The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 09, 1919, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JAN, 9, 1919
Published over? Thursday by the
Lane County Publishing Association.
ROBERT A. BRODIE, Editor and Mgr.
"J,uw sUBicmOlfrRATES
(Payable In advance)
One year . . . - fl.EO
Six months
Ttirpn montha .60
Display Column Inch
Ono Time 25c
Each subscquont lnsortlon. 20o
By the month, each Insertion- 15c
Each Insertion, insr lino 05c
While much la being said about a
proposed "League of Nations" no one
seems to have any very, definite Idea
as to Just what thla "league" Js to be.
According to Webster a "league."
in the International sense, is "a cov
enant between two or moro nations
for the accomplishment of some pur
pose by continued united action."
Under this definition almost every
treaty is a league of nations anil,
consequently, there axe already ia
existence a hundred or more such
."leagues" between the United States
and other nations. Moreover Jtho
only constitutional provision directly
bearing upon the right of our Fed
eral Government to enter into any
such league is the article conferring
upon tho President the power "to
make treaties, provided two-thirds of
the Senators present concur."
The word 'treaty" Is defined by
Webster as "an agreement, league, or
contract made between two or more
States or sovereigns and solemnly
This proposed "League of Nations"
then, will be nothing more nor less
than a treaty; and the principal dif
ference between It and our other
treaties will He in the fact that, In
stead of being made between only
two nations, it will be signed by- the
representatives of many nations.
This proposed league or treaty
JIke all other treaties, may at any
.time be broken. There will, of course
be, in connection with such treaty1
breaking, the danger of war not
merely with one country but with all
of the signatory nations, and this
fact will make it extremely danger
ous for any one nation and partic
ularly a small one to violate or re
pudiate the pact It will, however,
still be entirely possible for two or'
more nations, representing strength,
approximately balancing that of the
other powers, to form a secret al
liance (just as the nations of Europe
have been doing, for generations)' and
break away from the League of Na
tions at any .time. Consequently,
even though the proposed League of
Nations shall contain the most com
plete list of previsions imaginable
for the preservation of peace, and
shall be signed by all of the nations
of the world; and even tliough there
be the most stringent limitation of
armaments imaginable or even the
total disarmament of all nations,
there will still be practically the
same danger of war then as now be
cause of the possibility of selfish
.leagues wilhfn the main league.
All battleships, submarines, and
Avar veseeli of every kind might lie
sunk, and war machines, muni
tions, am: supplies or every character
'might b,' destroyed and their manu
facture absolutely and perpetually
prohibited by the most cleverly de
vised and solemnly executed treaty
conceivable, and war would still be
Just as possible and as destructive
;as at present. This would be the
case even if it were possible to wipe
out completely all technical war liter-
' ature and voven to obliterate from
' 'every human mind all knowledge of
the methods and processes, by which
modem' weapons and munitions of
' war are made.
The fundamental causes of war,
whether between human beings or the
lower animals, are coyetousness and
animosity. Tho beasts of the forest
and field, and the creatures of the sea
and air, with no weapons but teeth,
clnw, and muscle, make war upon and
Blay each other, when actuated by
hunger or angor; and man, oven
though ho has no other weapons-than
teeth, hands, and feet, always can
' and always will make war so long as
Uie spirit of selfishness controls his
thoughts and acts. Human beings,
however, with their superior intel
lects, will ever recognize in tho pro
ducts of nature, such as tho trees and
the rocks, ISie means wherewith
quickly tp make clubs,' spears and
other deadly weapons; and with
such means ot violence always at
hand In all lands, men ovorywhoro
can at any tlmo wage war upon each
other at but a moment's notice; and
no treaty or league ot. nations can
over rid tho world ot this possibility.
Moreover, with the modern dovolop
monts ot tho arts and sciences, thoro
will always bo automotive carrlors on
tho sea, tho land, and In tho air,
Tliero will also be powdor and other
high oxplostves for raining operations
and other normal poaco pursuits.
Then too tho knowlodgo which hu
manity now has ot war dovlcos can
novor bo wiped out So that, regard
less ot any possible destruction ot
prosont munitions and armaments
every nation will always hereafter bo,
able, within n few hours or days, or
at most a few weoks (and vast ad
vance preparations, might easily bo
made secretly by a nation or group
of nations) to convert largo numbers
ot ships, aoroplahcs, automobiles and
many other peace devices and sup
plies Into the most deadly weapons
ot war and thus upset, tho poaco of
the world" at any time;
Poaco, then, ia not dependent upon
what a man. a nation, or a world' has
in the way ot specially prepared wea
pons ot war, but it Is dependent en
tirely upon tho mental attitude ot
different peoples toward each other.
Hence, world poaco Is to be secured
not simply by disarming men 6r na
tions or by persuading oij forcing
them to promise to be peaceful, but
rather by making tho" ppoplo xt all
nations so contented and happy that
they will havo no disposition to fight
each other.
Tho universe will forgot all about
warfare- when adequate provision Is
made for tho universal welfare; Arid
the one essential thing to do In order
to abolish war is to dovoto to tho
making of men comfortable and
happy the same efforts that wo' havo
heretofore wasted in preparing our
selves to slay each other.
Events Triat Led to the Interment of
the Suicide With the Executed
In pre-Chrlstlnn days, suicides were
terribly frequent, and It was general
ly agreed that a man might escape
tbe burden of life In this manner,
without discrediting his memory.
Christianity with Its higher code of
morula, taught the wickedness and
cowardice of self-murder. In the
strongest terms. When consecrated
churchyards were set apart as the
restlog'place of the Christian dead. It
waa felt that those who died .In. dead
ly fclnrln flagrant - rebellion against
their Maker, had cut themselves off
from the faith, and had no right to
await the resurrection with faithful
Christians. They were believed to
have put themselves outside of so
ciety, and to have forfeited their right
to share Its burial privileges. In those
early days, before churches could be
built. It was the rule to preach and
conduct divine services at the cross
roads. Wooden and afterwards stone
crosses were erected to mark the situ
ation where services would be held.
Some' of these have been preserved to
this day. being memorials erected to
the dead, or dedications of thanksgiv
ing. Since suicides mlght'not be bur
led In the churchyard or other conse
crated ground', pity sugssted that the
next most holy spot was the ground
near the old cross, where service had
once been held, or was then held. They
burled the poor suicides there, be
cause they were unwilling to relin
quish hope for them. Afterword, for
the sake of greater publicity, the gib
bet and the gallows were set up at
the crossroads, and criminals were
burled beneath them nfter their exe
cution. The law decreed that suicides
should lie with these criminals, in or
der to. mark the detestation In which
the crime of self-murder wns held.
And so whnt wns once a signal of
Christian hope nnil charity, became a
legal Indignity Imposed upon the (lend
bodies to murk nn Immensely serious
breach of the law df the country.
kShare and Share Alike.
The Itusslan revolution was not
without Its lighter side, as the follow;
Ing account of what happened in Pe
trograd will show:
A woman communist was holding
forth, asserting that all were equal
and all wealth should be divided
equally. On this n man In her audi
ence produced coins amounting to
about n dollar nnd one-half from his
pocket "I agree with you," he re
marked. "You have convinced me."
Turning to a bystander he asked him
to change one of the pieces for him.
lie obtained two notes.
Facing the lady orator, he said:
"This Is all the money I possess. I
wllj halve It with you," nnd he held
out the seventy-five cents. She had to
take It. and was nbiftit to commence
her oration again when her question
er continued: "No, no. How much
havo you In your purse? We must
now divide that, since we are to share
equally In our wealth." Reluctantly
she produced her purse. It wns open
ed nnd found to contain twenty dol
lars. The man pocketed ten dollars of
this, thanked her for her Interesting
lecture and withdrew.
"What do you think of women in
politics?" ,
"Kmbarrnssliig," answered Mlss
Cayenne. "You cun't be sure whether
n bashful man In going toprpposo to
you or merely ask you for your vote.'
One Lives Its Story There and Deed
Not Doubt It Truth, Remarks
a Visitor.
To ndd a touch of completeness to
the Sahhnth-llke calm which prevailed
on the ship I read the Illble. Incom
ing Intensely Interested, I tried to read
It through In 24 hours. This cannot
bo done. Incldcntnlly, I had some dif
ficulty In finding one. It Is s sign of
the times, I am afraid, that ono never
gets n Bible any more us a golng-away
present when one starts off on a long
journey. Though I might better sny,
perhaps, that It was sign of uulntclll
Kcnce on my part that I did not think
to carry with me ono of several that
were bestowed upon me In goUllcr
I wns going to Dngdnd, wns 1 not?
When I left New York I believed I
was. I wns on my way to the land of
the two rivers; tho land ot tho Gar
den bf Eden, of the "Cradle ot the
World." It Is the land not only of
Adam nnd Eve and Cain and Abel,
but tho land as well ot Noah nnd Fa
ther Abrnhnm; the land of Babylonia,
where Daniel dwelt In captivity with
tho children ot Israel nnd was deliv
ered from the den of Hons.
I found a Illble, finally, hidden away
with the hymnals and tho prayer books
In a little wainscot cupboard of the
little library, and, while I Intended
merely to get the stories ot Babylon
and of Ur of the Chaldces, J. beenmo
engrossed In the story of tho Children
ot Israel and followed It till tho way
through. Then I had to reud tho
prophets, nnd having pondered over
their prophesies, I wns tempted to re
examine Uie fulfilment ot them. And
afterward I was very glad I did. It
refreshed my memory of ninny things
I had thought little about since tho
days of -my youth.
In Mesopotamia you live tho story
of the Illble and you do not wonder
tn the least if It Is true.; you know It
is. You become as definitely acquaint
ed with Daniel and Ezra; yes, and
with Adam and Eve nnd Cain and
Abel and Noah and Abraham nnd
Hngnr and Ishmnel especially Hngtir
and Ishmnel und a thousand others,
as though they were alive today. Ami
in n way they are. As they have come
down to us through the ages In tradi
tion nnd picture they nro exact proto
types of the men who now Inhabit
that ancient land. From "The War lu
the Cradlo of the World," by Eleanor
Frauklln Egan.
Prussian Professor Peeved.
The number of women entering Ger
mnn universities Increased from 3,003
to 0,527 last winter. The number at
the University of Berlin alone grew
from 880 to 1.322. Professor von
Wilnmowltz-Mollendorf of the Univer
sity of Berlin, and his colleagues, do
not like this development, and lid '"had
no hesitation about speaking energeti
cally und sarcastically about It In the
Prussian parliament. It Beems that al
though the Berlin professors still be
gin their lectures with "Gentlemen."
their hearers are almost exclusively
women. Tho speech In question was
nn argument for lowering the univer
sity standards for men while using the
utmost severity towards women who
wish to learn. Wllurnowltz sarcasti
cally observed that the universities
have been turned Into girls' schools
and that a very considerable number
of the women In attendance were noth
ing but little .girls In short frocks.
These girls get Into the university by
reason of certificates which, Wllnmo
wjtz says, have no value whatever. He
adds that the result Is to reduce the
Berlin professors to the grade nnd du
ties of fourth-form masters In the sec
ondary schools.
Never Take Your Troubles to Bed.
I know atnan who Is aging very rap
idly, from his business nnd family wor
ries. I frequently travel morning and
evening to and from the city with him,
and Instead of Iqoking fresh .aud re
juvenated In the morning he actunlly
looks older nnd more careworn than
he did the night before. This is be
cause ho tnkes his troubles to bed with
him nntl falls asleep worried and de
pressed. Instend of practicing men
tnl chemistry and neutralizing or driv
ing them out by the pence thought, the
harmony and love thoughts, he lets
these vicious mental devlK which are
playing fjuch havoc In his life, work
all night In his brain. And, of cou'rxo,
they poison his blood, deplete his vi
tality und cut wrinkles deeper nnd
deeper every nlghtV-From "Love's
Way," by Orison Swett Murden.
Oregon Pioneer a Teacher.
Jasper N. Miller, aged seventy-eight
years, who crossed the plains to Ore
gon In 1804, made application nt the
ofllce of the county superintendent of
schools In Eugene, for a certificate to
teach school and to take the examina
tion for n certificate. Miller was elect
ed ns a teacher of tho school In Dis
trict No, 125, on Spencer creek. Miller
did not become a teacher until he was
forty-six years of age, says nn ex
change. He wns a wogonmnker nnd
was working In n shop at McMlnnvllle
lu 1880, when he entered tho McMlnn
vllle college und studied for two
Too Much Sacrifice,
lit The government calls on peo
ple to bo economical jn the uso ot
She Goodness, gracious I And I've
Just become engaged.
The Only One In Exlctence.
, ,''Why do you drop so many pennies
in that slot machine?" ' .,,
''Oh, I like to patronize a proposl'
tlon that lmsn't raised Its- price."
Kansas City Journal.
Maine Producing Flour.
Flour mills, onco fairly numerous tn
Maine, hut largely eliminated by
Western competition, nro being re
stored throiiBh tho operation ot tho
war, tho shortage of transportation
facilities, the conservation of wheat
flour and consequent food regulations,
and tho Increased ncreairc of wheat In
this state, says tho Lewlstou (Mu.)
Journal. Maine pcopU will once'ngnlti
havo the opportunity of eating bread
inado of Maine, Hour ground In u Mnlno
milt from Mnlno raised wheat. The
Increased wheat acreage In Matno this
year has been simply astonishing. And
there Is a big demand for nil tho flour
that can be uromul from oil the wheat
raised lu Maine this year. It Is esti
mated that In rural Maine every year
there Is consumed nbout 170,000 bar
rels of flour, which has been shipped
Into tho state from tho West. The
saving of cars for transportation for
other commodities Is therefore a very
large ono If the Hour used could he
raised and ground In Maine. Ilrower,
for Instnnce. has an up-to-dntn flour
mill which Is turning out -10 barrels
of flour In '2i hours. The mill, un to
a year ngo, was a sawmill. Tho wheat '
storage capacity Is 5,000 bushels.
Tho Storm.
"Wife. oh. wlfel" he thundered. Ho
heard the gentle rnlnllke patter ot her
feet as she .approached. A cloud of
anger overspread his features and
lightning Unshed from his eyes.
"I should like to know why your
complexion Is so muddy this morning,"
he demanded. When she saw his rage
break forth In turrents( she burst Into
a flood of tears. Stricken with re
morse at her grief he seized her In his
arms und showered her with kisses.
With true femlnlnu forgiveness she nl
lowed n bright, warm sunny smile to
uloy ou her face and happiness shono
llko n rainbow through her tears.
Notlco Is hereby given that I will
pay all City Warrants on tho General
fund, up to and intituling No; 7CS1
and on tho Strcot Improvement Fund,
up to and Including No. 7027. Interest
on the ubovo will coaso after Jan. 10,
O. B, KESSEY, City Troasuror.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notlco Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, tho administrator of tho
estato of HIchard W. Maklnson, de
coaeoJ, has tiled his' final account
with tho County Clerk of Lnno County,
Oregon, and an order has been mndo
and .entered of record dlroctlng this
notlco nnd setting Monday, tho 3rd
day of Fobruary, 1919, at tho hour
of 10 o'clock, A. M for tho hearing
of objections. If any, to said account
and for the final settlement of said es
tate. O. B. KESSEY,
Administrator of tho estato of Richard
W. Maklnson, doccased.
POTTER & IMMEL, Attornoya.
Notlco Is hereby given that the uii
dorslgned hns been appointed by tho
County Court of Lane county, Oregon,
as administrator ot tho estate of Wil
liam F, Ware, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estato are
notified to prcsont the same to tho
administrator at Springfield, Oregon,
on or boforo bIx (G) months from the
date of tho first publication of this
notice. All claims must be vorlflod as
hy law required. Tho date of first
publication ot this notice, 12th day of
Docembor. 1918.
C. M. DOIUTY, Administrator.
Attornoya for Estate.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Ofllce at Itoseburg, Oro.
January 3, 1919,
Notice Is hereby given that Forest
C. Drury, of McKenzio Brldgo, Ore
gon, who, on Fobruary 18, 1914, made
Homestead Entry, Serial No. 093D8,
for the N. of of Section 21,
Township 10 S Range B E., Wllla
motto Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Threo-ycar
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, before E. O. Immel,
U, S. Commissioner, at his ofllco, tat
Eugene, Oregon, on the 17th day of
Fobruary, J919.
Claimant names as witnesses.
Art Belknaff, of Blue Illvor, Oregon;
Will Yalo, of Eugenp, Oregon; H. G.
Hayes, of McKenzio Bridge, Oregon;
George Moody, ot McKenzio Bridge,
W. H. CANON, Register.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Ofllco at Roseburg, Ore.
January 3( 1D19,
Notice. Is' hereby given tliat Taylor
D. Archer, of Lcaburg, Oregon, who,
on November 8, 1915, made Home
stead Entry, Serial No. '010450, for
Lots 10 and 11 of Section 6 Town
ship 3,7 S., Range 2 E Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention
to make final Three-year Proof, to'
.establish claim to tho land above des
cribed, before E, O. Immol, U, S, Com
missioner, at his ofllce, at Eugene,
Oregon, on tho 12th day of Febru
ary, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Nelson W. Coffey, of Loaburg, Oro
gonf William Luftman, ot Lcaburg,
Oregon; Harry Mayburn, of Loaburg,
Oregon; William' Montgomery, of Lea
burg, Oregon,
W. II. CANON, Register.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Lone County,
Palmor Rumford and Anna B. Rum
ford, r-lalntifffl, vs. The unknown
hoirs ot Martha Clemens, doceaaed;
also all other persons or parties
v unknown claiming any fight, title,
estate, Hen or Intorcst In the real
os'tato d03crlbcdv In the complaint
horojn, defendants,;
To .t!)p defendants above named: '
In thoSinmo of tho State of Oregon,
yow arb lioroby summoned to answer
tho complalat filed against you in thq
Bank Statement
Report Of tho condition of tho First Na
tional Dank of SnrlnKlloltl, In tho Stnto of
OroGon, at tho cloao of uubIuobu Docombor
31, 1918. ContlonBoil from tho report to tho
Comptroller of tho Currency.
Loans nntl discounts '...$115,978.14
Federal RoBorvo Dank Stock,
U. S. ami other Honda affiA
- and WarranU 57,317.10
Banking houso, real cHtnto, fur-
nlturo and fixtures 23,012.71
Cash and duo from Hanks 33,0JoBJ
Capital Stock 25.000.00
Surplus ond Profits...1 G,139.G9
Circulation : 55'5?SS8 -
DoposltB I 103,47.00
" $220,830.78
fty- .. ,. j,
in next
that he used to think
he was getting moro for
his money by buying a
big plug of ordinary to
bacco, until ho ran across
Real Gravely. Now you
couldn't make him switch
back to the ordinary plug
again. Gravely has that
Jeff Szys
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each, piece packed in a pouch
above ontitlcd cause nnd court wlth'n j
six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and If you fall so
I o answer for wont thereof judgment t
win dc inxen ngarasi you, mat plain
tiffs aro owners In fee of the south
I west quarter ot the southeast quar
' tor of tho northwest quarter, tho
northwest quarter or tho northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter, and
iho northeast quarter of tho north
west quarter of tho southwest quar
ter of Section five. In Township 18
South, ot Range 4 West ot tho Wllla
metto Meridian, In Lnno County, Ore
gon, and that you havo no right, tttlo,
estato, Hen or Interest therein, and
quieting plaintiff's tltlo from any
claim held or asserted by you and
for such other relief as may be Just.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication by virtue of an order
of tho Hon. O, F. Sklpworth, Circuit
Judge, made and filed January 0,
1919. providing for such sorvlco by
publication for a period of six weeks
In the Springfield Nows, nnd requiring
you to answer within six weoka from
the first publication , thereof. This
summons Is so first published Jan
uary 9, 1919.
Attorney for plalnllff.
Ofllco, 36 W, 8th St., Eugeno, Orogon.
In tho Circuit Court ot tho State of
Orogon for Lane County:
Donald Young, plaintiff, vii. Ooorgo
Boppio, dofendant:
To Ooorgo Bcppro, defendant:
In tho namo of tho Stato of Oregon
you aro horoby required to appear and
answer tho plaintiffs complaint filed
against you in tho above ontitlcd ac
tion within six wooks from tho first
publication of this summons; and If
you fall so to nnswor, for want thereof
tho plaintiff will tako Judgment
against you In the sum of $200,00, with
Intorest thoreon at the rato of 8 por
cent por annum from tho 20th day of
March, 1917, together with a reason
ablo attorney's feo, and his costs and
dloburBOmonts' in .this act'on', and for
an order ot sale of tho following do
acrlhod real properly, which .has boon
attached In eald action, to;.wlt: .Tho
nrth iialf of -tho north Unit of soctlon
s H
good tnsto that every man
wants. It lasts so much
longer that you get tho
tobacco satisfaction you
are looking for without
extra cost.
ots furthirthat't why you
tan C'l M food taiti of thh tUlt
tf totccco without txtro toil.
twenty four, township nlnoteon south, ono woct of tho WHIIamotto Me
ridian !n Lano county, Oregon, oxcopt
two acres heretofore deeded to David
Drury, to satisfy tho plaintiff's Judg
ment, nttornoy'o fcos, costs nnd dis
bursements. This summons Is served upon you
by publication In accordance with an
ordor mndo at Eugeno, Oregon, by tho
Honorablo Q. F, Sklpworth, Circuit
Judgo, on tho 21ut day ot Docombor,
1918, requiring thnt this summons bo
publlshod at lone, onco a weok for six
consocutlvo wooks In tho Sprlngllold
News, a newspaper published at
Sprlngllold, Orogon.
Tho duto of tho first publication is
Docombor 20, 1918.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Addrois, Eugono, Oregon,
In tho. Circuit Court ot tho Stato ot
Oregon for tho County of Lano.
A. L. DIckonB, Plaintiff,' vs.' W. B.
Thompson Dofondajit.
To W. E, Thompson, Uio above-named
In the nnmo ot Uio State of Orogon
you nro horoby summoned and re
quired to bo and appear In tho ubovo
entitled Court nnd causo and nnswor
tho complaint of the plaintiff fllod
lioreln against you within six wooks
from tho Onto of tho first publication
ot this summons, said first dato being
on tho 10th day ot Docombor, 1918,
and tho last dato holng on tho 23d day
of January, 1919, bolng full six wooks,
nnd If you so fall to answor for want
thereof plaintiff will tako Judgment
against you for tho sum of $1,293.38,
with intorest thoreon at tho rato ot Q
por cent per annum. This Buinmons
Is Bervod upon you by publication In
tho Springfield Nows, a nowspapor
published In Sprlngfluld, Lano county,
Crogon, for six consocutlvo wooks, by
nn ordor duly mado nnd ontorod of
record by tho Hon, O. P. Sklpworth.
Judgo of tho abovo Court, mado and
ontorod, Docomher'10, 1018.
Date of first .publication Docombor
)9. 1918, laBt dato..23d day of January,
1919. O. M, KI8SINOER,
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
' ResldoncoiVEugon,p,, Qegonj