blllioua Attack
When yoifhave a billions attack
your liver fails lo perform its func
tions, You become, constipated. Tho
food you eat ferments In your stom
ach Instead of digesting. This in
liiuuea the stomach nnd causes nau
sea, vomiting and a terrible headache.
Take three- of Cbumborluln's Tablets.
They will tone up your liver, cloan
out your stomach and you will soon be
as well & ever. They only coet a
quartet . i i '
J. A. Cow don, of Wendllnf, was in
town Wednesday.
M. K. Kd words, of Fall Creek, spent
Hundsy In town. .
Vernon Pontius, of fllachley. a here
vixltlng with friends ,
Clareiuo Alford, of Mabln, spent
Kunday here with friends.
Mrs. Cluud Aerhsrt Is vlMltltig tier
mother, Mrs. Jim Wlthrow.
Floyd llartlett, of Oregon City, spent
Sunday with his piirents btro
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. I.oiilinrt spnt
Sunday with frl'inds In Alpine.
Th Misses llaieti, of W'eiidling. are
ln-re vlnltlng their sister, Mrs. Unstop.
K. K Moirlson Is sporting a ik-w
Ford truck slut o the first of the week.
Miss Klle.n Lambert, of 1'ortland,
sjent Sunday here with her parents.
M.'Ttull Morris, of Sclo, ajienl Tues
day with hU tlxtor and family, Mr.
Mis M. M. Pf.-iry. '
Mrs. I). K. Fenrusou. of Jasper,
spent Tm-Miay with parenls, Mf.
nnd litis K l; Lie.
K. K. Morrison bus rented tho
Friendly warehouse In Kugeue and Is
storing hay therein.
The members of the Christian
church are building , a new cement
walk in front of the church.
Mrs. (iUo.'VulMcr has gone to Marjh
fleld for sn exit died visit with ber
husbund, wh.i W. employed there.
MIhs Mnry M Adr'an, underwent e.n
operation for cpiiendlcll In at Mercy
Hospital, KtiKen Wedin.-Hday.
K. IS. Sharon, grand secretary of the
I. O. (). F., with lieadfUHrters In Port
lanp. was in Springfield Thursday.
Ml. sb Rita Da n ford, of Seattle, a
teacher of dometab science, is visit
lug with her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. S.
A. Danford.
Cinuid Master, Hubbard, of the I. O.
O. P., will be in Springfield on August
the ZOth, and will attend lodge here on
that night.
Jesse G. Jarvls, preaident of the Re
beccA assembly will be present at the
District Convention which will be held
In Springfield the 1st of September.
Mr. and Mrs. O B.'lvcssey and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ing and
family and Orson Vau.'bu spent the
week-end . at McCrcdie Springs
Mr. Merl Cyrus aud Mason Jones, of
Portland, and Harold Peery, left Wed
nesday for a week or ten days tlFb'us
trip and outing up the Willamette.
Mrs. C'lurk Wheaton, Mrs. Glendcn
uiug and Mt Edna Swarts left Mon
day for the Whealon ranch up the Mo
Keiule, tor a week's outing. Miss
Vera Perkins, Joined them Tbursda.N.
Tho Misses Rayma and Jean Mitch
ell, of Paskenta, Calif., are here vis
iting with Mr. and Mrs. Karl MePl'c
sou. They expect to stay all summer
and will visit at several points in Ore
gon. The first of the week K. E. Morri
son whipped 64 bales of hops to Lon
don. These hops were grown on the
John Seavey ranch last year, and Mr.
Morrison bus bad them 4n storage
since that time.
Mis. Kutheriue Hester, matron of
tho Sclo Hospital, and her daughter,
isaleuo, aro visiting friend a and rela
tives here tho past week. They will
leave Suturday for Newport for a week
i or i w o.
Grand Chaplain of the I-O. O. P.,
Young, of Canyon City, and V. P.
Walker, past Grand Master ntteuded
lodge lu Kugene Tuesday; Marcola,
Wednesday, were in Sprlugfield on
Thursday; und loft for Elinlre today
John Quisenbery and daughter, Ida,
of Wood River, Neb., are visiting at
tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Mount
Joy. Mr. Quisenbery and Mrs, Mount
joy aro slwter.nnd brother. This is
Mr. tjulsenberry's first visit to . the
Willamette valley. Ho la interested
in a serum plant at Or nnd Island,
where they make a cholera euro for
hogs. His daughter is a school;
Mrs. W. P. Walker eutertaluod the
Kensington Club last Friday after
noon. The guests present were; Mrs.
Chus. Rivott, of Nebraska; Mrs. Percy
Tyson, Mrs. Claud Aerhurt, of Rose
burg; Mrs. Jlui Withrow, Mrs. Leslie
Hoaglund, of Walla Walla; Mrs. Vaa
Vulxab, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Dornlce
Van Valzah, Miss Mary Roberts, Miss
Jeunle Smltsou, Mra. B. K. Kester,
Mrs, N. Kester. Mrs. B. E. Walker.
Mre.Kathertne Kester aud M,m R. Y7.
Sunday al high noon. Walter Hslte,
pantnr of tJie Usptlst churdi, pro
nounced the words that made Miss
Kstella Maglll and Ceorge K Pindley,
man and wife. The ceremony was per
formed at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs Mary Maglll, corner of
Fourth and B streets. Several friends
of tho young couplo were present.
Nothing elaborate In decorations, but
Just a plain, qulot wedding. The young
couple left immediately for Portland,
where they will visit for a few days
with Luella Lester, a sister of the
brldo. ,
Mr. Flndley was recently mustered
out of the navy afier spending nearly!
two years In that branch of the ser-l
vice. He is a bridge carpenter In I
civilian life, and will resume worki '
Albany In tho near future, where they
will make their home.
Th" homo of Mr.' and Mrs. L. N.
Thompson was tho scene of a very
pretty, but quiet little wedding party
Suturday evening wltii tbeir daugh
ter, Avis Thompson and Kenneth Bar-1
rett took the vows of wedlock. Only
a few close friends and relatives were
present. Rev. J. T. Moore, officiated.
The bride Is a graduate of the Spring
field High school and has lived here
for several years. The young couple
are spending a few days at Oak Ridge
In the form of a honeymoon, after
which they will be at home to their
many friends, In Eugene, where Mr.
Uarrett Is employed by the Schafer
Uros. store.
Coming as no little surprise to tbeir
many friends was the weddding of
Vernon Meats and Miss Jaunlta Reed,
of this city, on Monday afternoon at
the Methodist parsonage. Mrs. Meats
is tho daughter of R. II. Reed, of this
city, and the groom in the son of Mr.
and Mrs. (i. li. Meats, who live at
j Springfield Junction. Roth are we!l
i known here, having Hyed hero for sev
eral years. The young couple will rc
Kide on tlie ranch at Springfield Junc
tion for a time.
"1 hated cooking because whatever
I ale gave me sour stomach and a
bloated feeling. I drank hot water
aod olive oil by the gallon. Nothing
help'.d nr.ti1 I tried simple buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad-ler-l-ka."
Because it flushes the EN
TIRJ3 bowel tract completely Adler-i-ka
relieves ANY CASE sour stomach.
gas or constipation and prevent ap-t
pendicitla. The INSTANT action is
surprising. M. M. Peery Drug C.
Mrs Gilbert Davis is convalescing
and is reported getting along very
nicely. ' ,
Doris Gerard was dismissed Wed
nesday after a minor operation.
Miss Liza God man was admitted for
medical treatment Sunday.
Mrs. O. W. James, of Creswell, was
admitted for a miuor operation Sat
urday. NOTICE
1 pay from 10 to 100 per cent more
for second band goods of ail kinds,
and sell from 10 to 100 per cent cheap
", The Home Furnisher.
Notice is hereby given that on tho
second Monday in September (being
the 8th duy thereof) 1919, the County
Hoard of Equalization for Lane County
will meet at the Court House in Eu
gene and publicly examine the Asbess
nient Rolls and correct ull errors in
valuations, description or qualities of
lands, lots or other property assessed
In said rolls, at which time and place
it shall bo the duty of all persons in
terested to appear.
County Assessor.
Notice is hereby given that I will
pay ull outstanding warrants iFsuod
by the Town of Sprlngfled, of tho
General Fund up to und Including No.
7T78 and of the Street Improvement
Fund up to and Including No. 7796.
Interest to cease after August ltith,
O. 1). KESSEY.
Town Treasurer.
Cure for Dysentary
"While 1 Wtts iu Ashland, Kansas,
a pentleiuun overheard mo speaking
of Cliaiuherlain's -Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy," writes William Whltolaw, of
Pes Moines, Iowa. "He told me in de
tail of wluit it had done for hia fam
ily, but more especially his daughter
who was lying at the point of death
with a violent attack of dysentary,
aud had beeu given up by the famtiy
physician. Some of his neighbors ad
vised him to rive Chamberlain's Colic
and Diarrhoea Remedy, which be, did,
uud fully be! lev s tint by doing so
saved the life of bis child. lie stated
that he had also used thla remedy him
ei wtb emalljr frs.urylng re;ulW."
W. A;
Boots andShoes
Men's Gloves, Mitts
and Socks
I ... mi. I J J LL I ' l-L X I M
We carry a very large stock of Genuine Ford Parts. We
have shop equipment for taking care of Ford Service. We
have the mechanics who understand your Ford. We have
the accessories to fit your Ford car at prices that are right.
Iu fact we are equipped to work on any make of car and can
furnish you with any parts or accessories you may need.
Sandgafhe & Adrian
Phone 11 Main St., bet. 4th nd5th
Loggers Shoes
Shoe Strings
Rubber Heels
Having enstalled all new and
up-to-date Goodyear equip
ment, I am now in line to do
your work and do it right,
L. G. Helmer
Shoe Shop
To Improve Your Digestion
"For years my digestion was so poor
that I could ouly eat the lighest foods.
I tiled' everything that I heard of to
get relief, but not until about a year
ago wheu I saw Chamberlain's Tab
lets advertised and got a bottle 'of
them did I find the right treatment.
Since taking them my digestion is
fine." Mrs. lilaiahe Dowers, Indiana,
Tho importance and value of
a 6llo on yuur farm can hardly
be over estimated. We are not
agents for any silo but we do
wunt to help you in every way
we can, and if you own your
farm or are iu a position to
Justify the expense, we will bo
gUid to aid you financially in .
adding a silo to your equip-
1 1
Your Wife
Forbids Your Playing Pool and
Cards at Our Place
Had Better Stay at Home.
If She Calls for You and You Are
Here We Vill Tell Her So,
Glover & Cox
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc..
FOR SALE A good Charter Oa v
Cook Stove, and also Gas Range.
See them at H. E. Walker's, 118 B
Street, Springfield, Oregon. .
FOR SALE A bargain almost new
next whiter coat, mirror plush wlt
geuuine grey squirrel skin cape col
lar. " Cost $35.00. will sell for $22.50.
Cull at News office.
STRAYED HORSE One brown mare.
weight about 1100 pounds, with star
iu forehead, found ou my pasture
south of Springfield. Owner cau,
have same by paying charges. O.
B. Kessey, Springfield, Ore.
LOST Black kid slipper, steel buckle.
Findei please leave at News office.
POUND Suit case. Owner may have
same by identifying same and pay
lug for this a4 Call at Neva ottoj
and, tfoscrrb mi