1 "I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Kntorod February 24, 1003, at Bprlngflold, Oregon as.soc onil'dauM iimttor unilor net of Congress of March, 1870. SPRINGFIELD, ,LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1919. VOL XVIII, NO. 4. FRED E. LEMLEfS . LETTER THRILLS CWoa Interesting Rocltnl of tho Trnln of Evonts In Franco. 4 Mrs, Vina, McLean, of thla city, In In receipt pMtnJntoiuoly interesting ntor from hor rfn, Fred 13. Lemloy, who la with tho 301 Ambulance com pany In Franco. It roads: ' Proven, Belgium, ; Decoinbor 19, 1010. Dpar Mothor: ' Proven la it town of perhaps 200 pcoplo, boforo tho war, Just otic ntrcot which la tho rood between Yproa and Dunkirk. It la near tho bor dor botwoon Dolglum and Franco. Wo nro not far from Yproa, about 12 or ID kilos. Yproa, boforo tho war win tho homo cantor of tho world. Thoro nro not many horses left, but tho on wo do boo aro aura dandloa. All tho pcoplo hero at l'rovon apoak good KukINU with tho English accent. Tlio British hnvo boon In hdro slnto tho boglnnlng of tho wnr. Our homo la now their old bnrrucka which nro mndo of corrugatod Iron with board finish Inaldo; tho outaldo la camou flaged to reaomblo trees and tho Kround. Of courao you know long boforo now that wo wore in Belgium and l hud aeon qulto a little action. Tho tnaln drive hero was known oh tho LyH-Sholdt drive, and bollovo mo, It waa auro aome drive. Something llko n rabbit drive In Eastern Oregon. At times It waa hard to keep up. A fow days our train waa rovloWod. A Fronch Major mado us a talk after tho review In which ho thaiikdd us and told us what a wonderful, poo plo wo woro and what wondorful eoldloro wo. had boon, etc., and tint It was tho American who had mado victory .possible. All quite true. Wo aro soon to rccolvo our dlvl Rldn Insignia. It will bo a pine trco to bo worn on tho left shoulder. Jan. 12th we shall ba entitled to our first aorvlco hor. Then thoro will bo our French and Belgian aorvlco bars. Somo think wo should havo docorn tlona for special citations, but as wc hnvo won only two and It requires tli r eo, It In hardly probable wo will set that honor. Did not got over hero t Boon onoiiRh. You pcoplo nt homo must havo had x somo time on tho 11th of Jiaat month. Vi'o havo been Booing pnpont from all porta of tho home country and It sooms to hnvo boon tho sanio every where. A cabloRrnm was road to us from the Euroiio Chamber of Com-'' bawl aomoono out, and It Js a little mlldor than tamo other things that might ho ftnld. Ho .told u how ho would llko to bo back In' tho U. 8. and that Gormnny was whlppod. Wo MARIUEI-Prlnco-WIJon CURRENT EVENTS IN TWO REELS At tho offlco of Judge J. O. Wells, In Eu gene Fobruary 4, 1010, NIol V. l'rlnco and Ituby V. Wilson, tho Judgo olllclatliiR. could, not bollovo much ho said and told him that wo' hardly thought Springfield lurgo enough for ua nnl him. I am sorry but I cannot rcmom her his numo. Alinilt. all I tin nnwm nvnr hnrn timf now la concerning tho poacp confer- , fow " tW" ,B n" .oro wn" to oncoj and,. of course, tho President ll "9 rcapoctoblo family newspaper takes up a gopd.dcal of our talk, Wilson has something llko two mil Hop friends and admirers in tho A. E. F. I "IhihkSthoro is somothlnR like two, million of .us over hero. Well, ruobb I will mako thla do for thla time. With lovo, ' FRED Pvt. Fred E. Lemloy, 3C1 Ambulanc-J Co., 310 San. Train, A. K. P. LOCAL TALENT SCORES HIT "Bought and Paid Fcr" Highly Pleases Audience Last Evening To Be ' Qlven Again Tonight, Tho falr-alzod crowd that proofed tho performance of "Bought and I'al i For," produced by local talent nt tho Doll Theatre lust -evening, were treat ed fo a most pleasant surprjao In tho way of witnessing a performance that mcnaurod up to a standard act by professionals. Every charade was ably depicted and tho wholo play rendered with n 'smoothness that brought out tho fine comedy linos that tickled tho au dience down to their toos, and mado a splendid" foil to tho strong dramat ic situations. With tho vanishing of tho skepti cism that does not tako Into account tho meritorious work nchlovod from tho ablo direction of . local talont un- that goes to church on Sunday when tho ban Is off, fend raises Old Ned tho rest of tho week, would not havo another word to Bay about this mod est Item, nut In this instanco it is but tho prologuo of a greater event. Anyway, a lot of Springfield folks know NIol Prince. Last summer ho drove an electric runabout on the Springfleld-Eugeno lino. Ho called his car n "runabout," because It would run about 200 yards, then tho trolley would fly off. Ho waa such a daro-dovll tho S. P. moguls con cluded ho could loop tho loop, so ho was incarcerated, on a College Crest "mixed" train. Princo said it was "mixed" becauso his passenger list was composed of somo aristo cratic highbrows, somo laboring classes, and somo Dolsbovlkl. Dut tho crowning ovent of Prince's faro young llfo camo to a boll, Tuos i day, and he la no longer on U)o mar ket. He's a "has-been" and ho doesn't caro. Ho' aimed to pull tho affair off quietly and go homo, and hd did all that, but that did not end tho epi sode, Itecl Two was to follow. Thoro. is a Umo-honorcd custom prevailing on tho Espeo Electric that requires a ncwlywocj to. comb across with an oyster supper for tho rest of tho bunch. If you don't believe it, ask Martin, no knows becauso ho had his Ingorsoll in soak four days paying for ono. So about 1 a, m. Wed nesday morning whon Prince thought tho day's hlllarlty was cut off and tucked in, ho was aroused by tho vigilance committee of tho Control lers of Current Events and summon od to disgorge enough loot to pay for tho chow. Prlnoo tried to com promise with somo stogies, but was notified that tho gang hadn't walked a mile through tho mud to reach his roost for anything short of a regu lar banquet, and he must observe tho rules of tho carbarn from soup to nuts, r Princo waa dead game. Ho sent tho gang to tho feed trough, but stayed by his own fire side pondering deeply over the High Cost of Loving. FLU CAUSE OF INSANITY Man Who Killed Hla Family Saved by Novel plea. . CHICAGO Dy a verdict of tho Jury In tho Criminal Court tho "flu" Is responsible for homicidal insanity. Peter Marazzo was returned insane yesterday In Judgo Wlndes' court on tho pica of his attorneys, Frank Com- orford and William Navlsato-. and t!l It Is nctually tested by tho nroslBCnt t0 Chester Asylum, after it was of public commendation. A good house .admitted no had cut tho throats of his lm . 11... n n 1 HnAMU.A... ' this, evening. Tho popular vordlct was; "If was moro than worth tho money." - Noxt week Mr. Ennui will produce with a strong casf, tho uproarious farcccoroody, "Baby Mine." PLACES BAN ON PUBLICITY Central Willamette Medical Society Requests Newapapera to Re frain From Giving Phy sicians' 'N antes. At tho last mooting of tho Contral Wllhlmotto Medical Society a resolu tion - was adopted Condomnfng tho practlco of physicians allowing tho use of their names in connection with nows Horns about accldonts, opora Hons or othor cases reported In tho nowspnpors. Newspapers' throughout tho district have boon notified of tho rnorco about tho celebration there, and " aC"?n , n"d nniP u i, ,.,- I nuostoil to refrain from giving pubH- 0 ivivi j n ito (lift npproclatod. Maybe you don't think this mndo us feel good. I think this cablegram was rood to tho entire A E. F., as I havo heard it mentioned by soldiers in othor divisions than ours. night at tho present tlmo thoro Is qulto a llttlo oxcltemont going on In this billet. Two of tho boys nro stag ing n cootie fight. This Is donoby i Inking one from ono fellow and ono from nnothor, then putting thorn on , n squaro of wlftto papor and wach ma unttio, wnicn would not bo 11 ore- or botwoon two Spanish hullo, in pro portion to size, They say tho Ger mans had thoso llttlo Insects highly trained. Havo u queer llttlo story to toll s to mo joriunos or war." this was in Franco. On tho socond day of our J drlvo in tho Argonno, wo now somo thing like a thousand Gorman prls onors being taken back. 1 think thoro woro flvo of our M. P, guarding them. They stopped for a rest closo to whoro wo had Our dressing station. As we woro all curious to sco thoso follows and try to talk to thorn, wo gathorod around. What do you think was our surprise to eoo a follow who had onco llvod in Springfield, Oregon! At tho outbreak of tho war In 1014, thlu follow was working for the Booth-Kolly Co. Ho loft and mndo his Way hack to Germany whoro ho had been fighting h with them over olnco, til) tnkon prlsonpr by tho Am ericana, ' Ho told us that thla wastho first tlmo ho had faced tho Amorlcaus and that it was tho first, tfmo ho had had M iA '..I.'.. I. -I- the, U, S. had entered ho war'Woll, 'Raspiiorry" is qulto' a "popular, say. 3ng Jn tlio army when pno Van"to city to tho physlclnns' names In re porting such ovonts. wife, Angelina, and life four children, Jctnmn, aged C; Arturo, aged 4; Al berto, agod 2, and Fpstlno, an infant of G months, on tho night of October 22, ,ln their li'omc, 650 Sjputh Morgan stroet. Thoro was no question as to tho oyidonco. It was admitted that Mar- ailo had used a potato-paring knife and a Btllotto that night and murdered his wholo family, and had tried to kill hlmsolt by cutting his own throat With a raror. Uut It was shown that ho had bcon a good family man;, that on the day of tho murders ho had bought ono of his children a velocipede; that he was not in lovo with any other wo man; that his wifo was not suspected of affection for any other mnrr; that thoro was no motive in insurance or othor financial consideration for tho killing. - U was also ahown that Marazzo had boon a stoady-golng worker and that DIM Menaces Small High Schools. Bollovlng that the repeal of the county high school fund law which is being sought In bill No. 63 which has just passed tho senate will bo a death blow to tho small high schools in tho state. E. J. Moore, suporlntcn dent of Leno county schools, is pro paring a vigorous protest against' tho proposed bill which will como before the house soon Through ignorance of the facts or misrepresentation tho bill passed tho senate with but ono dissenting vote, that of Sonator J. B. Bell of Lane County, states Mr. Moore. Thoso sup porting tho bill made the claim that It was endorsed by the State Teach ore Association, Mr. Mooro says while as a matter of fact that associa tion did not meet this year because of the "flu" situation! Tbey also made the assertion that it bad tho backing of tho county school superintendents, when, Mr. Mooro states, it did not oven como up for consideration at the conference held recently. ' "Fourteen counties operate under the high school fund law by the vote of the taxpayers and all are satisfied with It," declares Mr. Moore. "It provides for a fund, mado by a uni form levy on the entire assessed val uation of thq county, which is distri buted to every high school complying with the conditions of the state board of education. The amount is based on the actual days' attendance of the pupils and in a large measure is . the support of tho small high schools. To kill It throws the burden on 'maintenance on thoro was no history of insanity or montal disorder either in his life or that of his family. Dr. Georgo Ilubln, an alienist, and! Captain in the Army, testified that, J the small district and they could not from 'observation and tho history of j live under it," tho case, in reply to a hypothetical ' ; jriuestlon by1 Attorney Comerford, the J child Study Class Started. only rcaBon ho could assign for Mar- The first meeting of the class in the az6's insanity (ho stated tho defend- child study course taught by Dr. B. ant was unquestionably insane) wasjW. DeBusk, of the school of educa a recent attack df influenza, tho taxln tion, University of Oregon, was held from the germ of tho disease, instead. this afternoon at4 o'clock in the Ltn;lnew contracts for books for tho next of lodging in the lungs and causing coin school. "" ' HbIx years. These contracts, he pointed Thfl f.'lnaa'mlll . n ; mi, lt U . 1. 1 . . V wwod .ill. tuuuuut lur A.S i WUk, l. ill uo UittUO 'Uli LUV USola OX pneumonia, or In the intestines and causing acute gastric trouble, had Iodccdin tho brain cells and wracked etorm?Hhat accounted- for tho trad don bnd acute homicidal mania. Tho Bamo plea was made by Mr. Comerford to tho Jury which found Marazzo insane at tho time of tho murder and still insane. He was com mitted tcT tho Chester Asylum. This la said to be the first case in tho histocy of criminal Jurisprudence in which , influenza has been found to cause homicidal insanity. BEAN FIGHTS FOR , TEXTBOOKS Ll Saves His Bill From Death By f Masterly Speech Yesferday. representative Bean of Lane coun ty won a signal victory in tho houso when ho. rescued hie bill for ,the pub lication and distribution at cost of school textbooks by the state, from death at the h&Hds of the educational committee, and secured its reference to trfo committee on ways and means. This reference is for tho purpose of determining whether the ways and means committee will be able to fin ance a 150,000 revolving fand pro vided for in tho bill. Representative Gordon chairman of the ways and means committee, told the house that if tho bill is found, to be as meritori ous as many members believe it to bo tho ways and means committee will find tho ?50,000 and ''appropriate it for tho purposes sought. . k Bean mado a strong speech on hla bill which unquestionably saved It from death and carried enough of .tho house with him so that expressions heard in. the debate todav Indlcntn tnat the bill has a strong chance for passage in tho "house when it. gets there on final passage. Ho pointed out that the state printing plant, since it had been .ro; moved from private control in 1913, had more than paid for itself. He made an attack on tho "book treat' and the high prices charged ?-"for.. scbaol books, and called atteaU6"to the fact that on July 1, this year, the. text book commlsion must ester into Seeks Information Major S. L. Van Valzah writes to his mother, Mrs. Berrilce Van Valzah, from Tours, France, asking for tho name nnd addresses cdany Spring field or Eugeno boys or any floy from thia vlcjnlty who is stationed In or near Tours. Mrs. Van Valzah would appreciate any such information. Tho Nows is strong for observing ethics In nil professions, so hereafter whon It rotors to Johnnv ninltnlimtnl lis havrHg'hls tonsils nnd ndenoldB oxtractod 'by ,a "local physician," you'll know who wo moan maybe. Died IUTCHEY At tho homo of his bro thor on Camp Crook, Fobruary 3, 1919, William G. Itltckoy, ago GC years, aftor an illness of a fow days. Ho1 Is survivod by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Edmlnls tor, who rosldos In1 Idaho; Mrs. F. L. Ford, of Bt. Mary's Idaho; Misa Mao Rltohoy, of Nappa, Wash, Ho fas a member of tho Molhodlst Church, and of tlio I. O. O. F. and W. O. W. fra ternal orders. Ho mas born at Greon Rivor, Colo, In 1852 nnd crossed tho plains "to Oregon with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dill Rltohoy who ottlod on camp crook in 1852. Ho was a bro ther of John M. McLqan, of this city. i HAGOHNLOCHEIt At tho homo of. her daughter, Mrs. W. 11. KIngsloy,' ot Notl, on Fobruary 3, Mrs. Catho- rlno Jlaggenlochor, nt tho ago of 84 yonrs. Sho Is survived by throo daugh ters, Mrs. J, S. Warthon and Mrs. W. 11, .KIngsloy, of Notl; and Mrs. John Mboroof Harrlsburg. Tho funornl wlllvbo hold at Not! today. i MILLER At Lniio, Oregon, near Silt- cnos hiko; E. H. Miller, at tho ago of 00 years. Mr. Miller wan fmimi (load in a boat1 and Coroner W. W. Branstqllor was pummoiiod, hut b'5-' llovod no lnquost necessary, Hoart trouble was .obviously thu cause' of his death. r . w. THERE IS BUSINESS IN 8 NEAR SPRINGFIELD or Another flrst-plnss department store. . (Aiorq clorKs moro payroll) ' . Another first-class hardware gtore. (Moro clorka moro payroll) ' ' , . f . .One ,flrst-:class furniture store. . (Moro clorks moro payroll! ' ' "- One combination moving picture. House, and theatre, ' " (More employes moro payroll) ''."!, . . One commercial stationery, ofllce supply "and ' . . book store. ". (Moro dorks moro payroll) '" ' One gasoline farm tractor agency. (Moro clerks morepayroll) ' Ice Factory and Cold Storage Plant ' (Moro omployos moro payroll star,-Jnvostinont . One live Commercial Olub ' ($$'$'$$$$$$'$) This, space donatod by THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TO. BE PUBLISHED UNTIL WE GET 'EM weeks and .will deal with child growth, development and -welfare, and child problem's In general. The course was formed primarily for the teach ors in the city schools, but Is open to anyone interested in such a study. Two University credits wiU be grant ed to anyone desiring them at the completion of tho course. Springfield feols very fortunate in having. such a class established here, as It is the first on to be organized by the .University extension division outside of Portland. ' Slackers In Wr Prove Slacke rs in Marriage. i HI-.; A Chicago Judgo is authority for tho statement that the slacker mar-I rlages of the first days of the .war constitute tho grist of the divorce mills to-day. "This only makes clear the fulfilment of a prophecy," in the opinion of tho Salt Lake "Herald," which tartly comments: "Humorists have made much of comparisons 'of War and the marriage state, often overdrawing the picture, but occasionally seasoning it with the salt of truth. What tho entertainers have, said in Jest Is based on fact. nnd Is bound to command solemn res pect as the pathetic side is revealed In tho divorce courts. "Tho deluded look upon marriage as tho curb of the Ills of discontent, forgetting tho essential qualities of a happy union. The man. without tho courage to face the war does not possess tho character of a good hus band. In hiding behind a petticoat to avoid conflict, ho has merely burled his head in the sand. Time is relent-, less, and sooner or lator musl prosent problems even more complox than tho original onlgma. "Being without the courage to face war, ho lacks (he stamina to face tho trials and tribulations ot mutual mis fortunes. As a husband he 'is no moro stable than, ho was as a warrior, and ho solves his problems by running away from thorn. A coward nt heart, ho deserts a holy union in solfish pro tection. "Tho wreckage of the matrimonial craft of the first days of war can Borvo ouly as a beacon-light to tho coming generations. Tho man who won't fight for his country won't fight for his wifo and family. Ho is to be discovered before mlsplacod confi dence becomes a lasting regret. It ia uuu uuuruiy u nuisuujino prouiom, because the girl yho marries to quit work too often finds her hours In creased and hor pay reduced. Di vorces fall to solvo. these . problems, for they only oasa burdens yvhere there should1 be uo burdens," costs as they are now when labor. materials bhu -an- or lae -ieawrea r connection' 'with book making are at an abnormal cost. He stated that Cal ifornia, and Kansas, print their' own text books. Kansas has the plan " of furnishing them to patrons at cost of production plus cost of distribu tion, and. these books are furnished on a basis of 42 per cent cheaper than elsewhere. A series of, about 20 books which costs Oregon patrons ?1(.08 are, furnished to Kansas patrons for' a very little over $5. Schuebel, of Clackamas, Joined heartily into support of the Bean bill; Btatlng that It offered an opportunity to develop a great industry, Including furnishing large employment possH billtlcs and also development of tho paper mill Industry to a point' never yet dreamed of in the state. New Delicacy Made of Oregon Logan? berries. Oregon loganberries, the blg, lus clous. Juicy berry which has been, made famous in this state, ia gaining popularity in another form. The man ufacture of a new gelatine dainty, which they call Jiffy-Jell, have discov ered that C5 of these big berries will mako enough puro fruif Juice to flavor dessert for six people. The berries aro crushed and tho condensed Juice is placed in a vial, one vial being contained In each pack age. The manufacturers state that by using tho condensed Juice, they obtain a perfect reproduction of tne, fruit; taste. . . ' Red Cross Meets , The local chapter of tho Rod Cross met Tuesday .evening at tho city hall. ReporLi were read. Sinco the last meeting the following articles havo boen turned In: 20 convalescent robes, 100 spaghnum moss pads, and a groat number of Tmndago. Membership dur ing tho year has increased to four hundred and fifty members, Plans woro mado whereby thoy will mako refugee gowns, tho work be!ng in charge of Mro. Harry Whltnoy. Many of the officers were present at tho meeting. Big Surprise to Many In Springfield, Pooplo aro surprised at tho VIN- , STANT action of scrapie buckthorn bark, glycerlno, etc., ns mixed In ttd-ler-l-ka, 'ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowol tract so completely it rqlloves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or conBtlpatfon nnd prevents appen dicitis. Tlfo INSTANT, pleasant ac tion of AdloM-ka surprises both doc tors and patients. It removes foul matterfwblch poisoned your stomach for months. M. M. Peery Drug Co.