The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 02, 1919, Image 1

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0h tattivruiuferxet of Utitiim nl W amm,H7U
fNCPI'Fl n
'All Express Thcmoolves as
Woll Ploasod With Life in
the Army.
Quito flock of (ho flower of young
American manhood encasod In khaki,
with overcoats to match, and all with
tho same stylo hata and tho name stylo
cord mussing up tho wollgroomed
hair upon (he back of their heads, ar
rived In tho city thla week to celobrato
the holidays In tho old homo town.
Some had boon discharged and oth
ers wore on furlough, but alt looked
the picture of health and tho pink of
physical perfection and monUl alert
ness. Homo smokod Camels, some
Kobos, some chewed gum with. Oho
flavor thnt lasts, and some didn't do
either, but all wore tho Infectious
Amorlcan smllo that norer rubs off, at
home, In camp, In trench, or whore
hidden dangora bo.
Everybody was glad to seo onco
moro tho sprinkling of youth that has
been so sadly mlssod In leavening tho
social loaf of tho community and put
ting the punch In the Industrial llfo of
tho town. Among the number In our
midst wo extracted tho following bits
of Information;
First among tho lint of soldlors and
sailors thnt enmo homo for Christmas,
somo on furloughs, others having re
ceived honorable discharges from tho
army, Is Norman Ilyrno, son of. Mr.
and Mrs, L. J, Byrno of tho Pines.
Norman enrolled In tho marlno band
In the spring of 1017, and was sent to
China, whoro ho has been prior to his
sailing for tho United 8tatos about a
month and a half ago. Ho was a
froshman In tho Unlvorslty of Oregon
nt tho time of hlu enlistment, and ex
pects to ontur tho university again at
mld-yonr as a sophomore, Norman
stated that ho was glad to bo In tho
United States onco moro
1)111 Hill, n graduate of old S. H. 8.,
enlisted In the army shortly after
school closed and wac eont to Camp
Zachnry Taylor, Kentucky, whoro ho
was stationed until ho rccolved his
discharge and camo homo, Ho arrived
hero Saturday evening and waa Imme
diately cunoundod by a bunch of his
form or high school chums, and tins not
boon able to "shako" them since. Ho
has not yet docldod what ho will do.
His comment on tho unny llfo was, "It
is groat dope."
Karel MoQuInn also received an hon
orablo dlschnrgo from tho army. Ho
wan stationed at Fort Stevens.
Clair Mcllonry, well known farmer,
returnod from Fort StevonB tho first
of the week, having rocolved his dis
charge Ho stated that tho army llfo
was great beforo tho armlctlco was
slgnod, but that thoy all lost their
"pop" after thut nndwaltod anxiously
for their demobilization. "Mo for tho
farm," wcro his concluding words.
Clco Starks also rccolved his dls
chr.rgo from Fort Stevens.
Joy Walker, who hnn boon In tho
auto training school at Seattle for tho
past four months, Is glad to bo back
In his old homo town, having boon
born and raised horo. Ho Bald ;Tho
army llfo Is great and wo sure hod a
good time, but I am. glad to bo homo
again." Ho will assist his brother,
W. P, Walkor, In tho local undertaking
Loo Miller, Bort Snook, Waltor
Gosslor, Dolbort and Frank McDeo,
and Jamos Qorrlo, of Camp Louis,
woro all homo on furloughs, somo for
four days nnd others for olght days.
Floyd Thompson, of tho spruco di
vision at Newport, wob also horo for
Christmas day. Ho oxpocto to bo re
leased poon, nnd stated that ho would
bo glad when tho tlmo camo for him
to bo piustored out,
Hubert Travis surprised his parent
Tuesday evening by arriving from
Camp Dodge, Iowa, on a fifteen-day
fiirlovith. Hubert Is well known hon
having attendod tho local high school
Ho has not yot boon released from tho
Itox Putnnm, formor Instructor of
athletics In tho Sprlngfleld High
School, has just roturnod from Camp
Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, Mr, Put
nnm was In tho Field Artlllory Officers
Training Corps. Ho states that ho
was In tho barracks Just ono week
when ho received his discharge. Ho
will' resume hlo duties as instructor tn
athlolcs In tho high school In Ta
coma,, ' Wash,, after spending th
Christmas week with his parents In
We don't, -deny that prosperity Is
ntontar'wtfd.'.but It will have to go.
... A. - .. .
is evenaits w turaey inis year,
GAIN 16,000,000 MEMBERS
Red Crew Returns ,8how Campaign
Hampered by Influenza.
Iloports rocolved at Amorlcan Red
Cross headquarters from all parts of
tho. country show an enrollmont of ap
proximately 16,000,000 In tho Christ
man roll call, with 40 per cont of tho
chapters, Including a number of largo
cities, yet to rerort. Final returns,
which aro not exopocted for a week or
ten days', will bring tho 1019 member
ship well beyond tho 16,000,000 total.
Continued bad woather and Influenza
were reported In various parts of tho
country as hamporlng Red Cross work
ers In completing tho roll call canvass,
which had been extended until tonight
by many chapters.
I Tho central division, Including I6wa,
Wisconsin and Nebraska, reported
1 4,000,000; tho Southwestern, Including
'Texas, 2,000,000; tho Northern CMin,
Ineoota, North Dakota and Montana),
000,000; North wostorn (Orogon, Wash
ington and Idaho), 413,000; Pacific
(California, Novada and Arizona),
424,700; Mountain (Colorado, Wyom
ing, Utah and Nsw Mexico), 122,000.
War Work Requires Huge Sum
for Past Six Months'
Carter Glass, ho now Secretary of
Jjo Treasury, 'In a telegram to Gov
ernor James K, Lynch of tho Twolfth
federal Hcscrvu District, announces
that oxpondltures of tho government
during tho fiscal yoar beginning July
1, 1018, and Including December 1C,
1018, exceeded nine billion six hundred
million dollars and Uiat expenditures
In Uio month of November woro nearly
$2,000,000,000. In tho current month
of Deccmbor up to and Including
Docember ICth, expenditure: exceed
ed $1,000,000,000. It Is estimated that
tho total expenditures of tho fiscal
year will bo $18,000,000,000.
Secrotnry Glass favors short maturi
ties for tho Fifth Liberty Loan and
announces that Uio Troasury Depart
ment will continue tho sulo of war
savings stamps and certificates In a
most cnergotlo manner.
Tho comploto tologram to Governor
I ynch follows:
"In assuming tho offlco of Secretary
of tho TrcnBury, I desiro to say a few
words to tho American pooplo, nnd
particularly to tho splondld organiza
tion of men and womon, whoso unsel
fish labors, under tho leadership of
my groat predecessor, havo mado tho
etory of our war flnanco ono of tho
most glorious chapters In tho history
of Amorlca's part In tho war.
"Millions of Americans hnvo contri
buted in tho most vital, tangible and
cecessery way to tho winning of tho
war. Thov havo loaned their dollars
to their country with no small sacrl
flco of personal comfort and enjoy
ment, and havo given Iarpoly of per
sonal effort and service. For all tlmo
wo have disproved tho slandor that
Amorlcans nro a money-loving pcoolo,
Incapable of rising above ma'orlallstlc
th'ngs. In tho olghteon short months
of tho war American pcoplo subscribed
for o'ghtoen billion dollars of Liberty
BondB and War Savings Certificates,
"Tllo banking institutions and tho
pooplo of the country financed tho re
quirements of tho war in anticipation
of tho Liberty Loanvand of tho taxos
for tho fiscal yonr ended Juno 30. 1018,
by tho purohaso of a total of $12,000,.
000 of treasury certificates of Indebted
'ncDfi, all of which has been rotlrod or
provided for out of taxes or bond '8
buob at tho tlmo tho nrmlatlco was
"Tho expenditures , of tho govern
ment, excluding transactions In tho
principal of tho public debt, during tho
current fiscal year beginning July 1,
1018, to and including December 11.
1018. oxcoeded $0,600,000,000, Exnen
dUuras In tho month of NpVeraber
nearly equalled $2,000,000,000 and In
tho current, month of Docemhor. to
ancj IncJudlpg December 16, exneodod
ono hllllpn dollar's.
"Tho proceeds of he FtutrthTtboH
Loan so far rpeolved have aThci't.
rtent, and the remaining instrvul
nqyable on subscriptions to th.xt 'n
$9,600100,000 IS
Well-Known Citizen Succumbs
to Pneumonia Friday
Morning. ' ,
Jack Dentley, a well-known rcsldont
of this city, passed away at his homo
on Second street at 11:30 this Friday
morning. His death waa caused; by 1 past year, according to announcement
pneumonia, which followed an attack 0f the county court yesterday.
of Influenza. Ho became 111 last week I The total amount to be raised In
and It was thought that he merely bad taxes for all purposes during 1019 Is
a bad cold but It was found that he $012,294.67, divided as follows:
had contracted tho Influenza. For stitj tax, X122.634.93, equaling
Ho waa born In Eugene and kaa'a levy of 3.405 mills,
hade his home hero and In that cky , For general fund, for county pur
all his life. Ho was 32 years old, ' poses, J274.4C8.C2, equaling a levy of
Ho Is survived by his wife,, Mrs, 7,822 mills.
Mlnnlo Dentley, his parents and the For county high school purposes,
following sisters: Mrs. Jack Hoxby, $27,018.28, equaling a levy of .770 of a
Camas, Wash.; Mrs. Bob Dadlsmoh, mill.
Green, Nevada, and Mrs. Ed Sloan, of , For county school purposes, $84,
EuRene, Frank Gordan of Springfield 663.71, equaling a levy of 2.410 mills.
Is an undo of Mr. Dentley. j For county school library purposes,
Tho body is at the Walker undertak- $1,087.76, equaling a- levy of .031 of a
Ing parlors. Funeral arrangements mill.
havo not yet been made. i For school district maintenance pnr-
will bo needed to meet maturing of a mill.
Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness Assessor Burton and h's force of as
Issued In anticipation of that loan, and slstants are now completing tho
as yet unpaid. Since the armistice amounts in the different road and
was signed Secretary McAdoo has school district in the assessed valua
tlmatcd that tho cash outgo from the tion of public utilities to be added to
treasury during the current fiscal year the local assessment.
ending Juno 30, 1910, will amount to I
$18,000,000,000, nnd much more than4 Ese,la Sankey Pa"e Awy
half of that amount has already been ?no cnso of lnfluenM deprived seven
expended In tho Ave and one,-half
months which have elapsed. Produc
tion of war nintcrlrtls nnd KiinnllPH hnrt
reached tho peak at tho time tho
armistice was signed und the bills
Incurred during that period of maxi
mum production must bo paid
The treasury must Issue another
largo loan, before the end of the fiscal
year, and I am entirely In accord with
thn nnltnv nlltllnnrl Mini ftila Inn
i.i .!. , , .
"It Is vitally
important thnt the '
treasury should continue In a most
energotlc way tho sale of War Savings
Stamps and Certificates. Among the
valuable and much needed lessons wo .
havo learned from tho war. Is that of f
thrift nnd Intelligent oxpondlturo. ! At the gas schools and in the regi
"Thrift helpod to win tho war arid ments and batteries men "aro trained
will help us to tako fujl advantage of td bo so quick in their movements
a victorious peace. It is thoreforo lm- that they can get on their masks In
pcratlvo that wo do not relax Into tho 8j: seconds. Thoy aro also taught on
old habits of wasteful expenditure and the burst of a gas shell In their neigh-
ImDorntlvo that tho habit of reason- berhood to hold their breath at once,
able living (on tho part ot those of it sounds easy enough to do this, but
both largo and small moans) so easily 1 j nlU8t come to a man automatically
n-jquirod during tho war period bo con-
"Millions of our pcorle havo become
holders ot bonds of their government.
but some of them scorn to feel that
they nro undor no further obligation
to retain thoso bonds and they nro sell
lng them and using tho money for un
necessary purposes or exchanging
thorn for other securities or very aloie to make a fool of oneself In half
doubtful value. So long as tho United a doJ;en different ways in putting on
States needs to sell bonds, those who a r03p!rator. nnd yot get It o In time
hold tho present Issues should not dls- m tho enil But drm sergeants will
poso of them excopt undor the spur of Blanji for nothing less than the stand
urgent nocesslty. They havo Invested nrd tIni0 3nrt lno most meticulous ac
In tho best security In tho world and It curacy. God bless these tyrants
Is both to tholr own Interest and to they must have saved a lot of lives!
that ot their government that these (. 0no 0f tho difficulties wo began to
securities bO retained. , nnrnimlnr with rnfrnrd tn rras shell
"There Is no doubt that there 13
throughout tho country a feeling of ro-
I taxation a reeling or soir snnsraction
at tho work already performed and a
j strong and not unronsonnblo rill to
Inl.-o up onco more Inillv'dunl and lmsi-
iofs Interest and activities. Tho of-
jgnniratjona were prepared for tho tnsk
which would lmvo confronted them
had the war continued throughout tho
,v0nr 1010. or lonrer. a1 1 .nm ennfl-
dent that despite thoso handicaps they
will not now reWx thMr efforts and
lo-nvo the obk unfinished.
"Victory hap como to ua earllor than
wo might reasonably expected, but vie-
iory pq riino un m negiect me
enmnjot'on of that work which mado
victory possible.
"nnr men on the other side still
hnvo tho!" work bofnro them nrd so
havo wo. They will not lesvo until tho
task ir-fully accomplished, nor shall
-we. I nni auro then that tho treasury
Inr-nr'n'ort can. '"'th con donco. o"r
-iinilmr tOiirlv lnn a"'' continue tho
-.1" p w-Kn,'t"iTii'Cfl'Ml,'MfcA 'now
' thof 'te'n,, f!rr'o,' wt'l rTond'
' W!f-''M Ml f"- mirrton
., mir
, . - - Mr ' "
10 BE 14.6 MILLS
Shows Increase Over Last Year
of Only One-tenth of
a Mill.
The state and county tax levy- (n
Lane for next year will bo 14.6 mills
compared with 14.5 mills for the
noses. M.G26.38, equaling a levy of .072
smau cuuuren ui a mouiers loving
caro. Mrs. Estella Sankey, wife of D.
O. Sankey, died at the local hospital
ven,cK r Pnm.raonli. which
louoweu innuenza. ane was mc
mother of eight children, the youngest
of which, a mere infant, died Sunday.
Mrs' S.ankoyf was 38 yfa The
luuurui miriitta wuru iiciu i uu.ouuy
nfternoon from the 'Walker chapel,
and Interment ' was rhn-lc In 7.Iount
Vernon cemetery. Rev. Danford of
the M. E. Church conducted the ser-1
vices. Mr. Sankey has also been qute
ill with the Influenza, but Is some lm-
jn nny. circumstances he may happen
I to find himself and you can find your-
80if jn aorao queer circumstances in
war anij to nssuro this a great denl
0( training is needed.
Anybody, however, can hold his
brent h for thirty seconds, and with
practice it Is possible to go well over a
mnut0. During this tlmo It Is pos-
among mon on the march or In com
munlcation trenches where no alarm
devices aro installed. In some bat-
taltous it was tho custom to teach
men- to spread tho glad tidings by
taking off their steel helmets and
beating, thorn with their bayonoU.
This certainly makes a good old nolso,
out unfortunately It Is Just when gas
jg nro COnilng over that Bhrnpnel
j8 ai0 wt0y t0 bo In. the nir, and to
deprive a man of his tin hat nt this
' timo in ordor to provldo him with a
Uag aiarm ja vather robblug Poter to
'paj. paui.
j Tho uest wny undoubtedly, and tho
onQ now taucht throutjhout tho' Br t-
lfli and American forces, Is to hold the
reith, then put on tho respirator, and
finally spread tho news to ovoryone
Also by shouting "Gas shell!" as loud
7 is possible with the mask on.
Stomach Trouble.
"Beforo I used Chamberlain's Tab
lets I doctored a, great deal for stom
ach, trouble, and felt, nervous and tired
H tho, time.- . Those tablets helpod me
x'vm ho flrst,J aodj Inside of a week's
) lvrt improved ' In evory way,"
i-r" i' Mr.'-L, AV Drlnkard, Jefferson
Marked Decrease of Cases Shown by
As against seventy-three white flags I '
displayed In Sprlngfleld. ten days ago, lr number umpteen of the Sprfcff-forty-seven
today tells the story of the c d Hfle' ocUng with Eugene,
influenza epldmelc
In 8pringfleld, of
L.t.,.1. -aa-a a .
; which wiree.were uucu uunug uo
. ... . tui. L-m
rst twenty-four hours. Thla would
indicate a total number of cases at
about eighty.
That the quarantine measures are
proving equally as efficacious as the
previous ban in stamping out the dis
ease, Is borne out by the game per
centage of decrease.
But two cases out of tho total num
ber resulted fatally during the past
At a meeting of the school board
hnlrl Prl,!nv aftpmnrm If t-stn Ao.cMrA.
latter consultaUon with ,ocai phyri.
clans, not to reopeh the schoolB next
Every Member Campaign Nets Total
Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars.
With bnt a few dollars yet to be ac
counted for, Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah,
chairman of Uio lied Cross Member'
rhip Drive, has received a total of
t446 from the various committees as
sociated with her in the campaign.
Mrs. Van Valzah went to Eugene today
to tender a check in full to,the Lane
county headquarters.
Old Organization No Longer Has
.c oc Arm nf Militiru
I loosening up untiL the city limits were
If Congress determines to continue reached. This did not seem unreasoa
lio National Guard as the1 army re- able, so the passengers exchanged
I servo of .the -Nation, Secretary . Baker
says the guard servlco will nave to be
reconstituted from tho ground up.
Federalization of tho guard for war
j service, tho war department has held they'd wait!
on the opinion of Brigadier General , At about the unholy hour ot mld
'Samuel T. Ancell, acting judge advo night another streak of groased light
est o general, will wipe out of exist- nlng, conducted and coaxed by the
tance the federalized regiments. When Jonah of the "servuss," whose 1141
the men are discharged they will re- number should be 13 but Is not, some-
fturn to civilian life without any obli- times lovingly referred to as "poor
. gation either to the federal or state
governments to continco in national
guard service.
j Mr. Baker expressed a belief that
tho problem of the National guard is
'bound up closely with the question
of what Congress may do later' In
framing legislation to establish a per
manent military policy. Should some
system of universal military training
be worked out, army officers said, it
is probable that the National Guard
would cease to exist. The war depart-
ment has not as yet made any recom -
nondations on the subject.
There are many National Guard
units organized since the war by the
various states which are not affected
by the, Avar department's ruling. In
some 'cases federal recognition has
been obtained bringing the units un-;that ho is paying for on the lnstall
der the federalization sections of the ment plan. The chink said "No
act of 1916. isabe!" and the mazuma did not per-
' Guards Merged Into U. S.1 Forces,
Tno ereat maBS of the Suard, how -
ever, was merged into tno temporary , nvea ai tno c:iy umus. nerp i'is
foices of tho nrmy of the United , camo to collect tho second Installment
States for the war. thereby completely of the passenger tariff ono for the
losing Its identity. ThcBe regiments, company and one for tho HaTley
Includlng every historic military or-j Davidson. Both the Chinaman and
gan'.zatlon Jn tho country, some ot the editor demurred nnd filed a coun
them with records dating back to the ter claim for loss of half ail hour's
Revolutionary war, and many ot them time. Fish came right back and
being survivals of Civil war volunteer J charged them both 15c for thirty m"
organizations, must undor tho ruling jutes' lodging In tho Pullman sleeper
bo reconstituted, recruited to neces-Und a nickel extra for heat. After
sary strength and again-presented to ! some dtscusston an arm'.Btice was
tho federal government for recognition ! signed and peace terms were effected
before It can take a place In tho fedor-1 by the payment of tho second faro
nllzed National Guard. 'and for the heat. Fish gavo tho heat
Mr. Baker said ho anticipated that j money to the company,
state authorities generally would notj When the switch was reached the
attempt to reconstitute any of the old , trolley jumped the track again, bat
roglmonts of National Guard until af-, nothing else happened untlj arrival t
tor the divisions Into which thoy had . tho S, V, red-light district. ' There was
beon merged return from France. It
would seem desirable, he thought, that
mon to be discharged from those di
visions bo given a chanee te" reMllat
tn the guard, This would' j)HWe,. he
said, the reconstituted rewets. to
bo in fact as well as ln.BReja oon-
Unuatlon of the oH ergBlatlos,.wlth
every right, to carry the namea.of the.
historic battles la Prance.
Two Forlorn Passengoj? Get
New Viewpoint Upon Rapid
"u ouourus, ien n
I terminus on time .one evening
rweek. It bad aboard its usual If 341
Quota of passengers, consisting of a
gee-haw editor and a Chinaman. As
these two worthies boarded the ee
traption that creaked asd groaned a
der Its augmented burden, the were
relieved of a nickel each, as. the trot
installment payment for . 'the prMlsga
of being seated la the camouflage
Pullman with the wheat-straw seats,
the fourth one having a hole baete
in it to let the heat through, 3a the
winter and is need as a ventHator in
the gwd old summer Ome. tt wwks
. .1 , -
mat aoes worK real we;i, except ue
motorman, and lie never acts as If .he
worked through choice.
After one of tho nickels waa rang
up in the S. P. detector, thq i'Mtr obc
was knocked down by the 'casatev
The editor made no protest over this
sudden diverting of the company's
hard-earned coin, as ncder government
control the company does not need the
money, and being poor once ourselves,
he felt that the fifty-fifty arrangement
the captains of the trolleys had inau
gurated was eminently fair. The
I chink did not seem to notice, the fin
icky finance of the J. Rufus Walling
, ford, but If he did, he showed ho signs
of uneasiness, no doubt believing that
the car was conducted regulirly upos
a percentage basis.
i At the conclusion of the division ot
the spoils, however, the astute nsoter
man Informed his passengers that ear
nmPteen had a fractured trolley, ant
if they wou,d kindly remain seated
until the next one hove in 8Uht, whea
they could change without -further
mutual looks of sympathy and agreel
to wait. It would only be half an
hour anyhow, and what's half an hoar
to a Chinaman or an editor? Snra
Fish," and when not on tho car te
the carpet explaining things, took a
chunk out of Ebbett's garage as he
swung the corner fend dropped anchor
In front of the Temple or Mammon
on the corner of Second and Main.
Old flat-wheel with the busted trolley
was stalled a block away, but Fish
the speed-kink Ib not allowed to come
any closer than a block from another
. car. (
The two passengers foresook their
cosy corners and trudged to the Flak
, wagon.
j As usual .the trolley came off at the
bridge corner, and as Fish wont to
the stern of the ship to put it on, he
tried to collect another nickel from
tho Chinaman, aa bo needed tho money
for an inner tube for his motorcycle
1 Nothing happened then until we ar-
some alight delay at this point when
a Btrlog, of empties trailed (along ovet
the rlsht-of;wy.
. The,,ed.itor arrived at his deatlnattoj
at an hour tba( sounds auaplcloua
but, beat (he milkman to It by twenty
LTe.ChInaR,n.lo going yet.
. , PUf.It'B R CIRCB
a "la." gem mm