THURBDAY, NOV. 7, 1016 TUB SPRINGFIELD ' NEWS fiamt Check Your "GtippeT At Ketels Drug Store The rooont Influenza opldomlo should bo sufficient warning to nil ' 'of us' rognrdlng (ho dangers of Colds, Coughs, Orlppo and similar nllmonU. Tlio soquol to Orlppo ofton comes In the form of pnou monla. Avoid audi consoqucncoB by destroying Orlppo gorms an noon as thoy, appear In the system. , will .promptly dostroy tlio poison which thoso gonna bring, to tho blood'nud will Tmvo a tonic offoct on your ontiro system. Keep this romedy on hand nnd uso promptly when first symptoms of Orlppo epponr, PRICE 25c SUUSTITUTE (J j 111 w am1 lfimr I iuwu auu viuwiuj .;,, Ed Cupp Ih In town from Porland. k "Hoy Frost Is sufforlng with tho In fluonxa. Kvon Hill Hall has received a ques tionnaire. Mrs. McClaln Is suffering wllli tho .Inlluonia. 'LOIKIQ MCUOWOII IS qullO III Willi ( tho inmienza. Llttlo Margoy Front has beon quite 111 for a wouk, j . J Try that Germicidal Soap ror nun- druff at Poery's. . j Mrs., Hutu Tomsoth was quite 111 tho first of tho week. . Now Patriotic Stationery in popular colors at I'eory's. Mrs. Myrtlo Hggltnann Is suffering with tho neuralgia. , .' "4 C. I.:aorrlo, Jr., spent Mondnyin town on business. , First-class 6hoo repairing at. tin V A. Hall Shoo store. ' ml v. Tho banks wore closed day, due to election. on Tuoa- Dr. W, C. Itobhan mado a trip to Junction City today. First-class shoe repairing at the W. A. Hall Shoo storo. adv. Frank Worloy la convalescing from an attack of thOs"llu." iko Lnrimor is among those, liable lor military sorvico. Gladys rocuperatlng from an attack of tho "flu." Mrs., Cox, mother of Mr, J. A. Cox, Is hero visiting her s6n. Soo tho new Qreotlng Cards for tho soldier. boyB4 at Poery'n. Mrs. Ct 0. Katon is rapidly recover ing from tho pneumonia. v. Joo Potorson la horo visiting hla brother, Arthur Polorson. Mr. and Mrs. Frod Fischer of Mar cola, spent Sunday In town. GROCERY BARGAIN DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY This week-end offers some unuBual bargains. They are bargains because thoy combine .high qualify with low prices. Each one Is a money-saver. ' White House Coffee, try It , Bulk Starch, 10c per pound We have Figs and Dates Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c Laundry Soap, 5c the bar Fresh Dairy Butter at all times ttarshmaliow Syrup, white, just arrived- SPRINGFIELD FEED GO. Laxative -Cold Breakers PHONE 31 ! Mr. and MV. A. M, Chaffee aro tho parents of a baby daughtor, Frank Hills of Reserve spont Satur day In Springfield on business'. Clinton Conlby returned to Bremer ton tho latter part of last wook. Fred Clover of Mabol spent tho first of tho wool; visiting relatives. Andy Stevens of Camp Crock npont Monday In town on buslnosu: ' V Ituby SoitRdny is nblo" to bo Up at f to'r ho recent attack of tho "lliu" Jams L. Clark Is horo from Iiido- dapondonce visiting his family. Mrs. W. C. Rcbhan is convalescing from tho Influenza, which alio coif- trncted who nurnB nt Mabt!li Mrs. b roil Hinson is spcnuiug a row days at Jasper with lior mother, Don't buV alfalfa hay until j oil got our prlcos. Springfield Feed Co. n. L. Jono8 has completed a garago at his place in Stewart's addition. Scott Lyons, a resident of Croswell, was in town .oil buslnoss Tuesday. Don't buy alfalfa hay until you get our prlcos. Springfield Pood Co. Dr. Ford of Salom arrived horo Wednesday evening to visit friends. Symphony Lawn Stationery all tho now styles and ahados at Peary's. Mrs. Mlnnlo Dontloy Is recovering from a vffry'sorious case of Influenza. Mrs. Arthur Valuer's brother, at Bond Is seriously 111 with tho Influenza. Bort Kelsoy of Landax was in town Wednesday with tlio olectlon returns. Mrs. Joo Lusby and small son wero brought homo from tho hospital today. Mrs. John Parrish has been nursing nt tho homo of Jiunos Gay and faintly. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ernest Lyon aro tho proud parents of a baby son, born to day. , Gladys Loploy Is back at Eggl mann'u after an Illness of about a week. Otho Smith is delivering his huge crop of potatoes to E. E. Morrison this wook. LaVern Noll, daughter of Mr. Nell qt tho local garago, Is ill wlthho pneu monia. Mrs. Norwood Cox Is ablo to be out again after hor recont attack of pneu monia. Bring us your Pork, Veal, Chickens, Butter and Eggs, 'Wo pay moro. Cox & Cox. , j Ethel Howard of Wondltng spent Sunday with her mottior, Mrs, Roy Howard. xAloc McKlnnoy and family spent tho weqk-ond at Pleasant Hill visiting rolutivos. Mr. and Mrs. Bill DarJIng spent Sundny'wlth Mrs. Darling's pnronts at Wnltorvillo. Carl E; FIsohor loft Wodnosday for Portland, wlioro ho is to Borvo on tho fodoral jury. , Tho O-yoar-old-son of Ralph Oaks foil from tho teu of u barn and broke his right leg. ForuTavls, who bo's boon 111 witli tho influenza,, is' ablo torfbo on, tho sfroklB ngain.t , . , - Repairs ard'bolng riia'do on the side wajk In fjfont, of "tho Sprhfleld gar ago this wook. """"" Jlqnry Fandrom is.nblo to bo out on tho Btreota after a two weeks' eeg of tho Influenza , Rous Humphrey of Jaspor was In town on Monday to bo oxamlnod for military service. Cash. Mead and son Hoy and daugh ter Vina of Waltorvillo'spont the week end with relatives, Floronco Furusot, a freshman, at tho university, resumed hor studies after sovoral weeks illness, Orion Vaughn was called to 'port land on Monday to appear boforo tho draft board of that city, , Dick Frost, who has spent the sum mer in Washlngtonr la horo visiting his brothor, Hoy Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker,' well known horo, aro ill at tho Morcy hos pital with tho Influenza. Thompson & Uhl havo customers for small' aero tracts. Call and list your property at onco, Itoy Howard, a member of tho mounted police at Portland, spont tho weok-end with his family! Mrs. Floy Crawford of West Spring fiend has accoptbd a position la the tolephono office In Eugeno. 13, E. Morrison made a business trip to Portland on Sunday and 'returned homo oh Monday ovonjng. ' Mr. Hurt, a studont at tho univer sity, spont tho wcok-ond with Floyd Bartlclt, ofollow student. MIbb.HuUi Scott, a student ,at tho university, has accepted tho position of correspondent for tho Register. Margaret Tomsoth was absent from hor work "at Cox & Cox on Monday owclng to tho illness of hor motlicr. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. McDowell wero called horrio from Ihado by tho serious illness of thqlr daughter, Mrs. Eaton. . Mr. and Mr"., E. a. Mo'calf havo re turned from Iowa, .whero they havo boon visiting for tho past two months. Vln Williams, who is working near Cottogo Orovo' on tlio county road, spent Sunday with' his son and daugh ter. ' , Lotus Crabtroo, a cousin of M, M. Pecry, died at Portland on Monday and was burled at Eugeno on Wednes day. Miss Lena Browor, who has been employed at North Dend for the past six month's, "arrived homo on .Wednes day. Lloutonant Roy Wllkerson of tho marines visited nt tlio homo of Mr, nnd Mrs. Bon Skinner the first of the weok. Mrs. Mary Maglll returned from Portland" oh Monday. Mrs Maglll's daughter, Mrs. Lula Lester, was much, Improved when Mrs. Maglll came homo. Tho Tomseth family aro rapidly re covering fromtho influenza, with the oxcoplion of Mrs. Tomsoth, who is still qultotll. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Martin aro tho proud paronts . of .a daughter. Mrs. Martin was formerly Mlss.Claudie Trlplott. Miss Barbara Boiler returned to hor 'school at 'Santa Clara on Monday, tho school having been closed for a wook or so, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bachelder of Mllwauklo, Oregon, aro on'an extended Visit at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vln Fcnwick. Miss Frances Bartlott roturned on. Wednesday from Portland, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Mary Mooro. for two woks! Mrs. N. A. Rowo rbceived word from her son, Francis Lambe'rty, that ho was on his way to Franco. Ho is a mombor of tho medical department, nnd slnco his enlistment flvo months ago ho has beon stationed at Flagloy, Wash. ALWAYS AT Main Garage Phone CORNER OF MILL AND MAIN, SPRINGFIELD ' W. W. ElBBETT . Autorrtobile and Gas Engine Repairing Storage Batteries Recharged and .Repaired s Auto Accessories Tiresi Tubes, Blowout Patches, Chains J Columbia Dry Colls, Ford Parts Gasoline, Oils and Greases" 'A . " Have your work done anU buy, your1 accessories at a , House who absolutely guarantees 'satisfaction That's US'. ' Stpre your car jn a , W. W. EBBXlT, Electrical Expert Fireproof Building, JACK MITCHELL, Mechanic. j Orant Oxloy, who has been confined to tho local hospital. for. sovoral days, was nblo to. roturn to his home at Ooshon Tuosday. Miss Frances Travis, E, B. Morri son's stenographer and bookkeeper, is ablo to bo back at hor work again after it slego of tho influenza. Wo have clients In Eastern Oregon and Idaho', who aro Inquiring for Wil lamette ralloy farms. What havo you to offor? Soo Thompson & Uhl. Phono 4, Mrs. James Inraan received word on Tuesday that her son, William, had died in Franco. He was wounded In battlo and died from the effects of tho wounds. Miss Bertlo Bruce, teacher of tho Nlmrod school on tho McKlnzoy river, was ablo to open her school on Mon day, as tho Influenza had abated In that district. ' Nicholas Lamborty, well known horo, has beon promoted to company field sergeant. Ho is a mcmboc of tho field artillcy and is stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C. ! Leslie Fisher, well known here, spent Tuesday visiting friends and relatives in Springfield. Mr. Fisher oxpocts to Icavo tho 14th of this month for tho army. Minn Bauor recolved word from her brother,. Bert, saying that ho was get ting along fine. Ho is stationed at Camp Lewis with several other Springfield boys. Miss Estolla Maglll went to Port land Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Gatko, whoso baby passed away in Eugene that day. Miss Maglll will re main In Portland with Mrs, Gatke for a while. Preston W. Green ,who was a resi donfof Springfield for many years Js hero visiting before leaving for Indi ana' to live with 'his son, Mr. Green has been at tho soldiers' home at Rose burg for some time. Manilo McCluskoy-Schreuders, who taught a successful clacs of piano pu pils in Springfield this past sumnlcr, Is now ready to accept pupils for tho winter. Engagements can bo made by phoning Eugeno 2G3-R. Mrs. Belle Spong returned from Portland Saturday evening, accom panied by her "daughter, Mrs. Charles Fischer and son Carl, and her nephew, Sherman Spong of Marcola. Mrs. Spong and Sherman Spong had been In Portland 'to attend tho funeral of Charles Fischer. Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain's Tablets. "I am 'thankful for tho god I havo received by using Chamberlain's Tab- lots. About two years ago when I be gan taking them I was suffering a groat deal from distress after eating, and from headache and a tlrod, lan guid feollng duo to indigestion and a torpid liver. Chamberlain's Tablets corrected tbeso disorders in a short tlmo, and since taking two bottles of them my health has beon good,'' writes Mrs. M. P. Harwood, Auburn, N. Y. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dorslgned has filed his final account in the estate of Edgar A. Billings, de ceased that the County Court has sot Ionday, tho second day of December, 191b, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, as the time for hearing said account. All persons interested are roquircd to appear in said court at said time to show causo, if any, why said account should not be allowed, your petitioner discharged, nnd his bonds men exonerated. , Dated this 28th day of October. 1918. FRANK R. ALEXANDER. Administrator of tho Estate of Edgar A. Billings, deceased. Oct31;Nov.7,14,21,28. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the Estate of Oregon for tho County of Lane. Nora Payne, plalntlfT, vs. Matt Payne, defendant. To Matt Payne, the above named de fendant: In tho namo of tho State of Oregon you aro horoby required to appear YOUR SERVICE 1 7 WEED CHAINS in FjrWjf ET WEATHER ' ALL SIZEt INSURE YOUR TRACTION - Goodrich A YOUR SAFETY Hartford A. YOUR CAR H -Lee flHlB Racine Tlipf 0 Springfield Garage 1 . THE BEST GRADE A CONCERN OF RELIABILITY Comfort Within When Cold's Without COLD WITHOUT will also mean COLD WITHIN in thou sands of homes this Winter unless provision is made for auxiliary Gas heating before it is too late. A Portable Gas Heater will fortify you against the discomforts that a fuel short age is sure to produce. Don't fail to get yours now, that you may enjoy its warmth and cheer all through the frosty days of fall, and during the bitter cold of winter. Mountain Stales Power Co. PUBLIC UTILITIES and-answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and( cause on or before tho 2Sth day of November, 1918, said date being the date and time specified by the court in the order for publication as the time for you to appear and answer, and if you fail so to appear and ans wer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint on file here in, a,nd the whole thereof. The relief demanded is: Judgment and decree that the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant be forover dissolved and held for naught and that the plaintiff be awarded the care and custody of the two minor children, Claudie Payno and Nelvln Payne, and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is published by tlio order of the Honorable G. F, Skip worth, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lano, dated October 14, 1918. FRANK A. DePUE, Resi d ence Sprjn gfield, O regqn. NoTrfcEpinsH EXECUTION. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court in and for Lane county, Oregon, on the 10th day of October, 1918, upon a judgment an decree reudeYed therein on' the 14th day of September, 1918, In favor of O. Q. Cartwrlght and against E. L. Gum, for tho sum of $2,961.10, with interest nt 8 per annum from Sep tember 14, 1918, and $200.00 attorney fees, and $24.40 costs, commanding me, In the name of the State of Ore gon, in order to satisfy said judgment, and in accordance with said decree to soil the hereinafter described real es tate, to-wlt: Lot numbered four in block num bered ono in Kolsay's addition to Eu-1 gene, Lane county, Oregon, and also lot uumuorod throe in block num bered three in Kolsay's first addition to Eugeno City, in Lane county, Ore gon. How therefore, In accordance with said execution, order nnd decree, I will, on Saturday, the 16th day of No vember, 191S, atv.1 o'clock in the after-' noon, at tho southwest door of the count'y court house in Euitetie. Lane' county, Oregon, qffer lor Bilo nnd sell,, subject to redemption, nt public auc tion to thajilghoat bidder for caslt, all the, .Interest of th above named E. L, Guni, hla wife, Sarah Gum, L, C Hushes and Elva Crozler, in nnd to tho above described real property, P'D.-A. ELKINS, Sheriff of Lano County, Oregon. Peace- coming after four years of the fiercest war the world uaa cvci tvnu vv u jo a. uitgukj' , welcome peace. But a piece of Elephant Bread contains elements of joy.' that can scarcely go un-j noticed either. The nutri tive value In Elephant that assures health is not to be ignored, fop yhere there's "health there's happiness. The delicious palatableness of Elephant is a joy unto itself. Every morsel of Elephant is good for you, and youj" family. You can always get it from us if v . your grocer does not hap pen to have.'l TRY'hIT. t f. f J Eggtmmrts MADE-IN-SPRINQFIELD PRODUCTS i