TUB SPRINGFIELD NBWS 1 ft FIUDfr, JUNK 18, 39i PAGR 4 Put On of th Ntw Pay Phonography THE Claxtonola BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBlBrniBmi B In Your Home Now Pay for it at Your Conven ience while you are Enjoy ing its Exquisite Music. Tone Quality is round, clear and amazing in its naturalness; volume is astonishing. Some day you will com plete your home by install ing a'phonograph. In mak ing this momentous pur chase be guided by com mon senso and unswayed by false notions of econ omy. Buy for the "future by buying the best ( A Claxtonola demonstration will show you exactly what to oxpect for your money. THE GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP FARCE Berry Piano and Furniture Co. If the Kvpriuutuit operation vih to bo ninilo tjio lever to nttiku. sworn- ! liient ownership or rnllrtmdHptwmhlo. U ' lut resulted In tv fnrco. , Thai- Is the mlM term Tor V. us It : is more limn likely to prove i trtiKotty. or nt bobt a tingle coim-dy. with Om for tlit flrnt your. , ('ingress Is asked to provide 1200 millions to curry on tho farce for tho , current year, the deficit the first four months holug greater than the deficit , for tho firs year. 1 A totnl of $1,700,000,000 has been ; necessary from tho taxpayers under 1 government control a sum beyond ! tho grasp of tho ordinary u'tlxen, and :ho can only grasp tor wind, and face . tho taxes. j It Is now expected that tho railroads will bo returtiud to prtvuto manage jmont by tho first of October, and so j there ore no oxtonsTc-iia plauuod for this year by tho(lflg systems. Hallrtad development has pructtc ally been at ri standstill for two years, LANE COUNTY COURT WILL ENDORSE THISTLE STATUE The Lano County Court has decided to appoint special officers to enforce. the new law against allowing Canada thistle and other weed pests to flour ish. Judgo Brown states that the law will be enforced to the letter, if it is possible to do so. ,Tbe law relating to these pests fol lows: "If any person, persona or corpora tion owning, possessing, or having care of, charge of, any land or lands, fen proved or unimproved, inclosed or aninclosed, In this state shall know ingly permit any Russian thistle, Can ada thistle or Chinese thistle or -sysimbrium altissimnm (called white mustard, )cock!ebur, (known ' as seeds begins to form, such person, per sons or corporation shall be guilty of amisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall, for the first offense, be fined not less than $25 nor mora than $50, and for the second, and each subsequent offense, not less than $50 nor more than $200, said tine to be recovered with costs in an action to be brought In the name of the sta'to of Oregon for the uso and benefit of the general fund of the count- whero the offense is committed. Justice of the.. peace shall have jurisdiction cf this offense." and tho only big direct effect of gov crniuent operation has been artificial stimulation of payrolls. The railroad properties face the two prongs of a dilemma to reiluco oper ating expenses to their incomes, or to ask receiverships and raise rates till around. Either proposition -will moot with resistance reducing wages will bo re sisted by organized labor and political influences that want tho labor vote raising rates will bo resisted by ship pers and producers. John Drury has moved to his ranch near Waltcrvlllo. DO YOU ENJOY LIFE. DIED LAXTON At SL Vincent's hospital in Portland, June X0, 1919. Earl W. Laxton, son of James Laxton, of the age of 27 A man in good physical condition Is always certain to enjoy lite, while the bilious and dyspeptic are despondont. do not enjoy their meals and teol mlserablo a good share of tho timo. This ill feeling is nearly always un necessary. A few dose's of Chamber lain's Tablets to tone up tho stomach, improvo tho digestion and regulate tr.o bowels is all that is needed, Tiy It. CALL FOR WARRANTS. I will pay at my office District years School Warrants Nos. 1767 to 1898 In- the .Springfield, at dagger cocklebur, atripler argenla .and 10 months. The funeral was held elusive. Warranto previously called, '(called; the silver salt bush), to grow Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Walker 1332 to 1755 Inclusive, up thereon and allow the same to chapel and interment Jn the I. O. O.I JOHN E. EDWARDS, .stand until its bloom falls and its J F. cemetery, Eugene Iji3 Clerk Dlst. No. 19, r Notice the Nobs They're scientifically placed to prevent skids and those dangerous side slips. Their firm, sure grip means safety. And yet, they don't "f ight the road." 'I 'Royal Corf WomV 'Chain' 'Vico' lUtu' - Just the tires for our kind of roads. There are four other United States Tkes eyery- one of them a good tire. No matter what your individual I needs may be, we can fill them. United States Tires are Good Tires We know United States Tires are GOOD Tires. That's why we sell them, SANDGATHE & ADRIAN, Springfield; Garage. Pianos SPFHAT SAT F Talking Machines! Plaver Pianos 'Vf Sheet Music tU PRICES GREATLY REDUCED Buy now and save big-War Tax. Come in and hear them. . , , t ... ' i u aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiM?;!!;'''-''- - 'in 'i.'iitui i wwuihuii iiminiii iiiiiuuini'i uiiiiiitu inii. vjsj-krrr?,wZM ' iyWi'jffrfc I (in Berry Piano and Furniture Go. TAY your smoketaste JL, flush up against a listening post and you'll get the Prince Albert call, a right You'll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every puff you'll wish you had been born twins I For, Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond of a pipe or a home made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com pletely. That's because it has the quality I And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra grance is Prince Albert's freedom from bite and parch" which is cut out by our exclusive patented process. We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip jimmy pipe or makin's cigarette without a comeback! Toppy rt J hug, tidy rid tins, hemdtomt pound and half pettnd tin humidor$ and thai eftur, pratUcal pound cryrtel la humidor tilth $pen$ moUint top that hup1 the telaeeo in tuehpttfitt ttuHHtn,, J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Wint32m, N & KER08ENE MEANS LESS WORK FOR THE HOUSEWIFE No woman llkoH to bo a hoiiHehoId drudge, she wanta tlmo for ovor bo many other thlngB thna cooking aud cleaning. By ualng koroacno InMtcad of coal or wood much of. tho old-time work and dirt Ib eliminated. A clean, puro kerosene like tho Standard Oil Company's Pearl Oil, fin euros tho housowlfo a cool, clean kitchen tho p-ear round. All the drudgery of handling the neuvy coal and ashes is dono away with and thore is no dust nor dirt nor odor. Unlike coal or wood, kerosene lights at tho (ouch of a match, so that thoro la no waiting for tho flro to como up. Pearl Oil Is economical and can be readily procured everywhere. It is always tho same high quality whether it In j ugbt in fivo gallon' cans or in bulk. It is easy to handle and gives all tho convenience of gas', Being re fined and re-refined by a special pro coss the impurities have been removed and it burns up clean without smoke or odor. RADIATORS WILL MARCH IN SPRINQFIEL IRRIGATION PARADE Tin; light groy Bultn, straw hats and cancH of tho Eugene rfadljUors, boost' ing organization of this city, whose marching attracted wide attention several yearn ago, 'will eniergo from the moth-balls which have shrouded thum for tlio paBt two years, to clothe the members of tho organization when tliey march In tho big parade of tbo Irrigation Jubllco in Sprlugfield some tlmo during tho latter part of tho week The exact date of their appearance has not been decided. To take stepu toward tho reviving of' the organiza tion on Its old busts a meeting vdm hold in the chamber of commerce luBt night GLYCERINE MIXTURE FOR APPENDICITIS OLD SPRINGFIELD RE8IDENT RETURNS FOR BRIEF VI81T Charles Rlvett. a tenner well known resident of Bprlngflold, returned Sta day morning from Lincoln, "tfebraekd, whoru.ho hue been located over shicn leaving here Nome movcii years ogs. He comes to Sprlngflold to escape tUe hot weather of the eastern city, which ho nays In pretty sovom at this tlce. Mr. Rlvett has taken cn active In terest In the Jubilee celebration, aud will contribute a 'bit" In organizing' fifu and drum corps to dispense mar tini music during the celebration. J. P. Iloblvy has moved to A fltrt, between Fourth and Fifth stroois. i . Lee Clark'went to PortUad Tuesday to .attend the Jlose Carnival. '. p NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINO. Notice Is hereby given to the legal v'otors of School Jlstrict No. 10 at Lano County, State of Ot'ogon, that a Special School Meeting of said dis trict will be held at High School building on the 16th day of Juno, 1919, at 8 o'clock p. m., for tho following objects: iTo olect ono director to sorve threo years; ono director to sorve (wo years and one clerk to servo ono year, and to transact other busi ness usual at such meetings, Dated this 28th day of Jane, 1919. B. WASHBURNEr Otalrman Board of Directors. Attest: JOHN BDWARDfl, District 'Olerk. Springfield people can prevent ap pendicitis with slmplo buckhora bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-kn. ONK SPOONFUL nusbes the HNTIIIB bowel tract so completely it relieves gas or constipation and provents ap-1 pondlcitls, The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-i-lui surprises both doc-, tors and patients. Leaves stomach ' clean and strong. M. M. Peery Drug , Company. Mrs. Sam Splcer, of Murcola, spent MucHuay wun uer p&ronis, Mr. una j Mrs. N, W. Gay. Corns .and Bunions Removed, Swtaty Feet -Cured. Arch Supports Properly Fittd. DR. WM, FRENCH Licensed Ghtropociist Office: The Real Shoe Shop, 697 Willamette Street, Opp, Postoffice, Phone 530, EUGENE, Ore- SPECIAL St i Sale m . . Rocking Chair ,.r 1jM Clothes Rtfck i Foldlno Cot , ""fV Stand Table '1JM Dlnln8 Chairs t Kitchen Rockers Churnt ...tli Croes-Cut Saws $1JM Baby Chairs $ia 30-qL Fruit Jars for. , $.M Camp stoves )M Bed Springs j Teakettle (all copper).., ....igM Wood Chisels Dlnlno Tables M Meat Roaster Lmp "...1.0 Bmoll Heating Stove. 1X4 Milk Bucket with 8tralner...J.W 1 Pan of Cooking Utensils VJ E FURNI SHERS 1 Main, Bt Fifth and Sixth 9 r-