The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 05, 1918, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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llSDAY, DEC. C, 1018
k Warm Welcome Awaits
You at Ketels' Fountain
You'll find our soda fountain a very inviting spot thcBo
cool fall days.
A cup of Hot Soda cheers, bocauso It plonsos tho pal
alo and braces tho body. Most hot boverages aro
food drinks, therefore thoy aro healthful and strength
ening as well as satisfying.
When you aro chilled It will wnrm you, and when you
aro deprcHHod it will stimulate and strengthen you.
Try a Cup of Our Beef Tea
"lheres Satisfaction m nvery oip
W. W, Ebbott of tho Mnln garago
was called to Fischer's mill nt Mar
cola on Thanksgiving day to repair
mil start tholr electric gonornlor, an
tho lights woro noodod to run tha,mlll
day and nlghL .Mr. Ebbott roturncd
Uio samo day and reports that oVory
thing li runnlngluo at Marcola.
Mr. and Mm. J. I). Hill ontortalnod
Hovcral of tholr friends at dlnnoron
Thanksgiving day. Among tho guests
woro: Messrs. Ooorgo Krutz atd
John Howttlan.
Dr. and Mrs, N. W. Emory enter
tained tho following guests at dlnnor
iThnnksgvIng day: Mr. and Mm. Light
(foot of Eugono, M.r I'. II. Emory and
1 Mlas prnco Emory.
Miss Myrl Aronld dollghtfully en
tortalncd a numher of slrl friends
Wednesday ovenlng at hor homo on
A stroot. botwoon Fifth ami Sixth.
Tho ovenlng was spent In making
candy and In playing gnmos. Those
who enjoyed Miss Arnold's hospitality
wcro: MIbsob Lottie and Lottla Whit
akor, Jefferson, Eva Stroud, Lona
Interesting Letter to His Mother, Mrs.
H. L. 8tewart.
Thompson, &- UN
Wlllnmutto VnHoy Ranchos,
well Improved, on and near
Pacific Highway, for sale or
rent on good tonus.
Call and glvo Uh a trial.
Phone Springfield 4.
I. IHrowor and Mrs. Vera West.
Mrs. D. E. IJrown of Kail Creek vis
ited hor daughter, Mrs. N. L. Howard,
Sunday and Monday.
Miss Hostor Hurd, a student at tho
university, spout tho wcob with Mr,
and Mrs. James I. tMoorc. ,
A. Klntzloy of Kail Crook spent,
Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr,
and Mm, Georgo Klntzloy.
Mrs. William Donaldson dollghtfully
entertained a number of dinner guests
Thursday. Tho house was beautifully
decorated with yollow chrysanthe
mums and' Oregon grapo. Tho guest
list Included: Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Finco, Oct. 27, 1018.
My Doar Mother:
I am going to try to wrlto a hit to
night, as I haven'.l written for a week.
There Is not much nows to wrlto;
ovorythlng Is about tho samo hero as ,
when I wroto last. I got to soo moro
of the country around horo now, as I
am driving a three and a half ton
Packard truck. I drove a Pierce-
Arrow for while I drovo over;
fifty miles. tho other day, starting at i
7 p. m. and getting back at 1 a. m. I
I had tho best meal tho bthor dayj
that I havo had slnco I left homo. It i
was cooked 'by an Aniorican woman j
at tho Itcd Cross. It suro was good, J
and I was hungry. I had been drlv-;
lug Injho cold Just co'd enough to
glvo you a good apctlta. (
Toll John I saw some hop yards
hero that were just about th,o slzq of.
a city lot. Tho polos woro about!
forty root high. I don't know how
thoy dry them, but I know how tho
boor tastes about like dishwater
1 was in a sawmill the other day.
It was a Joko; it would tako too long
to (oil you about It on paper, so will
wait till I get homo, which I don't
think will bo very long, as things!
look over hero now. I
I have seen quite a fow of the old
boys of tho 05th O-A. C. that havo
boon In tho hospital and were on
their way back to their company.
They havo been on tho firing lino.
(Mr. Stewart went over with the
Cf.tli C. A. C, was in the supply com
pany, but on landing in England was
sent at onco to a hospital with, scarlet
fever. Ho was there forty-two days.
Springfield Garage
United States "
Mill of Holtnun Ornvu. Mr. and Mrs
Kdear Thorn. . Mrs. M. It. Wncencr,;"0 ,lB novcr Got back with his old
net your (Jrnndoldopo for Influenza Miss Oladys Wuggnor nnd Mr. Harry ! company, but has boon at a trench
: Town and Vicinity
.f.lnnlouro Sots nt Pcory's.
Kdytho Holcomb Ih III with the Influ
mm. John Greon Is suffering with. Uio in
luonza. '
Paul Scott returned to Portland
llort Snook returned to Camp Lewis
iundny ovenlng.
pinrmc. Khnhnn Ih assisting at
ClIIT's restaurant.
E. P.. Grimn mndo a business trip to
Fall Crook Friday. ,
nt Peery's
' 9
, Miss Edna Flschor, who has boon
n't Haymond, Wash., tho post six
months, Ih nt homo again.
MY. I). J. Hill purchased an Over
'and automobile 'through ho Main cur
age tho latter part of lust week.
Ora Noot of Corvnllls spent Thanks
giving nnd Hi (j romulnder of tho week
with his parents at Glcnwood.
Miss Dorllo Uruce, who teaches
school nbovp Nlmrod, spent Saturday
ut her homo on cant Main street.
Miss Vera Nolson, who spent
Thnnksglvlng with hor parents- nt
Brownsville, returned Sunday night.
Mnrgarot Tomsoth received a beau
tiful hnnd vmbroldereil apron from hor
brother, Arnold Tomsoth, who is in
Howard Cotton, a member of tho
Douglas, all of Junction City; Mrs
Chnuucoy Moachoin. Mlus.Ona'McKay
and Hilly Nuun of ' Portland. Mrs. headquarters company.
Waggoner stnyod over until Friday,
nnd Mr. Nunn stayed over tho week
end. ,
Corn. ,
WILKINSON Thursday, 'December 5,
101S, to Mr. and Mrs. Evert, Wilkin
son, a daughter. ,
IIHINEVAULT At Full Creek Friday,
November 29, 1018, to Mrs. A. C.
Ithlnovault,. a son
Rob Ilinlr of Jasper was down on 1 S. A. T. C. nt Corvnllls. camo homo
business Wednesday.
Hooks! Hooks!! Mako your uolcc
tlonB now at Peery's.
Norwood Cox Is Buffering with an
attack of tho Influenza
Mr. Stltt of Kelso, WnUi., Is visiting
her dnughtor, Mrs. F. E. Lonhnrt.
Wednosdny ovenlng nnd stayed until
Sunday night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Hadloy and chil
dren of Jnspor spout Frldny with Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. F. Smith, who reside on
east Main street.
Hilly Nunn returned to Portland
Sunday nftor spending Thanksgiving
...11. I.ta .mitt nti.1 ttnnlft Mi- nml Kfru.
. . .,,.,..,4 .fill. Ilin UUII. .,... u ..... u , ..... ...... .'..v,
t Loavo your tuusw.puu..- W11,am Doun,,,aon
nt Poory's. I
Mr. and, Mrs. Hrlck Wllmot of Vo
nola spent Sunday with frlohds.
Goorgo W. West, M. C. Hrosslor's
ibrothor-In-law, spent Sunday horo.
Mrs. Emma Nott has accepted n po
sition at tho arlggs" hotel in Eugene.
Somo nifty Xmns Porfumos nt
GamoH for the -kids at Peery's.
William Darling Is back at tho
power plant after sovoral days vaca
Ulon. . .
Miss Frorn Itichardson of Idaho Is
visiting, at tho homo of Mrs. Fcglos.
Miss Itichardson Is a former high
school student.
Lloutonunt Lloyd McKay, who Is
stationed at Camp Mills, N.Y., writes
that ho expects to ho homo In a wcok
or two on a furlough.
Mrs. Hny Ilolverson and Binnll sort
arrived from San Frnncvlsco Tuesday
nnd will remain horo until hor hus
band roturns from Franco.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brossor and
children of Vancouver, Wash,, arrived
HYLAND At his homo In Eugcno,
Monday, December 2, 1918, Hay Hy-land.
CLEVELAND At tho Sprlngfiold hos
pltal Tuesday morning, Decembor 3,
1918, Qeorgo W. Cleveland, at tho
ago of 89 years. Tho deceased
leavos ono son, Frank P. Cloveland
of Chicago. Tho body was shipped
to Chicago for burial.
motor school ever slnco)
I am In a company now; it's tho
I am suro
glad to got back Into a company
again. There s a fine bunch of boys
In this company, and wo havo a good
time. Wo are In billots hero. Tho
ono 1 n:n In is a big stono house with
a tilo roof. Thcro's twenty follows ,
hero. Wo havo a fireplace and I like '
that Tho .man that owns tho house ,
has fifty rabbits hero In a pen. 'They
arc overy color you con Imagine. I f
saw somo of tho largest pigeons the :
other day I over saw. ' They must
havo weighed three pounds apiece.
Thoy were dark blue in color. I would :
I'Ve to send a pair home, but no
Yesterday I saw an old Frenchman
killing n hog. After ho had killed St
ho piled straw all around it and set it
afire. That Is tho way they scald
them horo.
You wanted to' know how I am feel
ing. Woll, I haven't felt better In a
long time. I haven't been Blck since
I left tho hospital In May. I had a
Httlo trouble with my loft oye In June;
Just got something in It, I guess. They
havo hhout tho samo weather "here
tht you do In Springfield, and more
mud. I havo a good pair of boots, a
' i ' " . ft
Comfort Within
In tho County Court of the Stnte of
Oregon for tho County of Lnne.
In tho matter of tho estate -of Etta K.
FV Prnsfnn ftnpnnnnfl
To Honry C. Preston, Rolgh T. Earn-Uentlier coat and bB gauntlet gloves,
ost, Ruth C. Earnest, and John W. so let it get cold
Itussell Earnest Greeting: T,0ts of the boys are going on fur-
When Cold's Without
COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN in thou
sands of homes this Winter unless provision Is made for
auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late.
A Portable Gas Heater
will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short
age is, sure to produce. Bon't fail to get yours now, that
you may enjoy its warmth and cheer all through the
frosty days of fall and during the bitter cold of winter.
Mountain States Power Co.
Notice is hereby given that tne un-
n tho nanTo or the Stn o of Oregon , , " -."Z Z w n tZ 1 dorslgned has filed his final account
you aro hereby cited and : required l to loUBhs now' 1 so'ng on one the of the last wll, and testa-
appear in th County Court of tho A""31 of next month, but I guess IUjraent and estate of Esther Matilda
State of Oregon, for tho C unty of wnlt till the first of tho year,.then tho , Jphnson, deceased, in the County
Lnne. nt tho court room thereof, at war will be over and 1 can take a good . Court of the State of Oregon for the
Eugono, In tho County of Lnno. on , ,hnn I County of Lane, and that Saturday,
Tuesday', tho 7th day of January. 1919. ono "lon; th0 14th day of December, 1918, at tho
ut iv o cjock in uio ioronoou 01 mac e - i jiuur ui vuti
Mrs. Ada Hatchollcr was called to'ulny for a short visit with Mr. and
Portland Sunday by tho Illness of hor"- W. H. McKay, Mrs. Dressers
John S. Lornh loft for Portland
"Thursday nftornoon to bo gono until
"Sunduy. s
Vornlta Morrison, ilaughtor of E. E.
Morrison, Is suffering ;wlth an attack
of Influenza. '
Herbert Cox, bookkdoper at tho
:Booth-Kolly mill, Is rocovorl'ng from a
y recent iillnoss. .
Carl 13. Fischer rojurnod to Portland
Friday aftor ponding ' sovoral dnya
with IiIb family.
Miss Smith and Vera West havo ac
cepted employment nt tho McDowell
department store.
Captnin Dodd and wlfo of Eugono
woro dlnnor guests of Mrs. Van Val
znh Thnnksglvlng.
Mrs. Al Hodtm and dnughtor of Fall
Crook woro In town Wednesday for
niodlcnl troatmont.
Edgar Collins, of Marshflold Is visit
ing his sisters, Mrs, Frank Pnrrlsh and
Mrs. Wnltqr arllllu.
W. W. 'Ebbott was cnllod early
Thursday Inornlng to h,rIiiB In a car
wrecked noar Eugono.
II. A. Wttshburno wont to Portland
Tuesday on business. Ho oxpOcts to
bo awny-several days.
Mrs. F. J. Moslilor was tho guost of
Mrs. Lawronco May Thursday. Mrs.
Moslilor has accoptod tho position as
bookkoopor in tho Hooth-Kolly ofllco
at Wpndllng.
Mrs. II. It. WInton, wlfo of Lieu
tonant WInton of Vancouver barracks,
is horo visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira Young
and fnmily. Mrs. WInton was former
ly Viola Hayes.
Joan Ffschor, a studont at O. A. C,
spoilt Thanksgiving with hor parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Carl FlBchor of Emorald
Holghts. Miss Flschor roturnod to
Corvnllls Sunday ovoning.
Walter Conrad, Hort Snook, Harry
Colo and Marlon Adnms of Camp
Lowls spent Thnnksglvlng with tholr
parents and friends. Tho boys all ro
turned Sunday pvonlng. '
k Tlio many friends of Mr. nnd Mrs
Mlko Hoavor of Pprtlnnd woro mado
Dad hy ho nows of Mr- Uoavor's
doath Monday. Mr. Hoavor Is In tho
Hospital in n critical condition.
Mrs, J. W. Mallckn left for Portland
Tuesday to attend tlio fuuoral of Mrs.
T. H. HtuiBon. Mrs. Hanson Is tho
mother of Otto Hanson, vl)o wns In
tho bakery business horo ubout two
years ago,
day, thennnd there to show causo, if about so will close. I will write again
any you havo, wily an ordor for the m a few days.
salo of Lot SovoiUoen In Hlock Fivo of . "..
Falrmount, now a part of tho City of , iVm qtowiot
Eugeno, Lano county .Oregon, should' CHAS. ALLLN STEWAKl,
not bo mado for tho purposo of paying Headquartors DaL, French Art Center,
tho debts of said estno and tho costs i a. i. O. !)03.
of administration. i
Witness, tho Hon. H. L. Rown. Judco !
of tho County Court of tho Stnto of T1, following letters are auveruseu
Oregon, for tho County of Lnno and, at the local postotnce: u. u. uenion,
tho Seal of said Court horeto nulxed, Mrs. Antono Enzlor, Mr. T. E. Thorn-
this 2GUi day of November, 1918.
as, Mr. Percy Hltglns. A charge of
1 cent will be made on all adverted
The Man That Was Right!
Position Taken In Regard to OH
Distribution Is Upheld.
nolatod commendation of th
stand taken by Fred J. Holmes,
State Fuol Administrator, In pro
testing attempt of oil distributors
to forco nil sollors into tho. closing
ngreomont reached him yesterday,
N. I). Hoeehur, couusol for tho oil
division of tlio United Stntos Fuol
Administration, sent Mr. Holmes a
lottor saying: r
"Wo think your position is en
tirely cojioot, that in -view of tho
fact that no ordor with respect to
closing has boou losuod by tho Fuol
Administration, distributors woro
froo to comply or not, as thoy saw
fit, and that tho oil companies woro
not justified In refusing to soil to
ihoso who failed to comply."
W. W. EBBETT of tho Main
Garago always know ho wns right
in tho recent fight with tho Stan
dard and Union 01 companies. It
was nothing moro or "'loss than a
schbmo to put W. W. Ebbott out of
buslnoss, but I played tho game too
square, nnd while 1 nmf frank to ad
mit It hurt rao and my business
for n whllo, I am now snfo nnd do
ing moro business than over. You
will always find mo and my work
men ready to do tin right thing by
you. If wo mako a inlstnko or do
work for you that is not satisfac
tory lot us know; wo olthor mako
it right or glvo you back your
has been
fixed and appointed by said Court as
the day nnd time for hearing objec
tions to said account and for the set
tlement thereot. All objections must
bo in writing and filed with the Clerk
of said Court on or before the said day
and time. ...
Dated this 12th day of November,
Executor of the Estate of Matilda
Johnson, dceased
Dr. N. W. Emery
R E S I D E N C E P H ON E 1 29-W
78, A. M. F Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rlto Uni
versal and Symbolic Free
Masons' meets first and third
Friday evening in W. O. W.
halL Visltlifg brothors wel
P. A. Johnson
Chas. Klngswoll
R. W. M
Boys in
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J
Over Commercial Bank
Springfield, Oregon
Ofllco Phono G2; Resldencq 67-1
West Main St.
were served a bread that
served them when the
hardships of war demand
ed the utmost of soldierly
endurance. It was made
to nourish, strengthen and
give stamina and it did all
that. It was made with
the best wheat flour per
haps not as appetizing as
that baked with better fa-cilities-rbut
tho health
giving ingredients were in
it just the same, Such a
bread is Elephant Bread
but with the added zest of
being scientifically baked
in a cleanly, modern way.
Elephant is the last word
in a wholesome, nutritious
and palatable bread for
YOUR table.
Eggimann 9s