The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 24, 1919, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, JANtUltY 2,( lOltf.
TSi Springfield News
Published ovcry Thursday by the '
Lane County Publishing Association
ROBERT A. BRODIE, Editor and Mgr.
( Payable tn advance)
Ono year $1.60
Blx months .75
Three months .... .60
Display Column Inch
Ono Time 25c
Each subsequent Insertion 20c
By the month, oach Insertion 15c
Each Insertion, per line . 05c
Onco more the more or less ac
cepted theories concerning the pres
ent epidemic havo received cnother
rude Jolt by the anounccment at phy
sicians in the government health ser
vice at San Francisco having pur
posely exposed fifty men of the naval
service by 'having them sleep with
"flu patients and attending them
Not one of the' fifty thus piposed con
tracted the disease.
This would seem to demonstrate
that the disease is not infectious al
though highly contagious.
Contrary tq the erroneous belief
there is a vast difference between an
infectious disease and a contagious
one. A contagious disease is not nec
essarily infectious from one person to
another, while an infectious disease
may be virulently' infectious and still
net be classed as contagious.
Typhoid fever is rarely infectious,
yet a whole community can be suffer
ing irom a contagion of it at the same
time. That is, a contagion arising from
local causes such as the drinking of
impure water, or being bitten by In
sects carrying typhoid germs.
The demonstration of the govern
ment would seem to explode the the
ory that Influenza Is a "crowd" dfs
ease insofar .that It is contagious from
one to another. It seems to strength
en the growing theory that it is
contagious from other natural causes,
but few have had the temerity to de- j
clare what the "causes" might be.
This idea is given added weight when
we review the cases that have oc
curred in isolatde spots, where Infec
tion from contact with other persons
was impossible.
Climatic conditions nave little to do
with the spread or the eradication of
the disease. In July, 1918, the disease
was most virulent in Austria, Ger-
mahyand ft-ily. In India's tropic clime
ive'r 300,000 people have succumbed
o the disease. In the Arctics the
icourge has claimed among the Es
lulmos Its vlcflms by thousands.
By eliminating this and deducing
hat we discover that the contagion
Is either arising from the ground or
infests the air and claims as its vic
tim's those who are not so constituted
as to- resist it. Apparently more than
ork tyre of germ conveys it as thosel
who are immune from one type for a
long time may fall prey Anally to
whatever tvve of bacilli that refuses
to be dislodged by the person who
resisted successfully various other
One Eastern scientist declares that
the contagion has been germinated
by either the infusion of poisonous
gases in ' the air, the concussion pro
ducedv by high explosive shells, all
engendered by the great war, or .the
possible'impregnatlon of the air from
the decomposition of unburied bodies.
While all this is hut theory It seems
quite tenable. It has long been estab
lished that the earth's air currents
can become inoculated and conveyed
liithor and thither as easily as the
water In a river current on become
polluted. If any of the theories ad
vanced by the scientist are true, the
world war Is far from being ended.
We must still pay.
A few days ago 400 delegates from
all sections of the country, and rep
resenting more than 3,000,000 Ameri
can Jews, assembled at Philadelphia
for the second session of the Ameri
can Jewish Congress. The delegates
Wire unusually enthusiastic because
9f tho present bright prospects for the
reestablishmcnt of a Jewish nation In
Palestine- and the realization of the
aspirations of the Jewish people
throughout tho world during the last
2,000 years for a homeland of their
That tholr hopes in this respect aro
well founded seems evident from the
fact that the project has already been
approved by France, Italy, Serbia and
al60 by our own' President, and more
over tho attitude of the delegates to
the peace conference Is reported to
bo, almost without .exception, favor
able to the plan.
- Postmnstor-Gonoral Burleson could
not be more solicitous of the welfare
of the phono companies If ho owned
half tho stock lu thorn and had been
promised tho other half If ho used
his oxocutlvo powor to put over the
new toll rates successfully.
Tho country has novor witnessed
a moro arbitrary and arrogant over
riding of states' rights by fodoral po
wor, under tho thin guise of military
necessity, than has been furnished by
Burloson since tho administration
placed control of wlro service In tho
hands of tho postofflco department,
And tho service, always mediocre,
undor corporato control, has been In
finitely worso undor fedoral admlnls
t ration.
A conTtnunication to a Eugeno news
paper cpmplalns of freshmen who, aro
wearing green "frosh" caps with tho
S. army uniform in plnco of the
regulation scrvlco hat. Tho complaint
is a just one. The uniform of a U. S.
soldier should never be ridiculed by
being worn with a silly llttlo green
cap or a.ny other absurd headgoan
Tho faculty of the Unlvorslty of Ore
gon can show Its patriotism by show
ing its' authority to forbid tho prac
tice. If its authority has been sup
planted by college traditions and cus
toms, it Is pretty near time to get
it out of cold storage and assert Its
voice when anything arises that re
flects discredit upon the college Up
per classmen will have also earned
the right to tho measuro of dignity
that should attach to upper classmen
by seeing that no Indignity belittles
a uniform that clothes the best men
in America.
Without no blare of trumpets,
banquets or out-of-town visitors, it is
about time for Springfield business
Interests to bestir themselves and do
something for Springfield. Is thero
ONE public spirited man in this town
who is idealist enouch who has ini
tiative enough-who is broad enough
who has haekhone nmirh tn I
spend a half day away from his own
business and try to coax into line a
few dozen recalcitrants who have
their' signboards hung out In Spring
field? If there is, the editor of this
paper "wants to meet him, talk to him,
and help him in every possible way
to put over the most laudable work
any public-spirited citizen ever
shouldered the burden of. 'Show the
rest of them that you are not a dead
Out of the few empty buildings in
the heart of town, one remodeled for
a theatre would be a good investment
for the man that owns it. Properly
located and properly managed, the
lermanency of its Income would be
sssured. Asde from It being a Judic
ious Investment, civic pride demands
that a city as big as SprinRfleld be
equippeu witn one good uieatre,
where amusement' lovers can while
awiy a few hours In the evening con
veniently and comfortably, without
fee'ing the necessity of traveling to
another burg- for entertainment that
could well be provided In their own
home town.
Any road will lead to success that
is macadamized with "grit" and
.His Pedigree
canine strange had Just been
Into the dealer's store
Where animals are sold and bought
From every clime and shore;
His coat was shaggy and unkempt,
Compared to others there,
Ab though for months he'd been ex
From ordinary care.
The other animals inside,
With yard-long pedigrees,
Shrank" quickly from him in their
They feared that he had fleas!
Rut suddenly their hauteur fled;
Transfixed, each one recants,
For they had spied his tag, which
"A Red Cross Dog from France"!
The Secretary of the Treasury has
just placed an additional sum of
One Hundred Million Dollars to the
credit of Italy, making the total of
the American loans to that country
for war expenses, $1,310,000,000 and
our total loans to all of the Allies,
Over Age
He was probably the smallest
"middy" In the navy, and one evening
ho was Invited to attend a party In
the saloon. Ho was such a llttlo chap
that the ladles had no Idea that he
W38 a midshipman at all, but took
blm for somebody's "dear llttlo boy"
'n a royal navy all-wool sorgo. At
last ono of them, on whoso lap he
had been sitting, and who had Just
kissed him, asked:,
"And how old are, xpuljttlo dear?".
Twenty-two,1' ho" said in a'vo'iee
like a foghorn, Then tho lady
Renew your subscription to the Nows,
1S Grandoldope
A regular boarder
With no attachments -v
Can find
A comfortable homo
At tho Vr.nbeanerio
A 8 long as ho
Behaves hlmsoU.
Must havo an
Affocttonato disposition,
Part his hair on tho sldo
(If ho has any)
And not kick tho kitty.
No guy
With a "post" . t
Or who raises a rumpus
When there's
No soup
Or plo
.Need apply.
Must bo willing to sit 1
Next to John Hotels
And, hlko
After tho bread
Whon requested to do so.
" Syrian Relief Quota Fixed.
Lane cqunty's quota for tho com
ing campaign for Armenian and
Syrian relief has boon fixed nt $7100,
according to a letter rocolvod by P.M.
Wllkins, county food adclnlstrntor,
who has. been named us county chair
man for this work. Tho lottor states
that the stato council of defonso, not
ing upon advices from Washington,
D. C, has sent letters to tholr county
chairmen, Including E. O. lmmel and
Mrs.' A. I. Ingnlls, of this city, urging
them to give ovory assistance In the
Mr. Wllklns has received copies of
a numbor of cablegrams picked out
of many that havo been sent from tho
Btricken countries, appealing to tho
American peoplo for relief. Somo of
them read as follows:
"Tcherartr-Famlno conditions pre
vailing. Hundreds dying dally of cold
and hunger. Imperative nood for
food nnd funds .from outside. Reply
"Teheran McDowell wire's from
!Mosul 10'000 detuto refugees, wo-
men anu cnuuron. Conmtlon pltlaDIO.
l0rlg!n of Turkr- 0no hundred
and twenty thousand dollars urgently
needed till harvest."
"Tabriz Two thousand Christians
remnant Khoy, Salmas, Urumla, ab
solutely destitute; .10,000 Kurds star
ving at Sojhulak; 30,000 destitute at
Tabriz. Starvation increasing dally.
Five relief workers Imperatively need
ed immediately. Three hundred thou
sand dollars needed per month,"
From Dr. Howard Bliss, president
American college, Beirut, Bayard
"Dodge and James NIcoli
"Cable received. Need far out
strips Red Cross grant and generous
funds suggested by you. People dying
tn Lebanon villages. Over 6000 des
titute Children In immediate region,
Cable ono hundred thousand dollars
.Port Said. Deposit one hundred
thousand with Corn Exchange Credit,
American Press. Will advise later
concerning further remittances."
Lane County Contributes 15.86
Cent Over Quota In Fourth
Liberty Bond Drive
Lane county contributed $805,850
to the grand total of $38,362,550 of
the fourth Liberty Loan In Oregon.
The number of subscribers in tho
county was 5871. The oversubscrip
tion was 15.86 per cent. These fig
ures have Just been received from
state headquarters. The official com
pilations do not show the quota of
non-banking centers.
In the newspapers outside of Port
land 87.834 column Inches of space
was used In paid and freo publicity
In aid of the loan.
Following Is the statement of tho
banking districts of this county:
8ub No.of
Quota scribed Subs.
Eugene :.....$512,9G0 $548,700 3372
Junction City.... 43.288 57,100 410J
Cottago Grove .. 61.264
Springfield 43,314
Florence 19,320
Creswell 9.29G
Coburg ..!.....,. 6,048
all you earn,
If you save all you earn, you're a
miser. "
If you spend all you earn, you'rs a
If you lose it, you're out.
If you find It, you're in.
If you owe it, they're always after
If you lend It, you're always after"
It's the cause of evil.
It'n tho cause of good.
It's the cause of happiness.
It's tho cause of sorrow.
If the government makes It, it's all
If you mako it, It's all wrong.
As a rule It's hard to get.
But It's pretty soft when you get It.
It talks!
To some It, says. "I've como to stay."
To others it whispers, "Goodbye."
Some peoplo. got it at a bank.
Others go to Jail for it.
Tho Mint makes It first.
It's up to you to make It last.
Bon S. Koams.
Strategic Retreat
Two. boys, one tho possessor of a
permit, wore fishing on a certain
ostatti whon n pamokeopor suddenly
lartod. from n thicket. Tho tad with
tho permit uttered a cry of fright,
droppod his rod, and ran off nt top
speed. Tho gnmokoopor was lod a
swift chaso. Then, worn out tho boy
haltod. Tho mail solxod him by tho
arm and said botwoon pants:
"Havo you n permit to tlsh on this
"Yob, to bo suro," said tho boy
"You havoT Thon show It to mo."
Tho boy drew tho pormlt from his '
pocket. Tho man examined it and
trownod In perplexity and anger. i
"Why did you run whon you had
this permit?" ho nskod.
"To lot tho other -boy got away," i
was tho reply. "Ho dldn t havo '
Bootli Tarklngton tolls of nn old col
ored man who appeared as a witness 1
boforo ono of our committees. In tho
courso of hts examination theso ques
tions wera put to tho man:
"W'hnt Is your narao?"
"Calhoun Clay, sati." '
"Can you sign your name?"
"I ask you If you can write your
"Well, no, sah. Ah nebbor writes
mn name. Ah dictates It, sah.
1 - 1 1 1 i r
Notice Is hereby Elvon that tho un-
dorslgned has boon appointed by tho
County Court or Uto Stato of Orogon
tor the County of Lano administrator.
of tlin nnt.ntn nf (Innrcn W. fMnvnlnml.
deceased. All pontons having claims
against said estate aro hereby notified
and roqulred to present tho sarao.
properly vorlflod, to Frank A. Dol'uo. '
attorney for the estate, at his olllco
In Springfield, Oregon, on or boforo ,
six months from tho dato of this
Dntod nt Springfield, Orogon. Do-
combor 11, 1918. L. K. PAGE,
Administrator of tho ritato of George
W. Cloveland,' docoased.
Attornoy for tho Estate
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Richard W. Maklnson, do
coased, has filed his final account
with tho County Clerk of Lano County,
Oregou, and nn order has boon mado
and entered of record directing this
notice and sotting Monday, the 3rd
day of February, 1919, nt tho hour
of 10 o'clock, A. M., for tho hearing
of objections. If any, to said account
and for the final settlement of said es
tate. O. B. KESSHY.
Administrator of the estate of Richard
W. Maklnson, deceased.
POTTER & IMMEL, Attorneys.
Notice is horeby given that tho un
dorslgned has been appointed by tho
County Court of Lano county, Oregon,
as administrator of tho estato of Wll
Ham F. Ware, doceasod. All porsons
having claims against said ostato are
notified to present the samu to tho
administrator at Springflold, Oregon,
on or boforo six (6) months from tho
dato of the first publication of tula
notice. All claims must bo vorlflod as
by law required. Tho dato of first
publication of this notice, 12th day of
December. 1918.
C. M. DORITY, Administrator.
Attorneys for Estae.
Department of the Interior
, S. Land Ofllco at Itoseburg, Oro.
January 3, 1919.
Notice Is hereby given that Forest
C. Drury, of McKenzlo Brldgo, Oro
gon, who, on February 18, 1914, mado
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 09358,
for the N. of N.E.V4 of Section 21,
Township 16 S., Range 5 E., Willa
mette. Meridian, has lllod notico of
Intention to make Final Tfireo-year
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, boforo E, O. Immol,
U. S. Commissioner, at his ofllco, at
Eugeno, Oregon, 'on the 17th day of
February, 1919.
Claimant namos as witnesses.
Art Bolknaff, of Bluo River, Oregon;
Will Yalo, of Eugeno, Oregon; H. O.
Hayes, of McKenzlo Bridge, Oregon;
Gcorgo Moody, of McKenzlo Brldgo,
W. H. CANON, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S, Land Office at Rosoburg, Oro.
January 3, 1919.
Notice Is horoby given that Taylor
D. Archer, of Leaburg, Oregon, who,
on November 8, 1915, mado Home
stead Entry, Serial No. 010450, for
Lots 10 and 11 of Section 6, Town
ship 17 S Rango 2 E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make final Threo-year Proor, to
establish claim to tho land above des
cribed, before E. O. Immel, U. S. Com
missioner, at his olllco, at Eugeno,
Oregon, on the 12th day of Febru
ary, 1919,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Nelson W. Coffey, of Leaburg, Ore
gon; William Lunman, or Leauurg,
Oregon; Harry Mayburn, of Leaburg,
Orogon; William Montgomery, of Lea
burg, Oregon.
W. II. CANON, Register.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
uregon, ror L,ano uouniy,
Palmer Rumford and Anna B. Rum-
ford, plaintiffs, vs. The unknown
heirs of Martha Clemens, deceased;
also all other porsons or parties
unknown claiming any right, tltlo,
. estato, lien, pr Interest In the real
estate described in tho complaint
herein, defendants:
To the dofondants above named:
In tho namo of tho State of Oregon,
you nre hereby summoned to answer
tho complaint filed against you In Uio
uiifj i inaivi ii in i if hi i i j ii linn 1 1 ii in i
pin iv ,
ii in in
Uou betcha!
"The more a man
knows about genu
ine tobacco, the
surer he is to sec
the value of Real
Gravely in compar
ison with ordinary
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in- poucfv
abovo ontltlod causoand court within
six weoks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fall so
to answer for want thoreof Judgment
will bo takon against you, that plain-
tiffs aro ownors In fco of tho south- mant, nttornoy'o fcos, costs nnd dls
wcBt quarter of the southeast qunr-' bursemonts.
lor of the northwest quarter, tho This summons Is served upon you
northwest auartor of the northeast by publication In acconlnnen with an
quarter of tho southwest quarter, and
tne norincast quarter or mo norm-
west quarter of the southwest quar
ter of Section five, in TownBhlp M
South, of Rango 4 West of tho Willa
mette Meridian, in Lano County, Ore
gon, and that you havo no right, title,
estato, lien or interest therein, and
quieting plaintiff's tltlo from any
claim held or assorted by you and
for such othor rollef ob may bo just.
This summons is sorved upon you
by publication by virtue of an ordor
of tho Hon. O. K. Skipworth, Circuit
Judgo, mado and filed January 6,
191!), providing for such sorvlco by
publication for a period of six weeks
In tho Springflold News, and requiring
you to answer within six wooks from
tho first publication Uiereof, This
summons Ih bo first published Jan
uary 0, 1919.
H, l), ALLEN,
jUtorney for plaintiff.
Office, 36 W. 8th St., Eugono, Orogon.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Orogon for Lano County:
Donald Young, plolhtlff, vs. Goorgo
Boppio, defendant:
To Gcorgo Bcppro, dofondaut:
In tho namo of tho State of Orogon
you aro horoby requlrod to appear and
answor tho Plaintiff's complaint filed
against you in tho abovo ontltlod ac
tion within six wooks from tho first
publication of this summons; nnd if
you fall ho to answer, for want thereof
tho plaintiff will tako Judgment
against you in tho sum of $200.00, with
Intorest thereon at the rato of 8 por
cent por annum from tho 20th day of
March, 1917, togoinor vitn u reason-
ablo attorney's foo, and his costs nnd
disbursements in this action, nnd for
ait ordor of salo of tho following do
scribed real proporty, which has boon
attached in cnid action, to-wlt: Tho
north half of tho north half of soctlon
icv tip wh
f "A
Good taste, smaller
chew, longer life is
what makes Genuine
Gravely cost less to
chew than ordinary
WW tot
Grnuinb Gravely
far bookltt on chtwlue plug.
twenty-four, township nlnoteon south, ono wont of (ho Willlumotto Mo-
rldlan in Lano county, Orogon, oxcopt
two ncrea horotofora doodod to David
Drury, to satisfy tho plaintiff's ludir-
order iiiado ut Eugene. Orogon, by tho
iionoramo u, i Skipworth, Circuit
Judge, on tho Slut day of Decombor,
1918, requiring that this summons bo
published nt leas., onco a wook for six
consecutive weoks in tho Springflold
Nows, a nowspapor published at
Springflold, Oregon,
Tho date of tho first publication Is"
Docombor 20, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Addreis, Eugono, Oregon.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon for tho County of Lano.
A. L.. Dickons, Plaintiff, vs. W. E.
Thompson Dofendunt.
To W E. Thompson, tho nbovo namod
In tho namo of tho Stato of Oregon
you aro hereby summoned and ro
qulred to bo nnd nppear in the abovo
ontltlod Court nnd causa and answor
tho complaint of tho plaintiff filed
horeln against you within six wooks
from tho dato of tho first publication
of this summons, Buld first dato bolng
on tho 19th day of Docombor, 1918,
and tho last dato bolng on tho 23d day
of January, 1919, bolng full six wooks,
and if you so fall to answor for want
thoreof plaintiff will tako Judgment
against you for tho sum of $1,203.38.
with lntorost thereon nt tho rato of 0
por cont por annum. This summons
Ih sorvod upon you by publication In
tho Springflold Nows, a nowspapor
published in Springflold, Lano county,
Cregon, for bIx consocutivo weeks, by
irh ordor duly mado and ontorod of
record by tho Hon. O. P. Skipworth,
Judgu of tho above Court, mado and
entored Docombor 10, 1918.
Dato of first publication Docombor
19, 1918, last dato 23d day of January,
1010. , O, M. KISSINGER,
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
Rosldence, Eugono, Oregon,