FRIDAY, APRIL 11, HUD PAGE 2 TIIE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Springfield News Published every Thursday by the Lano County Publishing Association. ROBERT A. BRODIE, Editor and Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payablo in advance.) Ono year Jt.RO Six months .75 Thrco months 60 ADVERTISING RATES lr Display ' Column Inch Ono Timo - S5c Bach subsequent Insertion., SWc By the month, onch Insertion. 15c Readers ' Each insortlon. ror line . 05c LOANING BRAINS. Banking is coming to the front as one of the great constructive indus tries. Not so very long ago the banker merely loaned money. Today he is loaning brains ' and ex perience in addition, and without cost. The modern banker finds that he must in many instances anticipate the needs of his customers in obtaining Information and statistics relative to industries which may be developed in his community. - The banker realizes that In the suc cess of his community lies his suc cess. Successful industries or fann ers mean hundreds and thousands of -new depositors and added opportune ' ties for safe loans. Hence banking Is developing more arid more Into a personal service or ganization and not a mere cold-blood ed money loaning machine as It Is oft-J en pictured. ADVANTAGES OF SUGAR BEET PRODUCTION. The growth of the sugar beet indus try will mean over $100,000,000 to western farmers this year. With pro sper encouragement and development or this industry this amount could be doubled and trebled In a short time. Those who have made a careful study of the subject are agreed that Introduction of sugar beets into the agriculture of a region results in good In many ways. In the European coun tries where beet raising has seen its greatest development, agriculture has a stability that is not found in the newer countries where sugar beets have not been introduced. The fact that the farmer has a sure market for his crop at a price known In advance, enables him to judge raorq accurately the value of the land. Ex perience shows the approximate yield of beets he may expect and cost of production. The raising of 'sugar beets is not consistent with poor farming. In all the farming communities work Is more pressing In the summer than during the winter. In order to have sufficient help to care for crops during the busy season there is an excess at other times. This means that ordinarily some of the hands are Idle and that winter wages are low. Sugar beet raising calls for Inten sive farming and promotes a denser population. This makes possible bet ter educational facilities and more de sirable social opportunities, thereby reducing to a minimum some of the chief disadvantages of farm life. ADVANTAGES OF INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE RECOGNIZED. Chairman Hurley, of the U. S. Ship ping Board, comes out for private ownership of the American Merchant Marine. He says, "We want to avoid tho stagnation that sometimes comes from Ted tape and bureaucracy." Senator Cummins, of Iowa, says the railroads should bo returned to pri vato ownership, but held under gov ornment control. Mark L. Ilequa, retiring director of the oil division of the Fuel Adminls ' tratlon, says: "Government ownership of every .' thing In general Is proposed as tho lnfalllblo panacea for our alleged na tional ills. Such action will not ben efit humanity, but will destroy the re ward of individual efforts." Americans can feel thankful for bucUj expressions as those which all appearod In tho press on the same date. ' It moans that this nation Is awaken ing to tho dangers of bureaucracy, naternallira and socialism. ; . means that America is still to re ' , nittju the land where Individual outer '' iviio and init'atlve is recognised and given orportunity to develop. Wli' !ir t'nf" your fji'lf-'- for a tory Eond with your banker now? Alice Darling underwent nn opera, tlon for the removal of tonsils and adonolds at Mercy hospital Saturday. Her recovery is expected to bu rapid. Mr. A. U. Wenthorford. of the In ternal Rovonuo Department, was In tho city a few days this week chock ing up tho tobacco stocks In the var ious local stores. Mr. and Mrs. John llwlsoy enter- talnatt quite h number uf the little folk of Springfield VlnKit th ! occasion being tho birthday of their i little daughter. i j Corporal Frank Hill, who recently ' received his honorable discharge from tho Marines at Syracuse. X. Y., was the dinner guo9t of Dr. and Mrs. Jteb- ban Monday evening. Mr. John Senvey was a visitor In the city Thursday from his Hop Is land ranch. While here ho attended the Auto show in Eugene and pur chased a Kordson tractor. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gay left Sunday for Corvallls, where they will mako their home. Mr. Gay having nccoptod a position with the Southern Pacific company at that place. Earl Hall, of Donna, met with a painful though not serious accident Wednesday while chopping wod, the axo glancing and striking Mr. Hall In tho leg, cutting quite a gash. Mrs. D. W. Sturgls left Monday for Cottage Grove, whore she will Join her husband who left hero some time ago to accept a position there In a garage. They will make that city their future home. Mrs. Sue Geil and her mother, Mrs. Cell, were dollghtfully entertained at a dinner given In her honor by Mrs. O. B. Kessey. Mrs. Gell Is a nurse and has Just recently returned from France. Otto Nettleton, eon of Mrs. Gcorgle ! Nettleton, arrived In Springfield Sat urday evening from Camp Lewis. whero ho received his discharge from the service. He will return to Port land In a few day8 whero he expects to work In tho' shipyards. A. D. Moe. the tailor, who Is now located at Astoria, arrived Saturday evening for a few days' visit with his family. Mr. Moe is impressed by tho bright outlook in Springfield, and may decide to return here during the sum mer and again enter business. Charles R. Warren, formerly night clerk of tho Smeade hotel in Eugene, but lately manager of the Merchants' Dispatch in the same city, died this morning. Mr. Warren was quite well acquainted in Springfield and ylclnltv and a wide circle of friends will uc grieved to learn of his passing. Ray Jenkins, accompanied by Mrs. Jenkln3, have returned to Springfield to reside after a two years' absence. Mr. Jenkins formerly conducted a cleaning establishment hero, but will now be employed by tho Booth-Kellv mill. He contempates purchasing acreage ::ar town and engage in Canning to diversify his activities. EGGIMANN'S OVERHAULING BAKERY DEPARTMENT. Eggimann's bakery departmtnt is undergoing an extensive overhauling this week. The walls are being cal cimined and all equipment put in firs? class condition Tor the production of goods of quality under the direction of Mr. Manchester, master baker, who recently took charge of this depart ment. Tomorrow several special.? will be on sale, such as cream puffs, layer cakes, cookies, doughnuts; etc., and a trial of these goods will con vince anyone of their superior qual ity. LETTERS WORK FOR VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN Vours tor the Victory Loan. A piomlnent business man of St. Louis haB suggested that If all business letters were signed In this manner the thought of the Victory Llbeity Loan would be so firmly Impressed on everyone's mind that It would be much oasler to lalse the Ifi.OOO.owi one to be a sited for by tho government beginning with the fjfth drive April 21. Make your letters worlc for the Vic tory Lean. Start In now to boost. Mako the slogan "Yours for the Vic tory Loan," help put t)ie fifth dilve over the top. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, an tliey raiiiint reuL'li tlie ae;U of the illiiwiHt'. Cu tanh Ih a blood or cmstltullnal illiM-ano, and In order to cure il you imiHt t.ikti In ternal reini'dlcg. Hull's Catarrh Cun- l taken Internally, ami tu'U directly upon Hit: Wood and uiucmiH surface. Ilnll'tf Catarrh cum In not a quark medicine. It a prmurlljeU l,y Die of the bunt phy ii Inns In this i i.untry fur yearn and I tt tegular piMJcilpilnri. It '. eompoaei of the lfit tonteM known, eoinhlned with the ben I blood piirlilern, m-tln directly on tin ttiuiou surfiu-eu. The mrfc.ri combina tion of tha two !'iKrodln?3 Ih what im dures such wonderful iraullH In ntrliiK eil-nih He-,il for t. stll'i,in!:ilH t ri i I'. .1 CUKNKV & C(. -i,. Toledo. O. : . a i in Lin it'. i i r.' 'tAhr li'UIS 1 U It . I" 8 10. r il i.,p:nlon Your Furniture You are Koing to need a fow iilocoti of FUUNl TL'UE and a RUG or two this sprliiK to brlwhtou up your, homo or replace tho old one ami you will find a big assortment HERE both In furni ture and rugs to select from. We want your business and will give you the best possible ser vice at all times and a DOLLAR'S WORTH OF GOODS FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT WITH US. Come in and let us figure with you whether you want .one pleco or a complete outfit. "Wo can SAVE YOU MONEY." Brauer & Coiiley Cor. Ninth and Oak, Eugene The Grandoldope ' With shock absorbers ' In tho bosom of hijs trousers With an accident policy Upon his person And camoutlagcd Like a battleship To deceive the enemy Dill Hall Went "over tho top' In the Odd Fellows last night And Is working today. And his next door neighbor, John Wlnzenreld Sowed more wild oats Monday night Dy blowing himself For a scat At the Mutt and Jeff show Just sixteen feet south Of tho front row beauty chorus. And out of the twenty-four Male occupants Of the bald-pate row John was tho only ono Who had a Thatch on his roof. To Identify him WaB a cinch. The diy Is fast approaching When Springfield again Pays tribute to tho Eugene Ico Trust. Wouldn't It freeze you? 2 WAR TANKS TO ADVERTISE VICTORY LOAN Each PaciiV Coast State to Get at Least One Tank to Aid Fifth Drive Twelve :anks which i'ave been as signed to the Twelfth Federal Reserve District lot use during tho Victor) Liberty Loan drive opening April 21 have been assigned to the seven states In the district so that each state In the district will get at least one ot the tanks to dlspiay during the campaign Tho tanks have been ast, gned as fol lows: Two to Washington, one to Oregon, one to Idaho, one to Utah rno to Nevada, two to Northern Call and two to Southern California and Arizona. The remaining two tanks a.e to be carried o- special trophy trains which will tcur the district. Tankb In Sham Battle Veterans oi the American Expedl ilonary Fortes who have seen nctual service In France will be. tho drivers of tho tanks during the enmpaign. He foi-o being distributed throughout the dlttrlct for tho opet.lng of tht. cam oaten the tanks will parade itwSan Francisco and give a sham battle. 1 All of tho tanks are being shipped 1 from the East direct to San Francisco ! 'Pltrx ns tiiA In arrive thorn ntmilf liu at u uwu April (i when they will be taken to a four acre tract near tho Southern Pa cific freight yards and assembled by the men who are to drive them. Kach of the limits will bo armed with a Mariln machine gun or 37 M.M. smoke bombs with special plttols and lights. Dltplay of War Relics In addition to the tntiks tho special trophy trains will car.y a co-npleto display of relics which havo been gathered on tho biittlellolds of France and which havo been hipped bad: to this country, since tho signing of the armistice. Accompanying each of the trains will lie an American war hero who will speak for the Mclory Loan One of tii' trains wl'l tour 'bo North v,est and the other will travel thioimb California and, tin South wei-t. 1 r."n v your jU rl. tlon to ttie N't vu Needs NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been appointed ns ad-, minlstrator of the estate of HnrrlBon ; ,11. Gray, deceased, by tho County Court of Lano county. All persons having claims ngalnst snld estate aro hereby notified to llle tho same duly i verified with tho administrator at tho i law office of Williams & llean, In En- i gene, Oregon, within six (C) months j from the dato of II rut publication of ' this no'.'.co. Dato of first publication of this notice April 4. 191D. J. W. HEUQMAN, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of thV Interior. 17. S. Land Olllco nt Rcjobttrg, Oro. . March G, 1919 j Notlco is hereby given ;hat Isaac . Newton Illanton, of Eugene, Oregon, who, on May -I. 1915. made Home stead Entry, Serial No. 01012S. for a tract of 101. S2 acres In unsurvoyed Sec. 3G. Tp. 20 S.. It. 3 E. W. M.. described by motes nnd bounds, us follows: Deglnnlng at cornor No. 1. j front whence tho nunrtor-section cor ner on east line of Section 35, same township, bears N. 89 57' W., 19.99 elm; theuco ,N. 20.45 chs; thencu E. 39.98 chs: thence S. 20.48 chs; thence W. 9.94 chs; thonco S. 10 chs; thence W. 20 chs; thenco N. 10.04 chs; thonco W. 9.9G chs; to place of beginning; has filed notice of Intontlon to mako final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land nbovo described, before E. O. Immcl, U. S. Commis sioner, at his olllco, at Eugcno, Ore gon, on the 15th dny of April, 1919. As this land Is within a section granted to the Statn for school pur poses, tho Stato of Oregon is spec ially eltod. Claimant names as witnesses: C. M. Dunning, of Onkrldgo, Ore gon; A. V. Ityker, of Oakrldge, Oro gon; F. H. Chonowcth, of Oakrldgo, Oregon; and Earl Hubert, of Oakrldge, Oregon. W. H. CANON, Itoglster. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Lane County. Alma A. Jarvls, plaintiff, vs. Charles j W. Jarvls, defendant. To Charles W. Jarvls, tho above named defendant: In the namo of tho Stato of Oregon, you aro hereby summoned and re quired to bo and appear in tho nbovo entitled Court nnd suit and nuswur the complaint of tho plaintiff filed ' herein ngafnst you within six weeks i from tho dute of tho first publication , of this summons, March 21st, 1919, , And If you so fall to answor said com-1 plaint within said time, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho rollof prayed for, to-wlt: for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing by and between you and plaintiff, for tho custody of the minor children mentioned in said complaint, and for full relief. This summons Is served upon you by publication In the Springfield Nows, a nowspaper pub lished In Springfield, Lano County, Oregon, and weokly, for six consecu tive weeks, by order of Hon. G. F. Sklpwortb, Judgo of tho abovo Court; said order being mndo and entered of record March 18, 1919, directing tho publication thereof. The dato of the first publication pro scribed by said order Is March 21, 1919, and last dato May 2, 1919. C. M. KISSINGER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, Eugone. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Itosoburg, Oro. March i2, 1919. Notlco is hereby givon that Frank L. McQueen, of Mabel, Oregon, who, on April 24, 1912, mado Homestead Entry, Serial No. 07908, for thoSW'i NWtf hnd JSVt NW'i, Section 20, Township 15 S, Kanga 1 E, Willamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to mako final Flvo-ycttr proof, to establish claim to tho land above des cribed, before E. O, Immol, U. S. Com missioner, at his olllco, tit Eugene, Oregon, on tho 22nd day of April, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: (!. W. Itlggs, of Mabel, Oregon; II. M. Itlggs. of Mabel! Oregon; Adolf I loll, of Mabel, Orogon; and William Illack, of Marcola, Orogon. W. II. CANON, Register.. NOTICE OF 8ALE OF REAL PROP ERTY BY ADMINISTRATOR. Notice Is hereby given Hut under and by vlrtuo of an order of the t'ouii- sty ixi'-fcuu-'r ir, if r,iiry'i hi w t ati , n .t THE "FEDERAL RESERVE" BANKING SYSTEM, OF WHICH OUR BANK IS A MEMBER, IS THE BEST BANKING SYSTEM EVER THOUGHT OUT. THE MEMBER BANKS HAVE PUT 137 MILLIONS OF GOLD INTO THE U. S. TREASURY. ON THIS GOLD THE GOVERNMENT ISSUES MONEY. WE CAN GET MONEY WHEN WE WANT IT BY TAKING OUR SECURITIES TO OUR DISTRICT "FEDERAL RESERVE" BANK. YOU CAN GET YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU WANT IT WHEN YOU ARE A DEPOSITOR IN OUR BANK. LET'S DO BUSINESS. COME IN. BANK WITH US. Wise up on tobacco says "A lot of you fel lows are cheating yourselves out of real tobacco satis faction. That's what I get out of good old Gravely." Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug, packed in pouch. ty Court, of Lano County, Oregon, ' .any uiauu oy sam Court on the 21st day ot March, 1919, authorizing and directing T. H. Garrett, tho Adminis trator of said estate, to make such sale, as such Administrator (if tho real estuto, hereinafter described, I will on Friday, tho 2d day of May, 1919, at tho hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the southwest door of tho Lano County, Court House, In Eugone, Lnno County, Oregon, offer for s'alo and sell nt public auction uud public salo to tho highest and best bidder for cash in hand and for tho highest and beat prico obtain able therefor, all tho right, tltlo, and ; lntorcst of Etta K. E. Preston, de ceased, and of hor ostato, In and to tho following doscrlbed roal estate, to-wlt: Lot Sovontoon In Dlock Flvo, FnlrmounL now a pnrt of tho City of Eugono, Lano County, Oregon. Said salo to bo subject to confir mation by said County Court. T. 31. GARRETT, Administrator. 8UMMON8 In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Lano County. Tho Ilooth-Kolly Lumbor Company, plaintiff, v, Frank Uuiyjoss; also all other persons nnd parties un known claiming any right, title, os tato, lien or interest in the real property described in tho complaint horein, defendants, To Frank Hurgoss; also all other porsons nnd parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, Hon, or lntorcst, In tho real property des cribed in, tho complaint horein; In tho namo of tho Stato of Oregon, you aro hereby summoned to answer tho complaint filed ugnlnst you In tho nbovo entitled cause and court within hlx weeks from tho first publication ot this summons, nnd If you fall so to dppcar and answor, for want there of, plaintiff will tako Judgment against you for tho rollof demanded lit the complaint, numely, that plain, tiff Is the owner and Iji possession of tho following real property. North-wt-t duarti r of section !2, Tp. in H. of Rawo 1 E. of tho Wlllainbttn Mer id'ai". lii Lrni.- County, Oregon; that ;ou h. vo no right, lll'.c, e no, lion S r-' i tt'uj ifc m MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE STSTEM OF BANKS Buck Good taste, smaller chew, longer life iswlmt makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. Writ to . Ghnuinp. Gkavbly DAN VILLI!. VA. for boolltt on (hrwlng pluf. or Interest therein, and quieting plain tiff's title from all claims held or aborted by you, ami for Hitch other relief as may ho Just. This summons Is served upon you by publication by virtue of an order of tho irtin. G. F. Sklpwortb, Circuit Judgo, dated Feb ruary 27, 1919, directing that this summons 'tie served upon you by pub lishing tho same once In ench weok for six successive weeks in tho Springfield News, and that you ans wer tho same within six wooka from the first publication thereof. This summons Is so first published Fobnulry 28, 1919. S. D. ALLEN, Attorney for plaintiff, .10 8th Ave. W Eugono, Oro. D. W. ROOF JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, - OREGON & FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY riOHEUT IJURNB Lodge, No 78, A. M. P Annlont am Accoptod Scottish Rite Unl vursnl and Symbolic Fret Masons moots first nnd thin Friday ovonlng In W. O. W hall. Visiting brothora wel- com (i, P. A. Johnson Secretary Chas. Klngswoll It. W. M. Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST SUTTON DLDQ. - - PHONE 20-J RESIDENCE PHONE 129-W W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER . FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ofileo Phono 02; Residence 07-1 West Main at. 1 JSQ- i