The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 11, 1919, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1919
Farmer, Stockman and Dairyman
INSURE A MAXIMUM CLAF CROP. ! qualities to his offspring. Tho grado
bull hay haw tho form and color
Owti.'rs of liooMireedlni; cows , markings of a purebred, but ho lacks
thould uso every possible means to j tlu power to transmit with any degree
Insure a maximum number of calves j0f certainty tho qualities of any high
In order to have a maximum number I producing ancestors hi may havo.
and at tho snmo time have a uniform j That hord la very roor Indeed In
lord of calves, all cows should bo
trod within a period of GO days or less,
-with this point In vlow. For spring
calves (February and March), which
ih most sections Is tho desirable time
to have calves dropped, the cows
hould be bred during May and Juno.
Tlio calves dropped at this tlmo raiy
"ho fln'shed for bet " at 22 to 24 months
of age by keeping thorn throughout
one winter and two summers, afford-
witch a grado bull can make any
marked improvement
Tho registered scrub comes of low-
producing registered ancestors, there
fore he transmits only Inferior quali
ties to his calves. Registration is not
enough to guarantee production. Per
mnnent dairy herd -improvement can
nover come from the scrub, tho grado,
or tho registered scrub.
constant fight against tho cattle
lng the greatest possible uso of cheap j fover tck lins ,1ut arge j,(jrtons of
pasture and forago crops. Jierojthe souti,ern states Into the tick-free
milk for family use is not an import
ont consideration, cows may also bo
more choaply wintered, and calves es
cape files and hot weather whin
dropped at this time. In all such
breeding operations only woll-brcd
teef bulls should bo used.
A sideline for the farmer's wife
which yields $1.14 for every hour she
puts into it is worth the consideration
of every fnrni woman. A Lane coun
ty. Ore., woman has demonstrated are free of scrub sires
that this amount can be made by, map we hope eventually to mark all
area. Why not inaugurate n similar
fight all over tho United States, ask
specialists of the United States De
partment of Agriculture, against the
scrub, the grade, tho registered scrub
against scrub sires of evory kind"
Taking each state, county by county
why not eliminate tho scrub, nnd es
tablish scrub-free areas in every
"Wo expect," tho specialists say, i ants, 2,354,C76.
"sometime to make a map of the
Unl'ed States, showing tho areas that
and on that
If tho orchard Is to receive n coat
of manure this spring got tho work
douo an soon as time and wenthor per
mit. Then plow tho ground ns soon
ns tt has dried out enough to bo In
good plowing condition. If theru Is a
cover crop It will uso much of tho
soil water nnd hasten the drying of
tho ground. It should ho watched
carefully and not allowed to got too
large nor to dry out tho ground too
much before tho plowing Is done. Har
row tho ground within n day or two
nfter plowing and harrow at least
every two weeks throughout tho soa
Grown on good soli and" properly
hnndlcd, sweet clover makes a fair
quality of hay which may In many
casos be substituted with ndvnutago
for tho more valuable alfalfa and clo
ver hays.
Of tho total number of farms In the
nitcd States, according to tho last
7edoraI census, tho number worked
by owners was shown to bo 3.94S.722;
tho number operated by mnnagors, 5S,
104; nnd tho number operated by ten-
keeping chickens. Last year the lo
cal county agent interested this wom
an in keeping a farm poultry flock and
as a result she produced a net profit
ot $172.24. She kept an accurate ac
count of her work and found at the
end of the season that she had re
ceived $1.11 an hour for the time she
actuary devoted to. caring for her
parts of every state as being in the
scrub-free area."
Storks of hides and skins In the
"United States on December 31. 191S,
are .-riven by the Bureau of Markets
In the first report on hides issued by
the Department of Agriculture. Cat
tle hides, both domestic and foreign,
amounted to 6.39S.234 pieces; sheep
and lamb skins totaled 14.132,229;
pigskins, 260,461 pieces; and 1.440,
9G1 rounds of strips. Horseh'.des, in
cluding fronts, butts and shanks,
amounted to 401.613 pieces; and calf
and kipsklns, 2,199,266 pieces.
Order the season's supply of spray-
lng materials, at once.
Spray gooseberry bushes with ar
senate of lead as soon as the leaves
are approaching full size or tho worms
will do sorious injury in eating tho
Berry packages and packages for
the other early summer fruits should
No questions are of greater Import
"nee to tho farm . family than tho
farm's water supply and the disposal
of Its sewage. Tho prospective build
er should make certain that thoso
problems nro solved before ho dors
anything else, for they Ho at the foun
dation of tho entire household's health
and comfort. "
, To get on tho water wagon also
means to get on the milk wagon for it
has been discovered where prohibition
Is In force the consumption of dnlrj
products increases. From whiskey
to milk Is a radical change, but that
is about what the country Is coming
be ordered soon. At fruit-picking time t0 and the tlalrymon had hotter bo pre
Bull associations, though few in
number, wago eternal warfare on. the
scrub. The scrub bull has done much
damage in this country. He is worso
than worthless. He lowers the pro
duction of all future generations of
the herd he heads. He can not in
crease milk production even in a herd
of scrubs because, like them, he is a
scrub. Th a herd of fetter breeding j end or side down to shut out the light.
a package In the hand is worth a doz
en in tho factory.
Bearing apple trees will set and ma
ture a heavier crop of fruit if they
are given three or four pounds ot ni
trate of soda or sulphate of ammonia
a week or two before the blossoms
open. This is especially true with
trees growing In sod.
Give the strawberries early cultiva
tion and clean out the weeds. About
blossoming time stop cultivation and
mulch the entire ground with straw or
other vegetable matter freo from
weed seed to protect the berries from
dirt and grit
Early rhubarb of high quality can
bo had by placing cans or boxes, open
the damage he may do Is almost lim-
The grade bull is little better be
cause most of his ancestors being
scrubs, he is certain to transmit scrub
over two or three plants. Plants so
rared for an Increased demand for his
product. Buttermilk will. In a way,
substituto beer, and Ice cream, tho en
ticing cocktaH. When Seattle wont
dry, the consumption of dairy prod
ucts Increased 30 per cent. This snme
condition has been found in other cl'
ies and towns and with national pro
hibition, wo can look to seo a great
increase in the consumption of dairy
The dairy industry should be alive
to this fact and should see to It that
this demand is well supplied with ma
terial of the best quality. By mnklng
good ico cream tho ico cream makora
can greatly Increase the amount con
sumed. People do not object to the
rrice or the size of the dish, but they
do want a good quality. Buttermilk
and lactone with their valuable 'lactic
acid, will not ony find a market but
will aso do much to improve the
K TEVER was such right-handed-two-
1 J fisted smokejoy ns you puff out of n
jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert I
That's because P. A. has the quality!
You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you
can get five aces out of a family deck I So, when you hit
Prince Albert', coming and going, and get up half an hour
earlier just to.start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes,
you know you've got the big prize on the end of your lino I
Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own,
but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive
patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you
feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words
to express your happy days sentiments 1
Toppy red bagt, tidy red tin; handsome pound and half-pound tin
humidor and that ciasiy, practical pound crystal gtatt humidor with
tponge moittener top that htept the tobacco in such perfect condition.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
The following gtiosts were regis
tered nt the Springfield Hotel during
the Aveek ending today:
A. It. Hughes nnd family, Powers.
Theodore Mundny.
Leo Moss.
W. C. Miller, Woodburn.
H. C. Brown, Dullns.
H. Q. McCIollan. Portland, Ore.
E. Illglow.
II. Walker.
O. Junius.
Pitt Poppur.
V. Apostolo.
II. (J. HayeH, MuKoiizlu Bridge, Oro.
W. J. Golden. Fnll Crock. Ore.
F. P. Thnrmnn, Camp Creek. Oro.
Clayton Perry.
I. Crouch, Portland, Oro.
G F. Hartley.
Andy Miller.
Lorena WnltUH, Nurso, Mnrcoln,
Ot'H I.. Chezem.
I-M win Oookey and family.
M. G. Kirk.
L. M. Morfenbln.
W. A. Hark.
F. Young, Antorla.
W. F. Voting. Antorla.
A. Hultonborg. Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Iru 12. Onion,
Dalton SuundcrK.
Clm. Gates.
II. M. Klllntt.
L, A. Cliezeu.
Jno. W. linker.
covered will have stalks ready for ( heath of the people, for lactic acid
use a week or two earlier than uncov- :110s long been known as a destroyer of
ered plants and the quality Is mor.e bacteria, especially those which In
delicate. !fect the bowels.
Perfection Oil Heater is easily
carried up stairs or down, from
this room to that anywhere
heat is needed.
Lights at the touch of a match
gives instant heat No smoke
or odor.
Gives steady, comfortable
warmth for many hours on one
filling with Pearl Oil, the ever
obtainable fuel.
Cuts fuel bills, too, for less fur
nace heat and fewer grate and
coal-stove fires are required. Oil
consumed only when heat is
needed no waste.
Buy Perfection Oil Heater
today. Dealers everywhere.
A. H. SPRAGUE, Special Agt., Standaro Oil Co., Eugene, Oregon
Chambers Hdw. Co., Eugene, Ore.
J. W. Qunckonbush & Son, Eugeno,
Thompjjou Hdw, Co., Eugene, Ore,
Monroo Hardware Company, Eu
gene, Oregon,
Ax Hilly Department Store, Eu
gene, Oregon.
Notlco Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution in foreclosure Is
sued out of tho circuit court of Lane
County; (.rogon, 0,1 tho lith uay o
March, 1'jI'J. In a suit wherein on tlio
10th day of March 11)19, In the above
entitled court, Allen II. Wetzel and
Maggie May Wetzel, plaintiffs, recov
ered Judgment against the defendants,
Edgar IL Shelley nnd, J. G. Gustaff
for Uic sum of $301.10 with Interest
thereon from tho 2Ild day of July,
1917, at tho rate of bIx per cent per
annum amounting to JM.IO, nnd $10.00
attorney's fcos, and the further sum
of $11. GO costs and disbursements,
which Jndgment was enrolled and
docketed In the Clerk's olllre of said
court In said county on the I Mi day
of March, 1919, and said execution to
me directed commanding me in tho
namo of the Stato of Oregon, In order
to satisfy said Judgment, Intorent, at
torney's feos, costs and disbursements
and accruing costs to sell the follow
ing described roal property, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point 1)1.025 chains
south and 3f 92 chains east of tho
quarter section corner on tho north
lino of section 29. township 18 S. H.
:i W., W. M., Lane County, Oregon,
and naming thence East 28.08 chainri
'hence South fi.SS chains to the mid
dle of tho County Road No. 209, thenco
along the middle of said road 8.58 de
grees, 63 minutes West 0.20 chulns,
thenco S. 24 degrees 25 minutes West
0.50 chains, thence West 22.50 chains,
thenco North 9.01 chains to tho placo
of beginning, containing 23. 30 acres of
lund in Sections 28 and 29 of said
township and range In Lane County,
Oregon, reserving herefrom a gateway
to tho County Houd for tho uho of
W. G. Wotzel, his heirs and assigns
Now thereforo, In the namo of tho
Stato of Oregon, and in compliance
-For Your Home
A portion of our stock of furniture htm arrived from tlio
manufacture and Ib ready for your inspection. If you
arc planning upon furnishing a home or adding a piece
here nrd there to what you alreadj hnvo, In will pay you
to seo rs Our line so far embraces:
New articles are on the way and we will soon bo in a
position to supply about every need in home furnishings.
the defendant, George Boppro, for tho
sum of Two Hundred Thirty-two and T)nllrH with lntorHt thnrnnn
With Bald eXOCUtlon und ordor Of Bale I . ,i, rnfn nt R nur .f.nt ruir nnnnm
and in order to satisfy said Judgment, ' ,,., tno ;Uh1 ,iy f March, 1919, and
ntorest, attorney's fees, costs and d a- 10 furtiior Bum of Forty and no-100
bursomentB and accruing costs, I w HI , Dollars' attorneys' fees nnd tho fur
on baturday, tho 19th duy of April, tller H,m, of -rwonty nnd 81-100 Dollars
1919, at mo nouror 1 o ciock in tno at J cohIh and disbursements, which Judg
door of tho County Court House in
Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer
for salo nnd sell for cash, at public
auction, subject to rcdomption as pro
vided by law, all of tho right, title,
and Interest of said defendants, Edgar
It. Sholloy and J. G, Gustaff, or any
rnnnt was enrolled and docketed In tho
clerk's nillec of huIiI court. In said
county on ho 31t day of March,
1919, nnd said execution and order of
sale to mo directed commanding inn
In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon,
In order to satisfy said Judgment, In-
tovnut nriufa nnd rilMluirKfimnntfl mill
other porson or persons claiming by.jn,,, costs nnd expenses of null upon
through, or undor thorn, or uny of
them, In and to said mortgaged prern
Sheriff of Lano County, Ore
Notlco Is hereby given that by vir
tue of anMjxeoutlon and order of Halo
lasuod out of tho Circuit Court of Lano
County, Cro., on tho rilst duy of
March, t019, In an uctlon whoroin on
the Hint dnv or Mnrch 1019. In tho
above ontitlod court, Donald Young,
plaintiff, recovo.ed Judgmont ugalr t
Mi'm writ to Hell tho following do-
scriiino real woncrtv. toAvll:
Tim North half of tbn North lu" of
Section Twenty-four, Township Nino
tnon Rniith, Knni'c One West of Mm
Wilnjnoto Mcr'rtlnn In Lnno Counlv.
rrpt'nn. exenri (vo neres heretofore
i'nvi0fi (.0 nnvld Drnrv.
Now tliornforn In (lie mmn of tl
ptoin o' Orpsron. In comn'ianco wl'b
"n'd focopi't'nn nnd nrd" ' cOo nnd
in 0H0." try putls'v ',ld lii'Vni"tit, jn.
"est. fostn "lid (lnliurBiunts. nd
nn prrti nnd nx"wnn of nnd unon
i,' ,,-rif I v-'M' rp Pnti'p'nv Ml" H ''1
' ; of May, 1919, at tho hour of ono
o'cl-k In tho afternoon of BiUd day
ut tho southwest door of tho County
Court Houbo In Eugono, Lano County,
Oregon, offor for buIo nnd boII for
cush, at public miction, subject to re
demption ns provldod by law, ull of
the right, title and IntoreBt of Huld
defendant, Ooorgo Boppro, or any
other ponton or persons claiming by
through or undor him, In ninj to said
nttached propor'y.
ShorllT of Lano County, Oro,
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned huti boon appointed by tho
County Court of tho Statu of Oregon
for the County ot Lano udmlnlstrator
of tho I'Btuto of Mary Ellon Bower
man, formerly Mary Elton Crano. All
persons having clnlniB ngulnst anld
outnto nru heroby notified and ro
quired to present tho Bnmo, proporly
verl'led, to Frank A, Dol'uo, nttornoy
for tho eututo, nt his oillco In Spring
''old, Oregon, on or boforo six months
from tho dntu of this notlco. 1
Dated at Hpringflold, Oregon, Feb
ruary 1C, 1919..
Administrator of tho oHtnto of Mury
Ellen Boworman, deceased,