The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 21, 1919, Image 1

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Kiitnrod February 24, 1003, ut Springfield, Oregon as sec
ond olnfii mnttor undor net of Congress of Mnroh, 1870.
Only Son of Mr. and Mrs.
Zachariah Collins of
This City.
Enlisted In 20th Forestry Engineers
In 1017 and Experienced
Much Service
Mr and Mrs, Znchnrlah Collins ru
colvod by wlro today from llio War
Dopnrtmont thu sad nows of tho death
of tholr only hoii, Pvt. Lester C. Col
Hub, In Franco, on February 2. Tho
cause of his doath was reported as
pneumonia and meningitis that duvol
oped from an Incipient attack of
I.uHter C. Collins wan born In Cot
tno Orovo 31 yo'nrs ago, but linn
lived In Sprlngflotd most nil his life
Ho enlisted nt IOukimio In 1017 and
was assigned to duty with tho 20th
Forestry Engineers which regiment
1'nn experienced much nctlvo und haz
ardous Bervlco oversons.
HyHldoH his pnrcnts, ho loaves flvo
jjlntors to mourn his loss; Mrs, For
rest Frltts, of Sprlngflold; Mrs. LcS'
tcr MllllRnn, of Wnltervlllo; Mrs. O,
O. Voss, of Portland; Mrs. Itiiy Perry
p"d Mrs, Bruco Stewart, of Ccdarvlllc,
Pass $10,000,000 Bond Bill.
Snloin, Or., Fob. 20, WJth four
votes roglstorjd against It, tho big.
gost piece of lobulation this sosslon,
tho 110,000,000 road bond bill, passed
tho senate late this afternoon and
go to tho governor for his signature
Immediately upon tho approval of
Governor Wlthycomho tho vast fund
for carrying on Oregon's road pro
pram will ho available, as tho bill
has aTi omorgoncy clauso.
Defies Burleson Edict
'Snlt LaKo.Clty, February 20. Tho
public utllltlos cotnmUslon of Utah
today Issued an ordor to all tolophono
conipanlos that tho rates and charges
of sorvlco as stipulated by Post-master-General
Burleson should not
bo rocognlzcd hero.
Tho commission doclnrod that tho
postniaster-gencral-s order was con
trary to tho laws of Utah.
Exporloncod Merchant Will Run
Dry Goods and Clothing
, institution. a
In tho Injustlco Court of tho Stato
of Oregon for tho County of Lano:
Frank' DoPuo, complainant, vs. Union
Underwear Co., defendant
Nestling yforaowhoro In tho archive
of civil action, an ominous looking
complaint bearing tho . above title,
sots forth ono tnlo of tribulation and
woo of an honorod citizen, nblo dis
ciple of Illackstono and tho Cyc. and
aBldo from tho insatiable doslro to
anglo for tho sportlvo trout on Sun
day, a followmau who would stack
up pretty well with Christians, chiro
practors, gnragcmoii, editors and Kes
soy tho Napoloon of Finance, and not
suffer much by comparison. Most of -Frank finally Invested In a suit. They
Needle Club Meets.
Thunid'ay afternoon tho Pino Ncodlo
Sewing Club hold thelrflrst mooting
of tho year ut thu homo of Mrs. Karl
Girard, Tljo afternoon wnff spent in
conversation and noodlo work after
which refreshments wcro sorved.
Now o Ulcers woro elected for tho
coming yoar, Mlnnlo Girard . bplng
chosen president.
' MombuVu of tho Club present wcro:
Corn lllnson, Rosa Montgomery, l)n,)la
Peterson, Georgia Darling, Mrs. Mc
Lognn, Mary Itoberts, Kathcrlno Hor
ton, Harrlotto Casteol, Lily Klzur,
Sarah Nelson, Mary Maglll, EmIJy
Borlty, Edytho Larimer, Mlnnlo air
nrd, Nina McPhorson.
us have at least one besetting sin
that wo aim to keep secret But Frank
DoPuo with a courago that baffles
all understanding openly flaunts his
weaknesses and apologizes to no man.
Doing a- lawyer hp can prepare an
alibi for olhors, but novor has ono for
himself. Ho simply confesses his mis
doods and proceeds to "pass tho
buck" to tho first tribunal that will
listen to him. Ho is so brazen, how
evor, In making his confessions, that
tho court out of admiration for the
characteristic, lots him go scot free.
But back of tho record of Frank
DoPuo vs. Union Underwear Co.,
(pago C48 of tho Docket) is n long
stretch of history.
When "You and I Woro Young,
Maggie," Frank had reached that ago
whoro callow youth had ilnlshod Its
It. W. Nowland, for a long tlmo as
sociated with tho Follman-Nowland
Co., In Eugene, will open a first-class
dry goods and clothing storo In tho innings and budding manhood began
Odd Follows Building about March 1G to crano Its neck looking for a "ca-
This portion of tho Odd Follows reer-" Tll0r was nothing frlvoloirs
llulldlnc was formerly occimle.l hv n nbout Frnnk at thls critical stage In
store and adapted in nil respects ig
now rig styled "union suits'' clam
ored to bo hung on tho ruggod framo
bf man and conform with artful snug
Hess to tho contour of lovely woman.
" When Frank first discovered In a
department storo window shapely
fomlnlnb war models attired In tho
butt'pnk'suj enticements, ho nearly had
a: relapsA Tic changed his motto from
"Safety First" to "United Wo Stand;
Divided Wc Fall," and hit the storo
manager for a Job as window-dresser,
Ho lldn got It.
With visions of all that Tie saw and
all that he had hoard of the new
fangled wear spurring him onward,
i life's Journey. Ho didn't stub his too
ono. Other than a-Xow minor changes
tut little refitting will bo mado neces
sary, as commodious shelving, coun
ters, etc., nro already Installed.
Mr. Nowland la regarded by all h!s ,
acquaintances as a progressive, clean
cut merchant, and ono whom Spring-j
Held and .vicinity may well- fool proud
to have in tholr' midst.
Mr. Nowlaud's advent Into tho bUBl-
lips circles of Springfield, may well
mark tho turning of tho tldo in tho
affairs -of thffc. community that have
felt the slump brought on by tho tur
moil of wnr conditions. As affairs nro
gradually readjusted wo nro Justified
on any vamplrlBh bewilderments,
whatsoever. Ho shied from tho prim
rosopath of dalllanco with neatness
ahd""dlspatch and novor ran foul of
a curfew ordinance Ho had settled
convictions of what was what ho be
lieved In having but ono wifo at a
time and that ono bis own. His motto
was ';safcty First''
Thus ho started out In llfo with
no handicaps except one. And that
Is, the nucleus In his hls'tory that fi
nally evolved last week In impelling
him to file a dosporatd action at law,
Hack In tho days when spring-bottomed
pants and a doublo-breaBted
coot woro tho vogue, Frnnk struggled
with atrocities In underwear that
... u. ....... nBC(, nm prcmnturey Tncy wero tho
to at least a resumption of normal ! UBUn, ,...., vnrlntv , Woi.
activity in business and Industry. 80CtIon belng bult wUh a M m
Others will come In hero looking foriUro . nt ,nt mnn thn aUm
I " - - U VMU DII1U
Returns to Portland.
Clark Rurgnrd, n nophow of .Mrs.
I). A. Washburno, returned to his
.iiu.uu ui i-urumiu .uuiiuiiy nuor vis- i-'h u., u,.j u. iu .iHu-. t(!iow took chances on kooplng them
uing wuii nis aiini una jiucio lor ni- unu imiru u muuu u hid iiik
niOBo a week. Mr, llurgard has Just 'trado contiguous to Sprlngflold, It Is
rotumod homo from a London hoa- o certainty they will got It
pHal, whoro ho had boon for somo I To all such tho News and everyone
tlmo convalosclng from n wound ro-' olso mindful of broader Interests than
colved whllo In nctlvo sorvlco on tho merely "self" will 'oxtend a wolcora-
wcBtorn front. Ho was. engaged In Ing hand and novor pass by tho oppor- tremlttes until tho waistband clung
hoth tho Mlhlol drlvo and tho Ar- tunlty to glvo each nnd evory ono a invini-iv .mnmi
r - , " -'!- w iitivvo turn ttu
up or on. Tho top button was of
no use oven If it staged on after tho
first round trip to tho washtub. When
Frank put his on, tholr downward
careor began after breakfast and con
tinued tholr mad climb down his ox-
gouuo forest fight.
boost by word and deed.
Another first-class hardware store,
" (Mofo clerks more payroll) ' .
Ono flrst-cla'ss furniture atoroi' -
(Moro clorks moro pnyrolljf
Oire combination' moVing picturo houso and theatre.
' (Moro employes moro payroll) - ' .
, One conimorcjal stationery, ofllco supply and
'.,'' - hook storo. ' ' ,
.v , (Moro clerks moro payroll) ,
- '
. ' Ono gflsollno farm tractor agaMcy. ,
(Moro clorks moro payroll)
( Ice Factory and Cold Storagk Plant
(Moro ompioyos moro pnyroll star Investment
' " One live Commercial Club .
walked like ho had tho spring halts'
By tho time Frank had reached
(that ago whero his girth had grown
j to tho extent of commanding public
.attention and respect and tho top
'button could perform its function, o,
oxcecdod his fondest expectations, and
while he did not quite cut the grace
ful figure of tho modern Vonyscs in
thd storo window, be did experience
a aenso of comfort and security.. He
faced tho -world with a dare-devil'
light jn bis eyo, took the Btump in
his own behalf, and was oloctcd city
attorney by a big majority. His ca
reer, with the hidden handicap rele
gated to tho past, was filled with
budding promise and rejuvenated hil
Thus had Prank DoPuo spent tbo
meridian of life In peace. But lately
there fell a fly in the ointment Ho
doesn't know how it happened, but
liq has suspicions. Rather than volco
his 'suspicions, ho suffers in silence.
He maintains a calm exterior, but his
spirit is in a lurid, seething upheaval
of turmoil and woe. In the background
of Ills winter of discontent a union
suit turned wrong side out sheds its
hideous distortion athwart the .hori
zon. "Who ofoes ItT" he grumbles to him
self. v
"And why?" he thunders.
''Don't tho tarnation fools know
that there, is no cure for a union suit
thai has been crippled like that?"
And every week lately It has been
go., llke a lamb -led to the alaugajer.
he allpsN blindly into them too late
to discover that' his right leg will
havo to bo amputated and moved over
on tho other, side. Either that, or his
block must be readjusted to' face
backward. Tho exits for the arms
turn inwardly, so he has to get in
from tho outside and then dislocate
his spine to right about face. If be
gets in with the buttons in front, be
has to walk backwards to get down
town. If the buttons nre in tho back,
he has to turn his trousers the same
way, and then nobody knows whether
he is going or coming. He doesn't
know, himsolf.
There Is no relief in sight
Nobody knows how it happens and
Failing to discover anyone who
harbors sufficient malice toward him
to hobble him designedly, he attrk
butcs tho distorted garments to the
makers thereof and seeks redress in
the courts.
Falling to obtain mercy, ho
mnnds Justice..
It will bo a fight to a flnlshr
May the best man win! .
Lincoln Student Body Gives' Party.
Tho 8A Student Body of tho Lin
coln school had a yalcntlno party
February. 14, In the Lincoln school
building. After an enjoyablo evening
light refreshments were sorved, Thoso
present were: Iteta Johnson, Lillian
Baker, Dorothy Ditto, Aleno Larimer,
Margaret McElhaney, Winnlfrcd War
pole, Gladys Jones, Golden Nelson,
Edith Cyr, Thclma Stark, Thclma
Hastings, Grace Shahan, Gladys Nys
trom, Alice Mortensen, Phyllis Kes
ter, Ellen Tonfseth, Vernlta Morrison,
Pcrnllla Brattaln, Vivien Senseney,
Willard Bruce, "Wendell McKlnney,
Waller Laxton, Wilbur Hayden, Wil
liam Llndley, Jtufus Miller, Horace
Myres, Lawrence Bowcrman, Bernard
Bean, Merlo Casteel, Theo. Coglll,
and Dwight Kessey. The teachers
who were present were: Miss Logan,
Miss Hamilton, Miss Smith, Miss
Strausser, 'and Mr. Baker.
Harry Archer Indicted As Re
sult of Check-Raising
Tax of One Mill On All Prop
erty in State Pro
" " ' vided.
Counties Required to Match Money
'Secured From State 'Source
for Highway Improve-
Harry Archer, 19 years old, is in
Jail as a Vesult of a check-raising
operation by which he attempted to
victimize Cox & Cox a few days
ago. Evidence against the young man
was so conclusive that District At
torney L. L. Ray immediately secured
his indictment by the grand Jury. ITfi
will enter his plea today.
With apparent design Ar.cher cashed
a check for $3 for another boy who
had received the check fromGeprge
Croner in payment for a dog Mr.
Crner had purchased from the boy.
Archer immediately set abo'dt to
rralso tbo . $3 to $35- and. presented
htr"al''' QTo Coxv& CoxDepartinent
Store where payment was refused.
His arrest followed.
That Terrible Headache
Do you ever have periodic attacks
of headache accompanied by sickness
of the stomach or vomitinga sallow
Bkin and dull eyes? If so, you can get
quick relief by taking Chamberlaln'3
I Tablets as directed for biliousness,
and you may beable to avoid these
attacks if you observe the directions
with each package ,
Salem, Oregon, Feb. 20. To enabla
the construction of strictly farmer
roads, the senate today passed sea
ate bill 2S3, which provides for a tax
of 1 mill on all the taxable property
In Oregon, a total of about $1,000,090. ,
There will be available $2,000,000 a
year for the construction of exclu
sively farmer roads, providing the
house follows the example of the sen
ate and passes senate bill 283, and
providing that the people, to whom
the measure is referred, also favor
it at tho next election. This Is the
sort of measure that the' Oregon state
grange lias been crying for and It is
the combined product .of Senator
Pierce, Senator Patterson and Former
Senator II. N. Day.
It is estimated by the tax depart
ment that the 1 mill will raise "51,000
000 a year. This tax is separate from
the -mll tax, for general road par
poses. The 1-raili tax will go into a
fund to be used for matching mosey
from the counties. Any county which
desires to get a share of this firad
must put up dollar for dollar. It i-8
expressly provided that no coanty
shall receive less' than the amouat-oC
money that it contributes' under the
'l.mlll, wltKKtheKfeKceptiea of Halt-ncmah.
In Multnomah about $360,000 will be
raised, but Multnomah cannot have
more than $100,000 the sum. The .
remaining $260,000 of Multnomah
money goes Into the Jackpot to aid
the other counties.
Another provision is that the coun
ty courts and not the state highway
commission will expend the money in
building roads, although the highway
commission will lend Its engineering
force. Under the distribution, any
county, excepting Multnomah, will re
ceive from one-third to one-half more
than the money It puts in.
To share In this, however,, counUes
must raise a fund to match the
amount- they want from this special
fund. As explained to the senate, the
bill, when counties cbroperate, will
raise $2,000,000 cash for farmer roa.Ia
each year until such' time, as the law
Is repealed. '
Gorgeous Rajnbow Yesterday
Rivets Attention of
- Many. . r '
This Bpacc donated by
Two wooks" ago Br'or Groundhog
came' out from under and looked in
vain for his shadow. According to
tho ditno in such cases made and
provldod, wo woro supposed to havo
a reasonably proscribed amount oj
good wenthor thereafter. Instead tho
dopo lifts boon encumbered with "ro-
vorso ongllflh" and tho brother's rep
utation aB n reliable prophot has re
ceived a stnggorlng blow,
Yostorday ,uhothor sign appeared In
tho h'bavons that bids us hopo on. It
watt tho most beautlfullost rainbow
over., A poet would rove over It und
a pointer would go mad over It Being
notthor, wo must conflno oursolvca
to tho simple announcement that ono
end of tho' aforesaid startod In tho
roar of tho Methodist church and tho
other loaf Itsolf In the wild fnstneaeoa
of 'Coburg whoro tho distillery dls.
tllloth no moro and Stlcklos stlckoth
iiui. lyiuii 41 iiuri.umiH, uupuuuui BUJ ;
woro dissolved In tho ethereal noth
ingness, the gloom deepened In) the
lowering clouds, and ns the News
goes to press, woro still leaking o'er
tho landscape.
And tho next day It rained.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Myers enter-,
talned Friday ovoning In honor of
their ncico, Miss Lucile Wylle, whose
biithdny was,-on Vnlentlne .day. The
decorations, games and favors were
appropriate for the Valontlno season.
After a Jolly evening with games,
rofroshments. wero sorved. Guests:
Lucllo Wylle, Kenneth Wyllo. Gladys
Chase, Mori Chaso, Carol Chaso, Hal,
lie Bryan, Helen Bryan, Clifford Bry
an, Ray Bryan, Doris Myers, Mr. and t
Mrs, Myers.
"I wlslr I know what I could use i
these tiny plocos of cloth for," mused
tho wifo,
"Majke guest towels of them," ob
served tho husband. y
Big Surprise to Many In Springfield.
, Poopla nro surprlsod at tho IN
STANT action of simple buckthprn
bark, glycerine, etp., as mixed in Ad-lor-l-ka.
ONE SPOONFUL flushos the
ENTIRE bowetract so completely It
rolleves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas
or constlpatlon'ftnd prevents appen
dicitis, Tho INSTANT, pleasant ac
tipn of Adlor-l-ka surprises "hoth. doc-
tors nnd patients, It removes foul
matter wlitch poisoned ydut 'qtomacti
;eth not, But after Its radiant hues, ' for months. M. M.-Peery 3rus Co".
wm mm