loll iV 2 .A oV-f'",:., NEWS ntirl (Vinmrr I. I'lli.d Vfluilnl1. flrxnn, ierpnr. (.! mmioriiudcr act of .'o nitre o( M ariti. 11TV SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1918 VOL. XVII. NO. 42 SPRINGFIELD 11 THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" Pacific Const Citizens Clamor for Light to Be Thrown on Phone Controversy. . INFORMATION IS LACKING Ai Far as Can Be Ascertained No Fact and Flaurei Have Seen Advanced to Juitlfy 78 Per Cent lncreasea ) Unfortunntoly for this country, dur ing tho unusual times through which wo nr0 passing, not nil who stand upon tho lofty pedestal of govern mental function, have shown tho oftl- clent dualities of leadership and man- i n rv nr tinuaitni uiiiiniinnn nn niit President Wilson. Egregious blunders havo boon com mlttod, tho worst of Which Is clothing in socrocy tho pcrformanco of gov ernmental function that affects no ono vitally oxcopt tho "consent of tho governod," and wo hnvo always had n snouKing uioa that that lilgli-sound. i Jug, thoroughly democratic prlnolplo . embraced about all of us. It seems not, If tho trend of recent ivonts Is . ft! I . . . any indox of the ohsorvanco of that i onlc nutocracy. If thorn lu ono thing moro than another that should bo left to tho function of State government It' la tho absolute control of all Intrastate pub lic sorvlco corporations. No ono do nios u.o ngni, nor mo urgoncy, or, Fedorul control of such utilities ns It , may need, in time or war. nut when , war ceases, such Jurisdiction should ccaso and bo roturned to tho oxorclso of tho Stato and tho integrity of Its Jurisdiction unimpaired through any temporary suspension. A fow months ago tho government took over control of tho linos of tho tolophono and telegraph companies in order that military exjgoncy should bo served first and best, which was . . , . . , . I qulto rropor. At tho tlmo this was " o... v.. inatlon given out as to tho "mnnnor" control or theso public utilities was acquired. As far ns tho "consont of tho governed" crowd was concorned, it did not mnttcr one whit at tho tlmo. Thoy wero for anything and ovory tiling thut would oxpedlto tho "win ning tho war" program. But, In a big advertisement in Tuesday's Oro gonlAn tho Pacific Tolophono & Tele graph Company In nn attempt to quiet public clamor nga'.nBt tho hugo In- uvbiiuiiuuii. jubi nn uiu rcai 01 iuu Tho snmo open, frankly stated ploa out or town to embark in lines that it school titan to run the risk of ex- iCc van Valzah, who resides on Sec- ea or 1 e -ncrease based world Is about to emerge Into tho. that characterized government action are not already adequately rcpro-' .cslug all of the children." , lend street for labels The labels have the following facta: - IBM or nomocracy, wo reel ourso ves )n tho Lbcrty Loan campaigns when Hontod hero. These opportunities ! At lho hIch school dallv .clou, aro Just arrived and can onlv be secured ' That 11 ,s bot maWnB "out-of- Blinking into the shades of an ombry-. the American enonlo gave their money will bo tho first ones given publicity. 0.1c . i h ,iii,- . ur. ir ir,-i..- . cc3t to operate the plant: croaso In phono ratoB, rovcnls for tho i, by each of qulto a number of loyal nrst tlmo tho details of tlm "manner"! members of tho.pnrty. . in which tetierni control was ac quired and exorcised It shows up u perfectly regular transaction. Tho text" of tho advertisement was written in a 'most conciliatory vein. It attempted to sugar-coat a pill which Wo aro oxpocted to gulp down without protest. By publishing tho details I t - j of how Fedorul control Is bolng oxer clscd It broadly Intlmntcd that thoro was no chanco for argument nor pro- tost to avail anything. That it was inevitable. Tho war is over. .Military urgoncy in Pacific Coast states, at least, no Jongor needs prior uso of commercial tolophono linos. Telegraph linos will nnswor most military purposos and with moro accuracy, Tho peoplo of Orogon who havo re sponded with unfailing loyalty to tho government's nppoals for tho slnows ot war, fool that thoy have tho rjght to nsk how much longor thoy will bo shorn of tholr power to oxorclso con. .Hnft 1 I. t .. II... . T1..I ... n 1 L1U1. L111U111111 Lllltll' rtittifi I'ntiiin Nn.. vice Commission, ovor tho public utili ties within tholr bordors? How much longor tholr municipal franchises aro to roninln inoperative? Further than that, tho poopio of Oregon fool thoy havo n right to ask of tho Commission thoy crentod to net for them, what Investigation, if any, has boon' mado in the financial stntus of tho Pacino Tolophono Com pany, and, If so, what such Investiga tion rovealed? Is its affairs In such shape that a 76 per cont IneroaBo In 'rates Is necessary to maintain a fnlr servlcoT Would not 2C per cent bo adoqunto, or ovon 10 per cont? If so, why should tho public ho gouged for moro than Is necessary? Vhnu the 1 Portland Ity. Light & Power Co. asked lor n six-cent faro on tliolr car linos, thoy worn required to "prove" tho nnccl(y of It. Hosldon, tlio Blight advance, looked reasonable Not io with ttiu tcloplionb company. Tho 75 por cont advanco looks arbitrary upon tho face of It s thoro linn boon no facti and figures given out to hack It up, Tho tolophono company's advertise . . . in on t In sotting out tho fact that Uio Postofllco Department had acquired j Uio proportion of tho companlos, very , carefully omitted to sta) "how long" ; tho sgrocmont was to stand. Wan It for tho duration of tho war cr for a apcciflc nunvhor of years? The News bollovos tho public has a right to know these facts. If their public 111- ties aro to bo withheld from thrlr con- trot, aftor tho war omorgoncy has passed, thoy havo a right. to know for what other purpose thoy aro to bo rotalncd under Federal control and why, Socrotary McAdoo very promptly Bquolchcd this "publlc-bo-damncd" attltudo upon tho part of railway opor- LVC8 whcn tno KOVernmont assumed control of tho roads, and Postmaster- Oenoral Burleson might, with good grace, bring Into play tho sanio policy In everything pertaining to his do. portmont that needs it. ' It la lo ho hoped that no executlvo arm of this government will become so Imbued with tho martial spirit on- B,m,orcd by the war that thoy will forget they obtained their Just powers uy tno Consont of tho governed," nor forgot, either. Umt a nowor wielded - that is not Just will bo no power nt all. of tholr own volition, can be stated I - w l .llilll ul. ui. ill lil luul. ' J wHasaua u i. iuia, ail v uiuiii n tui jum us oponiy, jusi as iranKiy anu mm uircauy nas Ruuicjem ropreson- study" may be covered. At the Lin Just ns consistently at a time when tatlon hero, ns It Is desired to avoid coin building recitation and study It is deslgnod to imroso a heavy tnx any particular lino being overdone. jPeiods have been lengthened and a I for ho uso of a necessary public Organization nlans aro belnc Dor- courso In nhvsical tralnlnr lm hsn utility. - us uavo tno wnoio iruuw a governmpnt OP the pcoplo, FOR tho poopio ana u tho people will stand tor tno toiling or It any tlmo. and all uio time. ! r-ILfc. fcXPENSt ACCOUNTS Candidates Spend Sums Ranalng From An Editor's Income to $80. Tho Republican county contral committee, during tho campaign pro- . coding tho Novombor oloctlon, ox-; .mUi-MiVautu uiu Bum ui oi in lunnur- ing uio candidacy or tho sovoral men on tho county Republican ticket, nc-j cording to the account of expenditures ! filed 'with tho county clork, as ro-1 .. I .1 I 1.... rrr ... . -jui i uli uy iaw. i no cuinmiiiee ro- cotved Into Its campaign as contrlbu- tloiiB from tho' different candidates and others tho sum of $327.88, ac- cording to tho report. Theso sums ra.iged front $60 each, given by ono by each of qulto n number or two of tho candidates, to Candidates who Jmvo filmi hnir n: Piinso accounts and tho amount they oxpondod aro as follows: . W. W. Branstottar. Republican can- ....unu .ur vuruuor. u.oo. - .ii.i.i- t l'reu ouoKois, nopuoncan can- dida.o for sheriff, $80. Including $60 to the campaign fund. M. H. Harlow. Republican candidate Frod G. Sttckols-. Republican can- for county commissioner, $25, which sum ho paid as his part of tho cam D. A. Elklns, Domocrntle candidate for shorlff, $61.50, of which $20 was toward tho Democratic fund. R .S. Bryson, Republican candidate for county clork, $00, which was his share of tho campaign fund. Miss Edna Ward, Republican can didato for county treasurer. J20. which was tho amount assessed against her for tho fund. Welby Sto'vons, Democratic cnndl- ,.i ... ' . uuiu lur uuunij- uoiuuiiBsionor, no ex- noiiBos. . ponsos. Mrs, A. B. Van Valzah, Democratic .......... -. r . ... vUilulUUlU lur VMU11I irUaHUrUr, H1X .... ...... uuiuh, expunuou tor POBiago. J. G. Wolls and J. J, Haruaugh Ro- .,..,.."' I " peace and constable,, respectively, of tho Eugono district, no oxponses. Eugeno R. 'McComack, candidate- for commissioner of tho Port of Slus- law, no expenses. , Other candidates havo not vet filed tholr expense accounts, - Wlll Buy Organ. A Baaket Social with a program will bo hold at tlio Upper Crabtroo- Bchool house Wednesday ovoning, November 27th, nt 8 o'clock. Tho procoodB will be used to purchase an organ' for Uio school. " B00STSPRIM6HELD TO BE THE SLOGAN Business Men Will Institute Ad. if! t e . vortlslng Campaign to Stim ulate City's Growth. Now that Springfield has done its part toward winning tho -war. a movo- mont has boon sot on foot by Spring field business mon to do something haudsomo for Springfield. In other words wo shall do for Springfield what we would do for our personal business If it needed stlmu- latlng, and wo shall do It In much tho amo manner as wo would doctor a single entorprlso that was suffering from inaction. Wo aro going to advertise Spring- Hold. Wo aro going to. ((top out and so- euro business for Springfield for tho obvious reason that moro business is tho Identical thing that Sprlngfiold needs. How It Will Be Done. Thoro aro not enough business houses In Springfield of certain kinds to tako caro of tho trade contiguous to tho town. A number of lines of trodo aro not represented here at all. By advertising tho opportunities to ongago In business horo, wo expect to . socuro deslrablo business mon from No lino of business will bo advertised foctod. aftor which ways and means will bo provided to defray tho ndver- tlsing campaign. A capable man will bo solcctcd to tako char re of tho cor- rospondenco necessary to Inform In- qulrors and Induce desirable cants to locate here! arpll- Thnr will hn nn nnlBO nn i.inr nf I trumpets, no fan-fare. but last n n.r. - " slstcnt, .. . ' ' BiBiuni, conservative campaign AO- "signed to bring satisfactory results. ! Tho nrst meeting of the business men will be called next week, Every man who cares to koeD this town - from getting into a rut will be ex - i;uciuu 10 oo preseni, it possiuio ror him to come, Trouble. Exact copy of a letter received by tllA T.nllv rnmnnnw ...Ifnlnnnl .1 1 vtu.Mi.ou, nuuicouiu ucuiom In plumblng supplies, San Francisco. California M'stor Lall house. S. F. I)ear Frcn 1 Bot tne valvn vltch I by from you or loyal n'rl'o but why for gods sake you doan T, , inBUreB ..mtiadv" of lmvlnc $1 given on ne no handel. Wats tho use Uie L tZ ! ! , m 1 , haVi"E val when she doan havo no handel .', . , , , .j comIn .Q ,1 loose to mo my customer sure ting18 MnvVhU5t C you (loan treot me rlto. Is my monov not 80 Kood to you as tho otha fella. wate 10 days and my customer ho;o hMor fr wor Hko hell for the ivnlvn Vnn tin It n In im j - - u"UC1 ,, u, wl" 5 o blow the whool. Vou " " ' vnum. J n d mo the handel pretty queek J "e" 'or back and I order sometfrom companeo. Good by. Your flttM nn.l ... 1 1.1 .... , rron Antonio Scalumlnta Dutra. qi i , ,. t , .. . blnco I rlto thoso I find tho d n ,ii ., i. ,10"(1el 1" tho box oxcuso me Government Urges Early Christmas Shopping. Tho po8tofncos aro urging early Christmas shopping this year, as It Is onticlpntod that "the malls will bo hoavlor than usual, the many bo??. nn". niQ ' !'e training camps. : AU Pcitngos to bo scut through tho ""H Blloul(l bo wpll wrapped and spo n Rhniilrt hn wnll,l oH onn. cla! nnlns limil,l l,n i,l. n,n , ; " address is mado plain. Packages soldiers and sa.lorB should hnvn 1iiIp full n.lrlrnco n n.nm A n. hnVO their full nildrnss nn Himn An. " ntlinr Imrnrtnnl Htlnn la ml., a ot HU,c,0,u posiogo. u mo packagos nro mailed nnrlv thnv win i, mnm aPt to reach tholr destination. "Not 10 00 ouo"0( u"111 unristmas" may bo wlttc on tho outside of tho. package. ; PuPa Maka Qood- Tho ruplle of tho grade and tho high school are working hard on their campaign of rniBiinr their nart of tho "United Wur Fund." Tho allotment to tho'loool schools was $80.20. which sum was dlvidod equally between tho Lincoln and tho high school buildings, lroady most of this sum has boon subscribed, with tho grade pupils In the load. SCHOOLS -RE-OPEN; SOME ABSENTEES Authorities Impress Upon Par- I it ents Urgency of Taking Every Precaution. Tho Springfield grado and high school opened Monday after an en- forced vacation of five weeks. Several of the pupils wore absont, somo on account of sickness in the family and others having moved away, This Is more than offset, however, by the number of new pupils. In the grades, there were fifteen new pupils, and in the high school four. This makes a total registration In tho high jjchool of ninety-three. According to reports from the offices jof tho local doctors, there are still a few cases of the Influenza in townand the number Is on the Increase In the Mohawk valley. "In order that tbcro may be no new outbreak of tho epidemic, the schools (arc taking every precaution," says Superintendent N. A. Baker. "Any child who has a cold or Is coughing or sneezing should remain at home, Likewise, If any member of the family Is suffering from the trouble tho chll- dren must not report to school until all danger is past. It is much prefer- able for a fow pupils to mls3 a week jile work outlined in the "Course of ' inaugurated to afford a means-ot re- laxaUon from tho increased nervous strain. Remove Shoe Restrictions. Shce retailers would havo sold their wares on a Kovernment-anrrovcd basis ' .Z.... . ii uic ariniEuce nau noi oecn signca, i " T'oT. . r T:ot Montana. The evening I" lC OIUIU MJUUtll Ul 17C- fenso for Orocon I A telegram received yestorday from 'john s! Gmvs! of Si TJonZ Council of Daf-usn cancels! nr-onintf 't..,i ,..... , moil UktlUHD nUtC JUOl UUUUl LU ! have been sent out to Orciron shoe ro- tallers, The change was mode be- the request of the War In- causa of """"" "u"'u iuu ..tlAn Tt 1 ...1. I 1. . 1. h . f.,6.,P ro4gralmm o ... v.v. .......v.- jQ a period of direct war reaulre- I mentH Al thn R.mlnp . JL,. tlco representatives of tho trade re comnionded that price limitation bo dropped with tho general conservation i win rwrs r m r .... . , .. . ... . f ' m V.; Lnn! S - no nf ,h-; ' " f' tu " ,y7 , L.,, . T, nr0Krammo workpil nnt hv .,, i i nrn " . ,,i . , . government Included n nlan In which , I? In S?r c,asEOS to rntnl, t , " . " , Q C' ov.r oMhe Wa" " . ... it I Industries Board. Pledge cards wero " ' " uuou uiaiiiuuiuu UUIUUK UUill- , t, , , , , , , J iora t0 bo placed in show windows tol to havo boon distributed among doal- 'inform tho public which stores wero on a Bovornmont basis, MAY SEND PARCELS NOV. 30 Relatives Get More Time to Send Presents to Soldiers In France. .ih . ' . ' " ' ..;., -u.m.vb ni nu uuiu vuuiuor ou 10 man moir unnstmaB narcels nccnrillncr tn n Imllnfln p , nccorul"K tQ . a bullotln ro- J1 T 1,10 'jUllO COUnt Chapter Of Red prrlBH TIia nrltrltml .ltit ntnn vn vrOSB. 1 110 Original UatO .WttB NOVem. v.o... , . , V . 0,mul many coiuempiateu sena- Zmu. . ' According to tho bullotln tho pro visions for boys whose labels are not rocolvod will bo as follows: An individual who should have ro- colvod a labol but who failed to ro- ceIvo It. r who has lost or destroyed .!tl 'luay roce,vo a carton not earllor tna" Novombor 21 upon signing a statement at any Rod Cross Christ- nuB Pa'col station, substantially as follows:' v . Tho undersigned hereby makea'ap' pllcatlon"to forward to M (giving tho name of tho soldier and the or ganlzation), American . expeditionary forces, a Christmas package. The un dcrslgned hereby declares that be or she Is nearest living relative in the United States of tho proposed recipi ent; that he or she has not received this man's label from abroad, and that should such label be received it will not be used, and that to the best of h!s or her knowledge and belief only one Christmas parcel will be sent the proposed recipient. Signed - .The following regulations will gov ern the sending of these parcels and should be strictly followed: No carton can bo gives on such a request until November 21, All regulations hlthertd issued con cerning contents, Inspection, address ing, stamping, sealing and mailing a'p- ply, even to the extent that the parcel j must bo a regular overseas label, i Tho division office has authority (through national headquarters, from the war department, to print'a quan- tlty of these labels to be used or can tons mailed under the above from of request. A supply of these cartons labels will be mailed to each chapter j at once by special delivery, and ac- ' cording to instructions should be re- ' strlcted religiously to the use for 'which they were Intended, inspectors Njlng impressed with the fact that the war department I Imposing great confidence In Ited Cross and in them. Labels Have Arrived. To Insure the receiving of the Christ - miB rarcels for men In thn snrvlrn n. juivi to Ay m tutu iu uju out v U" plication should be made to Mrs. Ber- them. SOCIAL EVENTS ENTERTAINS FOR, SISTER, One of the most delightful affairs of the season was the card party dance aad Mr8 Ben skmncr ,n honor flf Mrg I . . , OKinners sisier, airs. rranK weaver lov CM .l 11 I ... - --- 'C,Ck; JA"6,r that .hUre i l piano and violin. The dancing con- ( nroduco 1000 cubic feet of gas costs tinued until a late hour, after which $3.20, although this rate is not re a two-course luncheon was served, quested by the company. The rat ! COHSlst'ne Of Sandwiches, nlckles. pof.lMlit.h tho onmnnnx. nalrori n Tin T- ,fce and cake The guBt gt !ncluded Mm(,H vu 3.. r-. cun. wilhnr T.lnvn Vsli- nf B;sene, J. E. Edwards. Jack Bentley. V. prn,lrin. I'ranb Wonvnr Tlill nim Montana, and Ben Skinner; Messrs. Elza Sutton, Ernest Skinner, Wilbur Lloyd, Clyde Fisk of Eugene. J. E. Ed wards, Jack Bentley, V. C. Proudflt, Prank Weaveri BmlnBS( Montana, and Ben Skinner. GIVES SURPRISE PARTY. Miss Gertrude Williams and Miss Vera Nelson gave a delightful surprise ,n honor of GeorB w,,1Iams on Monaay evening, the occasion being hls 17th birthday. Tho tarty was; i civoii ai ma wminnlH iinmB nn " . . . OBVelu" nnu u slreels- ine evening tirnn anan, in n HV tit. PaniAO fitl.l t n I M tl I. 4-wi. ... i'.,r...o o tviititt, vtu., ml vtiiicuUj aim a. u. lQgatuv fortunes. Prizes were awarded the ' auditor of the company. For tho con winners In tho several contests of wits. ' mission, Frank J. Miller, chairman; At tho close of the evening delightful , Fred C. Buchtel, commissioner; Fre refreshments of sandwiches, salad, j A. Rasch, valuation and rate expert. tollves, pickles, hot chocolate, lee cream ana cake were served. Those who enjoyed Miss Williams and Mtis Nelson's, hospitality were: Misses Helen Stevens, Sylvia Strubin, Carrie Ditto, Ednn -Moe, Armol Smith, Hazel Brattain and Edwena Parsons, and Messrs. Russol Olson, Odin Olson, Clare Luckoy, Eugene; Harry Hughes, Myrl Casteel, Frank Shontz, Eugene. ind George Williams. School at Vlda Closes. Tho school nt Vlda was closed Mon day ror an Indefinite period ns several cases of influenza .have broken out In that district. According to Carry i"0"Pspn, ono or tho directors, tho school has not been closed before, but the influenza has begun to havo its away thero as elsewhere. Card, of Thanks. Ws wish to thauk tha friends who worn sn IHnrl tn na ilnrfnf. mir i-Arant i t .i .. .i uu. VM ww.v W lIIV RJ 4'MhtVfcW words, Uie helpful songs and tho beau tiful flowers. i Mr. Dennis Cyr, . if Lestor, Edith and Pearl Cyr, Mrs. Sarah J. Adams, Mrs. Charles Carson, Mr., Pearl Adams, Mr. Marion Adams. ASKS INCREASE IN GAS SERVICE RATE Mountain States Power C. Shows Justification for increase. COLD FACTS AND FIGURES Hearing 'before Public Service Cora mission 'Is Attended by Rep resentatives of All Interests. , In marked contrast to the ske sanigan methods of the Pacific States Telephone Co., the Mountain States Power Co., doing business in Spriac flold, Eugene, and other cities, weslfc squarely before the Public Servtea Commission Wednesday and presents ' ltB Petition for an increase In gas rates strictly upon Its merits. There was no hiding behind the skirts of that Ppstmaster-General, no camouflage, s "propaganda" and no bunk. Thera ! was Presented nothfng but cold facte and uPn which the company resteft . ,ts caee- The hng consumed the greats ' part of the day and the maBS of acc- uaul was reimiy Bone over. . In PresenUne case the exoapasy upas pockeC that Use cost of oil from which gas Is mate has advanced from nn average in 1917 of $2.15 per barrel to 3.09 per barrel in 1518; that the cost of coke, which is also used in making the gas, kss advanced from $9.96 in 1917 to $14.15 this year; that the wages of the gas -makers have advanced 30 per cent ht that Une. The company further j snowed tha't Jt earned on the plaKt during the year 1914 only J.W018 pesr cent, that in 131G there was .0007 pee cent loss; n 1916, .0122 per cent loss; j In 1917, .0069 per cent loss, and I r .kl. tu W88 -139 per Cnt ,08S- The W F3nJ also showed by figures that The coa ts ,0'wei to col,ect Js $2 25 per 1000 cbte 1 r. , ,A i.i.t m j-.,. . ; rn.ln.l f v.111 -hi, 0' the 10 per cent discount if not pa n.lihlrt hf tlrc J The commission has gone over tbs property valuation of the plant wHfc a view of ascertaining the exaat amount of money Invested. Commissioner Buchtel, who was present at the hearing yesterday, wSI leave today for Marshfleld to tafcsu testimony in a similar gas case. The Mountain States Power coa- pany was represented at the hearts?;. . by Elmer Dover, president of tire company; George N. Rooker. general manager; Fred E. Brown, local maa- siniiti r A T nm1nlin.nn. nn.i 1"" ' " engineer, representing H. M. ByllcsVqr I' f Okt.... 1 . r r , and W. P. Ellis, examiner, were pre- ont. To Hold Baby .Clinic at Creswetl. A babycllnlc for children under sir yeara of ago will bo hold at the Re Cross rooms in Creswell Saturday I afternoon, November .23, This is I nst step the government has take ' in regqrd to the welfare of tho coralns generation. Information will be give on proper feeding, fresh air, Bleep, clothing. etc. Tho children will ba weighed and measured. Ur Rntk j Barnes. a graduate of the Lobanoa j CollBe of Medicine; will give a lecture , on d,ld welfare. $15,000 .Offered for Gowdy, An offer of $15,000 in cold caBh for Hank Gowdy, the Braves fjreat back stop, no,w In Franco, has been reject ed by Manager Stallings of the Bostoa ! Braves, Stallings realizes that gret as was Hank's drawing powers be- !fcre ho went across, thoy will be as nothing compared with what thoy wi bo when he returns. , It begins to look as If tho .bottom will bo shot out of the price of a lot of wheat flour substitutes 'ere long. Tho day is coming when Mr. Ultimata Consumer will buy something beside lemons.