The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 22, 1918, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 22; 1918
- ....
fc.- .
Jliera la nothing more delicious and.'Wholeiome than
pure ice crenm. It Ik relished equally "by ohildren and
grown folks.
The Ico Cream which wo soli io nn honest product
mndo, from fine Jersey cream, granulated sugar and
pure fruit flavors. Strictly sanitary . rules are ob
served in its making nnd serving. u ,
It is rich, fine-grained and smooth. The amount of
butter fat which we use is above the government re
quirement. Eat Ice Croam, Sundaes, etc., at our
fountain and have Ico Cream delivered at vour home
as a rofroohmont for aftornoon parties and, for dessert.
Town and- Vicinity
Kento Tooth Panto at Pcory's,
First-class shoo repairing at tht) V
' A. Hall Shoo store. mlv.
' Bob Malr of Jasper was in Spring
Sold on business last Saturday.
'W'Borry Hallacks for sale.
adv. " COX & COX.
Price Lansbcrry has been appointed
as mail carrier on Eugene R. K. D.
'No. 3. ,
, Developing and Printing at Pecry's.
Mrs, N. C. NIclBon and daughter of
Wondlfrig srent Sunday at tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence May.
Bwoot cream can now bo obtalnod
.at tho Springfield Creamery.
, Mrs; John Pnrrlsh Is at Waltcrvlllo,
whoro sho Is attending to Mrs. Geo.
Strauhjtuscr, who In qulto ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noil of Vlda
were In town last Tuesday on n Bhort
business trip.
Savp 6 to 16 per cent by paying cash
"Tor feed for grocorics at tho Spring
field Feed Co's storo.
KODAK Albums at Pccry's,
Mrs. WilllamvArnoId and daughters
left Saturday for Portland, whero they
will visit with relatives.
First-class shoe repairing at Use W.
A. Hall Shoe store, adv.
A marriage license was Issued las
Tuesday to Ilaymond E. Hill of Eu
gone and'Cleo Oldham of Thurston,
Joo Ncal, who has been employed
in Portland for tho past six months,
is back 'in Springfield.
' Mrs. Alice Holcomb has arrlvod
homo again after spending tho sum
inor at her camp at Donna.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E', McKlbbcn nnd
family nrrived homo last Sunday nf
tre spending a few days at Llnslaw,
See the Jontccl line at Pcery'e.
Barbara Holler, Dosslo Bdllor and
Henry Fandrcm havo roturnod after a
short outing at Foley Springs.'
Hoy. and Mrs. 8. A. Danford re
turned from a trip In the Middle West
states last Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs, drover Stephens spnt
Saturday In town on business from
their home at Marcola.
Miss Myrl Arnold, who has been
employed in Portland this summer,
arrived home las week. s
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark left for
Portland to attend tho national 0. A.
It. convention last Moriday.
Mr. C. A. Drady, of tho Springfield
Feed Co's Btoro, left this morning for
a row days outing on tho McKenzIe.
For your , convenience we have
stocked berry Hallacko. Seo us about
them. - COX-& COX.
N. A. linker, superintendent' of the
Springfield schools, has returned
homo after spending his vacation ut
Mr. and Mrs. Horry Brumctto and
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Huqk, and fam
ily, spent the welt-end at Trlangb
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sldwoll and
Mr. and Mrs. Ilobort Sldwcll left last
Saturday for a weok's vacation at
Nowport. "
Mrs. S. H. Danford has, been threat, with an attack of appendiceal
and has been qulto 111. She is report
oil as Improving.
Carl ;E. FlBchcr arrived home last
Saturday after attending to business
at the Fischer-Boutin camp at Llns
law for tho mill here.
Miss Margarent Dixon resumed her
duties in the Oregon Power plant of
fice last Monday after enjoying her'
vacation. . , j
The rain which has been Joyfully
received here, but is getting old now,
will ruin tho prune crop unless It
stors Immediately.
Afriarrli llceitss, was h' )asi
Monday to James Albort Cowdon, of
SealuVrahd Mrs. Qrac'e A, Cowdenr
of Sprlngflold,
fload mr)tt Of, ifpocla'ls far Friday
nnd Saturday, Five por cent off reg
ular prices in our grocery department,
Fcejl at cut prices. Sprlngflold Feod
Co.' f
Mrs. Lillian Gibson, traveling sates
woman for a Portland firm, nnd for
merly of this city, spont tho wock
end at tho' homo of her sister, Mrs.
Arllo Snood,. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Cownrt, who
mov'od to Elmlra a few weeks ago,
hnvo como back to Sprlngflold and
will leavo for 'Junction City tho lat
ter part of tho week.
Mrs, C. F. Egglmann left Monday
for Portland, whoro sho spent a few
days, visiting and attending tho na
tional convention of the L. of 0,
A..' It.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson of Vlda
woro in Springfield last Tuesday on
business. Mr. Swanson is a flro war
den at Vlda and a prominent 'cattle
Mre.'LuIa Lester arrived from her
homo.a,t Portland wWher three sons
last week to spend some tlmo at, tho
homo of her mother, Mrs. Mary Ma
gill. '
Mr. arid . Mrs. B. B. tycKlnney and
family passed through- Springfield
last Friday on .their way to their homo
in Eugene after an outing at Foley
8prlngs. i
Earl Leplcy has arrived. homo from
a motor trip- In California. Ho was
accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs.
Lcpley and daughter, Hazel, formerly
of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Out Lester and famllv
1 . , - v
left Monday morning for Sodavillo,
whore " they will vls'ltwllh relatives
for a tow days and then return 15 their
homo at Portland. , ,
Gilbert Miller left last Saturday for
Oregon City, whore ho will Join his,
Those mbtiM' iftk gprjngflejd
hotel last Monday woro Fred Esmond
and wife, WendlfaV; "F". P. Thurhiari,'
Camp Crook? T. F. Davis, Hallcy; F.
E, Whittakor, Thurston; Jl, llauerget,
Portland; A, Jlurgat, Cornelius'; V. B.
Laltcau, Portland.
Those registered "it ,tho Springfield
hotel' last Wednesday and Thursday
woro C. C. McNooly and" family, Bend;
McNecl Bros., Clark C. Crocker and
wife, Glenn Itlcc and wlfo, Mabel;
C, & Fox and wifer Mill City; Arthur
McDanlcl, Brownsville ft Silas Yarnell,
Donna; Dah McKay, Lcaburg,
Miss Lacy Copenhnver left last
Monday for Josoph, Ore., whero she
will visit with Mrs. Gcorgo Lamar,
formerly Edna Nlckcrson, of this city.
Sho will go to The Dalles about the
first of Septmobcr, where she has a
position as teacher In the school
Miss Daisy Tomseth has been ivfs-
King at tho home of P. Tomseth for
some tlmo from her home' at Weed,
Calif. 8ho was. formerly a Spring
field girl and well known here, Sho
is en route to Portland, where she
will lake up training In the nurses
Mrs. L. M. Caglcy and family left
last Thursday for Delta, Col., whero
they will Join Mr. Cag'ley, who ileft
hero some timo ago. Bernice Cag
ley will go to San Francisco, where
sho will keep house for her brother.'
Vance, who Is In the hospital service
at San Francisco.
J. M. Phllllppl ofBerin'edgle. Wis.,
who Is a delegate for the 'convention
of-tho 0. A. It. to bo held at Portland,
spent a few, days the latter part of
l 1 . . , a a . .
ibbi wee at tne nome 01 nia sister,
Mrs, Mary Maglll, whoe he has not
seen for thirty ycarsi 'He was a
companled by his brother, J.V. Phil
IppI, of Portland.
. )
Mrs. Charles William, of 'Walter-
vlll, who has been staying at' the home
of her slster-lri-law, Mrs. "M. j. Drury
for the last ,two weeks, after having
Miss Voni 8ensehoy left last Hun
dny for Oregon City, whoro she ifas
tmrloyment In 'a woofen mill there.
ll.o will lib bacly to attend
the local, high school.
Stato Fair, Salem, Oregon, Septem
ber 23-28. Splendid exhibits, excel
lent music, high class entertainment,
and a superb racing card. For par
UcnlarsnrltoA. H. Lea, Secretary.
Salem, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Scott returned
last. Sunday, from Sodaville, whore
they spent their vacation,-and Mr
Scott has .resumed his duties. at the
First National Bank of Springfield.
Misses Freda -and Mdyble Fandrem
and Mrs. Jack Bentlcy loft last Thurs
day for a vacation at Newport, Miss
Mayble Fandrem Is employed In tho
McDowell storo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cox left last
Thursday for PorUand, whero they
spent ft few days vlsltljg.' Mr. Cox,
who Is bookkeeper for the Booth-
Kolly mill, is taking his vacation.
, MIbs EIslo Weddlo has resigned hor1
position as bpokkoopor at tho First
National Bank to accept a similar po
sition for Sphaffers Bros, in the Ax
Billy Department Storo In Eugene;
Mrs, Minnie. Bentley and sls'irs,
Now shipment of fresh nice Flour- nnd Mayblo Fandrenl, returned
family, who moved there some tlmo an operation for a felon on her hand.
ago, Mr. Miller, remained .here to nBB rejurnoa 10 ner nome. sne win
closo out his business. . cn-e down to Springfield every other
aay to nave Tier naMd aresseu by a
Just received.
COX &.. COX.
Our Friday innd Saturday.spo
cial prices, of Groceries lust
weojt -was a great success'. This
woek we Include feed at bargain
prices. -It's easier to save your
money by buying here than to
work and earii over again what
you have unnecessarily loBt,
Read this list?
Schilling's 40c carl of
Coffee' v.....':
. Schilling's-; $1 ,caii of I
k ,Coffe,o..,.,
Schilling's Soda, four
lj; for.;
Bananas,' '
per dojsen ,....
' Scratch Feed,
j. 100-lb, sack
MiilrFeed, ,
80-11). twek....
Mrs. W. W. Wright nnd sons, Wil
liam nnd Norman, arrived from Lou
isiana, whero they havo been visiting,
last Saturdny
Mr. and Mrs, Clms. Dorlty and Mr.
and Mrs. William Horton left last Sat
iirjlay for Portland to attend the na
tional convention of tho G. 'A. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Nowtonl, Emory re
turned the first of tho weok from S1U
cooso bay, Whoro they spent tholr va
t Mr, and Mrs, Qhestor FJlsjass, left
Inst Sunday for Tor'tiand, whoro they
will spend' thbfr vacation visiting with
relatives of Mr.v Elspass,
Lon Con of -the West Sldo hold a
danco at the Pnlmor hop houso last
Friday evening. There was a good
Mrs. Earl Mooro of Sprlngflold has
opened n bakery shopnt John Soa
voy'a hop yard for the' convenience of
t!,r ,
Got our price on froBh nice Flour,
adv. COX & CQX.
twjlrs. Phi) Gassier roturnod to her
homo at Marcola last Sunday after
VlBltlng horo for a weok with hor par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Tt A, Rathbui?.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hadloy and son
of Ynrnoll spb'nt tho week-end at ro
)tomo of Mrs. Hadloy's mother and
fonjjly, Mrs, Magglo Duryeo.
' Jaok K(tzley of Jasper was In
Sprlngflold last Saturday. He loft
Sunday for Portland to attend thb
national Convention of tho Gi- A. It
from Newport after a short outing
there last Wednesday, and Miss May
bio has resumed her duties at tho
McDowell store horo.
The Southern Pacific company has
employed a construction crew to re
new the! Bj)an.onVthoJjrldge over
tho Wtllamotto river onTho"west side
of .town. The work wllhbe-tonipleted"
In about six wbeks. ''''
Mrs. DruclUn Howard underwent nn
ororntlon for. nppendlcftls ' at th'e
Morcy hospital ,in Euponq .Monday
morning. A Her Condition is reported
as being quite low at present and hor
rocovery , is very uncertain.
Mrs. Iva Hill Pongra lias returned1
from Fort StevOns, where she has
boon living tlth her husband, Norton
Pengra. Ho has b.ooh stationed olso
whore and bIiq will reside at tho home
of her parents hero until ho returns, coming homo.
local physician.
Guests at the Springfield hotel last
week-end were Mrs. Lizzie Foust, E.
C. Dunal, Ralph Rice, Mabel; BruceJ
Pcttljohn, J. A. Crabtree, J. A. -London.
Wendllng; Harry Lee. H. E. Garden.
Ltona; Albert Jackerson, Wendllng;
(F. P. Thurman, Camp Creek; Ralph
Daway, Donna; Mrs. E. Rogers, Wal
tcrvlllo; Herbert Sneed and wife.
Mrs. F. A. Weed. Hlllsboro; M s.
Grant Green, Roseburg.
The Women's Service League will
begin canning fruit In the Methodist
church basement on. Tuesday, August
27. All of the product will bo sent
to the military hospitals In Pacific
Coast states. Donations of both fruit
and Jars aro earnestly solicited. Par
ties desiring to make donations are
requested to- phono Mrs. Van Valzah
and a car will be sent after the goods.
Edward Harris, who came here from
UKianoma two weeKs ago, has puis
chased tho fine 35-acre tract of river.
bottom land owned, by J. D. West
The placo Is well located at the Coast
Fork bridge, Improved with modern
buildings, and has many varieties of
fruit. N. Rowo of Springfield brought
the parties together and completed
the negotiations for the deal.
Those registered at the Elite hotel
last week-end wore Chas.Gayall, Alice
K. Doane. Belvln Doane, Jasper; H. E.
Dagroll, Bond;v E. E. Shlltz, Albany:
M. Teory, C. N. Nelson, Dorena; Mile
Thompson, Vila: Harry Careaw, Mar
cola;- Amy Coffer, Wendllng; Q. S.
Green and wife, Burns; R. E. Wllhelm,
A. -PhlIllr"pTi Seattle; R. E. Lesley,
J. S, Smith, PorUand: William Da-
vino, P., Berg.' ' ,
Candy Taking' the
Place of r Alcohol:
There was a tlmo when tho army and navy supplied their men
with rum and whisky.
But today, while recognizing tH6 heed 'of: supplying' heat for
the system, it Is known that alcohol JsnoMho thing that, on tho 1
contrary, sugar supplies the system jtti carbohydrates.
So candy is supplied liberally to soldiers', v ' '
Leading American officers 'indorse', chocolate ettrfily as arTesncn
tlal food for soldiers.
The various quartermasters-' departments draWrgo'suppllqs "
of candy for the soldiers to eat; These requirements, rnn fnt5 the'
hundreds of thousands of pounds. ' ''
On a recent cruise, for example the Atlantic squadron, car.y- , .
Ing NO LIQUOR aboard,; ihad on Its', xarioua 'sbfps 40,'000 pTShnils'
of candy because it recognized' candy as Vnutrftlom?'i&6rt'for tho '
.sailors .' ' .
Tho acid test of war Is putting candy, down as a FOOp a
food which "supplies the ljpdy with fuel. ' "
Many physicians ind scientists claim lhatj.can.dy-lll .suppjanf,,...
the taste for alcoho!lc;bevfcrages, Thin is prpbabfy qnp 'r.ea'son jfhy.,
as candy iSjbccomlrig.more and more firmly established aid rdcdg-'
nlzcd, alcoholic drinks' are declining. Right along with the decrease
In whisky drinking, prje notes the tremendous. Increase fn'Uie recog.-
nitlon of iaBdyjas' i food.
, Men who once thought Uiat whisky" wdad 'Vblster"them ;Hp;r
now find -that In candy they get a .real sdu'ree of bodily fuel: and
Many'peofcle "Used to wonder what wouli be tho substitute foi
drinking to supply beat for the system. People ' have fond that '
sugar-is the-real source of bodlly juel, supplying carbohydrates,,
sugar is. most enjoyed bynany people, -when .made ,up Into a food,
product, mixed with fruit, nuts, etc. all high 14 food Value.
We recognize sugar as a food-product--rand-injiIk. as; a-;food, ,r,
product and cocoa as a;. food Trpduct-r-and,.nutsrfand, fruits an34 '
iblnation of all these producu oouM"
then, loelcallr. is not the combine
to be a wholesome, nutritious food?'-"
In normal times (the candy.lpdustry us onfp ol
the sugar used ptr capita fnr tftlr couritr.'5!Rlflhr
now this amount he bsn'cut squarely -In twoT",f .-
The Candy Manufacturers iof Oregonw
Mr. and Mrs. William Rodenbaugh
roturnod to' tholr home hero after a
Vacation spent at Astoria and- other
points ' In Oregont last Thursday. They
visited with Mrs. Rodenb'augh's :paiv
ents; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCrakeh at
Astoria, and Mr. Rodenbauali's broth:
or, Elmer Rodenbaugh and family also
of Astoria. A short time was spent
at Seaside and they wont to, Portland
to see Roy McCracken, brothor of Mre.
Rodenbaugh, on the return trip before
Summon all the forces and resources of the Republic' to '
the defense of Freedom
which the' United States authorities have ranked as one'ofthe
fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in
military training,, has responded to the call. The College is
distinguished not only for its military instruction, but
DisTiHGumicb AtsoroR
Its strong industrial courses f6r men and forwomen:
In AsHcuUvLf. CDmium, Englnrla, , Forturr
. , IJome ooomli,, MlnlaJ;Phlncy,Ba, ''r!
VooitiAotl ljducitioo,
Its whoUtjome, jurppsefuJ student lifet
Its daaocratic college spirit. '
Jts sccesslul graduates. 1
StudehrtWolleil last y?ar,Jj; slars qri Us serviceiflagj, U58,
CelUgW Wprui StemlMr 23, 1818
1t auU,WmftttlJ Swklti, aJoiililtla riiu a a JlttUirsr, CarvtUK OiVea
Gas Service for Canning'
Fruits and Vegetables
Food Administratbi; Hoover calls upon the house
wives of the nation tbf cau all surplus fruits and veg
etables that the nation' food supply may equal the
demands of war conditions. '
ooking With Gas
gives the most satisfactory results All kinds.'Qf fruits
apples, pears, peaqhes, plums, apricots pineap
t pies, etc. as well as vegetables, such as tomatoes,
beans, cony peas, cabbage, etc. are' most easily
and satisfactorily canned on a Gas Range.
The Gas Range' is of especial advantage for can
ning, because of Its ready adjustment of heat, econo
my of fuel consumption, reliability, cleanliness and
marked convenience. ''
See the
For Service
His' Mother's" Part.
They niarvelled at the lad-
young, so strong, so radiant c(
That he, from his soft life, could grap
ple death, '
Could sing,- and laugh and with exul
tant breath.
Could dle-rand know no ieajfi
fhey marvelled, but guessed not
That far beyond tho west horlzont
Through long, still hours of sleepless,
hply nights,
Wrestling with God, up to tho star
Ut heights,
His mother prayed for him!
-By Hatde Wells Boyntott