I .THURSDAY,' NOV. H 11)18 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGlt There Is a Point Where Cheapness Ceases to Be LAn Economy Wo have all bought Liberty Bonds to tho limit, and find It necewmry, thoroforo, to re trench along certain lines, Do wise, how ovor, and don't lot your economy oxtend to tho buying of drugs. ' ! Drugs and Sundries, j abould bo bought with tho idea of quality In mind, Prlco should bo a secondary con sideration. Wo ask for your drug trade on tho basis 9 boBt quality and superior service. In addition to this, we guarantee -our prices to bo as reasonable as those asked else where "Quality o tho true test of cheapness" SUUSTITUTE : Town and Vicinity 8oo ihoso nuw Mirror at Poory's. Mrs. Frank Is III nt tho local lion pita I. Pockut Iook and Wullots nt Poory's. ( Vln WllllnniH spent tho week-end with lils family. Vlrnt-claB8 shoo repairing ut Uio W A. Hall Shoo storo. . adv. M rs, Cocll finikin Is recovering from a serious IIIi.obs. First-class shoe repairing at tho V A. Hall Shoo Btoro, utlv. i Frank Fischer Ib horo from Port land vlBltlnK hl family. A dandy lino of Rnzpr Strops at nil prices at Poory's. Mm. J. D. Afih of Oaltrldgo'was horo on "business Wednesday, Miss Jano Llndsoy has recovered from an ntack of tho "llu." Lnfo Mooro and daughter Vornlta nro both 111 with tnlluonzn. Davo Glaspoy of Doxter. spent 8at urdnyln town on business. 11. A. Washburno wont to Junction City on luminous on Tuesday. Miss May Frltts has resigned her position ut CIIIt'B restaurant. W. E. Knott has aacoptod a position at K. E; Morrison's feed Btoro. MIbs Pearl Snook spent Saturday evening with friends nt Wondllng. Lor In and Joo James motored to Cottago Qrovo on business Friday. Mrs. W. P. Walkor roturnod from .Portland tho foro part of tho woek. Miss Eva Urattaln Is assisting at tho P'rst National Bank this wook. Mrs. R. M. Dakor of Oakrldgo spent WodnoBday ;nd Thursday In t wii, J. E. lladon, a resldont of Uonna, .spout Tuesday In town on business. Wm. Orlllln and daughter of Camp Crook spent Saturday In town on busi ness. GROCERY BARGAIN DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We have the real sweet White Syrup Sweet Chocolate 25c pound New Walnuts Peanut Butter 25c pound - - Flake White 30c pound '.; ; SPRINGFIELD FEED GO. PHONE 1 Etholyn Powers Is ohlo to ho back at her work nt tho local poBtofllco. PoMenrd Pictures of Springfield Victory Day celebration at Poory's. Miss Ethel Howard of Wondllng spent tho week-end with hor mother. Lotlriu McDowell Is nblo to go hack to work 'after several wooks' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer of Mar cola wpro visitors horo on Saturday. Harry McMnnn and sister of Harris burg wore Sprlngnold visitors Wedncs day, Miss-Eva Drattaln Ih spending tho week nt hur homu, as her school Is closed. Bring us your Pork, Veal, Chickens, Uuttor and Eggs. Wo pay more Cbx & Cox. Doris Holland loft for Toxns with hor brother, Ploro. Uougard, Tuesday overling. , Calvin Uosserman ts nblo to bo back at work after an lllnuss caused by tho Inllucnzn. Philip Johnson roturnod to Wend ling Saturday after spending sovorul days horo. Mrs. D. II. Hack and small son of Wondllng wera business visitors horo Wednesday, Voruon Johuson of Marcola stopped In Springfield on Ills way to Coburg Wednesday. Tho local Uod Cross held tmceting In tho basement of tho Muthodlst church today. Prof. .Iloth Is spending tho week hunting nt Oakrldgo with his brother In-law, E. M. Baker. Frank Dames of Twin Falls, Idaho, arrived Saturday to visit his wife, who resides at Fall Crook. - Ora Noot, n member of tho S. A. T. C. at Corvalllu, spoilt tho week-end with his parents at Clcnwood, Mrs. O'llrlon and daughter Tess of Marshfleld nro horo v'sltlng Mrs. O'Brien's daughter, Mrs. Shea. Tho Christmas Patho window at Ketels' Drug Storo is attracting much attention, and all stop to admire. Mrs. Guy McDonnh of Croswoll vis lied nt tho home of hor sister, Mra. Wilbur Lloyd, tho first of Uio week. C. E. doss of Eugono hnB been so curod to dlroct tho choir at tho Moth odist church. SorvicoB will bo held Sunday. Ivan Malo, Jerry Van Valzah and Clarence Kostor won't duck hunting on Saturday. Tho boys roport a suc cessful kill, Mrs. Dolbort Bucknum and small son Earl movod to Mabel Monday. Mr, Bucknum is employed in tho mill at that placo. Qoorgo Clark, ono of the officials of tho CoaBt Hiuigo Lumber Company, was in 'own on business on Wednes day from Mabol. W. L. Arnold and family aro moving Into tho houso on A Btroet, between Sixth and Seventh, formorly occuplod by Mrs. Zolln Cantroll. Mrs. Ivn Hill PoiiRrn roturnod to hor school at Lowoll Monday. Tho school had ! boon closed for a wook owing to tho iiUluoiuii. - .. i Miss Rota Danford roturnod to Ed inond, Wash., Wednesday, whoro sho will reBilmo'her-worlM's-dpmestfo'sel. once and njrt toachor. v S!ra,,Vlnu'MoLiatii niid Mrs! Luclona Richardson' 'bpoiro'd rlhoir" tfcnboV'nt -CM-alum Monday, Tho Indies mako tho trip to and from school in a jitney. If you want a Fountain Sprlngo or Hot Water Bottle, guaranteed for two years ono that you will bo pleased with got It Bt! Peary's, Tho Misses Lottie and Lottlo Whit, aker, Myrl Arnold and Dale Lorah at tendod tho funeral of William D, Zach ary at Eugono Wednesday, John Nice had tho misfortune to looso tho little finger of his right bond while running a saw Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Nlco Ih mall carrier on route1 No. 1. Ilort Vlncont arrived here Friday to make an oxtonded visit with bis par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Hoy Vlncont. Mr, Vlncont Is a member of tho military police of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Urattaln liaro received word that tholr son Creed has arrlvod Safely over seas. Ho Is a mombor of tho. 85th battalion com pnny of tho aviation corps. Tho many friends of William Zach ary will bo grieved to leant of his death on Tuesday. Tho youiig man succumbed to pneumonia, which, fol lowed a sovero caso of Influenza. Mrs. JJcatrlco Crouch of Portland Is hero on business fora few days. Mrs. Crouch said that her daughter Thclma had boon seriously ill with tho Influ enza, but that sho was much bettor, Oladys and Earl Loploy, Helon Mc Klbbon, Lettlo and Lottlo Whltaker woro among tho nolsost of tho many iioIbo, makers on Monday. They cele brated all day nnd Until lato at night. Mamlo McCluskey-Schreudcrs, who taught a successful clacs of piano pu pilB In Springfield this past summer, Is now ready to accopt pupils for tho winter. Engagements can bo made by phoning Eugono 2C3-IL Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith bavo re ceived word from Uielr son LaVcrn, who Is with tho 01st division of tho SCth Infantry, that ho Is now improv ing from a wound. Mr. Smith was wounded Soputombor 29th by a pioco of Gorman shrapnel whllo in active sorvico in the trenches. Ho has been In Franco since July 1st, Baptist Church. Sunday School at 10 a. m.; preach ing at 11 a. m. Tho subject of Ujo morning sermon will be, "Tho Peace Thnt Passoth Undorstndlng." Tho young peoplo will meet nt 0:30 in tho evening. Preaching at 7:30. Tho evening sermon, "Forgiveness," All aro welcome. WALTER BAILEY, Pastor. NO. 88 REPORT OF THE Commercial State Bank of Springfield AT SPRINGFIELD ' In tho Stato Of Orcgop, at the close of business November 1, 1018. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds nnd warrants .., Banking Iioubo Furniture nnd fixtures , Other roal estate owned.. Duo from approved resorvo banks . CheckB and other cash ltoms Exchanges for clearing houso Cash on hand .... . .. Total . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxos paid.. Individual depoBlts subject to check ..... ... Demand certificates of deposit .......... Cashlor chocks outstanding ........,.,................ Timo and savings deposits Notes and bills rodlscounted. ..... Bills payable for monoy borro.wed Total . . I............. STATE OF OREGON, S3. County of Lnno I. O. B. Kessey, Cashier of tho above 'tho above statement is true to the best Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 12th day of November, 101S. FRANK A, DoPUE, Notary Public. My commission oxplres January 13, 1020. CORRECT Attest; M. M. PEERY, WELBY STEVENS, Directors. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Main Garage Phone CORNER OF MILL AND MAIN, SPRINGFIELD W. W. EBBETT Automobile and Gsis Engine Repairing Storago Batteries Recharged and Repaired ' ' Auto Accessories Tires, Tubes, Blowout Patches, Chains Columbia Dry Colls, Ford Parts Gasoline, Oils and Greases Have your work done and buy your accessories at a House who absolutely guarantees satisfaction , That's "US, .tfStore your car in a - W. W. EBBETT. Electrical 'Expert Fireproof Building.. JACK MITCHELL, Meq,hahlc, Lsndsx Personals. Mrs. Hiram Miller was In Lowell on business Monday. It, M, linker, brakeman on tho 8. P., has askod to bo laid off for one year bocauso of 111 health. Abo Blakoty was Irf Eugene on bust noss Monday. Charles Neat of Marcola was In Landax Sunday at to home of It, P. Coflbuni. Bill Glasky and wlfo visited friends Sunday, Wm. Darol was In Eugene on busi ness on Moday. ' Thomas May of Reserve" was In Eu gono Monday, C. H. McFarlln, U. S. forest ranger, spent Monday In town. John Clark of Eastern Oregon Is visiting Thomas Blakely, Died. 55ACHARY Ao his homo In Coburg November 12, 1018, of pneumonia, following Influonza, William Danhl Zachary, at the ago of 10, Ho is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Zachery, two brothers, Walter and Paul, and ono sister, Ethel, nil of Coburg. The funeral was held from tho Gordon & Vcatch chapel at 2 p. m. Wednesday, with burial In tho Coburg cemetery. WEEDEN At Mercy hospital in Eu gono, November 0, 1918, Eva Weo den of Cottage Grove, at to ago of 1C years. Sho Is .survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weeden, and three brothers, Elbert, Dale and Gordon, and three half-sisters, Mrs. Orval Speer of Alhambra, Cal.; Mrs. James Hayes of Eugene, and Mrs. B. a. Venson of Florence; also ono halt-brother, Clydo Langdon of Cal Igo, Cal. Tho remains were sent by Gordon & Veatch to Cottago Grovo for Interment. Judge Sklpworth announces that Circuit Court will convene on Friday, November 1C, at 10 a. m. The docket wilt bo called and cleared for the reg ular term which is to convene on No vember 25. "Tho boasts of horaldy; the pomp of power; And all that beauty or wealth 'ore gavo Awaits alike tho Inevitable hour Tho paths of glory lead but to the grave." Sleep and Rest. Ono of tho most common causes of Insomnia and restlessness ts indiges tion. Tnko one of Chamberlain's Tab lets immediately after supper and seo if you do not rest better and sleep bet ter. .They only cost a quarter. CONDITION OF THE ..? 84,547.77 380.45 17,111.51 .. 14,050.00 .. 5,300.00 None 18.867.60 None 860.07 7,673.18 ..$140,601,57 .? 30,000.00 .. 1,500.00 2,700.28 . 103,235.10 .. 1,037.04 50.00 11,150.25 Nouo Nono ?140.601.57 - named bank, do solemnly swear that of my knowledge and belief. 1 7 fi w EED CHAINS ET WEATHER INSURE YOUR TRACTION YOUR SAFETY YOUR CAR. Springfield Garage A CONCERN OF RELIABILITY JbbLbbbt hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblflbbbbbb Comfort Within When Cold's Without COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN in thou sands of homes this Winter unless provision is made for auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late. A Portable Gas Heater will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short age is sure to produce. Don't fail to get yours now, that you may enjoy its warmth and cheer all through the frosty days of fall and during the bitter cold of winter. Mountain States PowerCo. PUBLIC UTILITIES NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final account In tho estate of Edgar A. Billings, de ceasedthat the County Court has set Monday, the second day of December, 1018, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. as tho time for hearing said account. All persons interested are required to appear in said court at Bald time to show cause, if any, why said account should not be allowed, your petitioner discharged, and his bonds men exonerated. Dated this 28th day of October. 1018. FRANK R. ALEXANDER, Administrator of the Estate of Edgar A. Billings, deceased, Oct31;Nov.7,14,21,28. CAREFUL CONSCIENTIOUS DENXISXRY DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J Over Commercial Bank Springfield, Oregon D. W. ROOF JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, - OREGON PINE WATCH REPAIRING , A SPECIALTY Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST SUTTON BLDG. - - PHONE 20-J RESIDENCE PHONE 129-W W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Qinpo Pljone 02; Roaldenco G7J . West;, Main v St. . ' k ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No 78; A, M. P., Anclont ana Accepted Scottish, Rite Uni versal and Symbolic" Froe Masons meets flrat and third Friday evening In W, O. yy hall. Vlsltluif brothers wel come. l A. Johnson Secretary. Cliatt'IClngswell R, W. M TIRES ALL SIZES Goodrich Hartford United States Lee Flrestcne Fisk Racine TUBES IN ALL SIZES AND THE BEST GRADE SI is good here for any of our bakery products. We have inaugurated this credit sys tem for the accommoda tion of many who find it inconvenient to pay as they go, but who want our famous Elephant Bread every day. All you need to do is to ask for the open ing of a "bakery account" with us, and it is done" in stantly. We have the Mc 'Caskey systeui of account ing especially designed to record small sales and ac curacy in the footing o.f a month's dailysales is thereby assured. You know all the time what your "daily bread" is cost ing you. If you are not a customer of ours wo want you to come in and get ac quainted with Elephant Bread, yand ! iff you so de sire, ,opeii 'tin' a "bakery account," Eggtmann 's MADE-IN-SPRINGFIELD PRODUCTS Your Cred