The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JAN. 0, 1019
lb Gran&oldope
. !
All Reliable Advertised
v Remedies'
Wo nmke It a rulu to Btock nil roliablo Remedies and
Toilet PropnrntloiiB JUBt us soon ns they uro placed on
tho marhot. Many drugglfiUi wait Jor tho domand,
but wo hollovo In tho spirit of progress and try to glvo
our cuBtomenj a choice of tho world's beat products
All tradc-nmrked and advurtlHcd articles are to bo found
In our Block. When tho doctor recommends the uho
of somo special remedy, or when you hear your friends
speak t)f Bomo now tollot proparatfon, come directly to
us and avoid tho anuoynnce of looking, around for It.
Iiy so doing, you are apt to suvc mondy as well as time.
Thompson & Uti!
Willamette Valley Ranches,
woll Itnprovoil, on and noar
1'nclfla Highway. AIo ape
clnl attention given to ron
talH of town property ami
collections'. Call and got our
prlcun and terms.
Phone Springflold 4.
I Town and Vicinity
.MIbb Sybil Young Ih mirroring with
tho prevalent dlHoaso.
MIbb Iloulah. of Myrtlq Point, In
vlaltlng Mr. nnd Mr. W. U Horry.
- Mr. Mlllor, or Mabel, was n bUBlncs
visitor hero Monday.
Mm. J. W. Mallcka Ib suffering
from an uIwcobb. .
First-class 6hqe repairing at tha W
A. Hall Sbbo'Btoro. ,-' "Jv'
1 M, N? Thompson "was III -tho first
of tho wook.
V.'Illy1 CaBtool U. recovering from an
.ntack of tiio nu.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Poory nro auf
'.forlng with tho Influonxa.
Francis Lamborty Is In charge or
tho Poory drug store this week.
Lowla Olbba Ib III with Uio influ
cum. N. A. Baker Is spending aomo tlmo
thlB wook vlBltlng tho Eugeno bcuoois.
ti. ' iinri nf Pnilnr Vat. WaB 0,
lllu . I " -
bUBlnoBB vialtor .Friday.
Poto .TomBoth mado a buslnesB
trip to Wondllng Tuesday.
Bob Blair, of Jospor, spout Monday
. In town on buBlnoaa.
!, 'lloy Aloxandor loft for Portlnnd tho
" fore pari of tho week.
i FlrBt-clasB shoo repairing at Uio W.
, ! A. Hall Shoo storo. adv.
"' Hugh Santlgnto Is assisting at tho
-Springfield Garago during Dale Stur
'Boa' abBonco causod by UIuobb. . -
MIbb Vora Nelson Ib 111 having euf
fored o rolapso after a cbbo of tho
Mrs. noy Howard nnd daughter,
Ethol, loft for Portland Monday, for
1 n lndoflnlto , Btay.
t Mrs. Sottloa.-haB. boon qulto 111 for
''tho past wook caused by a gonoral
C. A. Wyman, an omployo of tho
'Mountain -StatoB Power Company, Ib
-.111 with tho Influonza.
' ., Mro.. . Jack Bontloy Iibb moved to
'? . 'hor fathor'B homo on Wlllaniotto
" V . HolghtB.
k. Mr, armor, or mo isnio i;aio, bui
fored from a severe cold tho first of
' tho wook.
Tho Flschor-Boutln Lumber Com,
V pany .has olo8od down until , tho won
' ' thor modoratoB.
v John Kotols roturnod ' from Port
V,".land whore, lio vlaltod with hid -par-
ontB Sunday. , , . ,
Tho Springfield-Food Co. Jn tho pasl
frtwo woika" iiayo rocblVod foun cars"
4" -nf fnnil nml flrini vtfA"1nrirn cars of
r; vt ww i ww , -
Jrnrloy from California, two. cars of
. yiliri arid pno car far Oregon, Portland
i i ' -dttcSmout', apd .lia'voi'Biilp'ptfd. out .lrf. tho
. x pans wuok .tpocnr ji.uiiu,. uuu tui
t- ,of 'hay and ono car of (ootl, t
Minn Margaret Tomsoth Is BUtrer
lug ,wlth a aovcro cold.
Oliver JoluiHoti' left for Portland
WodnoBday noon cn a vjait.,
Mra. O'raco Hoborta' Ib ablo to bo
back at Cox's after her rocont attack
or tho Influenza.
. Floyd HIchardBon, a formor high
school' student,. Is hero from Idaho
vliltlng frlondH. f , .
Found On street, a gold brooch.
Ownor may havo aamu by describing
property and,, paying for this nd.
Tho Infant son of Ir. nnd Mn.
Karl Moore woh burled in the haurol
Hill cemctory Sunday afternoon.
Dick Knnton, or Cqdar Flat., brought
four dressed hogs to tho local market
Miss Oortrudo Williams, clerk at tho
Kctels drug Htoro,'Ia enjoying her va
cation this week.
Tho local ordor or Masons nro plan
ning a banquet to bo held on. January
Grant Itoborts has charge of the
proscriptions at tho M. 'M. Peory
drug storo this week.
A. D. Moo, who has boon visiting
his family for tho paat two weeks,
roturnod to Aatorla Monday.
Gornoy Howard, who has boon at
Lowoll vlBltlng hla grandmother, Mrs.
Weeks, roturnod homo Monday.
MIbb Joan Flachcr returned to Cor
vnllls Sunday evening for tho opeptng
of clnsBoa At tho College Monday.
Goorgo Cooloy, W Paisley, Oregon,
la visiting ot tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Brattain.
Mr. and -Mrs. C. E. Lyon returned
Friday evening from a business trip
to Portland.
Charles Elliott roturnod Saturday
from Canyonvlllo, Oregon, whorq ho
attendod tho funornl his Blstor-ln-law.
E. E. Morrison haa three ncrea of
his heat cortlflcd seed potatoes still
In Uio ground nnd this froat will In all
probability froozo them.
Mrs, K. S. Barger, of Portland, ar
rived Wednoaday afternoon for a
short vtBlt at tho homea ot Mrs. C. E.
Lyon and Mrs, W. M. Hunter.
Don't forget tho grocerloa at our
atoro nro prlcod right and tho quality
tho beat wo can got. , Our grocery
trado has doubled 4 times In as many
months. If you do not got our prices
nnd boo our Btock YOU nro, tho loaer,
for it will coat you nothing. Spring
field Fcod Co.
Norman Anderson arrlvod Sunday
from Camp Lowla, whoro.ho rocolved
ils dlschnrgo from tho army. Nor
man has ono gold stripe tor overseas
Four earn of Idaho, Alfalfa hay on
tho way. This Is bottor quality than
tho California fctock. Botor got your
order in now nnd savo COo a ton.
Springflold Foed Co.
O. B. Kessoy, City Trensuror, will
pay all City Warrants on tho Gen
oral .Fund, up to and Including No,
7581 and on tho Stroet Improvement
Fuiyl, up to and Including No. 7627.
Interest on tho above will cease after
January 10, 1019.
liollod. Barloy por (on, $50,00 tho
choapost ,feod on tho markot for cows
and hpga,' Barley Mldda, Corn Flour
'and jjraund "O'n'fB', Barloy Corn nnd
Shorlj, ifnlfn'-'Miil, Fiahor's Dairy
tob M'.ork '''Mortal, Berkahlro
fiog' Food, Scratch Food, and Poultry
SupploB at prices that will satisfy,
Springfield Foed Co.
Little Loona Uakor has recovered
from tho flu. ,
llorbprt Mooro Is rapidly recover
ing from a major operation.
Jim Wlthrow Is Bpondlnff tho wook
lth his family,
Mlko Weber Is laying a now floor
In hln garago this wook.
Frank CaBtool has purchased a
homo on Soventh and G itroots.
Hota Johnson Ib ablo to bo . out
after hoi; recent attack of tho flu.
Marvin Drury is erecting a garago
at tho old Barbro placo .pa Mill atroot.
Joq. Hill has completed tho garago
at Jits homo on south Second etreot.
MIbb Iluby McKlnnoy, of Cobur?,.
Is vlflltlng at tho homo of hor 'slstpr,
Mr. Hattlo Caatoel. ' V ,
MIbb Ellon ftambort Is ablo y bo
on tho streets Jiguln. after hor rooent,
!UnoB. ' f -
Ivan Malo, Jorry Van Valzah anil
Harry Fandrcm went duck hunting
Monday. ,
MIbb Alberta P"arvln, of Plonnant
Hill, was a business visitor hero to
day. .
' -
Carl Fischer Ib in Portland attend
ing to hla duties ha a mombor of tho
Federal Court (Jujy. " ;
' . '
Little Datoros Mario, Infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. Hoy Caatoel,
Is suffering with tho Influenza.
A number of Springfield's younger
set havo been enjoying Ico skating
since the mill ponds hayo frozen over.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Skinner, Miss
Gladys Loploy, and Earl Loploy,
spent tho weekend with friends at
Xtttlo Billy Knox arrived from
Portland to spend an lndoflnlto per
iod with his grandmother, Mrs. Anna
Pock McPherson, Clarenco Bailey,
Jcsh Smltepn and Fred Louk, went to
Wondllng Sunday where they will en
gage In contract work.
Mr. and Mra. L. J. Loploy delight
fully entertained at their, homo on
Fifth street at a six o'clock dinner
Tuesday evening. Tho .dinner was'
given In honor of Mra. Loploy'a birth
day. Thoao who enjoyed Mr.. and Mrs.
Loploy'a hospitality wero: Mr. and
Mra. Davis, Mrs. Margaret Loploy,
MIbb Gladys Loploy, Messrs. Earl
and Richard Lepley.
Tho wedding of MIbb Ethol King
well, or this city, to 'Goorgo Wright,
ot Oakland California, Wcdnesdey,
canto na n great surprise to her many
friends. Tho brldo Ib Uio daughter of
Charlos Klngwoll and is woll known
in tho younger set both horo and in
Eugeno. Tho groom Is a. railroad man
and has boon horo off and on for
somo tlmo.
The ceremony took placo at the
home of the brldo's parents, in Glon-
wood, at 8:00 p. m. Rev.' C. E. Dun
ham, of .tho. Eugeno Baptist Church,
officiating. .
Tho couple loft lmmodlatoly after
tho cercmpny for Oakland, California,
their future homo.
NoUce Is 'hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of tho Stato of Oregon
for Uio .County ot Lane administrator
of tho ostato of George W. Cleveland,
doccased. All persona having claims
agalnBt said estate are hereby notified
and required to present Uio enmo,
properly vorlflod, to Frank A. DoPuo,
nttornoy for tho ostato, at hla office
in Springflold, Oregon, on or before
six raonthB from the dato ot this
Dated at Springfield, Oregon, De
cember 11, 1918. L. K. PAGE,
Administrator of tho f atato of Goorgo
W. Cleveland, docoaaed.
Attorn oy for tho Eatato.
Main Garage
wishes all his patrons a Happy and
Prosperous New Year. v
automobile repairing , ..' . '
" auto accessories; ,
, v,tires, tubes, boots. and ajchjes '"
k battery; repairing'
Wo havo found
Ono consolation
. In riding on tho strcdtcarB
It'B fun watching ' "
Folks squirm
Ori tho hot scats. '
Dear John,: -.
Wo worp much griovodftb loam ;
'I'txnf. you are to loso. .'
AH of your offlclont
' DlspenBors of
Carbonrftjjd Ellxlra
Via-tho Hymen route . . '
Wo would suggest - .
That in these days of '
Rank uncertainty ' ; '
Wlion you socuro, -. ' '
Another star mixologist .
You cop hor out yourself
, Before thoao outsldo performers
Get ovon a look-in.
Bolloro ub, John,
It's Uio only system ,
And has numerous advantages.
For Instanco: . -
Whllo you can't vory well . t
. Fire her ,
Without causing domestic discord
At tho same tlmo
8ho don't daro to quit-
Besides that
When you pay her hor wages
.'.You can. bbrrow It back again
By pulling some of .this
"Mutual fntorcst" sturf
On her.
""That Itf . -
You InveBt hor wages
In "tho1 business."
Sho will swell up considerable
Over this and say
"Wo" are planning this
And "John and Me"
Aro going to do so
In "our" business, .
But you must not mind that
Just lot Uie dear thing ravo
Ovor owning half tho store
If sho wants to.
Why, John, it's a
- Regular cinch. - '
"Salaried employes" '
May bo alright "' . '
For an Institution (j
Llko Booth-Kelly,. -
But for a soda fountain
And a drug Btore -:t ' i
Tho Blarney System ' V
Is the grandoldope.
Trusting those few lines
Will find you well, dear John,
And delirious,
Wo remain Infernally yours.
fntfc Dug nu a oowa race.
You Ayould perhnps not notice Xhla
cowlike face and fur collar unless you
should uho n pocket lens, which every
scout should have. Then you will find
the mohohammua or sawyer beetle ex
tremely interesting, says Edward F.
Blgelow, scout naturalist, discussing
this curious Insect In Boys' Life.
These, beautiful brown and gray
beetles are, Including the antennae,
about an Inch and a quarter long. The
antennae or feelers arc as long as the
body In the case of the female and
I twice, as long in the male.
I Where shall yqu look for these curi
ous beetles? Search among the needle
like leaves of tho pine nnd fir. The
larvae are found in the sound wood of
these trees. Sometimes the mature
beetles occur In such numbers as to
' do real Injury 'to the trees, but ordi
narily they are nbt very plentiful, and
most scouts nre not famlUnr with
them, even where they aro fairly abun
dant. When in Springfield Eaf
at the New restaurant, the
Comfort Within
When Cold's Without
COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN in thou
sands of homes this Winter unless provision is made for
.auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late.
A Portable Gas Heater
will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short
age is sure to produce. Don't fail to get yours now, that
you may enjoy its warmth and cheer all through the .
frosty days of fall and during the bitter cold of whiter.
Mountain States Power Co.
' First, Last, - ,
and All theTimi
For Good Thiifgs
to Eat , : s
soy dean Crop Important.
The soy bean wnB Introduced Into
the United States as curly as 1804, but
It Is only during Uie last decade that It
has become a crop of much Impor
tance. At the present time It Ib most
lurgely grown for forage. In many
sections, especially southward and In
some parts of the corn belt, a very
profitable Industry has developed from
the growing of seed. During the -past
few years the acreage has Increased,
to a very considerable extent. The'
Inrgo yield of seed, the excellent qual
ity of forage, tho ease of growing and
harvesting the crop, Its freedom. from
Insect ene'mles an,d plant disease?, and
tho possibilities of the seed for the pro
duction of bll anJ nieal and ns'
nil tend to glvo this crop ri hlgh-po-'
tentlttl Importance, and assurer. IW
greater agricultural development Iif
America. 1
Spot to Be Avoided.
It happened In Paris. Ho was black,
a Yank soldier, and from Now Or
leans. Ho was heading toward the
Seine, when tin on-coming comrade,
same color, halted him. Said the com-
rnde: "I'(J 'bo ndvlsln' you, Lestah,
not to'go fop;neu,h that river;' they's
HKeiy to ue looiun- ion a- moiasaes ue
tail'' ' . 1 ,
Exclusive Dealers
Springfield Garage
PHONES Office, 3; Residence,
Over Commercial Bank
Springfield, Oregon
Undertaker a
funeral director
Ofllco Phone 62; Residence 67-7
West Main St.
Dr. N. W Emery
78, A. M. P., Ancient and
Accepted Scottish III to Uni
versal and Symbolic Free
Masons meets first and third
Friday evening In W, O. W.
balL Vlsltlnc brothers vol-
P. A.. Johnson
. Secretary,
Chas. Kingawell
R. W. M.