The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 31, 1918, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, OCT, 31, 1018
Mntoii to Um songs (lint tlio noldlorn sing and, lot tho young folks
"trip tlio light fantastic" to tlio latent dauco selections. A
will supply over want In tho way of music and appeal to every
mombor of tho family. This InHtruinont Is a splendid reproducer.
Its tono Is full and perfect In Uio rendition of instrumental and
vocal soloctlons.
A Pntlio Phonograph tuakos an Idoal Rift for tho entire family.
PRICE8 FROM $32.60 TO $220.
A great assortment of records from which to chooso.
Come In and lienr some of the latent "hits."
I'Town and Vicinity
Mrs. N. W. Emery Is able to bo out
on tho stroeUi attain.
Mrs. Lnmbort Is nursing In Eugono
this wook.
First-class shoo repairing at tlio W.
A. Hall Shoo store adv.
Miss Eluolyn Powers Is suffering
from a sovoru cold.
Ty that Germicidal Soap for dan
druff at Poory's.
Mrs. (Icorcu Larson Is able to bo
up and around.
New Kali Coats, latest colors and
maroflnlB, Cox & Cox.
Mra. Is, K. Pago has returned from
oovornl days' visit at Marshflold.
First-class shoo repairing at tho V
A. Hall Shoo atoro. adv.
I.owls Clbbs has accepted a posl
Uon at the M. M. Poery dnig storo.
Mrs. Philip, Cosslor of Marcola spout
Tuosday visiting friends horo.
Symphony Lawn Stationery all tho
now stylos and shados at Poory's.
Mrs. Upton, statu pollco matron,
madu an olllclul visit hero on Monday.
New Fall Coats on display at Cox
& Cox.
Tho B. B. Morrison warohouso will
bo completed In about ten days.
Now Patriotic Stationery In popular
colors at Poory's.
Mrs. Sam iilchmond 1b ablo to bo
nbout again.
Tho potato growors aro commencing
to dig their potatoos. '
Solect your Fall Coat hero. Cox &
Vln Williams of Cottago drovo
spoilt Sunday with his family.
Mrs. S. II. Tlltou is cmlto ill at nor
homo on Third stroot,
Sco tho now Greeting Cards for tho
soldlor boyo at Poory'a.
This week-end offers some
unuBual bargains. Thoy aro
bargains because they combine
high quality with low prices.
Each one Is a monoy-sayor.
Fresh Codfish
Fresh Smoked Salmon
The Best 20c Coffee In Town
Don't Forget Our Butternut Bread
SweetAprlcots, Large Cans. 25c
Fresh Dromedary Dates
1 Doris SJkos has boon working at
Cox's while Marco rot Tomsoth was 111
Don't buy alfalfa hay until you got
our prlcoB. Springflold Feed Co.
Qladys Loploy was 111 tho first of tho
Btholyn Powers Is Buffering with an
attack of Influenza.
Tho salo at tho B. B, Morrison ranch
on Friday was a very successful ono.
Mrs. 1)111 Rodonbaugh has recovered
from an nttnek of tho local epidemic.
Don't buy alfalfa hay until you get
our prices. Springflold Food Co.
Fred Uressler has bcon 111 for tho
lust few days.
Tho school Is closed for two wcoks,
owing to tho Influenza.
Hugh Sandgato and family aro mov
ing to their placo formorly rented by
Hill Ilodonbaugh Is recovering from
tho "flu."
Margaret Tomsoth Is ablo to bo back
at her work.
James C. Cnrsnw is ablo to bo out
on tho strcots.
Frank Cleveland returned to Chi
cago tho first of tho week.
(leorgo Clavolnnd Is slowly' recover
ing from injuries caused by a fall.
Little Eugene Morrow is all with
tho Influonza.
Two cars nlfulft. liny on tho way,
and tho prices aro Iowost yet. Spring
flold Food Co.
Miss Forn Travis has resigned hoi
position as Dr. Robhan's offlco assist-'
Mlko Wubor'a aim Charles Egg!
matin's namos havo hoon.put on tho
ballot for -councilman.
Thompson & Uhl havo customers
for small aero tracts. Call and list
your propurty at onco,
Honald Roberts returned to North
Rend Sunday aftor spending sevornl
days with his family.
Lottie and Lottie Whttaker spent
tho week-end in Coburg visiting
Dolbort Ducknum, who is woklng
at Mnbol, spent tho week-end with his
wlfo and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallaco Pottor of Ta
coma visited In Springflold on Mon
day, ' I
Clyde, Keavor and Dort Loo loft
Monday for Mabol, where thoy havo
omploymont In tho mill.
Vanco Cagloy, who is statlo'nod at
tho baso hospital in San Francisco,
spout Sunday visiting frlonds.
Floyd Bartlott, a student at Cor
vallls, spent Saturday and Sunday
with IiIb parents and slstor,
E: E. Morrison shipped In two car
loads of alfalfa hay from California
tho first of tho wook,
Ms. C. O, Eaton, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. McDowell is seriously
ill with pneumonia.
William Pollock, formorly of Califor
nia, but now rosldlng In Eugeno, spout
Tuosday visiting M, C. Drossier.
Elinor Rodonbaugh and family ot
Astoria havo locatod on South Second
stroot in ono of tho Huutloy houses,
Tho Mlssos Francos, Emma and
Forn Travis aro Buffering with tho in
fluonza. '
, MIbs Lacy Copenhavor arrived
Tuesday from Tho Dallas, whoro sho
has a position in a school.
I. A, Smith, who has boon working
for Mr: Morrison, 1ms ruoVod to tho
Quackenbush placo.
Mrs. Mabol Nyston, who Is bolng
troatod In Portland for stomach trou
ble, Is much Improved.
, Mrs. EdOBS Cox and llttlo daughter
Johnnn loft Saturday for Ban Fran
cisco for an Indoflnlto stay.
Thompson & Uhl's ofllco presented
a lively apponrnnco this wcok. List
your proporty for salo or net and glvo
tho firm a trial.
Dorothy Dixon roturnod from Port'
land on Wednesday aftor spending
over a wook thoro. Miss Dixon suf
fered from tho, Influcrfza whllo away.
Elslo Woddlo Is taking Dorothy
Dixon's placo at tho Mountain States
Powor Company whllo Miss Dixon Is
unablo to work.
Charles Flschor, a son-in-law of Mrs.
Holo Spong, died at Portland on Mon
day. Mrs. Spong loft Tuesday to bo
with her daughter.
John Lorah received a letter from
M. C. Pratt, who is at Plains, Georgia, !
saying that he was rapidly growing
Mrs, W. U. McKlnncy and son of
Portland, In company with Miss Wan
ha McKlnncy, spent Monday visiting
friends and relatives.
Zack Parsons left Tuesday morning
for Chet Hcmcnway's ranch, beyond
Creswell, whero ho will work this
Miss Susio DottB of Idaho, Instead
of Mrs. SubIo Uctts, as was stated in
last week's lssuo, is visiting at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leo.
John Vaughn had his Jaw fractured
In two places, caused by a horse kick
ing him whllo at a salo on Friday at
tho E. E. Morrison ranch.
Mrs. H. E. Wnlkor of Raymond,
Wash., visited friends tho first of tho
wook. Mrs. Walker Is a former resi
dent of Springflold.
A marrlogo license was issued on
Wednesday to Knox P. Harpolo of
Junction City and Sadlo E. Trout of
Elmlra, , '
BoYn At tho homo of Mr. Gcorgo
.Barnes, Wednesday, October 30, 1918,
to Mr. and Mra. Cal Barnes, an eight
pound daughter.
Mayor E. E. Morrison is moving his
ofllco fixtures to tho cast room of tho
building. Ho will use tho former of
flco for a retail room.
Henry Slnnor and family havo re
turned from Portland, where they at
tended tho funeral of Mr. Slnnur'a
Mark Young, Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Young, wroto homo that ho had re
ceived his complete overseas outfit.
"Mr. Young Is stationed at Camp Mills,
Hompstead, Now York.
Tho Sonseny family had threo mem
bers ill at the samo time wiUi tho
Influenza. Mr. Sensony is ablo to bo
out, but Ruby and Vivian aro still
quito sick.
Frank Cleveland of Chicago is hero,
called by tho serious illness of his
father, George Cleveland, who fell
from tho second story of tho Spring
flold hotel soveral wcoks ago.
Miss Rota Danford of Soattlo Is hero
vlsltiug her paronts, Rev. and Mrs.
S. A. Danford. Miss Danford is a do
mestic sclonco and art teacher in tho
'Seattle schools.
Mamlo McCluskoy-Schreudors, who
taught a successful clans of piano pu
pils In Springflold this past summer,
is now ready to accept pupils for tho
winter. Engagements can bo mado by
phoning' Eugeno 2C3-R.
Miss Lacy Copenhavor rccolvod
word from hor mother at Warronton,
Oro., today that her sister Myrtlo, who
has been very 111 with pneumonia, had
passed tho crisis successfully and is
recovering as rapidly aB could bo ox
poctod. .Woman's Statement Will Help Spring
field. "I hated cooking because whatever
I ato gave mo sour stomach and a
bloated fooling. I drank hot water
and ollvo oil by tho gallon. Nothing
holped until I tried slmplo buckthorn
bark, glycorlno, otc, aB mixed in Ad-1or-I-ka."
BocauBO it flushes the EN
TIRE bowol tract completoly Adler-1-ka
roliovos ANY CASE sour stomach,
gas or constipation and prevents ap
pendicitis, Tho INSTANT action is
surprising. M. M. Poory.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured .
cannot reach the seat of tlio Jlaeoae. Ca
tarrh la a blood or constitutional disease,
nnil In order to cure it you must take In
ternal remedies. HoU'b Catarrh Cure Is
tnUon Internally, and ucts directly upon
tho blood and mucous surface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a qunclc medicine. It
was prescribed hy oia ot the best phy
sicians In this country far years and la
a mrulur prescription, It Is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with tho
best blood purifier, noting directly on the
mucous surfaces. Tlio, pwfecjt, '.combina
tion ot the two Ingredients' Is what pro
duces suclr wondelful' iVanllU.ln Curing
catarrh. Sed for tos.tlm.anla,).;, free.-.
V. J. CHKN15Y & CO..Piopa.,fToleilo, O,
Bold l)jr Drucglits. irlea JBc.
Tulte Hall's Family fills for constipation.
To Help In United War Work Cam
paignPeople Asked to Donate.
Tho mayors of ovary town and city
aro being askod to issue si proclama
tion urging tholr peoplo to giro liber
ally to tho united war worlj fund. Tho
campaign Is to bo conducted the week
beginning November 11 and ondlng
November 18, Inclusive Tho follow
ing letter has been sent from tho of
flco of tlio Secretary of War Board to
each mayor:
"Wo nro told that tho most lmpres
slvo ceremony which has been hold In
Franco was at the burial of tho
American soldiers who wero killed at
unatcau 'iniorry wncn at tno Head or
tho grave stood a Jowlsh rabbi, a
Catholic priest and ono or two Protes
tant ministers fully demonstrating
that tho religious feeling IS wiped out
by tho men at tho front as well as
by tho heads of tho different organi
zations, i
"Tho Salvation Army, Jewish Wei
faro Board, Knights of Columbus and
tho Y. M. C. A all uso the samo build
ing for their religious nnd social pur
poses and if tho boys at tho front ac
cept this and favor it thoro Is no rea
son why tho peoplo at homo should
try to ralso any objection to giving by
reason of any religious convictions or
viows, but should mo broad minded
enough to glvo freely to sucn a worthy
School Chairmen Get Letter.
Tho chairman of ovcry school dis
trict in tho county is being sent a
letter by Richard Shore Smith, chair
man of the general committee, giving
a general outline of tho work In tho
school districts. Tho letter follows:
"To School District Chairmen: In
addition to the two circular letters
sent out by the united war work
campaign which I hopo you will be
very careful in construing and fol
lowing ns closely as possible, I am
outining to you tho situation in your
"The Victory Boys and Girls for
your district will raise $ , leaving
a balance of ? for you to raise
from tho 'adults In your district E.
J. Moore Is county chairman of the
Victory Boys nnd Girls and any in
formation in regard to other matters
can be secured from him. Thoro are
approximately adults in your
"To tho Mayor: President Wilson is
expected to issue a proclamation to
tho people of tho country and this will
be followed by a proclmatlon from
Governor Withycombo to tho peoplo
of the State of Oregon urging the peo
plo to glvo liberally to the united
war work campaign fund when so
licited therefdr. We think this hould
bo followed by a proclamation from
tho mayor of every city and town in
Lane county, urging the peoplo of the
city and town to give very liberally.
Need Is Urgent.
. "Wo quite essential that
you mako this proclamation and in
order to help you in some idea as to
how urgent It is that the peoplo give
freely to this campaign wo call your
attontion to the things which havo
been enumerated by speakers from
over tho seas. Salvation Army , Y
M. C. A. and Knights of Columbus
speakers and members of the Jewish
Welfare board, Community Camp
Service and American Library asso
ciation nil unito in their praise of tho
combined work of all these different
organizations for tho soldiers, both at
jiomo and abroad. Thero is no ques
tion asked by tho soldiers of each
other as to what religious sect they
belong to, but the only thing that
each soldier wants to know is that
the man along side of him in tho
trenches has tho moral courage and
hacking to go over tho top with him,
and all aro ono in this great world
war. '
"David M. Graham, of Eugene, Is
chairman of tlio speakers' committee
for Lane county and It you desiro a
(Continued on pago four)
More and Cheaper Fish
Honest Livelihood
Food Production '
Higher Priced Fish
Pleasure Seekers
Waste of Food Fish
Keep tho price of fish down. Help production of fish.
Eliminate waste.
Reod argument in Stato election pamphlet.
Oregon City, Oregon ' (Paid Advt,)
Clackamas Cdunty Flstiormen'a Union, Andrew Naterlln, Secty.,
MM YOUR CAR " Unltod States
HM) Lee
(KNl Racine
Springfield Garage IMI?
Gas Range Canning
Saves Fuel-Time-Money
Now with the canning season at its height and the
necessity for canning greater than ever before-r-you will
particularly appreciate the many advantages ot the Gas
Range as an aid to food conservation.
Exact Heat Regulation at the
Turn of a Valve
So essential to the making of good canned vegetables
and fruits, is the proper heat during cooking. A twist of
a valve instantly gives you the desired flame when -you can
on a Gas Range. There is no spoilage through scorching
and boiling over when a little care is exercised.
For Comfort and Service, see the
Mountain States PowerCo.
52 X W. W. Branstetter
Vote for a new man with new
ideas Plate your vote where it
will be appreciated most.
Stacy M. nusseu voluntarily
retires from tho offlco of
County Clerk after eight
years with the statement that
he felt that he had held the
ofllco long enough.
S. M. Taylor, after serving tho
county ns treasurer four years
voluntarily retires, feeling
that ho has served long
Is it not only fair to believe
that they have held this office
long enough?
A native of Lane county who
has never held a county office.
The office of Coroner has been
held by one firm for the past 12
(Paid adv.)
307 X NO
Laboring Glass
306 X YES
Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell ot
Vancouver, Wash., aro the proud par
ents of a baby daughter, born October
22. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are well
known her as they are former residents.
more than good mate
rials to make the best
bread. It Is the exercise of
experienced technical skill
combined with the use of
high-grade materials that
produces the highest
achievement in the baker's
art That is the solution
of the quality that puts our
Elephant Bread in the high
est niche of popular favor.
Back of it all is the' master
baker's pride in making a
food product delightful to
use and the honest en
deavor to establish a PER
MANENCE of custom that
nothing but high quality in
sures. Get the habit of
asking your grocer for Ele
phant. There is a lot of
satisfaction i n carrying
home a package In which
two things are. combined in
one article "Quality" and
Eggttnann 's