TIM SPRINGFIELD NEWS FA< The Presently Standard of Prescription Service TIiq standard 0 -proscription compounding la .constantly improving. Scientific methods and oqulpinont make It-pofldiblo. Your mddlclnca will atwnya bo right If you bring prcflcrlptlona to ub. Our prcacrlptlon department la oo organized and conducted that It aupplomonta tho oITortB of tho phyalclan. ' Ail up-to-dato equipment, tho ubo of assayed drugB and the omploymont of experienced, graduato , pharmaclBta Inauro perfect, aorvlce. .' ' . , . . . . , 80 wo guarantoo purity, accuracy and roaoopablo prlcoa whon your prpocrlptlons aro compounded horo. t ' ' V 1 v" PHONE NEVITR , SUBSTITUTE 31 Real Estate Form Lands and Cltr Prop erty. Tracts to null purcbaB or. ' Wrlto for prlcos and toririB. Thompson & Mil Phone Springfield 4 : Town and Vicinity Laura Ware Ib homo from Portland. Condensed goat milk at Poory's. Mr, and Mrs. 1. A. Smith oxpect'to lonvo soon for a visit in California. . Miss Union Doan was a visitor horo Monday. ( , howls Glbbs has resigned his posi tion at Uio M. M. l'oory drug storo. Miss Madalono Logan has, moved 1o tho homo of Mrs.Anna Knox. First-class shoo repairing at tho V A. Hall Shoo storo. adv. J. W. Harpool has moved to 822 D at root. Mr. Juclcson tindorwont.n major op oration at tho Moroy hospital ' today. Tho flu situation horo Is much lm proved. Nadoon and Uoland Qroon aro at tho homo of tholr grandmothr, Mrs. i - Mark Kndlcott Is ablo to bo on-tho streets again, Klonzo Tooth paBt'o at Poory's. 1 L. C. Tennis has moved on B streot Tjotwoen Oth and 10th stroots. Mrs. Frank Stowart and children loft today for Richmond, California. Elwood and Luclon Fogies nro In town from Astoria. . Joo Npnl, of Wlnborry, was a busi ness vloltor horo today. Miss Opal Holvorson roturnod from Vancouver Sunday. Myron Cyr la HI at tho Mercy hosp ital with tho influenza. . . i . . ....... 1 1. . . i - Vera Nolson camo back from Brownsvillo Wednesday. Somo 7Bc books at Poory's for 9o. Mrs. I. It. Holmos, of Waltorvlllo, 1s 'critically' 111 at tho local hospital. E. B. Morrison has installod a pow er, potato sorter In his warehouse. Mrs John McKay Is ablo to bo out aftor her rocont Illness. Loo Nolson. of'Coburg. Is visiting Ooorgo Williams this week. Miss Ruby McKInnoy roturnod from Albany Sunday. , , Braslyo Soap takos out tho groaso Bpots. lDc a cako at Poory's r it Francos and Nicholas Lamborly liavo accoptod positions In Portland. . .... J. W. White, of Cottago Grove, was n , buslnosB visitor horo Mtnday. J. S.' Clark, of, Indopondonco, spont tho wook-ond with his family, F. A, Hills aptl Vanco .Strattofl, of Wondllng, motorod flqwn Friday night. . Kantlook water bottles and syrin ges rit Perry's', Hunry Tomsoth loft Sunday for Wondllng to work In tho Booth-Kelly mill at that placo. Ilnlph Winters, of Vlda, spont Sat urday In town. .Jess Smltcon has resigned his po sition at Wondllng. ' Vorn Vaughn, of Jaspor, spent Sat urday In town on, businoss. s .11 Miss LorraltK), Mahonoy roturnod from Pprtland Saturday. Mrs. P. A. Woaloy was discharged from, tho ilorcy -lospltal Friday. Lostor Valllor arrived Jiorao Satur day evening from Camp Lewis. First-class bIioo repairing at tho W. A. Hall Shoo storo. adv. B. B. Morrison has shipped In (Hirloado of hay and 3 carloads of mill feed Uilu wook. Ilobort Ward,' warohouso man for B, B. Morrison, Is suffering wlUt a sovoro cold. Cecil Kennedy, who has been at tending tliQ local high BChool left to day for Portland. Mrs. W. J. Morrow and Bmall sons roturnod to Jholr homo at Los An geles, California today. Mrs. ErnoBt Johnson, of Wendllng, undcrwont a major operation at tho Murcy Hospital Tuesday. Mrs. D. J. aiondonnlng Is at WaM torvlllo attending to sovoral influen za cases. Mr. and MrB. Frank Snodgrass, of Wopdling, aro visiting at Uio homo of Mr. and Mrs. Rlloy Snodgrass, P. W. Oroon. C. Horbst, of tho local creamery, Is suffering1 with tho flu. J. V. Jonos, who Is employed at Wlnborry, was In town on buBlnoss today. . Dr. J. B. Richmond oxpoctn to at tend a mooting of tho Lano County dontlsts In Bugono tomorrow "night. Mr Thompson nan rdcovoroi from his rocont Illness, Dale Bturgos Ib rapidly rocovorJng from an attack of tho flu. Luff Chotwood Is rapidly rocovor- Ing from an attack of pneumonia. Bvorott Wilkinson, of Wondllng, spont Uio wook-ond with his family. Fred Louk roturnod to Wondllng Sunday after spending Uio weekend with his family. Mrs. Ethol Bally and son, Joo, spont last wook at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. King, near Coburg bridge Tho famous Jontcol lino of Toilet preparations at Peory's. W. 0. IlltchoyV of Nampa, Idaho.' ls vlslUng' his brother, James D. Rlt choy. Mrs. Henry .Miller and boB, of Wondllng, visited friends over tho wook-ond. Lawronco UowoVmart Is 111' at tho heme of his grandmother In -Wond llng. !' Hobart Keonoy.'Of Bugono, was tho dlnnor gaost of Miss' Boo Rob'orta Sunday. Charlos Burgess and William Mo- shlor woro business visitors hero Sat urday. Tho local Itebokahs hold tholr reg ular meeting Monday evening in the I. O. O. F. hall. Thora V. IJooaon and May Trlplett woro among tho successful applicants for dno-yoar teachers' certificates. Frank Mclloo nfflved homo from Camp Lowls tho lattor part or last week having received his official dis charge. Miss Lola Uarr returned homo Frl day ovonlng after doing substftuto teaching In tho Junction City high Bchocl for two weeks. Tho W. O. W. lodgo did not hold their regular mooting Tuesday oyo nlng as there woro not enough mem' berH present. Virgil Jonos . has secured employ inont at tho Dooth-Kelly mill at Wondllng until tho mill hero begins operations again. M. C. Dressier has been appointed to usslst In tho membership drive of tho Oregon Stato Chamber of Com merco, Guy Moshlor, well known liore has received his ofllcial discharge from the marines and will bo home on or near tho 10th of February. Mr A. Uaker, i-,Crewoll, Yls Itqd at'tli'd" iirftfid of hcr'soniN. Ai Daker, last Tuesday. Professor Almack, of tho Extension DoparUnonl of tha University, spoke nt a .general mooting of tho local teachers on Thursday, potatoes and ono car of feed, Thero Is only one thing bettor than doing business In a country Uiat buys and that Is a country that produces morc of tho. things that now have to bo bought outside. Mr. and MrsT Lawrcnco May re ceived A tplegram from their son, Vor- don May, Saturday noon saying that ho had arrived (n Hobokcn, N. J. Verdon Is a member Of tho 8th dlvl- Ji!pn of tho 83d feglmqnt, flold artil lery. Verdon has been In Franca slnco Novembor 9, 1918. STATE FURNISHES RELIEF Kjfim Zy4ty fbbif IrgWd tnoaSt XnvTifjkJuvrinit k, Itielesl Gamine VE ARB Executive Dealers IN SPniNQFIELD FOR RED CROWN Springfield Garage A CONCERN OF RELIABILITY Legislature Appropriates $100,000 For Emerflencle Arising Ot(t of Re turn of Soldiers and Sailors Salem, Fob. 22 After a particular ly stormy career f'fi tho senate, tho soldier's relief bill, providing for an npproprlaUon of $100,000 for emer gency relief, to roturnod soldiers, sai lors and marines, finally was passed In both House and Scnato today and became a law upon Its approval shortly, after by Governor Withy combo. After haying passed tho Senate yes terday with an amendment providing that soldiors should furnish such per sonal data to tho soldiers' relief com mission as that body should demand, tho bill was halted In tho House, whero members refused to concur in tho Senate amendment House mem bers branded . the amendment as an Insult to the. soldiers and to the House. 'A conferenco committee of both Iioubcs recommended tho elimination of tho objectionable amendment, and their roport was adopted, without fur ther debate. Somo Poory's. dandy razor strops at Tho strong wind Wednesday ovo nlng causod a number of oloctric wires to bo blown down. Mrs. Myrtlo Plrtlo, of Coburg, vis ited at tho honio of Miss Myrl Ar nold today! Charles Dorlty lort tor Portland Wednesday morning to bo gono sev eral days. . . Potor Tomsoth cao down from Wondllng Saturday night and roturnod to work Monday. Tho many friends of Mrs. Qroon arc sadly grlovpd ovor Mr. Green's death. . Mr. and Mrs. Honry Adrian spont Tuesday "with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ad rian, of Bugono. Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Wllmot, of Vlda, have moved to tholr apartmont In tho Soavoy building. Tho Doll Thoatro waB opon Sunday ovonlng for Uio first tlmo since tho ban has boon lifted, , Mrs. Addlo Pottor, of Doorhorn, spont Uio wook-ond with hor slator, Mrs. Poarl Drury. Miss Amelia Lindahl returned from Portland Saturday la ordor to be horo for tho oponlug school on Monday. Miss Dagmar Joffprsoiij who teachos In tho public school,, roturnod from Portland Saturday. Harry Drumotto Is night watch whllo Curtis Hadon, Uio regular night pollco, Is HI. Waldp Hardy, who has boon sta tlonod at Camp Mills, N, Y returned to his homo horo Sunday, Howard Cotton, who underwent an operation at tho post hospital at Van couver soveral weeks ago, Is rapidly recovering. Howard was a member of the S. A. T. C. at Corvallls. Honry Adrian, who has been In a Government mechanical training Bchool in tho east, roturnod homo. Sat urday. He will probably ongago in the garage business again. Miss, Margaret Dixon, icashlor at Mountain States Power Co's local of fice, went to Portland today to visit her parents and her brother George who has Just returned from tho lato unploasantnoss In Franco. Lieutenant J. It. Barr, who has beon In an eastern training camp has arrived In Shdrldan, whero he will ro sumo his practice Lieutenant Barr is wll known here having been a phy sician hero before moving to Sher idan. Tho Springfield Feed Co. received this wook two cars of Idaho alfalfa, ono car food and three cars of val loy hay. The company shipped oih ono car of tho alfalfa, ono. car Of Select Big Jury Papel Over 300 Lane County men have beon selected to serve on' tho circuit court Jury during the present year. Only a small percentage will be cho sen at each term, thirty names will bo selected -by the county clerk and tho sheriff nt a certain Ume before Uio regular court term. Tho following men from Springfield aro given In the list: J. J .Brydn, Oscar C. Caswell, J. W. Coffin, Carl E. Fischer, John H. Ham- mott-B. K. Jenkins, J. W. Key, I. D. Larimer. James R, McGee. Harry It Neat, Jacob C Nicholson, Welby Sto- verts. Glen Stafford, L. W. Thompson, and B. A. Washburne. . ' Cured at a Cost of 25. Cents "EiEht years ago when we first moved to Mnttoon, I was a great suf ferer from indigestion and constipa tion." writes Mrs. Robert AHison, Mat- toon, III. I had frequent headaches and dizzv srellB. and there was a feeling Hko a heavy weight pressing on my stomach and chest all tho time. I felt miserable. Every morsel of food distressed mo. I could not rest at night and felt tired and worn out all tho tlmo. One bottle of Chamber Iain's Tablets cured mo and Y have slnco felt like a different person." SOCIAL EVENTS When in Springfield Eat at the New restaurant, the ELITE CAFE GIVES SLUMBER PARTY Miss Jane Llndsey and Miss Mada leno Logan entertained a number of their friends nt a slumber party at their homo on Sixth and A streets Saturday . evening. The evening was spont In playing games and pulling taffy, after which the girls enjoyed several hours in Intimate convorsa ttnn. A threo courso breakfast was 1 Borvod at ten o'clock Sunday morning Those who enjoyed the evening of frolic wore: Mlssos Estolla Martin, Etholyn Powers, Lorraine Mahoney, Helen StrausBor, Dagmar Jefferson, Mildred Lindahl, "Gertrudo Williams, MaMalone Logan and Jano Llndsey. Main Garage PHONE 17 . W. W. EBBETT wishes all his patrons a HappjTand Prosperous New Year. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING - AUTO ACCESSORIES TIRES, TUBES, BOOTS AND PATCHES BATTERY REPAIRING AND RECHARGING ' SATISFACTION. GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED F6cf Prices We quote Barley lower, though the market Is higher. Whole Barley, per ton (sacked) ., $55. Rolled Barley, per ton (sacked) $57. Ground Barley, per ton (sacked) . -$5T. Rolled Oats 60 lbs $2.00 Alfalfa Meal 80 lbs $1.70 Beet Pulp 100 lbs $2.90 Fisher's Dairy Feed 90 lbs .....J. $2.45 Millrua 75 lbs $2.00 Berkshire Hog Feed 100 lbs $3.05 Scratch Food 100 lbs -$4.10 Egg Mash 100 lbs -.- -v--$3.50 Clam Shell 100 lbs &--$ 1.1 5 Crystal Grit 100 lbs . .- $1.15 Eastern Shell 100 .lbs -, -$1.55 Some Special Priced Groceries: Soap, 21 bars for. .'. $1.00 Matches, 20 boxes for. T $1.00 Corn Flakes, 2 boxes fof. 25C Codfish Bricks -- ---;-v25c Get All Our Grocery Prices. We Can Save You Money. SPRINGFIELD FEED GO. Eggimann's First, Last, and All the Time For Good Things to Eat Born, McBEE To Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank McBee, Monday, January 20, 1919, a son. WATERSHED COATS Glondennlng has them for ladies or gentlemen, tho quality ot which aro unsurpassed at a price lower than can elsewhere bo obtained. "Is that nrUflctal memory system you took up any good?" "It has its limitations, ot course. It would never teach you to remem ber tho namo of the Vlco-Prosldont or tho words of Uio Star Spangled Ban ner." $100 Reward, $100 The readera of this paper will b pleased to learn that thero Is at least one dreaded disease that science, has been able to cure In all Its stapes, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being n constitutional disease, requlrrs a. constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catnrrh Cure Is taken In ternally, actlnir directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there, by destroying the foundation of the dls. easo, and giving the patient etrensth by building up the constitution nnd ass stlnB nature m dolnff Its work. The proprietors have so- much faith In Its curative now ers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. AddrtMl F. J- CIIENEr & CO.. Toledo, O. sold ly all DmcBUts. 7(0. ,, Take Hall s Family I'llls (or conitlpatoo. CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS DENTISTRY DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J Ovor Commercial Bank Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER SPRINGFIELD; - OREGON FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST SUTTON DLDG. - - PHONE 20-J RESIDENCE PHONE 129-W nOBBttT BURNS Lodge, No. 78, A. M;. F., Ancient and Accoptod Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolla Free MasonB meets first and third Friday evening In W, O. W, hall Visiting brothers wel come P. A. Johnson Secretary. Chas. Klngswell R. W. M.