THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1018 TUB . SPlUNGPIfiLlJ NEWS. PADS A Rubber Doctor Aro you familiar with the curative powor of heat? It you aro, ypu will appreciate the valuo of a Hot Water Bottle , In your homo. SUch a bottle will jrellovo suffering caused' by toothache, earacho, neuralgia and many other Ills. .Hcat cures In such cases by rollovjng congestion and i-nutnrlnir nnmuiV rlrnlnttmi . restoring normal circulation. A Hot Wator Bottlo will also' pi'ovido comfort for cold foot, B&TITUTE i Town and Vicinity 64 Fountain pons at, Poory's. Something, for ovorybody at Mc Dowell', 4 Harvey Copley roturnod to Portlnnd Sunday. Tho now Klenzo tooth paste,-25c, at I'oery's. ' John' Ityndoht bpont Sunday at'Cot taKO .Orovo. . ' ' ' ' , ',' Holiday gqods McDuwoII'b. now on Thoro 1m to bu a dauco at Thurston thla evening. Mm. MyrtlolMrtle of Coburg visited here Tuesday. Eat your Thanksgiving C'lffT'a ruutauraut. dinner at Soo tliosq manlcuro nets at Poory's. C. I). Montgomery Is driving C. 1$. Lyon's truck. TIiito of tlio'Borg-boyB aro 111-with tho Jnlluunzu. Mrs. Tom Billings, is ablo lb bo homo from tho hospital. Now Peory's. and nifty box papors Lllll Darling and Karl Lyman killed five goose Sunday. Cot your Xnina Peory's. tags nnd eoals at Mrs. Etta Flschor Portland this week. Is visiting In Esther Huntloy roturnod tho first of tho weak from Mabel. Tho G Ion wood school Is making up n half hour each day. Mr. and Mrs. S .C. Gatklo of Mnbol spent Sunday In town. First-class shoo repairing at the W. Ji. Hull Shoo utoro. adv. .MIbb Mabel, Fandrem la recovering :from hor rocont Illness. JUr. J. E. Itlchmond la HI at hor Hiomo on Second strooU H. S, Oua'orhoudt and family lidvo. auoved to Cottago Grove. MIbb Lotklo McDowoll loft Satur day for Raymond, WobIi. ... Porfumes In bulk and fancy boxes .at Poory's. ' '"'.' MIbb -Ethel Howard roturnod "Wendllng Saturday afternoon. to Grandma McDovitt lb spending (he week-end twltii Eugene friends. Flrst-olas shoe repairing at the, V A. Hall Shoe store. udv. Edytlio Jiolcomb oxpects to( epond1 'Thanksgiving nt .North Bend.1 . Mrs, Jack Bontloy is asslating In the McDowoll deportment store. . Mrs. Emma Nott ma do a hustnesB trip to Junction City Saturday. Do not eoolc ThaijlcBglvlng dlnndr. Eat at ClIfl'H, Prices reasonable Mr. nnd , Mm, Dolbort Ducknum apont tho wook-ond with frloiuls! '' ,i Duy your Xmhs'jnifrorfl, plcturia audi picture frumou at McDowoira. , Trncy Lyons and family of Llnsldw -wero'ln town on buslnosa TuoBday. i .( ' Harry Neat of Trent Jiaa flccopted a poBltlon at tho Dooth-ICelty mill, Harry "Whltnoy apont tho woolc-ond with his niothbr at Suthorlin, Oregon, PHONE 31 r ZZZ 3ss tlravo J.. W. Whlto of Cottngo oponcd tho thoatrq Saturday evening. Mr. II. I'. Mortoimon roturnod Mpn day avonlng from a visit at Qlendalp. Horbort Downing of Wondllng tin dorwont a major oporatlon last week. Thoro will bo u union meeting at tho .Baptist church Thursday evening. Mr, IJIrch and family; who'-reside on Mill att cot, are HI with puoumpnln. .Carl Swnnson ' and wlfo of Goto Creek wore In town on business Tues day. D.'iltitv eiin. iinronR. ntc. mnka nlcn v,n. nrosonta. "Obt them nt 'McDow- ' . . . OUH. Dennis Cyr has just completed n garngo on Ills place on cast Main street. Thq mills will close on ThankBglv Ing In order to give tho omploy'ees a holiday. llrlng ub your Pork,-Voul, Chickens, Uuttor and Eggs, We pay mote. Cox & Cox. Mrs. Sarah ijorrlsi Mrs. M. M. Peery'B motbor, returned ; to Sclo Monday. i ' MIbb Iluth Run ford, who has been qulto 111 for some time, Is rapidly re covering. Charles Butlor and wlfo aro tho proud parents of a daughter, born Thursday night. Magazines mako outs. Loavo your Poory'B nlco Xnins pros BubscrlpttonB at There will bo a danco at Mabel Sat urday night Hondorshott orchestra will furnish tho mualcl , r. MIbb Vora Nelson, expecta t'o 'Bpond Thanksgiving with her paronts' "at Urownsvljlo. . -Good potato aacks and' sowing twlno nt Springfield Fpod Company's storo or waroho.uso. Mrs. S. H. Upton, Stato Pollco Ma tron, Bpont Friday hero en routo to Klamath Falls. Mrs. Ray Dakor and Mrs. Itoy Ba ker of Mabel had their' toitBlls re moved Sunday. Cnlvln Bossorman has resigned hlB' position at Lyon's and In working. at tho Main garago. Miss Marjorlo Machon, a toaehor In (lie Junction City high Bchool, spent $,undiy;jwlth friends. ,Tho; local bt-dor of Woodmen of tho World "took charcg of tho funoral of J. It. H61br.6ok Tuoaday. Tho Victory, boys and girls of tho Glen wood school,, doubled their Quota In the rdcont' campaign.' '. Itoa'st chicken with drosstng and creUm'od. chlckou Is tho ThankBglvIng m-nu at Cliff 'a ,resUuranL Ansll Parkor, Bon of Frod Parker, spent Friday in town on business. Ansll Is working at Debtor. Tho mombors of, Pino Circlo No. 25, Neighbors of Woodcraft, hold a moot ing at tho hall thla nftornoon. Tho United Artisans will hold tholr regular mooting at tho W. O, W. half Vodnesday oyonlng, Docembor 4. "Claudia DrlggB, Dorothy Boylos, Dorothy Hoopor, Clara Bakor of Mabol had their tonsils rowovod Sunday. - Manila MoClUBkoy-Schroudors, who taught a succoBsful claos of piano pu pils in Springfield this past summer, Is how ready to ncoopt pupils for tho winter. Engagomontaican bo mado by! phoning Eugono 203-R. ."Hhorty" .MnokJIq Jott. WodncBday morning- for Norti Dpnd, whoro ho win spond Thanksgiving with bis brother. Tom Billings roturncd from tlio Ku gorio hospital Saturday afternoon. IIo wns confined for five days with tho "flu." 1 Waltor Da'lloy, ), S. Hutchinson! Tod Levitt and 13. B. Morrison will itng at tho union meeting Thursday evening;. " Anna Illdwoll ,n teacher at Trlan glo Lako, la homy for, tho weo, as tho school KOts. a iwook's Thanksgiving vacation. Mrs. Nabry and daughters, who liavo boon visiting Dr. and Mrs, N. W Emory, loft ' for Frosno, California, Thursday. , - John-Mullen, a formor.rcnldcnl, but who now resides In Portland, Is In town visiting old frlonds and attend' Ing to huslnoss. .. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Bentloy, MIbb rFreldtt Fandrcm hnd Harry Fan d rem ,ni(onucu uio mngo uanco ni tsugenoj i uv'iiuny ovpnniK. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Martin, Mrs. Crltcs and Mr, and Mre. Frod Dreielcr spent Sunday with J. P., doddard and .wlfo at Cottage Grove. ' FLOUIt AND FEED. Flour at ,12.75; ovory jack guaranteed. Oct 'ou'' food prices. Thoy aro IUQHT. 8prlngflold Fcod Company. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Lemons, who havo been at Marshflold, arrived Friday to spend several days with Mrs. Lemon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Winzon reld. ' ' . .' Even tho editor has waxed his shoos and Is preparing to do . tho "highland fling", on tho "Night o'LnffB." Ho will also- rival- the nightingale Mrs. Myrtlo Moon and Mr. E. M. Moon aro hero t. visit Mrs., Moon's father, L. H. Morgan. Mrs. Moon Is a roaldcnt of Itosoburg, and Mr. Moon is from Coqulllo. All ono hoars on tho streets is "Aro you In tho chorus?" "Isn't Mr. InnlB a splendid director?"' etc. The News has lost Its popularity and wo hear no moro about tho "Buzz-Saw." ' GROCERIES. You can flavo money by getting nt Springfield Feed .Com pany's Storo. How about somo bulk Honey and Marshmallow'Syrup.? Just rocolvcd a" fresh shipment of oodflah and klppor salmon. Tho high schbol quill manipulators camo through with aomo "dope" this weok, as tho back page will testify. Thoro muBt bo something doing at 'that dear old Beat of learning from tho looks of things. Earl Meats, son of 'Mr. nnd Mrs. G. II. Meats of Glenwood, arrived homo Friday morning from a camp in Toxas, whoro. ho haB boon for Uio past twenty months. Ho la still suffering from an Injury caused last Bpring when a train hit htm. Mrs. J. W. Coffin rocolvod a cable gram Tuesday from Lloutonant G. E. McLlrikoy, an intlmato friend of ber son Ralph, who Is Btatloried with him at Nevere,- Franco. Tho mossago 8atod that 'Ralph whs'woll nnd feeling flno. Sergoant Coffin la a telegraph oporator In tho. signal corps. Ho was sent to Franco with tho Dlst division. Mrs. P, A. Wooloy rocojved a do llghtfut Thanksgiving, present from hor - daughters, Chloe and Lavonla, who aro ai Austin, Colorado. Tho package proved to bo a large box of Jonathan apples, probably grown on tho oldqr daughter's homo place near Austin. Miss Chloa Wooley has been muiting ner nomo witn nor slater for somo tlmo- r No ono wishes to take snap Judg mont' upon the telophono companies, nor doeo no ono wlsh the companies to put -over snap Judgments upon thorn. ALWAYS AT Main Garage Phone CORNER OF MILL AND MAIN, SPRINGFIELD W. W. EBBETT : Automobile and Gas Engine Repairing", Storage Batteries Recharged and Repaired Auto Accessories , , ' Tires, Tubes, Blowout Patches, Chains Columbia Dry Colls, Ford Parts Gasoline, Oils and. Greases .'' Havo your work dono and buy your accessories at a House who absolutely guarantees satisfaction That's US ' Store your car in a W. W. EBBETT, Electrical Expert Fireriroof Building. JACK .MITCHELL, Mechanic. 1 lb Grandoldop4 Wo woro, John KoIoIb, Star boardor at "Tho Vanboanery," About tho cat, ' . Ho Isn't a tomcat, He's a lady oat. Wo aro glad to wolebmo In our midst ,-. Mr, EnnU ' - With his "Night o' Laffs." It will holp out Thla column woridorfully. 'It Wo havo a fooling Wo nro going to have Sdmothlng' "on" - ' Harry StbwaVt ' .. ' ,' By tho time . ' The "Night o Laffs"-' i , IB pulled off. Now wb know filnc'6 wo'v6 Beou' Mark PcOry act ' ' . f. ' '' flow' ho camo by "' ' ' ,' That slmplo Idoit t ' , Ho'ii a reformed "end-man," , And iiolfoVo me.'ho'a good. u " ' '," Doc Richmond Is considerable . ,.. . Of a cut up, himself, - ' "When ho get's going.- - r,t We aro thankful . ; . This Thanksgiving day ,.i That Christmas comes But once a year; . , That our annual 'Wear-off.' Is Just n little ways off; -That we don't own a qar; That Uo flu haB flu; That wo got two" lumps of sugar; That prosperity's In sight; That our Blioes'aro good yet; . That wo don't caro for "turkey; Ndr eggs; . That wo actually need Handkerchiefs, socks and Hod ties for Xmas; That we'ro. going to get 'em; . That tho Springfield News Keeps us awake "nights; That Yifl hate nobody; And lovo everybody , Except Bill Hohenzollern; And Santa Claus; Tliat wo have only ono Linotype machine; . That wo have sown our wild oats -And reaped substitutes; And If we have overlooked Any other Items Wo aro thankful for Uiat, too. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not Imagine that because othsr cough medicines failed to give you re- Jlef that It will bo the. same with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Bear In mind that from a small beginning this remedy has gained a world' wide reputation and Immense sale. A med Iclno must have exceptional merit to win esteem wherever It becomes known. SOCIAL EVENTS GIVES DANCE. . Miss Jane Llndsey of, the local high school entertained her fellow teachers at a dance In the Stevens' hall Satur day evening. A good time was re ported by nil wflo attended. TO ENTERTAIN DINNER GUESTS. Mrs. William Donaldson will enter- tain at dinner Thursday the following guests; Mrs., R. ,H. Wnggiier and family and Mrs. Gladys Thom SOCIAL TIME ENJOYED. Mrs. J. D. Pavls delightfully enter tained a number of her friends Satur day afternoon, The hours were spont in sowing nnd conversation. At the cIobo of tho afternoon the hostess served a two-course luncheon. YOUR SERVICE 17. Vfe bMMM 'Mil yni-iM WttU CHAINS ET WEATHER INSURE YOUR TRACTION YOUR SAFETY, YOUR CAR ' ' ' pringfield Garage A CONCERN OF RELIABILITY Comfort Within When Cold's Without COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN In thou sands of homes this Winter unless provision Is made, for auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late. A Portable Gas Heater r will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short age Js sure to producaDpn't fail to get yours now, that you may enjoy its warmth and cheer" all through the frosty days of fall and during, the bitter cold of winter: Mountain States Power Co. PUBLIC UTILITIES Those present were: MeBdames' Han nah Holvereon, J. J. Browning, Jene eatt Richardson, Margaret Lepley, Georgia Nettleton, Frank- Powers, E. E. Morrison, James ' Laitcra, Lydia Lepley. Ella Lambert and R. C. Bos serman. ATTEND MEETING. Tho P. E. O. lodge held their annual meeUng at Eugene Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Moll Case. The following ladles from h&re were pres ent: Mrs. Birdie Walker, Mrs. W. L. Durilap, Mrs. Joe Lusby and Mrs. Dan Crltcs: , Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPUCATIONS. as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is s blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take In ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly upon the blood and rhucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of .the best phy sicians In this country 'for years and Is a reRular prescription, It Is composed of the beat tonics known, combined with the best blood purlnerj. ncllns directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two lagredlents Is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. 3 CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Soil by Drucsltti, price 76c. Tska Hall's Family Pills for conitlpallon. ,D. W. ROOF JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, - OREGON FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS DENTISTRY DR. J. E! RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J Over Commercial Bank Springfield, Oregon . , W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER. ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ofllce' Phone 62; ""ftoBldonce 67-T West Main St. A.- TIRES ALL SIZES Goodrich . Hartford United States., Lee Firestone Ftsk" ' Racine TUBES IN ALL SIZES AND THE BEST GRADE i . The Bskor s Oven Is a vital essential in mak ing breVd. Good bread cannot be mado in a poor oven any more than good baking can be In a poor stove. With this prin ciple in mind we installed an oven that is as good as the . Al materials that go into Elephant Bread , and both under tho skillful manipulation of a top notch bakor combine to produce a food fit to grace tho table of a king. Try it .for your table. It will delight tho wholo family. Egg tmatin s MADE-IN-SPRiNQFIELD PRODUCTS