PAGE TIIR BPRINGFIHtiD N1WS FRIDAY, JUNK 20, iMfl, Ton Quality In a Talking Machine Is the Whola Thing, and Yau Gat ilt In tha Claxtonola WtiStUi .is constructed on a new isclentiflc principle. It reiwaiUitjea the full toap quality ftwu any make of record iu nn jsuunzlng man ner, and 3ie volume Is wonderful: liet show you. The Price is Low And the Terms are Easy Berry Piano and Furniture Co. s Contributions for the Salvation Army Fund NO ACCIDENT WEEK ON 8. P. BEGINS SUNDAY , Mm. (". Olson, of WlUiitnVto'llulkhts has returnol homo ultur weeks .TOWN AND VICINITY . . Illley lllce, formerly of Springfield, lly tomorrow afternoon approximate- ut now of Nail, whs Hi town Tnesdny ly 305,000 railroad imu In the cent.-nl d tilno. western -region will hnVo signed u pledge to go soveu tluys. If possible, vvlMififit imuthliiliilr t'.vnittiiit In f 11 11 The week beginning Juno 22na Imi H1'i"t ,'or,1",,,, )icn designated by, tho ltOKlonul U.I- Tdtr-hum "vii down froiii tliu color of railroads ns "No-Accident uun H above Wonill'iig for a fuv days, wwk, ami according to n statement ;he lust of the cok. sstied totloy by Mr. II. A. Atlanta, re-, 4!onat supervisor of safety of tho com' Opal MttOnnlol, of Salem, t'niilu up nil western region, tho linos mulct Friday to on Joy tho Jubilee ami HlHinil his Jurisdiction aviiroxlmutoly totnllho week-end with Jeurino Fischer. 305,000 men nod women an the pay rolls. Mr. anil Mrs. Karl Walker anil Mm Oregon. Hack of this nnuv of Industrial Will Wulkor. of CnkrltlKO. returned wflrknm wiiu h!iv iioolilr.i m niimi.'iiouia Sutiilay after having spent Ul nato personal Injuries are 400 safety week-end In Springfield. committees, composed of both officer. ", " " , , and employes. working under regu-j Uav,J n,,lwo11 ,oft ThMwdity lnUons proscribed by the United I '.'' rniiiw. wu, win- Slates rtnllroad Administration. ,1C uu ,n,"""K Accordine to the emnloves Hum. "! His name wits mtn.imi in somo selves, who ara taklne a kow intorest umo " inrougn u.e university oi In It. t(kys Mr. Adams. "No-Accident Week." la bound to Rlvo a blR Itupotus to their safety work. Tho test Is Boinothlnp concrete somethluR which they mar attain definitely ns a relt of their efforts. Tills Is causlnR con. sliierablo rlralry among tho roads and tho men say Uat tho psychological, effect upon tho rank and file of em ployes of being thnx placed upon their i nucttle, together with Jthe knowledge Mrs. (!. II. I.itrliiou this ueuk ro colved n box of souvenirs from hor brother. William l'nst, who Is In (lor-1 many with the Army of Occupation. Mr. Frost expects to b sent lunmi soon. Mr. and Mrs. Mussro. of Duliilh. j Mtnn., arrived toiliiy for n visit with nr. nm1 lhi -T-itinrir diiiiu.I tn Ut oven for a week they may prevent abou, - ,v..ok. U1 wll ,un ! actus! suffering or grief to any num- umko a trp ,, , m0U!j,aln8 ,0 ber of employes or the'r families, j.puluj vncntlon before re(urulnK to;' mokes 'XhAccldont Week" woll worth i lll0tr 10inCi . while. ' i Day reports will bo compiled by Mr. ami Mrs. I). W. Cray, who ns- telegraph of progress made on every cently left Springfield for Modesto. railroad in the central western region California, with the Intention of mak-, so that every employe will bo advised as to what Is being accomplished WOMAN'S STATEMENT WILL HELP SPRINGFIELD "I hated cooking because whatever ate gave me sour xlomnch and a bloated feeling. 1 drank hot water and olivo oil by tho gallon. Nothing helped until I tried simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc... as mixed In Ad-lor-l-ka." Because It flushes the EN TIRE bowel tract completely Adlcr-I-ka relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or constipation and prevents ap pendicitis. The INSTANT action is surprising. M. M. Peory Dnig Co, DR. WHEELER WILL SPEAK AT EUGENE MONDAY NIGHT GANGWAY! II Look Out For Us! j! r: We've been koncking records ever since we started our Garage Service. We've Come to the Front Because We Give Real Service We keep on hand a full stock of Guaranteed Tire's and Tubes and sell for less than you can .buy for elsewhere, and the same with Auto i ' Accessories. We handle Shell Gasoline and Oils the best by test on the market. MAIN GARAGE W. W. EBBETT, Prop. Main Street Phone 17 A rare treat is in store for the cit izens of Siiringffcld and Eugene next Monday evening, when Dr. Chnrles T. Wheeler, Special Envoy, will speak at the Bugene Theatre. Dr. Wheeler Is an international speaker with experi ence in France as a social investi gator, in engagements with the Ameri can troops, and studying tho field for the Salvation Army. He gives the facts straight from tho shoulder and has tho art of painting tho pictures so that you live with him the grim jealities of the great movements. Tho largest halls are crowded with thrilled audiences who clamor for a return. Tho othor day In Portland the Elka Lodge KU8rf,,ll'C(l business for 15 min utes arid were reluctnnf, to lot hint of? pfter he had spoken for 45 minutes'. It Is such things as this, that led tho members of Eugene Lodge No. ,357 B. I. O. E., to secure him for this sec tion. This meeting is planned to give i boost to the Home Service Drlvo for Funds forthe Sulfation Army but no admission feo is chnrged and no col lection will be taken at this time. Iiir that phicu their future home, hnve iterjarueil. convinced Oregm Is the j best country on -the const nftor all. They say MoiTtsto Is the hottest place on earth, and we ngreo that It Is, hnv-! Ing spent some months there. j The county court after a lengthy session Monday decided to offer property holdors along tliu new road , route from West Springfield to Walker; a deflnllo proposition regarding sur- render of property right to the statu. If ! the ranchers and fames along the' rwf". will not give In the state high way commission will lmvo to use con-d-Muiiation proceedings Last week word was received from Norvlll Howard that he was ou flio way home, all equipment had been I turned in and ho was ready foe thoi boat to bring him home. Then this week (comes; word saying that hisj equipment had been given back to; him and he Is now enroutu back to Germany with tho Army of Occupa tion. Tough lucki Sherman said It. 1 Mrs. J. E. Chirk, of Glendaler Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Shoemaker anil family, of Independence, und Mr. and Mrs". F. S. Moody, of Harrlsburg were .tho week-end house guests of Dr. and Mrs, Mortenson. It Is rumored sovoral prominent lodgo men have been absent from their homo nhd fireside for sovoral nights in succession lately. Cause? Giving some Initiate tho Itoyal Purple, while tho wife wonders what tho Iloynl Purple really Is. Now they have their , applications in and Its up to tho mon to produce u Uoyal Purple for tho female species. How arc you going to : do It, Fred? A largo number of visitors from Franklin were In the city Saturday to sec tho army airplanes, among whom were Win. Woodln and family, Mr. and Mrs. JI. T Smith, Mrs, Grover Mack, Mr. and Mrs; Harry Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Fank Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Will Curry, Nat Blair, C. D. McBeo, Mr. and Mrs. It. C, Allen, Mrs. J. E. Allen und children, Mrs. S, K. Lemloy and son, XI. O. Kirk and fnmlly, Mrs. J. A. ItichardHon , J. W. Brown nnd fumlly. Archie Brown und Itolllo Keeler. Salvation Army, June 22nd to 3(Mh. THIS WILL ASTONISH M4 SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE The quick action of simple wllch-J Jiazel, nyiirasus, campnor, etc., ns mixed in Lavoptlk eye wash, wU sur prise Springfield people. One girl j.vslih weak, strained eyes was helped by a single application. Her mother could hardly sew or read becauso of co iiilns. In ono wJk she was bene filed. We guarantee n small bottlo of Lavoptik to belli ANY CASE weak, strained or Inflamed eyes. Aluminum oye cup Kit BE. M. M. I'eery Drug Co. J. J. Browning is building a wood shed and garage on his property on Sixth and C streets. Salvation Army, June 22nd to 30th HOW ANY GIRL CAN HAVE PRETTY EYES Floyd Fry and Ed Burgess, return ed from over seas this week. Mr. Fry Is the son of tna late Joseph P, Fry, After a visit of A few days with friends in Springfield, Mr. BtrgOBB left for otl, wboro M parents lire. Tho Ilttlo noico of Mrs. Brlnker, while playing with hor brother; la some manner us yet unknown cut two fingers off her left haud with an nxo. Dr. Pollard dressed tho wounla and reports hor dojng nlcolyV No girl or woman is pretty If hoi; eyes are red, strained or hnvo dark rings. Simple wJtchhazel, camphor, Hydrastis, etc., ob mixed In Lavoptlk oye wash, will brighten the eyes and a week's use will surprise you with Its QUICK results. Regular Use of Lavoptlk keeps the eyes healthy, sparkling and vivacious. Tho fjulcl; chnngo will please you. Dainty alum Inum eye cup FREE. M. M, Poory Drug (?. Corns and Bunions Removed. Sweaty Feet Cured. Arch Supports Properly Fitted, DR, WM, FRENCH Licensed Chiropodist Office: The ,Real Shoe Shop, 697 Willamette Street, Opp. Postoffice, Phone 530. EUG.ENE, Ore. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL. APl'UCATIONB, tboj uunnol reucii toe scat oi inu uicuuau Culorrh la fi Inmil lIUl'IlHl'. i:rO(ltlV 111' llnonced by constitutional conditions, iui In order to cure It you inu.t tulie gr Inturtml tempi! V. Hull's t'utlinll MCdl' cln. Is tolten Internally and acts thru the Idood on thtf mucous urfucca of tin .i.i.m. llnll' ("nliirrh Medicine Will proBctlbed by one of the best .Physician In thl country for years. It Is com posed of some of the best, tonics known, combined With some of the beet bloofl purinern. The perfect combination i ol !.. in..ti.i.i. in Unil'n Cat arrh Meat. cine la what produces such wondarful results In catarrhal conditions Send foi testimonials, Tree. V, 3. CHUNKY A CO,, Frops., Toledo, O All lirilKKim", (no. Mall's Family rjll or conitlpation. "See here" sayt t!m Goo- Judge I. want to remind you about that Ktnull chew of tin's nood tobacco. It tastes better because it's good tobacco. Its quality stives you part oi your tobacco money. It goes further and lusts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up In two stjles .RIGHT GUT is u short-cut tohacco W-B CUT is u long line-cut tobacco Loggers "'"Mil linen ATTENTION J. W. Huberd Will make to j'onr order the beat wear ing Work Shoe you ever had. , Fully guaranteed to give satisfaction in fit and wearing quality for $7.00 THE, REAL SHOE SHOP Sixth Avenue nnrJ Willametf- Sf FIIHRNF ORP 1 ovJv .UnlHN T SI I I III Mill li L t e-ln MEMBER FEDEHAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF BANKS jV OVER ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN COLD WAS PUT UP BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF BANKS, IN TWO DAYS, AS A BASIS ON WHICH THE U. S. GOVERNMENT ISSUES MONEY. OUR BANK IS A MEMBER OF THIS FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. WE CAN TAKE OUR SECURI TIES TO OUR DISTRICT FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AND GET MONEY. OU CAN GET YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU WANT'IT WHEN IT IS DEPOSITED IN OUR BANK. Bank With Us Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST BUTTON BLDG. - - PHONE 20-J RE8IDENCE PHONE 129-W IIOPRBT BURNS Lodge, No 78, A. M. F Ancient am Accepted Scottish Itlto TJnl vorsal .and Symbolic Pn MSDOns meuis lirui uuu imn Frfday evening In W. O. W hall Visiting brother wei n rrttna " " y. -Trwrii. come. D. W. ROOF JEWELER 8PRIN05IELP, - OREGON KINB WATfiil RHPAIIUNG A SPECIALTY W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER , FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Wippo 02; nonhfoBce 07 .T West JAflJn ft, V