The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 18, 1919, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Qandgnthe A Adrian Secure Agency
Tor Woll Known Cur.
Hni)di;ullo ft Adrian of tlu 8rlii.
nod (InriiRo, Imvo t()cur(Ml tlio nSonby
for Litnn wltiitty (if thq woll kuown
Lllwrty Blx motor our; '
. TliM In ono of thcjiont pirn on tho
iirl(ol for lint iiionoy, mid wo prodlot
for tliom it liirKO ImiilinWiHii tlio comV
Notlco in linroliy kIvoh thnt by vlr
tilo of nn oxi'ciillon mid oritur of Halo
IbhiihiI out of Ilio'Clrciilt Court of htuiu
County, Or, on tlio ,t day of
Mured, lull), In mi notion 'wlioniln nn
tlio :ilwt ilny or .March llD, In tlio
iiliovo nntltloil fioiirt, tymald Young,
liliiliilirr, roeovorud Judgment ukuIiihI
tlio ilnfiiiiiliiiit, fi-norgo Uomiru, for tlio
huiji of Two Hundred Thrlytwu itiid
h IflQ Dollar with ntrtnt tlioromi
nt tin' ruto of 8 per tout nor nuntlin
from Jin .llHt dry of March, MlMnid
tit fiirtliur hiiiii of Forty mid .no-100
Dollnrn' iitiontoyH fMiM mid tlio fur
ther mini of Twonty mid 81J00 l)nllnrn
(KIHtH llllll (llMllllrHrlllOllti. M'lllull JllltK-
jni-nt viih mirnlled nnd UiHkotod In tlio
olnrlfa Oltlcn of nld tourt In wild
anility on Mm :tlnt iln" of Mirohi
iviv, nun hiiiii nxmuunii ntui nniur. or
H1o to mo il'ri'olj-il cotiinmtiitliiK mo.
in urn iimiiio or tno Htnto or orngcni,
In onlor to mitlnfy mild Judgtnfmt, In
Vrnt, coHtH mill (llH)mrn('ti)ciitH, nnd
tlio cimtn iui4' 'xpi tinoK of. mid upon
thin writ to hp; tin following do
Bcrlliod nml prntmrty, lowltt
TJio North hulf or tlio; North half of
Suction Twonty four, Towimhlp Nino-
.toon Honf It. jtmiKo Oitq West-of tho
Wlllmiiolto ATr!tlli)ii In Uuio County,
Oregon, oxropt two iicrH horotoforo
docdud to Diivld Drtiry.
Now thuri'forn In tlin nnnip or tho'
'Htutn of Orogon, In conpllnnco with
tnlld nxccittlou mid ordor of twin, nod
In onlor to itntlpfy mk lit Judgment, 'ln'
toreiit, cohIh mid dlMburflmuouttf, mid
tho cohIm mid oxpeimoH of mid upon
thin writ. I will .on Saturday tho 3rd
ilny of May. 1919, nt tho hour of ono
o'clock In tho nftornoon of mild dny
nt tho HOiithwcNt door of tho County
Court IIoiimii In ICtiRt'uo, County,
OrcKon. offer for al& mid hoII for
cnHh, at public miction, HUbJoct to re
demption iih provldod hy taw, nil of
tlio right, title mid Intercut of mild
defendant, (Jeorgo Iloppro, or nny
oilier portion or pomo'nH clalmliiK hy
throtiKh or uiidt-r him, In mid to nld
nttnehed propor'y.
l'lir.u u. niiiM'.i.r 4
Sheriff of I.mio County, OroT
Notice l hereby gl,von that thu tin
crHlt;nu(l Iiiih been appointed hy thu
County Court of tho Stuto of Oregon
for tho County of administrator
of tlio oHtiilo ut Mary Kllun llowur
inmi, formorly Mnry Ellon Crnno. All
pomonH havliiK claims ui;nlnHt Bald
OHtnto nro liorohy notified mid re
quired to pruHunt tho flame, properly
verified, to Frank A. DnI'uo. nttornoy
for tho uHtuie. at IiIh olflco in Spring
Hold, OroKon, on or hoforo six months
from tho dnte of thin notlco,
Dated at Springfield, Oregon, Koh
runrv 1G. i!19..
AdmlnlHtrntor ut tho .fldtnto of Mnry
Klh'n Uowormmi. decemied.
Notlco Ih horehy glvoii Hint hy vlr
too of an execution In foreelOHUro la
Hited out of the circuit efflirt of Lauo
County, Oregon, on tho 11th ilny of
March, 1010. In ti milt wherein on tho
lOtli day of March, lUli, In tho nhovo
untitled court, Allen II. otzul mid
MukkIo May Wetzel, philntln's, rocov
oroil JudKinont aKiiliiHt the deiendautR
Kdgar It. Shelley and J. O. CtiHtafT
for tlio mini of. $301.10 with Interoat
thereon from tho 23d day of July,
1017, at the rato or six tier cent per
tiunuiii nmouutluc to S31.10. mid $10.00
uttoruey'B fees, nnd tho further mini'
of $11. GO coutH mid dlBburacnionta
which judgment wna enrolled and
dockoted In the .Clerk's olllco of anld
court In hhIiI county on tlio 11th day
or March, 1U10, mid tmld oxeetitlon to
mo directed commanding, mo in tho
name or the State or Oregon, In order
to nnt!nfy mild JudgmonL Intercut, ut
toruoy'H feeH, cohIh and diHhurBements
nnd uccrulug cobIb to uqll the follow
ing dcHCrlhod real property, lo-wll
Ileginiilng nt a point 111. 025 chnliiH
rflonth mid :5.U2 chaliiH oast or tho
quarter Hectlon corner on tho north
lino o( section 29, township IS S, H.
'A W., W. M Lano County, Oregon,
and running thenco Rust 28.08 chains,
thence South fi.38 clialim to. tho mid:
die or tlio County llond No. 2C9, thence
along tlio mlddlo'or said road s.t8 do
g'roes, -53 nilmitefl West 0.20 chains,
thence S. 24 degrees 25 mlnutos West
0.G0 chains, thenco West 22.50 chnlns,.
thenco North 9.04 chains to tho place
or beginning, containing 23.30 acros of
laud In Sections 28 mid 29 or Bald.
township and range In Lane County,
Oregon, rosorvlngihororron a gntoway
to tlio County Hond ror tho use of
W. a. Wotzol, his holrs and assigns
' ""Now tliororore; In' tho nmno or tho.
StatOr or Oregon: , nnd Jn. cotnpllanco
with sfild oxoeutlon and ofdor or salo
nnd In order Ho sdtlsry said Judgment,
interest, attorney's foos, easts and ills
iiursemeiits nnd accruing costs, I will
on Saturday, tlio 19th dny or April,'
1919, nt tho hour oU o'clock In tho nr
turnoon or said dny nt tho southwest
' door of tlio County Court Houso In
1 lOugono, Lnno County, Oregon, offer
for snlo and sell for cnsli, "ut public
Auction, Btihjoct to rodompUojt' ts pro
VIdort hy law, nil of tho right, tltlo,
nnd Interest 6t snhl dorondnntH, Edgar
It. JJliolloy nhd J. O, austaff-, or any
other person or porsons claiming, hy.
through, or under them, or nny of
.. thorn, in and toiinld mortgaged prom
Isos. ' ncHUI)' (1, STICKLHS.
. SVorff, f 'Lnuo County, Oro
a'iui .soluW JoruiB ror ClVo Victs;
ait Ilonds Will bo coiiBldorably'inorp
wHmm a little
"Ay- -
for aw
, lie among the poppies of Flanders' Fields in
France To them only is the war over. They
have paid the price in full. Xo countless other thous
ands of these boys returning home maimed and
broken the war will still go on; they will be paying the
price every day, during the remainder of their lives.
Can we who stayed at home carelessly and thought
lessly assume the "war is over" attitude until our bal
ance of account is paid until we have redeemed our
pledge to bear the final cost no matter wfiat its amount ?
is in liquidation of the debt for men and munitions we
amassed, and whicli brought about ;ttte end iof the war
saving for every . day it was shortened billions more in
money and thousands more in lives.
The imprint of fame upon the name of our fair state will turn to a stain of shame
if we do not meet the obligation this Vidlory Loan represents. You are face to
face with the real tesT: of citizenship-7-true Americanism. Let this tesl: find you
measuring' up one hundred per cent loy aL ;
h m
g I I - I - - I I . 1 I . Hint I 1 .1 J m f 1- 'I l - f I M I'afX'.fHiWWH
The Parent Bond of Them All
The government, bond is the Parent bond of all bonds. Back otthe gov
ernment bond are all the assets and all the resources that supply the value
of all other bonds, all other securities, all other investments,.
. The government bond is a prior lien on lands, homes, chattels and every
thing else, and the bonds to be issued under the name of the Victory Lib
erty Loan are the highest of the high in government bonds. They constitute
a contract of the United States government, entered into by unanimous vote
of congress, and therefore a contract and mortgage behind which stands the
possessions of One Hundred and Ten Million American people with their'
en.tire resources developed and undeveloped; the intelligence, ambition and
ability of these One Hundred and Ten Million people mortgaged to pay the
bill. '
The Victoiy Liberty Loan Bonds will bear an attractive rate of interest
and, together with all other desirable elements, when compared with other
investments as .to strength, collateral and return, have no equal.
,;This is One of, 17 6 advertisements inserted simultan-H-
edusly in every .newspaper in the State of Oregon on
behalf of the success of the Victory Liberty . Loan for
we believe in this cause and are willing to contribute
to the full extent of -our pozver.
JOHN L. ETHER IDG P., Vice-President
W" p..iiyiu-mT.rwnmmi1lnn
,llboril Uinjj'.thost k'fornor Jssues,
according t-o(Ilclai.iiilvIca .rqcolvoi
lit Jcnl hoadqlmrtoj'6 from Wnalilng
PcpartiUQiit. hap worked, .out tho ay
inent prlvllogoa according, to. tho fol
JoWliig' plan, which' it Is oxnected VU11
iiiako ft much' hiorb cfti'fyonionHorSho
mall invqfitofB to par'lciputo: .
Ton per cynt with, application on or
boforo May 10. Tan por qont oh or
before July 15. Twenty por-conl on'
or boforo Soptombor 9. Twonty, por
cent on .or boforo Qctqber 7. Twonty
por cent ion ,or bofbro November llt
with accrued luterost on doforred ln
'Btallmpnta. , , " , '
Paymont in full can bo made on
,Mny 20, .tho 40 p'gr cent roqulreif with
...I! iVJ,
tho arjtcjajioji; having been duly paid
on or ?ay 10. Payment can
alo bqSonpSlodon any lnstalluiont
dato- wjth accrued Internet. . , ?
t t
-t1 tv;
4. 'If?