The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 11, 1919, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1010
A Phonograph Provides
Education and Entertainment
n iivcr?
iuwii anu viumitf j,
".McOIiiiiIh Wiih IllKht," Soo puko 3
Mm. It. V. I.cploy aponl Wodnusdny
In Monrou.
All tho popular inaKiirlnoH on huIo
nt I'oory'it.
Ira C. CJhIoh Ihih moved to Sbvuiith
and C btrectB,
A IiIk bunch of 10c cr:;c pnpor nt
Mr. M;irkIo Morriu
Mnrcola Sumliiy.
returned to
Mr.'Ileun motored (o Monrou W'uil
ncHdny on IiiihIiichh.
A lot of nifty llntml box pnpurn In
new atylus at I'cury'a.
(i Ion McCiio. of Donna, u'ua n vlHltnr
In this city Thurwlay.
Hohh MatliuwH, of Thurston, wmi u
IiuhIiiuhh visitor Monday.
Mm. Frank Curaloy, of Coqulllo, is
vImKIiik rulutlvi!H In tho city.
Win. (5. Spuncor and family have
moved lo Mill and J stroots.
A new cumont walk In IjoIiir put In
at Sovunth and main Htroots.
SaHHafraH bark at I'cory's,
I'hll Johnson, of WondlliiB, wna In
the city Saturday on oubIiicsb.
MIhh Dolu Vlncont, of Hooilaport, In
vIhIIIiik frlonda for a fow clnyn.
Philip nihliop, of Donnn, apont
Thurday In tho city on buslnuHB.
Onrl IloHHormun returned from n
trip to CorvalllH Friday ovonlni?-
Arthur McUrnckun haH. loft the city
anil expects to locate In Detroit.
Tho Twouty-HeconilH' will hold their
rofiuliir fioclal huhh'.oii this ov-unlng.
Jack Oorrlo, n rucont arrival from
San Antonio, Tox., nnd wIioho homo
Is In DourIhh ClardeiiB. Bpont Woilnos
day vIbIIIiik frlendB in tho city
MrB. Otto llaiiBon, who has boon
vIsltlnK her Blstor. Mra. Follx Weso
llnklo for Bovoral weeks, returned to
her homo In Oregon City Saturday.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho First
Christian church met at tho church
ThurHday afternoon, which was spent
in convocation nnd bowIiib. .
Olvo Chamberlain's Cougli Homcdy
to koep tho cough looso nnd oxpoctor
ntion easy. It Is oxcollont.
Lot Us Book Your Order For
Havo purchased a large quan
tity of third, fourth and fifth
cuttings nice and green.
Got our prices on Valley Hay
and Food Grains.
Valley Flour, per suck 52.60
Ilardwhent Flour, sack $2.B5
Sugar, wltn gnu-cry orucr .q
IlArai pal IT F" P" " l nn
Tho phonoflrnpli ahould lie considered
nn cducntlonnl Influence In (he homo.
Tlis Is eopccl.illy true where there
nre children for while good mutlc Is
training the car, It will create a de
sire (or knowledge along Unco thnt
srp meoclnted wltjf muolc.
The Mnvenlont form In which pay
ments may be made makes It easy
for anyone to own a Pathe Phono
graph. .
Wo have an excellent assortment of
records. Come In and ask to hear any
of them.
McCJInnlB Wan night," See pngo .1.
(()rvlll()( Bpont WotIn(Iny , town
Mr. mid Mrs. Lnugdon, of Coburg,
wore shopping In tho city Wodncudny,
Iluy your homo furnlBhings from tho
I'orry Piano Store, StovonB building.
Oooigo liurnott, of Juapcr, wan
trannactlug' buslnehs In town Monday.
Mr. Itobblns, of Donna, was trans
uding busiiieoH In tho city Saturday.
S. H. Untokcy, of Mablo, wan trans
acting b:r"ieHB In tho city Wednes
day. Clay Parker and wife, of Donna,
called on Sprlnglleld friundB Weilnos
day evening.
WANTi:i Spring wheat, Dluo Bald
and UeurdloHB Harloy. Springfield
Food Co.
Prof. It. L. Kirk, formerly supcrin-
tendout of schools, is now located nt
Dallas, Ore.
FOR SALE CG acre tract well im-
proved, near Donna. See Thompson
& Uhl.
E. K. nnlncB has loft tho city for
I.acomb, where ho expects to mnko h'.i
future home.
Mrs. H."C. Swenson, of Crow, Is at
Mercy hospital recovering from an
LADIES Seo tho window display
at Mrs. Thompson's. Special-values ut
Mrs. T. Nyfiton, of E street, Is loav-
lug for Portland, where she will visit
FOR SALE 20 ncre rlvor bottom
laud in cultivation. Seo Thompson &
'Ernest Everott Courtln, of Spring
field, has enlisted for servlco in the
navy. (
Olio Nottletou has returned to Port land
whoro ho will be employed in the
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Wolls. of Ray
mond, WitBh., havo moved, to Sixth
nnd H streets.
Wo still soil matches, toilot paper,
Sunbright, thread and laces at Ec.
Mrs. II. R. Cook, of Wendllng, iu
visiting nt tho homo of her slstor, Mrs.
W. L. Berry.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. II. Blackloy' and
son, Curllss, of Marcola, spent Mon
day In tho city.
FOR SALE 10 ncre tract good bot
tom land .with family orchard. Seo
Thompson & Uhl.
Mrs. I). A. Vnlontino loft tho city a
fow days ago to make hor future homo
In Lakeside.
Get tho squirrels, mico and moles
with poison wheat. 10c and 2Cc a
packago at Peory's.
Vom Wilkltipoii Wovod Into tho
homo formorly ocquplod by Mrs. Val
outlno this wook.
LOST Bunch of koys, in leather case.
Owner's nnmo on ring. RowniM
Dr. J. E. Richmond. H
Tho Woiuon ot Woodcraft mot Wd
nosdny 'and a delightful social tiiuo
was unjoyod by all.
Mr. Jamon Fowtor und fanilly. for
mer rosldonlB ot' tho eily, have r
turned and will nuika their future
home hoie.
Sao us for early twed poutaea,
nwtiet olovor eU. fluid lia. soy
ami I.ikIi '"-Hit
"McOlnnlB Was Right," 8co pago a.
Want man (o plow 2 acres In Doug-'
an GardctiH or would rent this placo,
'hono C02L Fuinnn.
Miu Goiiovh Davisi and hor brother,
.Mr. MoDowoll, of Kugtuiu, wore vlsll
orn In tho oily Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hrnotit Lyoiiu, who
Imvi) bowt visiting relatlvcw at Corn-!
Inir, Cal., mtuintwl Mondny.
ChH. Smith, of tho Coait JUnga
Lumhsr coiiipAiiy, wm In tlio city on
huttincfts WwiouDday, '
Tlio I'in Needlo Club will meot
with Mis. Arnold on A street, Thurs
day between 0 and 7 p. m. .
Mrs. Jnmos Manwnrlng has ro
turnod from Portland, whoro she Hpent
soverul weeks visiting frlonds.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Field, and Mr.
tllako wero visitors tlifs week at tho
homo or Mr. and Mrs. Manchester.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Parry, of Pori.
land, wero over-Sunday guests of Mrs.
Parry's slstor, Mrs. Geo. Catching.
Mr. I). Crouch, of Portland, formerly
a resident of Springfield, was a bufll
;iobs .visitor In tho city this week.
Mrs. R. M. Baker, who has been
visiting frlonds In the city, returned
to hor homo ,at Oakridge Wednesday.
Dr. E. II. RobHon, of Scio, formorly
located ut Mabol, was In the city
transacting business Wednesday.
Clarenco James, who recently re
turned from France. Is spending n
few days in the city visiting friends.
Tho I. O. O. F. lodge met Wcdnes-
day evening and enjoyed u social ses-
wlon, after which refreshments were
served. I
Misses Myrel and Mildred Arnold
wero tho dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Jus. Brown, of Eugene, Saturday, even-
!ng. I
MIsb Ellen Lambert left Monday for '
Portlany to bo with her sisior, Mrs.
Martin, who Ib recovering from an
operaUon. I
Mrs. T. E. Fox, of Portland, is hero
visiting hor parcntB, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. McFarland; alto her sister, Mrs.
Roy Jenkins. '
Claud Nott. of Portland. Is visiting
his family for a fow days. Mr. Nott
has been employed In Portland since
last July.
Mrs. J. D. McDonald and Mrs. Joan
Day, of Eugone, were visitors at tho
homo of Mrs. W. L. Dunlnp Wednes
W. F. Walker, grandmaster of the
I. O. O. F. lodge of Oregon, has re
turned from nn otllclal trip to points
south, going nn far as Ashland.
"McGlnnls Was Right," Sec pago 3
W. W. EBBETT, Prop.
Telephone 17.
' We sell guaranteed Tires and
Tubes for less money than you
can. buy elsewhere.
Wo sell Gasoline and Oil for less
than you can buy elsewhere.
We sell Auto Accessories for less '
than you can buy elsewhere.
We sell Good Used Cars get.
our prices. v
We don't have any old stock
ours is all new stock. .
We sell Shell Gasoline and Oil
Why Shell Gasoline? Because Shell Gasoline
Shows the Highest Test of any Gasoline Sold in
Lane County :
Standard. Oil (Gravity) 54
Union Oil (Gravity) 54
' ' ' SHELL (Gravity) 58
Insist on 'Shell Gasoline and Oils
Giv, Us Your Jitney Wprk
McGirmis Right
W. A.
Mr. and Mrs. IH'erbert Smead were
over-Sunday visitors at tho homo of
jjr8. Smead's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
AI Montgomery.
Miss Chase, of Creswcll who has
recently returned from Canada, is
visiting nt tho home of her sister, Mrs.
pTCI Louke
Chauncey Rychard,.of this city, was
discharged Tuesday from the Eugene
hospital after having received medical
George Valllcr, who has been visit
Ing wjtj, ,Is family- for a few days
returned to Marshileld Sunday, when
ne j employed.
Sam Danford, a rccont arrival from
France, who has been here visiting
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.
ford, has gone to Portland.
S. Dan-
E. A. Fogies has purchased the
Gene Martin property on Third and
B streets for a home, nnd will take
possession in tho near future.
Ed Wright, a sailor, enroute to San
Francisco from his liome in Spokane,
Wash., stopped off to visit at the home
of W. P. Lcpley, Friday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Rivltt, who
have been visiting for several weeks
,at the home of Mrs. Rivitt's sister1,
Mrs. Percy Tyson, will leave in a few
days for Richmond, Cal., whero they
expect to make their home.
-not talk, that's what
you want, and that's what
you'll get. Have increased my
stock considerably this spring
and Pm gradually adding new
styles. Step in and see them.
Hall Shoe
First-Class Repairing.
Modern five room
house on A street. Garage: garden; i
some fruit. Good terms. Liberty bonds
or stamps taken. Owner, F. E.
Thj ladles pt the Christian Church
will hold an Easter Food Sale and Ba-!
zaar Saturday, April 12, in the build- j pltal, having undergone a major ope
Ing one door west of the Cox and Cox ration. She is reported to be getting
store. along .nicely.
gattjtatttt b
Specials for Saturday
Cream Puffs, Assorted Layer
Cakes and Cream Rolls.
The best material combined with expert
.workmanship produce quality unexcelled
Comfort Within
When Cold's Without
COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN in thou
sands of homes this Winter unless provision is made for
auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late.
A Portable Gas Heater
will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short
ago is sure to produce. Don't fail to get yours now, that
you may enjoy its warmth and cheer all through tho
frosty days of fall and during the bitter cold of winter.
Mountain States Power Co.
FOR RENT Two acres cultivated
land. Good houae, good barn, chicken
(houses and parks. For further Infor-
matlon see E. E.
Lee, 5th & Main,
Mrs. Tom Swarts, formerly a real-
dent of Springfield, Is at Mercy bos-
SPmNuflbUJ NU VKw; "