U. of 0. Library , X THE SPRING NEWS Kuturod February H, 10011, ot Hprlngllold, Oregon aa sue oiiiI oIiihh niiittor uiiilcr net of ('engross or Murcli, 1870. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919. VOL. XVIII, NO. 14 FIELD L ME COUNTY S QUOTA .000 Lnno Cotyity Will Hnyo Shnro in tho Coming , Victory ,Lonri. Big CAMPAIGN OPENS TUESDAY. Springfiftld Banking District Quota Has Boon Sot ' At $37,575, This local Victory Liberty Loan cominltleo hold u hrlof meeting yes tordity afternoon for tho purposo of outlining plans for tho coming cam paign which Is to open In this city noxt Tuesday and continue until May 10th. This cominltleo Is composed of J. K. KJ wards, chairman; O. H. Kossoy. K. K. Morrison . and L, 0: " i. 1 .. ,.l I This "'llR;vBt,7,'rMl llX,;0', by tho committee, and a nun. W J practical suggostlons were made a I -will ho carried out whence pulgn Is started. - Mr Kd wards read a message ho had JubI previously received from Iho Victory Loan headquarters, which stnted that tlm quota for the Spring field banking district had been set at I37.C7C. Subscriptions to tho loan can now ho placed with tho .FlrBt National Dank, and the Commorco Btnto Hank. All persons who subscribe for u Vic tory lAan nond before May 10th will bo plncod on tho honor roll, nnd tho commltteo Is mnklng nn urgent tip liwtl to tho public In the hopo that nil who possibly can place tholf sub scriptions beforo that dnto. Lnno county's quota for tho Loan Is $cr.7,ooo. Tho committee In chnrgo of tho county campaign hns llxod April 30 as tho llmo when they hopo to reach tho quota for tho county and tho poo- ".pie .have beon requestod to Mend their ; subscriptions to the banks as lit for. in or loans. Much Of tho soliciting wtll bo dono hy moans ot u form letter which will bo sent tit'oyory prospective subscrlH or In tho county nd which reads ns follows: "An application for Victory 'Loan Uonds is enclosed for your use. "We earnestly roquest you, If nt nil ; possible, to subscribe for at least of these bonds. "Wo trust you will at onco fill out thi application mid deliver It to your hank or to your district or 'precinct chairman, aqrompanled by your chock for 10 per cent of tho amount. , "Indlcflto on your application how you will pay the balance, viz: ' '"1. Government plqn, covering'. ,tt period of nbout .tJiree; months, or--" K'2t. linrik. Installment plan, cover, lug a longer period. 'r ' ' "Uy your early response you will Bavo the nxtra offort necessary to put' solloltlng.' committees , ouj on this 'work. , "Voii will nlso ho 'known ns a irk' ' "campaign subscxJber.'j .and liavo the h,ouor pf holplujj,' Lano .county reach' her quoin Jy April '30. ' "IANK COIKNTV VICTORY L1IJEII- TY LOAN COMMITTI3t3." , , "Hajjln , .diBtrlfct chairman: Eu' 'etnij,"o. H. .V'ostpr; 'Cobuyg, Goorgo 'A't'Druryj Cottngo. Orovo, B. K. Umph- rey; Croswell, Chestur Nolandj June tlon Qltyv. Forrest Miller; S)rlngnold,-.in8 J. ;K.:i Edwards "Mm wnrlil wnr llirnnch wllich WO' hnvo bo rocently pifssOd Is the great eat event In tho world's, hlstpry slnco . r Jho lieklnniiif; ,of thy Chrlstlnn qrn. ' Tho pftrt whlclij Orpgou "hns 'playod In thlayw.Qrld,-wnr .wll.ho rcnieipbred long' ahor v)d .fl)'itl' our children ,ri ' Hoadr.'iOur hrttp ifi JUls, wur.w.nw a -iHl-ovtn.-ri'cord: qf, ;PHt;:Jp,uo nchlevfr nimit.-and this rocord .will b nliulo' (ft". twit) xmW t.U wlll- ho tho retuuif;,'of our Joflwliii.jjorrt,ln tho boi-v !(;, iva.J bond nnd ehouldors'.nuoyo Unit of uiiy othor Btnto. OrogQit was first in tno Ot .Homo nnd tr oil to. fio our purijiy kuiicch tv tsr, wtfui .wu., uixtr1"" ;;..' i "t i, rff'r v . " ... .. . . ..-"vmwjjBuiit mr u iracuon onginotnn Um'ln5 oufvo'nblUnavlhAh'i bo;,sed,o loam" Uff mv nA Wnltm& T-Bkai..toug ,. --:.to.' ! .7 " . :1 it V. t-Bi,if :V.YM.or-fl ft ri(Ytincrv? on. ItU.'A bJ atnllecl . nlonp; ;.w thorf ;foV Wntls dt 1lf6 shftw. ilono 'ofWitHo Hofe u r,J , in...... uf.m,iB .nt, nvVivn 11. iti A''ft v'lm'ffii'ritn'V tnt '' iMN HL'htrf thhri. KoBsavl JunirV iip. them, could kIvo -n satisfactory nn- ns ' far ns he was wvo" . . onllslmont ntiil hiul n larger percent age of )tH population under arms thng uny other, slnlo In liiif Union. 'J'lio records of Mho old Third OrcKon, tho CoiiHt A rtlllory mid tho tint Division nro rncocdn which will novor dlo and of which "Vvnry Oregon 6lt!zr'ii may wiill ho p'rouii. Tho rocord of.Uloiit. UurRiird. who wns 11 vo tlnicH wounded tnd'vJhd Ictf 250 Oregon hoyH over tho op, of which 218 woro loft upon tho bttt'.loflold after nn hour nnjl 20 min utes of fighting, Im only one of a'nura her of IwttiincoH of valor hy Oregon ihu wlilch will novcr ho, fo'rgottcn. Lieut. Dorrl? nlsd his wityo brigade headtiurtors fiftcr liitvliig "his lower Jnw' shot n'wuy In order Hint another oincor 'iiilKlit ho detailed to IHn, rom pany nil of tho other- ffleora having been killed AlUmiSgh ho wits decor ated with tho Croix do Guorro for this net of heroism, tho best- np'proclnllon of IIiIh net will ho found in, a never dying recollection of It hy tlio pcoplo of dregon. Thero Is nrt Instance of rocdnl v.hfro.. Oregon troopti faltered undorflro, and tho record of our boys In service 1h 100 per cent perfect. So fur tho record of Oregon's cit izenry In IU patriotic duty hits hcen porflfcu. We have been fori'inot In patwltlc drives of every kind, having ttvleo led Iho nation In Liberty Loan campaigns. It Is a d'stlnct prlvllogo for thoso of tiij who stayed nt homo bo remitted (6 complete the won derful recftrd of our boys by malting n 100 per cont record In our duties of cHUonshlo. Yet It Is a tremendous f mponillltlIltar. nn tM0 roflnlo of the w()uI(1 vq ho l ,r(ip( of tnnln? our ,nlHtnry rocon, J, fn( t0 ,(, nU,olll(,r BtJ,t08 jn patriotic-endeavor. . In Society Priscllla Club Meets. Ualmy weather and a full attend nnco of club members mado tho meet ing of tho l'rlecllln Club last Friday most enjoyable Our nmiablo host ess, Mrs. John Sonvoy, hnd her lovely homo very fresli and Bprlngllko 'with a profusion of flowers. At tho closo of n fow hours spent lp needlo work, a delicious luncheon wns sorved to tho mombors nnd tho following guests: Mrs. Arehoart, Mrs. Alx McKenzIo and Mrs. Karl Stewart. file club will moot April l!fith with Mrs. Itlloy .Snodgrass on E street. The .Kensington Club wns delight fully eiitei talnod by Mrs J. W. Collin it hor homo on Tenth and A streets 'nst Frldny afternoon. Tho rooms coiiBolntod cnifwypvbgkqcmfwypvbpk were honiltlfuUv decorated with Jam- j consented out at rogard' for Herb's anoBC Primroses and narciBls. Do-; tohdor years, nnd Uttor gullolosBiiess to llclous refreshments were served. Lt tl8 olllclal chaperon., As tho cvoi The honored guests woro Mrs. Suo!jnR 0f tho "night out" hovo In sight C.)le, Miss Lula G!lt, Mrs. S. A. nntK,thoy oncoujitored two other congenial ford, Mrs. O. llrownlng, of Eugeno. companions and usually rospectablo The mombors present woro Mesdnmes citizens In 1). A. "Washburne nnd O. N. 'V. Emory, O. U. Kossoy, Knox, ,p. ciovor. AaWashburno's wife wns Whitney. Huhlap, KoVl', Cv E. Swarts in California, llo wns eaBlly stampeded nnd Edna. Swart'. Tho next mooUng witu tbe rest of tho herd, nnd Clover, will bo held nt tho homo of. Mrs. Dun lap. Tho rino Needle. Cluh was entertained- Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Will Arnold. Mrs. llrlco Posey wa( tho guest of Honor. Momborti presort woro Julia. Touiseth, 'Harriott Castoll, rviolft Young, Verglo , Townseuit, Goorgio Darling, Elizabeth Grnj. Hp.fJo Montgomery, Knthryn liorton, Aiinnto Gl.vard, Delhi Peterson, Lilly Kizor.J NJua- 'KcPhorsou. . Dainty . refrosh-1 niin'tB wero sorved b'y, tho hos'tesB nnd her dniighter, Murol.. Tho next meet ing will ibO'bjDlri. with Mrs.'Klzor. Mrs. Sue Gilo' will leavo tomprrow fortho'EaBt, whorohfrlll spend tho suniinor lsitlug rolntjycs. 'Mrs. 'Snrah ' Morris; " of. Sclo, who jieon 'vlriltlng; Itor daughter, Mrs M, M. feery, for. some .tlmo, nns re- tirned to. hor hqio. . ' . , i., ( , ', . .Mrs, Wnltqr WlllinniH nnd 'daughters,- tho 'MIsBeaLoudoll nitd Anotto, woro tho,dlnno'r 'j-ie8tBToe,sday;, of MVs. 'WhlttoiiB'wJiffortV, nt.Eugone .,. Jir, .lllljl, JtUSv A, ju, t rnvis nun iui 'Wing 'nnu ,u, w, un). I spend tho BUpinier.jWitii' hoi; nnrjmtB, Mr. nna Mrs. .M. iti. poory.. "Mrs, "Rl We' Wing 'nnu .u w, axw ,-i." "4V' ... . ' . ' occui'm"b uum JVui n .uuu, um- - - - - "7t -t-.tManr.MorrujQii,.- vcmintoorod their (tlto-n'ofyuncllon .Clty, .v, v.. . AVt.tdjburno.y opljod; Krtasojjj ut.nK- ,nnco 0f a string b'f'HTgh kickers; lAMncr,wia no snow was est vn "iwbiis 'to reletts.o tho tak. . ' ,TJi6 jifiuiy Trion'da i "and- n'oqunlnt- imp nnni nmi ipjpi.oj uio inB them open to suspicion. Titoir mo- .Uu,-.u ..uuiuuiy?, "STVVj.bttf ftjaWULXn hour, gavo , f. . livVj JJ ' J 'r-J-t I ,1,1 tt.l.r. .in'rin ulinii tin trot. lioino. .1 . i...i (t.m. in woro 12 beauties need front .IS un-v-i. .... - T .'n," V . ' N.vi, .!.." . .. 5 v M.r.-i.io.ijwuTi.v .iK-.', i.T,).-.,,., ,,,, , -j. ia jpo nieanumo uommanaer '. .... ..,1 rf. ' -t ill 1 Wnilfi irnr- vmr no Rl. IHO .i,,mi. on, u'ii nn ilnnv hp If IllObllN UU 1 USIlUUrilUa ' IlllIKU - 1 l.lrl,rj...i. j. ..'a , . SQUEEZE Last week In tho "Grandoldopo" John Wlnzonrled featured prominent ly as tho culprit In tho gosBip' of our vlllaKo. Ho was selected to ho tho goat for a wltolo caboodlo ot wild men who, pointing tho accusing finger at him, hoped thoroby, to escape the reaping of their own wild oats. But John has assured tho Nows that bis conduct was ot the mildest sort nnd tho test, of thonT'wero a bunch of bucks on n rampage. Whllo John admits to boluc among thoso present nt tho . Mutt and Jeff t i : pT7 1. Wild Men of the Wooly Westx Wild West circus, he denies being row any money becauso you won't get tho instigator of tho front row party, it. Isn't it bad enough when a fellow I3ut Herb Cox with tho most Innocent plans. a little tlmo of his own nnd have Intentions In tho world, was tho ono I It 'queered' without having somo in who Initiated tho forward movement, j fornal plnhead come along and ad Herb merely wanted amusomont, but vertlso Jt to the whole family? Wash bolng young nnd having been rnlsed burnot I wish thero was a hotel with In Coburg nnd therefore not quite sure i a thousand rooms and you. laid dead of hlniBolf, Invited John along as chap-1 In every room." eron. John wasn't particularly nan- "Ph. then, that is your-yseat," gasp korlng after a night of frivolity, but Jed Washburne. after the artillery had not knowing his destination, went along with tho bunch. ' Up to tho momont ot arriving nt tho hotbed of Iniquity Eugeno tho, party rolng to say to your Missus? Mr. possossod but two tickets. It was no Washburno, when she hear you paid easy matter to Becuro two nioro seats follr dollars to got .n' clo?o-up slant at in tho front row. Thero was but ono , tho front row chprus?" retorted Kes unsold soat nnd they took that and 80V, undo Washburno hustlo another seat t) spino other row.f Washburno no ticed, howover, Hint, tno onu seaiMn ,lie front r0w was unoccupied ns tho ovorturo struck up', nnd inquired. nt .i. . 1 nfn.A nlin.it -It T?. urn a 'In formed thitt 'n gentleman-htid "bought iho scat; but aftor ho had bought- it, hU wife Insisted upon being taken along, so ho bought two moro seats 'n tho b'nlcony. WnshbUrne1 -'ns direct je'd.9 tho balcony" to 'dicker with tho p,wnor of 'tho vacant chair, and vas amazed to And It .was Kessoy. v,"WIU you sell that rtont.row soat. KesBoy?" domatlod 'Wnnhburno, J.'ni-wU-what front, row." seat?" Btnmmored Kessoy, conscious, of j tin uHunl Interest In tho-Uont nlongsldo of him.' . zi:r,rt :;ij ' "Th.nt vncauWone down UioroSioxt to IIor'b'Cox!'J"'rnT with thatji , Wtnch and need ffnt soht," Itnld Whslilmrno, . J tilt 1 1 A!.. t.nm?a -t llt IJIinU VIlliUMK. 1111 yV'S, I f.JwrtH. Ji tho Bhdw Js' ttbdurn iBtarhn'6rs1soa7ToYlV!pNPflf Iftti , WnBhburno. HARDER Kcssey excused himself and, the pair reached the lower floor where ttio dialogue was resumed with Kcs sey at tho bat. "Washburne, only years of past friendship is all that keeps me from mutilating you from head to foot. You liavo about. as much diplomacy when a fellow's wifo is along as. a Bolshevik!. Thero nre a lot ot things I would llkrf to say to you, Washburno, about this, but thero Is not enough language to do It right. Don't ever . come over to my bank and try to boV- subsided. "Sure It is, you ivorinut, nnd If Vou hadn't pulled that 'boner' upstairs I would sell It- to you for what it cost mo ono fifty but as It Is you will come across with four dollars or stand up. I guess that will hold you for awhile, Wshburao" "I'll tako It, Kessoy, but how aro you going to explain it to tho Missus wtyen sho sees mo take that seat?" "You leavo that, to mo. I'll walk back.upstalrs slow and think of some thing on tho way. But what aro you "I'll tejl her I wns lonesome without her and desperato and the last seat In 1 tbjs houso was held by .a .greedy seoculator who didn't daro-' sit' In It himself. I guoas that will hold you for awhilo. too, Mr. Kossoy," chir ruped WnsliMirnoV- , "Just remombd.r all of "tills If you over noed "mgndy, you spirfltcatoJ shrimp," piped Kossey. "G'tjan upstnlrsi 'on original citi zen' ofr Somorrah, and s90.lt you can: squaro yourself. Mo for thdt $4 seat on the- firing lino," retorted Wash- burno' I ..'.. Thero wns a wholo string of Springflolll folks in tho bnlcony on that momornhlo night who woro un- sparing, In thplrpmmpntaon tho four zaar all day, tomorrow (Satur scapegraces'who openly flaunted their," 'day)" fti tho'iiolbrovok' b'uildljg. wanton' ways hi :thBi,front. rowv down- , v stnlrs,. Whllo . their conduct might mm tvmatnr with n ennir nf strnlcht. lnced'lho'rYil'pttUrtBrSj.yet the facf-otIs.astonlslujd gjiyo, ho had. fxi b'loSo .lhmj.CP"ld glyo -n 'J,1WVmA.c;L,kirtultfall ltlclftha tnll COUltln t tell becnUSO to Blllll Ollt tno .... ... . ... GERMAN SOUVENIRS ON ! ' DISPLAY AT KETEL'O. Thoro arc on display In tho windows of Kctel's drug store this woek a cou plo of souvenirs of tho great war which, are of Interest. Ono Is a shell casing and tho other a Gorman hel met which wore picked up on the bat tlefield at Soiasons, France, by Mr. Italplv Collin and sent to his parents, ,Mr. and Ms. J. W. Conin, of Spring flold. Mr. Cotnn was a telegrapher with the American forces at the bat tle of Soissons. In next week's Issue of the News will be published ajotlor from Mr. Coflln which is of unusual In- terest. SPRtNGFIELD GARAGE IS NO.VV AUTHORJZED SERVICE STATION Sandgathe & Adrian, of the Spring field Garago, have been cuthorlzed to act as an authorized Ford Service Sta tlon. This will be good news to local owners of Ford cars, as it will enable them to secure genuine Ford parts for repairs without going out of the city. They are also equipped to do all kinds ot Ford repairing In a first class manner and In the shortest time pos sible. They also keep in stock a full line of tires and accessories. Give them a trial and they will con vlnce you they can give superior sorv ice. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL SUCCEEDS DR. RICHMOND )r. S. Ralph Dippel. formerly of Portland, has purchased the offlcc and practice of Dr. J. E. Richmond, ana will retain the same location, which is located over the Commercial State Bank. Dr. Dippel will conduct the office along strictly ethical lines, carrying out the most, advanced methods of practice and will give' you a service equal to that obtainable in any city. Doctor and Mrs. Dippel have taken up their residence in tho J. L. Clark home at the corner of Second and R streets. DR. LEWIS TO SPEAK AT , -THE METHODIST CHURCH Dr. Lewis, well known throughout the United States as one of the great est orators of tbe Methodist church, will deliver an address on "Recon struction of the World After the War," in the Springfield Methodist church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. This is an unusual opportunity to hoar a speaker of such renown, and a rare treat is in store for all thoso who attend. fj. T. DONALDSON, WELL KNOWN HERE, DIES AT RUPERT, IDA. J. T. Donaldson has Just returned from Rupert, Idaho, where ho was called April 1 by the Illness of his son, S. J. Donaldson, who passed away on April 8 from Influenza. Mr. Donaldson was familiarly known in Springfield' as "Jlmnile." Ho was born in Arkansas 44 years ago and came" to"Ofegon with' his family when n small child, -tfio family settling on tho McKeniio river a few miles front Springfield". r Ut .' Mr. Donaldson was a man of strong religious convictions, and while, not nit; oijdnineut minlstprj of the gospel, he wns capable of filling the pulpit, which ho did on numerous occasions. t For the past few .years ho made his homo in Rupert, Ida., where he was managor of tho Idaho Products 'Assd ciatioiu , 'His many friends and acquaintances will bo shocked to learn of his 'death,, and their heartfelt sympathy, is ex tended to' the loved ones who survive him --f , fc '. " 1 Mrs, Scoffleld, nged niotlier-ln-iaw of Mr. L. G. JHtilln, cashier of the' First laiitjniU T3anil, Is' seriously sick with pneumonia at her home, and is. report ed as being vory low. .-.. , t . ' , ' Tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho Methodist church will hold a bn- , ANnA,AAvw, unexpected spectaclo paraded befor'N concornofcho tw r t t.. 1 1 ... i... . ,tA, n;ti, v U'1 iuiuj o tuuiui mm uuy wi hj, LITTLE WAR TANK VIS TS SPRINGFIELD Thousands Turn Out to Witness Demonstration, of Machine That Licked the Huns. MEETS WATERLOO IN DITCH After Maneuvering on Streets Becomes Stuck in Old fce- i. .' .- - gara Mill Race. Last Sunday afternoon "Springfield received an unexpected' visit of tho little Whittpet tank' which Is touring the Northwest for tho purposo of stir ring up Interest and enthusiasm for the Victory Loan. It was not general ly known In Springfield until late Sat urday afternoon the tank would mako the trip over from Eugene, but tho Sim day morning papers ot that city contained the announcement and everyone who possibly could lined up on Main street by 2:30 and eagerly craned their necks to catch the first glimpse of the HttlCwar machine. At 3 o'clock the crowd was i award ed" by hearing shots at the foot of Main street, and shortly after the tank, camouflaged In all the colors of the rainbow, came lumbering along at a 4-mIIe pace, followed by a long line of automobiles and youngsters on foot which escorted U from Eugene. At Seventh street a stop was mado and shortly after the return trip wasf started, the tank performing num'er ous maneuvers on the way. At Fifth street another stop was made, and Mr. M. C. Bressler mounted the mathlno tnd made a short address in which ho stated the reasons for the tank mak 'ng this tour, concluding his .remarks by introducing Mr. Clarence Likins. who was In command of the tank Mr, Likins gave a very Interesting talk concerning the use made of the tanks in France, and stated it it had not been for these little machines the war would probably have continued indefinitely, as without them. the In fantry could not advance in the face of the intense fire from German ma chine gun nests which were cleverly concealed. But with the tanks ad vancing ahead of the infantry it was not -difficult to clean out -the Huns, destroy the barb wire entanglements and start tho Germans on the run. Mr. Likins stated they ran so. fast tho Americans could not keep up with them. At tho conclusion of his address ho asked' if there were any old bulldlng3 In the city the tank could "walk" through. Evidently there were none, as he received no reply to his ques. tion. Ho then stated the tank would proceed to the old mill race on River street and show what it could do in negotiating trenches. The crowd eagerly followed, and when the tank reached- tho ditch, which was about 15,-foet deep, it plunged bravely in went gracefully to the bottom, turned around and canto back up the bank with an air of confidence born of much experience:; Then, just for good measirro.-it reptJate-d the" 'performance, but thlsUlme when' it 'started to as cend the opposite "bank it was unable to do-so, owing-to tho earth being wet and soft. Try'a's It would It could ndt gain lite to. Then it was turned around' and 'an effort was mado to crawl out the- way it had entered. But fnero was -nothing doing tho bank was 'too soft and slippery. Then tha driver decided tb try some other point further'along the ditch. After mov ing about" 100 feet tho machlno went nstrldo an old log, which caught on the under sldo o( the tank and Jt stalled and evould not' bo moved In either direction, as" tho "tracks" could nWget ti' grip on- tho soft oarth. A, .nup)bor ot nlbiu among them TnmlIyV , m heavily rCo'ntln'ued'diiag6'4.) : mtcks ir J