t rilimSDAY, NOV. 21, 1018 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAG I ' The Thanksgiving Treat Vou con onjoy a dollclous Thanksgiving Dinner without violating Mr. Iloovor'n mandate providing you soloct your kltchon drugs nt our itoro. To bo mini of successful cooking, uso ' Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Sage, Olive Oil, Etc. . of known purity. Our Splcos will Impnrt to your minco and, pump kin pIoh, puddings, otc., tho dollRhtful flavor that you Jlko. Our Flavoring Extracts aro niado In our own laboratory and aro, guar anteed to bo full-llavorod. Tho 8ago which wo offer li from HiIh year's crop. Vo sell Ollvo Oil. It Ib superior for salads und cooking purposes. 'WE Ncvrn SUBSTITUTE : Town and Vicinity Flrstclass shoo ropalrlng nt tho W. A. Hull Shoo Htoro. adv. Mr. and Mm, Dotbort Ilucknum of Mil liol spent tho wook-oml In town. Tho United Artlsaim moot Wodnos day ut thu liomu of. Mrs. Idn Lurson. HoIiouIh Mlariei! Iioro Monday with nu uvoragu nttundnneo. Urliig U8 your Pork, VonI, Chickens, lluttur and Eggs, Wo pay more Cox & Cox. N. II. Mnim luiH nold IiIb funn and Jinn moved to Eugotiu. Perfumes In bulk and fancy boxen in Poury's. Mr. und MrH. Frank Wonvcr loft Friday for Portlund. Phil Gosslor of Marcola wan licru over Sunday. First-class shoo repairing at tho W A. Hall Shoo store. - ml v. Now und nifty box paporn Ujt Peory's. - Tho now Kluuzo tooth panto, 2Gc, ut Peery's. V. F, Lyons of Cuflhimin wiih n busi ness visitor Monday. Vln Wllllums In homo from Cottugo Grovo tills week. Gruco Nlckum of Wondllng spent Saturday In town on bualncHB. John McOco, brldgo foromnn on tho S, P, wua a visitor hero Saturday. MIbb Gruco Nlokuni rotumod to Wcndllng Tuesday afternoon. Miss Maybole Faudrom Hpont Sun diry witli friendo ut Wcndllng. Mrs. Tom Allen of Mabel was hero tho Inttor part of th0 w.eok. Got your Xmns tags and seals at Peery's, Miss Mahal Fniulrcm, clork nt Mc Dowell's, had to go homo from work Tuesday bocauso of Illness. Hob Mann, who Is In Arcadia, Is ill -with tho Influenza, according, to word received here. Mrs. 13. E. Forguaon of Jnspor was .in town Tuesday visiting liar parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Leo, C. 12. Low, n salesman, vlsltod hero Tuesday. Ho was on, his wny to his lieadquartors at Portland. Sao those uianicuro sots at, Peory's. Many Springfield peoplo aro heeding tho slogan "Do you Christmas shop, ping early." ' Mrs. Margaret Morris of Marcola spent Sunday with Jior mothoV, Mrs. Hello Spong. Mabol Duryoe, woll known horo, had :a minor oporatlon porfonnod Tuosday nt ono of tho Eugene hospitals. Miss Eva Stroud of Trout has ac cepted u position at the local post- olllco, . , Mrs, Ben Skinner and Mrs, E, O. Sutton motored, to Wohdliug on Tuos day. ' ' , J.t. Magazines mnko nieo Xmns pros outs,' Leuvo your subscriptions at Peory's ' Frank nyors of Coos Hay roturnod homo Suturday after spending several days horo. ( Oscar and Hon Leo left Tuosday for Portland, whore thoy will have om ploymont. wmm.. -: m.. jzbbb-: PHONE 31 Fountain pons at Peory's. Mrs. Tom Hillings ban been, in tho hospital since Friday owing to tho In lluuuzn. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. IJoarby cole bratod their 49th wedCIng anniversary Sunday. Dryco Posey and family spent tho week-end with friends and relatives at Crenwoll. Mrs. Herbert Smeed and small son vbiltod Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery Wodnurduy. Tho Union high tchnol nt Pleasant Hill contributed $39 to the united war work fund. Jamas Clark returned to Indopond enco Monday after n week's, visit with ills family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner of Marshneld arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hon Skinner. ' N. S. Hobb, County Agriculture Agent, spent Tuomlny in town on busi ness, Tom Allen, who Is employed at Ma boi; bad Uio nilsfortuuo to brulso his hand very sorlously one duy last week. It Is reported that about thirty men from the Hooth-Kelly camps, are suf fering with tho Influenza. Mrs. J. A. Wooloy of Wcndllng un derwent a minor operation on Sun day. Mr. Lord and family of Enterprise will rosldo on the Senvey bop rnnch tills winter. Mrs. Martin Endicott loft Monday to spend ,n week with Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Prlco of Marcola. Lewis G Ibbs has resigned tils posi tion ut Poery's, as Mrs. M. M. rory Is assisting In tho storo. Lucllo Coponhavor roturnod to her school nt Sutherlln Tuesdny, as the school opeiiB Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Wilmot and small son of Veuota woro hero tho lat ter part of tho week on business. Howard Cotton, a member of tho S. A. T, C. at Corvallts, spent th0 week end visiting friends in this city. John Innls, a harbor of Leonn, spent Tuesday .n town vlBltlng frlonds. Mr. Innls is a formor Springfield barbor. Tom Hillings, nn omployoe of Camp 10 of tho Hooth-Kolly Company, came down Tuesday as ho had contracted tho Influenza. Mrs. Eaton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowell, is ablo to sit up. Mrs. Eaton has been very 111 with pneumonia. Miss Ruby McKlnnoy, who has boon In Portland the past eleven months, Is at tho homo of hor sister, Mrs. Hoy Castool. Tho local high school will commonco nn hour oarllor than formerly In order to make up tho timo lpst during the past flvo weokB. ' Prof. M. H, McKny of tho OroKon Agricultural Collcgo Inspected E. E, Morrison's potntoos on Tuosaay. Tills is tho final or bin InspeoMon, ' Itoynl Doano, a formor IiIbIi school student, is nt his homo nonr Crow suf- j forlng with the rhoumatlsm. Ho was tnkon 111 In Portland about a wook ago. Tod Lovltt, a Junior at tho Bible Unlvorslty, dollvorod tho Sunday even ing sermon at tho Christian Church. Mr, Levitt will ho tho regujnr minister. Mark Peory rocolved a lottor from j his small grand-daughter, Joaun Cox, who is at San Francisco with her mothor, Mrs, Edosso Cox. Lost In Springfield on tho 12lh, a gold ring with th0 Initials F. L. T. Finder will ploaso lonvo at tills olllco. Howard. Mrs. Hon Skinner Is becoming qulto proflcloit with a motorcyclo, its sho is scon ovory day with somo fair damsel In tho sldo car. 1 Marlon Clearwater, a mombor of tho Eugene buslhess collcgo student body, has rocovorcd from tho "Jlu," and wan ablo to begin hor studios Mop." day. Mrs. D. F. Dakar of Pleasant .Hill Is recovering from an oporatlon for appendicitis at tho homo of Mr. Da kar's brother, N. A. linker, of this placo. Mrs. W. C. Dressier, who has boon visiting at Portland, Is now visiting hor daughter 'nt Hot Lake, Oregon, Sho expects to bo gono soveral weeks longor. Duteo Fischer, a student at tho unl vorslty, spent tho weekend with her sister, Joan, at Corvullls, Sho also at tended the garno between Oregon and 0. A, C. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Tyson of Woodburn spent Sunday with Mrs. Tyson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mlko Dauer. Mr. Tyson Ib S. P. depot agent at Woodburn. Eastern Oats, 38-pound clipped stuff and our prlco fs tow. Drlng your sacks and got your winter's supply whllo tho prlco remains low. Springfield Feed Company. Tho local teachers, whoso homes aro ou(Bldo of town, returned last week-end In preparation for assum ing their duties again. None of them had the influenza. Good California Feed Barley at $G8 por ton. Tho barley market gefB stronger every day. Vou .can anvc money by purchasing now.'Springflcid Food Company. Captain Dodd, a Eugono resident, spent Tuesday tu-town visiting frlonds. The Captain has been HI for some time and this is his first visit horo for somo months'. E. F. Dohorty, n son-lnIaw of Mrs. Alice Holcomb, sailed Monday for Russia. Tho ship on which Mr. Do horty Is a wireless operator Is on n threo years' cruise. Mr. und Mrs. W. C. Myers aro mak ing their homo with Mrs. Myers' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Drowning, for tho winter. Mr. and Mrs. Myers Hvo on a ranch near horo. i Mamio McCluskoy-Schreudors, who taught a successful class of piano pu pils In Springfield this past summer, is now ready to accept pupils for tho winter. Engagements can bo raado by phoning Eugeno 2G3-R. CHvo Holcomb, who was sent homo from Franca and who Is stationed at Wa'.novlllc, N. C, expocts a furlough by Christmas. Mrs. Alice Holcomb stated' that ho would bo homo If ho could possibly come. CHvo is suffer ing from tuberculosis. Mrs. A. D. Nabry and daughters. Elizabeth and Janot, of Portland, aro visiting nt tho hoiuo of their undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Emory. Mrs. Nnbry and daughters arQ on their way to Fresno, Cal., whero thoy expect to spend tho winter. Tho gonoral delivery Is making tha city delivery from tho Springfield Feed Company's storo and warehouse this month, and will probably continue to do so as tho feed company's auto truck is kept biuy delivering up tho McKonzIo and Mohawk valleys. Mr. and Mrs. Vadron Gartln, woll known hero, spent Wednesday visiting frlonds nnd relatives. Tho young cou ple havo boon to San Francisco on a visit and aro returning to their homo at North Bond. Mrs. Gartln was for merly Vivian Hnynos, a Eugono girl. ALWAYS AT-YOUR SERVICE Main Garage Phone CORNER OF MrLL AND MAIN, SPRINGFIELD W. W. EBBETT Automobile and Gas Engine Repairing Storage Batteries Recharged and Repaired Auto Accessories Tires, Tubes, Blowout Patches, Chains Columbia Dry Cells, Ford Parts Gasoline, Oils and Greases Havo your work done and buy your accessories at a House who absolutely guarantees satisfaction That's US.' Store your car in a Fireproof Building. W, W. JACK Alfalfa Moal $2.30 por 100 pounds. Wo nlso havo a good stock of Mlllfccd, Flshor's Dairy Food, orn and Oat Shorts, Darloy Middlings (oxtra fino focd), Morpork, Morfat. Only a few sacks of Berkshire feed that wo aro closing out at f3.1C per sack. Spring field Fcod Company. ' Tho Springfield Feed Company re ceived In the past week ono car of cement, ono car, feed, ono. car bulk eastern oats, ono car oat hay and four cars of third-cutting alfalfa hay. Thoy shipped out during tho past week two cars alfalfa hay, ono car oat hay and delivered ono car alfalfa hay to a local farmdr. Noxnll Flour $2.75 por sack; Cupid Hardwhcat, $2.95 per sack. Duy your Grocorlos, Feed, Hay and Straw from us for Cash prices and savo monor. Our rrlcos aro RIGHT and our steadily Increasing business proves it. Tho sooner you get acquainted tho sooner you will Vpgln saving money. Strained Honoy and Marhmallow Syrup in bulk. Bring your pall. They both savo sugar. Fresh shipment of Figs, black and white. Sweetened Choco lato still 25c per pound. Springfield Fcod Company. , Advertised letters for the following aro nt tho local postofllco: Mrs. L. H. j Baker, J. F. Ellison, Ella E. Crawford, i Win, B, Hlllnr, Mrs. Kotherlne Martin, L. R. Ingles, Guss Garfield, R. E. Hill, , Miss Annie Hedeund, Clayton Perry, John Grady Hattlo Ganyard, Mrs. Florence Shaw, C. E. Reagan, Percy j Wells, J. B. Taylor, Geo. C. Myers, j Morris "Bros., Mrs. Ethel Howard, Cal' Hill, Mrs. B. Rogers, G. L. Smith, IT. J. Smith, Dun Douduet, Miss Edith Olaflln. A charge of one cent Is made . on all advertised letters. I About Croup. ' If your children aro subject to croup, or if you havo .reason to fear their be ing attacked by that disease, you should procure a bottle of Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy and study tho directions for use, so that in case of an attack you will know exactly whaf courso to pursue. This is a favorite nnd very successful remedy for croup, j and It is important that you observe the directions nrcfully. Falls From Flume. Joy Goddard, 11-year-old son of Mr. nnw Mrs. W. E. Goddard of Marcola, had the misfortune Wednesday to fall from an eighteen-foot flume. Tho boy's arm was fractured In several , places and It was necessary to rush him to the office of a Springfield phy-l slcinn. WANTED A PUP The editor of tho News wants a pup a small he pup. He promised It for a Xmas gift and is ex pected to come across or there'll be a howl. It need not bo a pup with a long pedigree or anything like that, but it must conform to tho following plans and specifications: It mu3t havo a tall long enough so the owner mn liltn n (Inn nn tha end of it. nnd havo four legs, one on each corner; j two ears, two eyes and a loving dispo- i sltion, Ono that can howl soprano preferred. Barring accidents, a good home is promised tho pup and a con tinual round ot "action," in which the pup Is expected to donate half. Any pup that looks as goed as the picture herewith, will do, as far as actual beauty Is concerned, but he must be chock full of "pep." Stnto price and description In your reply. About 3 bUBhels of potatoes por capita woro consumed yearly for all purposes In this country during the ten years preceding the war. The rato per family Is almoso 17 bushels. About 10 per cent of the consumption ,1s for soed and starch, mostly for seed. 1 7 EBBETT, Electrical Expert IVIITOHELL, Mechanic. W' EED CHAINS in FnT ET WEATHER ALL SIZES INSURE YOUR TRACTION Goodrich A YOUR SAFETY Hartford Ia. YOUR CAR United States MlU Lee V, Firestcno jHHBt Racine Springfield Garage O THE BEST GRADE A CONCERN OF RELIABILITY : Comfort Within When Cold's Without COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN in thou sands of homes this Winter unless provision is made for auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late. A Portable Gas Heater will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short age is sure to produce. Don't fail to get yours now, that you may enjoy its warmth and cheer all through the frosty days of falland during the bitter cold of winter. Mountain States Power Co. PUBLIC UTILITIES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned hns filed his final account n tha itnn nf Pdcrnr A. BilUntrs. de ceased that the County Court has set Monday, the seconii aay oi uecemoer, 161C nf in nVlnrV tn thn forenoon of said day, as tho tlmo for hearing said account. All persons interested aro required to appear in said court at said time to show cause, if any, why said account should not be allowed, your petitioner discharged, and his bonds men exonerated. Dated this 2Sth day of October, 1918. FRANK R. ALEXANDER, .Administrator of the Estate of Edgar A. Billings, deceased. Qct31 ; NgV-7.14,21.28 CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J Over Commercial Bank Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, - OREGON FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST SUTTON BLDG. - - PHONE 20-J - W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Olllco Phono C2; Rosldoncp C7-T West Main St. ROBERT DURNS Lodge, No 78, A. M. F., Anclont and Accepted Scottish Rlto Vai vursal and Symbolic Free Masons nieqts first and third, Friday evening m w. o. w hall. Visltlilg brothers wel come. P. A. Johnson Secretary. Chas. Kingswell R. W. M 3 elephant was good when it was made with va rious percentages of wheat flour substitutes in confor mity with government reg ulations. But say, folks, you ought to see it NOW, made with all wheat flour. It is just one big chunk of palatable goodness from the middle of its snowy wljlte "innards" to the to tho children at the table teasing for the "heel." It's a pleasure .for us to bake bread that's a pleasure for you to eat. We have it FRESH ' from the oven daily. If your grocor does not have it get it from us. Eggtmann 's MADE-IN-SPRINGFIELD PRODUCTS