The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 13, 1919, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGffl 2
rim spiunowkld
imphT, ,)UNB 18, 1910
Published Every Fridny at Springfield, Lnno County, Oregon.
Knlerod at Uio PostoMco M- Springfield, Oregon. ns Second-class Mailer,
. February 24, 1903. ,
Ouo Year...- ?2,00 . Thrco Months....- u. 60c
Six Months fl.03 Single Copy ..... 5c
Ono year, whoa paid In advance, or before expiration ......$1.76
FRIDAY, JUNET13, 1919. v
W. P. MeUce, of Fnll Crook, wns
horo on bustnoas Thursday.
Mrs. Johanna Woods, of Tlgard", In
horo for .a fow days, visiting hor son
D. Pollard.
Miss Toss O'Brien. 6f Marphtlold, Is
horo for tho weekend, tho guest other,
sister, Mrs. II. Shea. J
Mr. nnd-Mrs. Nuet Grtmnhuvo pur
chased tho Lctklo cafe, arid will 'opo
rnto It in tho future.
T is not generally known but there has been erected th terrU
i tory adjoining our country a luu-iieugcu experiment in i. v.
W. syndicalism. It is President. Alvnnuios' overthrow of con
stitutional guarantees and forcible seizure or government of the
State of Yucatan.
Baoked by an I. W. V. army the revolutionary confederation
has overthrown church and state, middle class aud capitalist, in-
-uusines ami property, liie l. w. v. leaders nave secured adop
tion of their entire legislative program and its enactment by of
fering free military service in exchange. Purely socialistic theo
ries are ndw the fundamental laws of Yucatan and the I. W. W.
are the ruling class, opposition meaning death or expulsion.
The Alvaradi revolution was followed by destruction, of
churches and public property, including archives and records and
registers of marriage. The property classes were at once prop
erly reduced and duly subjugated, with railroads, 'docks andvare
houses, telephones, and banks "democratized."
Legislation is all by decrees of Alvarado and his I. W. W. coun
cil of .state, some 2,000 laws promulgated, as by Lenino and Trotz
ky in Russia. They range all the way from abolishing all need of
securing divorce to education of children and all teachers must
become socialist propagandists. It is made the duty of school
teachers to watch and inform on planters who are reactionaries,
and socialist books are placed in all libraries.- Every means is
taken to expound only the most advanced revolutionary political
thought, making warfare on property, state, church and family.
Alvarado, backed by his army of I. W. W. volunteers and syn
dicalists labor organizations is ambitious to extend his systenMo
all Mexico. Here are some of the slogans of the I. W. W. regimer
whose political warcry is, "Throw away your spade a"nd get a gun:
"Whether God will it or not, the revolution shall go forward."
"The country before one's life; the revolution before God."'
"Without God and without masters, here is the supreme as
piration of free men."
"The sacramental character of marriage is contrary, to' the
spirit of constitutionalism
Free press and. free speech are abolished, the local newspa
pers being seized and converted into organs of the government
for the revolution. Private banks are abolished and their stock
holders and depositors are rained and reduced to penury. Re
sources of banks are confiscated,, worthless paper money substi
tuted for their coin and securities. Alvarado says: "We need
the money."
To get industrial justice workers are advised: "The man
who "wears shoes and collar and has property, got them by your
labor. Take back your own." In this Utopia of I. W. W. ism
strikers are protected by law and employers are forbidden to em
ploy others or resume work until the strike is over.
In December last a pure aggarian, law was enacted, reciting:
"Hereafter no one is exclusive owner of Jand-any more than he
can be of light or air' - Owners of property who are opposed, to
Alvarado Tule are reduced to submission and poverty by confisca
tion of same through taxation. The government seizes all crops
and markets them for the planters, making returns less cost of
the "," or public marketing. Like the railroads un
der government operation, the planters must sell ff livestock
to make uu deficits for high wages and cost of operation.. In
191S, at the dictation of the shop' hands railroad tariffs were dou
bled to-provide extra wages, -and to get .cars shippers must hribs
train crews. Crops for export like hemp and sisal are held to be
public property and planters must run their farms under direction
oZ workingmens' soviet rule.
There is complete and arbitrary government for a particular
c lass" and nationalization of railroads, wire communication, ship
j ing and banking. The nnoducatod natives are taught to look
ujion every employer and the wage-payer, of any class as their
natural enemies and robbers of laboi The lists of crimes, assas
f Inations and arson are as wide as the state and increasing daily,
and all "who can get away are leaving Yucatan. The I. W. W.
re-volution in Yucatan was established through agitation by prop
, .-andiats and radicals from this country and Mexico in German
1-ay. For. complete details read the article by William Gates in
the May number of the "World's Work." Radicals of this same
t tripe are-now trying to terrorize the United States and Canada
with general strikes and bomb plots.
Howfong can they go unpunished?
Tho Misses Kvn .Ilughos,' Hnud Earl
ami Zoo and Mahol Trask, of Albany,
aro tho weekend guests of Mrs. .Wil
liam Dawson.
U N. Myers, with the StftaHTghj
way i:ommission, or suioin. is visiting
at tho home of-Mr. and Mrs, Conpwny
Hugh Sangalho. of tho Sprlngflold
Garage, Is able (o . be around again
after bolng confined lo hla home for a
few days with a sovoro cold.
Mr. M. Thompson, who has been in
Seattle for several days on business,
came homo Thursday to onjoy (ho Ju
bilee. Ho will roturn to tho Sound ojty
next week. " ,
Mrs. J. V. Coffin has received ,Vi
cablegram from her ton Ralph, who'ls
in Franco with Iho American Expedl
t'onnry Forces, stating ho would loavo
for home in a fow days. j-
Ray Bally ond Miss Edna Fisher
were married Sunday. Juno 8th at tlie
Christian church by" Rov. Ted Leavitt.
After spondlng a short honeymoon nt
Uelknap Springs, they will return-to
Springfield, where they will ninko
their future home.
Harold Perkins spent Thursday in
Portland visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Perkins, and at
tending the graduation exercises of
his sister, Audrey. Mrs. Perkins and
Audrey will return to Springfield soon
to spend the summer In their homo
Conyjiieiice? comfort and economy
Harry Neat, employed nt the Booth
Kelly mill, was painfully but not ser
iously Injured Tuesday night. A large
2 by 4 timber fell from a car being
loaded, striking Mr. Neat oh tuebaokj
oi uio Jieau, Knocking lilm
Ho is now able to be around
Many Animals Killed In 1918. Indi
cative of tho number of wild animals
of a destructive nature In Lane counf
Is the set of figures recently complied
by Jt. S. Brysont'county clerk, on
bounties paid out during tho year 1918.
Following is tho list: Wildcats, 179;-
seals. 71; coyotes, 1G; wolves, 12; cou
gars. 5. A total of $721.50 was paid
out in bounty money. Tho state adds
U6 for each cougar killed and $20 for
each wolf:
Wherever you go city, country, mountains,
Eenshore there you will find Pearl Oil, the
Standard Oil Company's kerosene. Givcb the con
venience of gas without the duBt and dirt oi tfoal
or wood. Easy to handle.
With a good oil cookstove you will cook in
comfort nil year 'round, Bakes, broils, roasts',
toasts economically, ijjiuh -u wic iimm ui
match. No waiting for fires to come up, no un
necessary work, no waste. Concentrates a steady
r. . . i . i i- - .1 .1
lioat on tlie cooking leaving uic uucucu cvwi uuu
Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special
process which removes the impurities. It is clean
Pearl Oil Is for sale In bulk by dealers every
.where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as
the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallop cans. There Is a
saving by buying In bulk. Order by name Pearl
Oil. '
We recommend New Perfection
and Puritan Oil Cookstoves
" mi' .
A. H. SPRAGUE, Special Agent, Standard Oil Company, Eugene, Oregon. fT
On the whole, the experiment of
government operation hoa been one
of the most fortunate Chaptors In th!
economic history of the nation. It
has tried an arrangement which for
merly was an Issue, ural found it
Government control .or 240,944 mlbH
nf Amorlca's railway system, accori
ng to official figures for first tlireo
months of 1919, showu- cost to taj
payers to be $176,1 lC,0ll5. The some
porlodjn ipis ehowod a- loss of $14(5,
!62,a29. And this with increased
rates and reduced service.
to present-the same prope vorlOed
to Frank A. DePue, attorney for tho
estate, at his offlco In Springfield, Ore
gon, or to William Wootea, within six
months -from the dato of this notice.
Dated May 2, 1919.
Administrator with the will nnnoxod
of tho stato of William B. Woolen,
Frank A. DePue, attorney for tho oa
KJrst.jmbllcatlon. May 10; lust publi
cation Juno 13. .
Department of the Interior.
U. -S. Jiaim Ollke at itosaburg, Oro.
gon, May 14, 1919.
Xotloe is hereby irlvcn that Wiirinin
ft)J Glaspey. of Fall Creak, Oregon,
! who, on April 9, 1912, mude Adjoining
on tho 7th day of April, 1917. by tho above nnmod aro hereby further noil
Tox Collcctor-nf tho County of Lane, flod that If. L. Sttidlcy will apply to
tho Circuit Court of tho County nnd
Farm Homestead Entry, Seril, No.
State of Oregon, for th, amount of
the sumo being (ho n mount
then duo and dellnquont for taxos for
tho year 1914, together With ponalty,
ltitorost and costs thereon upon tho
real ptt)perty nssosiiod to you, of
which you aro the owner as appears
oi rocorus, siiuaiou in mini comity and
state, and particular! bounded and
uoscrlbtI an follows, to-wlt:
S. W. V4 of N. W. and W A of
8. W. V4. Section 30, Tp. 13 S.. II. 5
W., W. M- Lnno County, Oragon. f
You ara further uotlilod that said
II. L. Studlyy has raid tS ono said
promlsos for prior or mib(jueiit
yoars with th rato of Intoroit on said
amount as follows: '
Qn April 7, 1017, llio sum of $:i0.81
ror tnxes of the yotir 191C. -
On April 7, 1917. th sum of $!12.1S
for taxes of tho year Ifllfl.
Cn April C, 1918, tho aura or
for 'taxes of ilia your 1917.
On March ii, 1919, tint sum of $3;1.20
for mxes of the your" 19 18.
All ol the abovo amounts boar In-
luresi ai inn mm nr lr.
;i ier .t ravr'.utton In our country
emanate frcm two sourceB the over-1 "The vengeful hatred of tlie prlv
eductfd f .' "g theo-;st and the ! "ogd classes,' is what the Non-Par-ur.der-e'u.atci
u'lcr who takes allli's Utaan League Is said to be combating
id-.s fM.rn tho soar-boxer. Neither"! western states',
of .hem is a taxp-iysr. J TnI filaelflontlon or hateful Interests
The gieat middle class, who luivo : Includes nil big business enterprises,
homes and' pay tax, who road and 8,1 Private and public and quasi pub
tb nl; for thenisolves. who earn their ,,c corporations.
living bv labor or carrv on business bv Against these hateful "beasts of the4
lneir own Initiative do not accept the Jmsle" that represent capital in all
dof trines of Colshovlsm. ,ts for,n8. o A. C. Townley organiza-
Tho son of t college professor at t,on makea warare.
Boston, who is master of five Ian-1 p?'-he urogram In Its entirety Is noth-
gunges has been arrested for Uolshe- ",B ,uorB "or ,ess u,il ,ne Program
vism and for (he use of language of class !,atred oxplolaed by thp Ited
which conslgod tho American
to tho hot place.
l'le graduated from Harvard at 10
and now ho is twenty ono years old
and a full-fledgort Bolshovk.
Chances aro lio would, tiot know a
plck-axo or. crow-bar If he met them
on tlie street,, evil could not distin
guish the difference between a. trowel
pnd a dorjtlck. '
Ho Is a horrible example of the
Iclnd of "workmen" who do all their
laboring with tholr mouths and who
absorb fantastic notions about la r.
People have been known to recover
from this by going out into the open
ond doing eriiao rear work.
Kusslan Holshovlkl
What has the west, that needs all
Its carital and all the capital It can
get to develop Its untold resources,
to expect of Non-Partlsanlsm?
Can a political movoment based on
arraying class hatred against capital
succeed in our country? , -
Capital, after all is said and done
must produce seed for tho sower and
bread for the eater.
Tho repoal r die so-called "luxury
nx" which tho President has rocom
ntendod will bring Joy to tho hearts
of tjie children for JUwllI knock 5 per
cent off the prlco of candy, which Is
not a "luxury" at all but a very neces
sary article of diet for children and
also grown-ups.' "
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rant,' Wanted, Etc.
LOST Fivo-dolluf bill,
turn to News offlco.
Finder re'
Mrs. W. C. Itobhan, who has been
in Portland for Iho past few weoks
returned homo Tuesday?
Before his death,' Theodore Iloose
volt said, "There are few serious
thinkers nowadays who do not recog
nize In tho Salvation Army un luvab
uablo 60Cla asset, a force for good
which works effectively In those, dark
reslons where, sav"e for this force,
only evil Is powerfnl.'r
rOIl SALI2 A good . 8-room house
nearly new on C street ' between
8th and 9th. Moke an' offer. P.
Green, American Hotel." J13
FOH 8ALK Corner Lots on north
C and Mill stroets for ?210.00 cash
or Liberty Bonds. 'No Incumb
rances. Inquire of I). S, Jordan,
1011 Water St., Ituymond, Wash
ington. , je 27,.
P79C0, for Lot 5 of Section 0, Town-i 1 .rosi at ",8 01 l" cent per
hip 19-3. Hange 1 W. WlllaniPtta '"" ' ... . . i
Meridian, has fld notice of intention A , SS.ttTO Z,!
to make flnnl flvo-yqar proof, lo nstnb- od property ns tho same uproars of! (First pnnllcntlon May 30.' 1910 'aV
llnh claim to tho land above described, record, uud each of the other persons publication Aug. 1, 1919. " ' , , .
before 13. O. Immel, IT. S. Conlrnlsslon-' - . '
Bin to aforesaid for u decroo foreclos
ing tho Hon against th properly
above doftcrlbud. apd niontloiiod In
said ccrtlllcatij. And you uru horoby
uinnioncti to nppnr witiiiu sixty dnys
fttr the llrst plibjicatlon of thin
summons exclusive iif the. day of nald
first publtCMt'on, and defcnd this no
tion or pay t lie amount duo as nbovo
shown, tfiRothor with costs and ac
oruod Interest and In raso of yolir
failure lo do so. a decree will bo roifd- .
,urod foreclosing tho lion of nald tnxos ;
and c's's ncalpst tho land and- prom. ,
Isi abovo natnnd, ' ,
This sumnimis Is published by ordor
of the Honorable (5. F. Hklpworth,
Judgo of tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto
of Orogono for tho County of Lano and
snld order wns mndo and dntfld this
'JKth day of May. 1919. and thp dno
of tho llrst imbl'cailon of this sum- '.
mom Is the 3pth day of May, 1919 . V , .
All process and pnpora In this pro- ,
ctwlitig may be servod upon tho V
undersigned residing within the "Stnto '".,'?.
of ' riigop, at the uddrcnH hurolnaft'or v
mention wl. ' .
WAIriCIl 11. JONEHfl- "'
Attorney for the Plalnpff.
murriH. r.uReue. urngotl.
er, at his oillce at Eugene, Oregon, on
tho 28lh day of June, 1919.
Claimant names as. witnesses:
Bill Hills, of Fall Creek, Oregon; '!
IL Morphoits,e, of Fall Creeks Oregon;
Bill Ilenfrow, of Fall Crook, Oregon;
Emory C'alllsou, of Fall Creek, Oregon,
W. H. CANON, noglstor.
First publication, May 16, 1919; lost
publication, June 13, 1919. '
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the county court of tho State of Ore
gon for (he County of Lnne adminis
trator with Ui will annexed of tho
estate of William 1). Woolen, de.
ceased. 'All persons having elslus
acalnct-tha eifata y.i.,- D""ue' ul nomer oi ueriincate or
against-me estate aie hw.b) kotiQid DslIUQitoncy iiumH'rfcd 1616, i00q
Summons for Publication In Foreclo-
- sure of Tax Lien.
IL L. Studloy, Plaintiff, vs. Arnt An
derson, Murie Anderson, hlH wife:
National Surety Co., a corporation:
. Mary T. Q'.Brlun and J, T. O'Brien,
her husband, and all persons un
known, If any, having or claiming
an iniorcst or estate In and to the
hereinafter described real property,
Defendants. ,
To Arnt Anuerson, Marie Andorson,
L.I.. rii . r.
inn Auiiunuj ourety company,
a corporation; Mary T. O'Brlon and
J. T. O'Brlon her husband, and all
persons unknown, If any, having or
claiming un Interest or estnto In
' and to the hereinafter described
real property, the above uumed do
fondant. In the name of the State ef Oregon;
You ore hereby, notified that II. L.
Btudley, mo holder of Certlncafe of
Pacific Gonse
of Music
. 731 Willamette Street ,
Conservatory Methods taught" by Conservatory
All Branches of Music Taught
'..'.J -
4 .