The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 10, 1918, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    ffiTIIUngPAYt OCT. AO, 1818
: 1.,.
-r p
nceu i uc vv tuning juivci
Cold chills running' tip and down your splno . I
may provo omino'UB ' Blcrnaltf or approaching
ColdB, La Qrlppei.eto.
For this reason you Bhoul Combat t;iof!firsjt
nymptoins of a fall cold.
Psnslsr UxitivB Gold Briakirs. 1 '
; ; ' 1
rollovo colda and similar complaints hi (aii al
: moat magical 1 gently Jaxatjiyd anh;by
looBonlng the bowels, utlmulatlng the secre
tions and Increasing the activity 'of "the vnrfotts
vital organs It oxpols every vestige of Colds,
La Grippe, etc.
: Town and Vicinity
LosIIo Blbort of Oregon City apont
tho wook-ond with friends,
All kinds of Inks nt Poory's.
Ethel Howard la visiting frlenda nr
Oood oats served at tho -Homo Roil?
tnurnnt. t t
John Kololi tool: (ho army physical
examination on Tuesday.
Now Fall Coats, latest colors, and
materials. Cox & Cox.
Mr. C. F. Exglmaun went to Marcola
on business Monday.
When In Sprlngoid out at tho Homo
Restaurant. '
.. .
Marlon Young of Coburg Is spending
sovurnt daya in Springfield.
First-class shoo repairing at tho W
A. Hall Shoo store. adv.
Mrs. Oortruda Mclloo spent sovoral
days at Wcndllng visiting hor sister.
You aro Invltod to Inspect our
kitchen at tho Homo Restaurant.
v "
Frank rarlsh Is .qulto III at his
First-class shoo ropalrlng nttbQjv7.
A. Hull Shoo store. adv.
Got tho Elephant habit and .help,
build up Springfield..
Mrs. Sam Richmond is 111 at her
homo on Wijla'mo'tto HolghU,
Solect your Fall Coat hero. Cox &
Mrs. Iloy Howard spent oovornl days
at Wondllng with friends.
Sco those combination Fountain
Fens and I'onclls at Poory's,
..WL-iu"i.mi-Lji,j-j.-i-.i 1 uiui
For this week-end we offer
somo especially Inviting bar
gains In tho way of Btaplo ovory
day needs. Read the list care
fully thoro will bo at least one
article you will need, and they
are nil money-savors:
Golden Age Macaroni, Xlii
per package .'tr v
Salmon, OQ n
2's at -fcjGLv
Wo lmvpgood Cqffeo from lie
Peanut Butter, fybtn
Mothb'r'B Oats, '
pe?. package ..Tab O v
C lOppouiido $400
Seraph Food, ' Iji GA
109 pomulo. tp.tJv
., , , v .'
"jr rpf
jOyjI ii
Mrs. It II. Itcod Is quito III nt the
local hospital.
I). A. washburno was called -to
Junction City on business Tuesday.
Lcavo your films for developing and
printing at Peory'a.
Frank Fischor ,ot Portland is hero
to sporid tho week with his family.
E. E, Kopnor returned to Fcrtland
tho latter part, of tho week.
Now Fall Coats on display at Cox
& Cox. '
I. D. Larimer and family went to
Urownsvlllo on Sunday hunting.
MIf.a A. K. M'iBbo of Portland Is vis
iting hor sister," Mrs. N. W. Emery.
Miss Honrlotta Manwnrlng Is assist
ing at Egglmann's this weok. .
Hunters returning from up tho Mc
Kenzlo river report tho -woods full 'ut
huntors. ...
Clarenco Powell, wno is stationed
ot Camp Lewis, Wash., was homo to
attend' his slstor's funeral.
Merrltt Tule a-sailor from Ilremor
tun, Wash., Is homo on a short fal
low. Mrs. Shorman Holler ot Eugene was
an all-day visitor at thb Gcorgo Catch
lug Jjomo on Wednesday,
"Knntlook" Hot Water Bottles and
Fountain Syrlngos aro guaranteed for
two years at Poory's.
James Clark and sister, Mrs. A. P.
Klrkland of Indopondenco, motored up
Ellon ,Lambort resigned her position
at Egglninnn'o Candy Kitchen on Sat
urday. '
Roports say, that Frod Knox, who
lsvnt Camp Lewis, Wash., has bconj
Quito 111 In tho hospital thoro,
Frank M0D00 and .Walter Conrad,
who nro at Camp Lowls, oro'both woll
and aro enjoying army llfo. 1
Mrs. N. A, Uowo wont o Albany
Sunday to visit hor son, Peter Lam
Lorty. Mrs. Goorgo Larson undorwent a
serious oporation at ono of tho Eugene
hospitals on Tuesday mbmlng.
'Cfoorgo Carson, who. ha3 beon work
ing ut Donnn for somo ttmoc la ill at
hla home on east Main street.
'Mrs, Frank Sldwell and Binull son
Clifford woro Sunddy visitors at Co
', i i
Mrs, R, Mi Mlllpr spoqt the wook
end' as a guost of Mr, and'Mra. WUHam
' . TV . i
Mr. and Mrs Emory nicharuson have
gone to Linsiaw to apond sovoral
weeks, .
Dill Darling and. family and Joo
Dryan and family motored to Drowns
vlllo Sunday on a hunt.
Mrs. C. A. Swarta of Mount Vornon
has moved to town' for tho. duration ot
tho war, as Mr. Swarts Is In tho uruiy.
C. E, Drattaln and family aro pro
paring to move to Portland In tho near
Mr. and MrB, YIncont Monlcti worq
tho guests 6f Mr, and MrB.' Hayry
, Mrej A- J. Armstrong 46t Fort Ste
vens, "was "tho week-end 'guest of hor
mothor, Mrs, Jeanotto Richmond.
Tho State Dank -Exajrjlmjr made, nn
oWclal visit at tho Commercial Stato
Dank on Friday' of last week.
A marrlago license waa'lssuoil Mom
day to James W, Holeman and Fran
ces E, Gitlley, both of Trent.
t M il 9 m -4
Fre4 Walk
North) Holiday
myn on lwm
Mm, CiMrle Ky, who htm ima Ti
lting jior tf r, Mrs, Nrt Kickdm, far
the p4st Hiontli, has returned footno to
jtl(ldl), Oregon, on Monday.
TM Mothod(Ht churcd choir mot on
Monday ovenlng and It was decided
to have choir practice ..on Saturday
evenings horcaftor. '
Rov. Edward OrlUlns of Salem ar
rived Mondny to attend the .funeral of
Miss Carrie Powell, which! was hold on
Mrs. J. E. Richmond, who has been
directing the choir at tho Daptist
church In Eugono, has resigned her
Llttlo Aubey Schu)tz, daughter of
Mr, nnd Mrs. Robert H, Shuitz, was
operated upon lest week for appondl
cltls. Aubey Is doing woll,
Mrs, May Miller df. Coqulllo spept
tho week-end with hor brother, M. M.
J?oery. Mrs. Millet's daughter Ruby
accompanied hor.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orlflln and Mr.
Frank Parrlsh have returned from
Timbers, whero they spent tho sum
mer months.
D, 0. Smith, Grant Roberts nnd Art
Roberts roturncd from a hunting trip
up tho river Monday evening. Thoy
report a kill ot ono deer.
Pearl Snook received a letter from
hor brother Dart, who Is located at
Camp Lewis, saying that he was feel
ing fine and enjoying the army life.
Mm. William Pollard, who has beon
with Doctor Pollard at Camp Lewis,
Is'spondlng several days In town. She
is accompanied by her Infant child.
Clydo Keavor, Vornon Harper and
Dort Leo, members of Uio S. A. T. C.
at Corvallis, roturncd to Corvallls on
Tho freshmen of tho high school
wcro sorry looking objects o,n Monday
owing to tho lato hours kept Friday
Word has boon recolved that Del
burt McUoo has just gotten over tho
nioasles. Ho is stationed at Cump
Did you over edt Elephant? Say,
It's great! Tho bost bread ever and It
la mado In Springfield. Ask your gro
cor for It, and if he hasn't got It, Eggl
matm has.
Norman Anderson, son ot Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Anderson, has been pro
moted to sergeant. Ho Is with the
834th aero squadron, American expe
ditionary forco now In England.
Miss Joan Fischer, a student at Cor
vallls, spent tho week-end with hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Fischer.
Jean also attonded tho unlvorsity
dance ut the armory Saturday night.
Mrs, D. A. Washburno returned
from Astoria the first Ot tho week.
whore she ITad been visiting Claud
Washburno, who Is located In an army
camp thoro.
Mrs.. Jack Llttol, sister ot Mrs. E.
Sutton and E. E. Morrison, who has
been visiting friends and relatives
hero, returned to hor home In Portland
on Monday.
Mark Poorv received n tele&rram.
from Camo. Lewis the Irittor Dart of
lost week saying that his brother, who
Is in an army training camp there, was
very seriously 111 with pneumonia.
Othor things .being equal, you owo
it to your home town to ASK for home
made products FIRST. Elephant
Dread la one of them It is not only
equal but superior,,
Alice Dauor' had hor tonsils and
adenoids removed at tho office of on)
of tho local physicians yesterday,
Isaac Stevens suffered a severe para
lytic Btroke early Wednesday morning.
C. J. Jonsma, mail clerk on Uio At-.
bnny-Oakrldge lino, paBsod through
Springfield' Monday morning on routo
to Portland, .where ho will spond a cou
ple of veoks.
Ray Alexander Is the buslost person
on tho Btroots' theso days, what with
high school' affairs oliom '. won't
ball you put this' tlmo, Ray, but re-
momber the. Rex. ,
A. MIddleton, a formor Springfield
druggist, now holds a position with
ono ot tho Llggott drug stores on
Droadway, NoV.York, Mr. MIddleton
still declares that Orogon Is Uio beat
State In tho 'Union.
Miss Ada Matthows, graduate ot
tho U. of 0, school ot music, dosirea
ix class ot piano pupils in Sprlngdold.
For rates nnd losson days, addross
Miss Matthews, caro Springfield
Hubert TraViB.' son of Mr. and Mrs.1
0. A. Travlc, 'Is' quarantined for Span
loh' Influenaa, Mr. TmvJs was ex
pecting c,omo 'home, but owing ' to
tho quarantine on tho 'oamp ho can
not 'do 9qt Hp Js lpcnpd at' Camp
Dodge, near Dea Mdlnos Iowa.
-JNTtflUC, WaekweM,
tf -f)-M.'B. Church
ago, decompose by?kfc fMRMfY:!
Red at tho home f Mrs, A. 8, Tjhi'
Yalzah today oh their Way to Cali
fornia. ' '
Mrs. Green and Mrs. 3, D. McDoeald
of Eugono, Hpent Wounsday at the
homo of W. L. Dunlap. The ladles
purchased a large quantity of fresh
vegetables, and eggs, owing to tho ex
cellence pf onr local markets.
Mis Florence Coffin and Mr it, J, W,
Coffin spont Sunday In Portland visit
ing Harry M. Coffin, a member of the
29th company, depot brigade, who
camo to Portland from Camp Lowis,
Mr.-Coffln experts his overseas ordors
In a short time.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggimann be'
llovo In giving youth a good tlmo. Fri
day evening they threw open their
Ico cream parlors to tho use of tho
high school studonts, who mado merry
until a lato hour. Freshmen, bow
your heads to your sonlors, who are
friends of tho Egglmanns
court house, Octobor 7, 1918, G. E.
Courtrlght of Eugene and Delia
Smith of Junction City, Judge H. L.
Down officiating.
tho homo of Rev. Geo, Warner, Oc
tober G, 1918, Gray Daniel Cornelius
to Lucllo Hampton, both of Goshen,
RICH Monday, Octobor 7, 1918, to
Mr. and Mrs. James Rich of Maple
ton, a son.
RAINES On Sunday, October C, 1918,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Raines of
Eugeno R. F. D. No. 2, a daughter.
ECKLUND At Croswell," Ore., Octo
ber C, 1918, John Ecklund, at the age
ot G7 years. He Is survived by his
widow and tho following children:
Harold Ecklund, Fortuna, N. D.;
Mrs. D. F. Hatpin, Seattle; Mrs.
Hannah Okeson, Turtle Lake, N. D.;
Maynard Ecklund, Montague, Calif.;
Mrs, Mabel Forgeson, Halation,
Minn,; Miss Esther Erklund, Bala
ton, Minn., and Olga and Reuben
Ecklund, Creswcll. The funeral
was held Wednesday afternoon.
MYERS At tho Mercy hospital In Eu
gene, October ,7, 1918, Mrs L. E.
Myers, of Waltervllle. Tho funeral
was hold Wednesday from tho Wal
ker chapel.
POWELL At the Springfield ihos
p'.tal, October 10, 1918, Earl Pow
ell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon
PowelL Tho cause ot bis death
waa pn-umonia.
Miss Powell's Funeral Held.
Tho funeral of Miss Kato Powell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon
Powell, who died on Thursday after
a protracted Illness, was held Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 at the family
resldonco on Fifth street. W. F.
Walker had charge of the survlccs
and Rev- Walter Dalley officiated.
Helen Myers, Maud Chase, Robin
Le Voe, La Velle Darger, Marlon Piatt
and Grace Clark, members ot Miss
Powell's class, were pallbearers.
Lane County Dentists Lead.
The Lane county dentists head the
list ot dontlBts who did volunteer work
for men who have been callod into
tho army. Up to September 1 Dr. F.
H. Walgnmot, State Director of the
Preparedness league, states that Lane
county had nearly 200 more operations
than any othor county outsido Mult
nomah. This service is absolutely
free and dontlsta are doing it as a
patriotic war measure.
Earl Powell III on Arrival.
Earl Powoll, son -of Mr. and Mrs.
Marlon Powell, who has been sta
tioned In an eastern army camp, ar
rived Tuesday morning to attend the
funeral of her siBter, MIsb Kate Pow
ell. Upon his arrival here he had to
bo Immediately taken to the local hos
pital ah he had contracted a sovere
case of pneumonia.
Baptist Church to Suspend Services.
Tho Daptist church of this city
wishes to announce that .because of
the prevalence ot the Spanish Influ
enza In the town and community,
that all services will be suspended
until further nottco.
Nothing Else Like It In Springfield.
There has never been anything In
Springfield with the INSTANT action
ot slmplo buckthorn hark, glycerine,
ota, nsmlxed In Adlor-I-ka. ONE
hqwol tract so completely it relieves
ANY CASE sour stomach, gas o r con
stipation nnd prevents appendicitis.
Tho INSTANT, pleasant acMon of Ad-
Ior-i-ka surprises boUi doctors and pa
tionts. M. M, Peery Drug Co.
Hoover otiya: "Tho return ticket
for our boys In France will tlo se
cured largely through American sav
ings of wheat, sugar, incuts and
your safety
Your car
Springfield Oarage
Gas Range Canning
Saves Fuel-Time-Money
Now with the canning season at its height and the
necessity for canning greater than ever beforer-you will ,
particularly appreciate the many advantages of the Gas
Range as an aid to food conservation.
ExactHeat Regulation, at thte :
Turn of a Valve,
So essential, to flic making of good canned vegetables
and fruits, is the proper heat during cooking. A twist of 1
a valve instantly gives you the desired flame when you can '
on a Gas Range. There is no spoilage through scorching
and boiling over when a little care is exercised.
For Comfort and Service, see the
Mountain Slal
Several members ot tho I. O. O. F.
encampment attended lodge at Eugene
on "Wednesday evening. Those at
tending report the refreshments or
peaches and cream great.
Several memljers of Springfield's
younger set enjoyed a picnic party at
Hendrlck's park on Tuesday evening.
The evonlnK was spent around a camp
fire telling -stories and playing games.
About twelve o'clock refreshments ot
woenles, buns and pickles were en
Those taking part in the Jollifica
tion were: Misses Gladys Lepley,
Lettle and Lottie Whlttaker, Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Bucknum, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Skinner,
and Mr. Earl Lepley;
Friday night the young peoplo of
the local high . school assembled at
Eggimann's1 Ice cream parlors with
tho avowod Intention ot giving tho
'thirty odd freshmen a warm reception.
Of course no ono stumbled over the
tables In the course of tho evening,
for Mr. Eggimann had graciously per
mitted his business to ho disrupted
that, day so that the students might
have a good time.
Several freshmon wero spldtel
setretly away during tho evening to
return later with slightly damp heads.
More strangely still, tho horses mani
fested a singular aversion to tho
trough on Sixth street next day.
However, everybody liked the even
ing and the freshmen woro much
pleased with tho excellent rendition
of "Tho Frosh nro Marching Oh," hv
tho upporclassmen. The boche was"
vigorously "skinned" in a contest, be
tng represented by somo apples pro
vided for tho occasion.
At 10;0 tho-mombore of tho faculty
reluctantly "shooed" their charges
away as they believed that all chil
dren should get nl least a llttlo sleep
ouch night.
Food saving was at 'first a fad; then
n patriotic 'Service; now ft habit -or
ought to bo.
United States-,
Lee '
. Flak
"It is necessary that "every family
in the United States study its food
budgets and food ways to see if It can
not buy less, serve less, returning
nothing to the kitchen and practice
the gospel ot the clean plate."
A good dejil from the
standpoint of. the ones who.:
know an. excellont bread
when they EAT it." Eggi
mann's Elephant Bread
the big 16-ounce loaf is
-' j
the last word. In a perfect
bread. They, who have
eaten, like it -First, her,
cause it Is AlAyAYS good.
Second, because it is made1
in Springfield, and they
like ,to .feel when thoy eat a
product made at homo that ,
thoy are helping build up.
their home town as against
a rival town. Ask your
grocer for It, and if he can't
supply you, see us.