THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 122, 1018 1 PAGE 2 T& Springfield News Published ovory Thursday by the Lano County Publishing Association. ROBERT A. BRODIE, Editor and Mflr. tsvvwwvvsesaeeee'r SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In advance.) One year ' ' ' I1.E0 .75 .Six .months, v ?hre6' 'months k .60 ADVERTISING "RATES 1'er column men c'- ' f ' PHEN I tt whch th( (ft "inly 1inti( than I think, of the Flag those Alps ,carry, touch of color about them, the only thing that moves as If It bad a .settled spirit In it, In their solid struc ture,,. It seems to mo 1 see alto, nkte strips of parchment upon which . tre . written the rights nf Liberty and Justice and strips of blood spilled,., to vindicate those rights and then, in the .corner, a prediction of the blue, serene j into which, , e.yeryjf nation may hswl7i .which ,staads tor tnese great .things ,V Wood row .Wilsoa,. w,- THE HAYMAKERS. "Making! hay while the sun shines'; was novervmore iorcibly Illustrated in this country than it lr today es peciallyramang the .classes that labor; largely, iwRh their hands; -Nearly every, able-bodied man and "woman 14 engaged in some useful, productive occupation;;, at. almost Inconceivably high wages. Many go at their tasks .not alone-, for the money there. is in .it, -but imbued with genuine patriotic ferver giving their utmost jthat Hb ..ertjf might' Burvjve a- big day's work for a big day's pay.- The actual mo tive underlying the consistent, Hercu lean efforts ,of such workers is inspir ing. It is well that the world's work of the many is being done by the few, for- arrayed, against, them is the slack' effort of other workers, so-called who give as HtUe-asthey can for as much as they can get. The best we can hope for is that we strike an even' balance in the world's production. By the time these abnormal condi tions are' over, it does BOt regulrft much of a prophet to foretell which class will have a goodly share of the "hay" stored away. The same, quali ties In a man that impels him to cou scfentlouB endeavor will also Impel him to a sensible conservation of what he has earned. Thrift follows diligence as naturally as. night follows day. The slacker, regardless of what he has re ceived in' the way' of " compensation, will be. where, he has always been in want' and distress for his custo mary lack of foreslghtednesa. We have no' message for the slacker, either 'in war or out of it Verbal ammunition Is wasted upon him. If he cannot or will not save, the seed of material success is not in him. But, to tlid' real haymaker and hay-con-server we could say much, if ho needed advicet which we doubt If he has'the good "judgment to save his ex traordinary earnings, be will probably exercisers much discernment in in vesting his surplus. After! the war is over there will nat urally ''follow a tremendous readjust ment' of the economic forces of the world.' Labor of all kinds will be vi tally' ''affected. The highly-skilled artisan as usual need not have '"much to fear his ranks are never over filled. But the average worker, and they are legion, will have some prob lems afrectingTjis welfare that will bo strictly up to him to solve. It is cer tain' that the present plethoric condi tions tvIII bo dissolved, arid while we do not believe it will glvo way to a ''conditlon 'bordering upon stagnation, Just tho same the changes' will be radical ones and perhaps abrupt. To the man who "made hay while the sun shone" and hung on to the hay, his safest opportunity lies in a "forward" movement of "back" to the soil. A little piece of land assidu ously tended with tho same degree of diligence that dominated' his hay making efforts, a study of tho condi tions peculiar to his chosen locality, a scanning of the world's markets, a desire to learn tho business from those whoso methods have been suc cessful, will perhaps not bring tho hay In as fast as war-time Is doing, but it will bring It In as sure and guaranteed permanent. There is some of God's green acres In Lane county waiting and clamoring for men Hko you. ' THE HOME TOWN PAP.Eft. Next to a cheery letter from homo Vhat la more welcome to a stranger in a stranao land than tho old homo- town paper? Imaglno tho oagor hasto with which tho soldier overseas tears tho wrap, ping from tho llttlo journal that con tains Intlmato chat of tho folks ho knows best ot nll-bhek In ,tho states. Picturo him reading and absorbing every word and lino, oven to tho "ada." Workers (n the hospltnts and' aoo vlco "huts" at tho front, roalltliiR j probably bettor than nnyono else tho I need of homo nowa to sustain tho "homo papers." To meet this demand In ono locality in which ho is parttcu- ilarly interested, William lloyce i Thompson, Now York banker, hnB ln nugnrated tho "Homo Paper' Scrvfco" through which every man In tho army and navy" 'enlisted from' WoBtchostor ! county, New York, "vlll bo put on tho mailing list for tho paper published In thctown that was homo to him. The movement seems to offer to the right-hearted citizens throughout the nation opportunity to worth-while service. Oregon Journal. THE EMPLOYEE'S CHANCE. This Is ' the da)r o'f 'th'o omploye'o. Ho is much sought and Well paid. The .war has given' hi in a new value, a new Independence. Ho can select his own employer and change 111 in as often as ho wishes. This 'is the hoy- day of his prestige and his impor tance. It Is also the employee's opportu- j nlty-probably tho greatest In history. roaay, tomorrow, mis year ana next is his time ; to establish himself. But after that-who' Knows? Today he Has no cdmpetUlon In selling his 'ser vices: 1 That condition will' not fast. A matter of .months, maybe at most a year or two, and serorai millions, of men, trained, fit, efficient,' 'will bo turned ldostTIh Ihe trades? The man who has served? his cou'nYryj will '.So tho favored applicant " for, the vacant Job. Imtriedtatery the Job that. Is to day, a. mere-. Jobi will suddenly become imporant. '"Bere VUl' be no more begging1 thev mnloyeo 6 stay on tho payroll. The boss -win again bo the boss. It will coine. It will come soon. 5 S6 this is tho time for the employee to make the most of h)s opportunity. The man who- changes 'about will find 'himself ere long. in the shifting sands, j Today is his opportunity to make good, to' show . his loyally; his ability. this sdperldrlty dver the man who Is here today and' gono tomorrow. The man who sticks now is the man who will be on the payroll after the war and'a valued rind well paid empIoy'Kj. After the war a Job will bo tf' Job again, ''always necessary but not al ways available td the drifter. There seeing to be some vestlgo of feeling for (he common herd ieft In Austrian newspapers', Vand. backbone, too, when' they .protest against Em peror Karl furnishing- more "cannoa fodder" to( help replenish the Kaiser's shattered reserves. Hinderburg seems to have been cured of blk hkhie nf a ture triumphs for bormalri arms' 'to reach frultlbn on f estiva ,"days: Not a- thing has been 'dope's, out yet. for Christmas! Lane county hogs have gone over the toil In thn 'Pnrtln'n'il martat ' v. ing reached 'thd $2Q-nVark' yeste'rjjay. You seem to W living up to your name alright, plggyj' '"' ' ..1,1. IV... I. shells are beglnnihc to sine the swan song of Hunland. ' 1 r General March Intimates that there will be a general march across the rthine In 1919.' BR.OWN SUGAR, INCLUDED Brown as Well as White Sugar Is to be Purchased In 2-Poun'd Lots. Brown sugar Is included In tho two-pound restriction of tho National Food Administration. In fact, the two-pound sugar restriction includes all sugar except the maple sugar, which may be purchased In' unlimited quantities. Numerous inquiries coming to the . food administrator has caused the fol lowing statement to bo included in ! the sugar restriction; All cane and) beet sugar is Included granulated, ! cube, powdered and all refined gradeH. Moreover, this restriction Includes all raw sugars, brown sugars and refin ers' soft sugars. Cholera Morbus. This Is a very painful and dangerous disease In almost every neighbor hood someone has died from it before mediclno could be obtained or a phy sician summoned. The right way is to have a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in tho house so as to be prepared for It Mrs. Charles Enyeart, Huntington, Ind writes: "During- th' summer of 1611 two of my chtldrea were taken' sick with cholera morbus. ' 1 used Cham borlatn's polio asd .Diarrhoea ,Rscady and it gave thea inaodkba reWaf." Ik Grandoldope s (Reel Two). Congress has boon , dilly-dallying along for. a week now on tho now lro ft bill without having determined tho exact fate of tho Immortal 12,- 999,999 nnd us. During that tlmo wo havo devoured tho news' from Washtngton'thnt soma day must seal tho dostlnyot heroes rariu to bo on tho ll'r Ing" lino. If has boon n wbok- of suspense, expectancy, bated breaths, and sighs of resignation, but Congress has refused to accept tho resignation reganlfcss of fixe. They are oven inclined to nrguo tho point about us being engaged In a ubo- ful occupation, vis.: Running a newspaper In Sprlngtlcld. Thby claim its publication could coaso during the. war, that folks would not notice its absence, and tho war could go on without IL Thov have this backinc of 'tho su preme' military power pt tho nation, so As a raw recruit pretty soon wo concede their claim in public. But deny it In private. "Private!" There It goes again- oven' every word we use for the arts of peace, rears up' ' And proclaims our destiny Already yetf we seo fed! We feel the gentle caress of a "baynut" against our (epidermis and Wo appreciate, what Sherman said. We have had our "morale" dry cleaned and treated our system to a uose oi Anti-cootie, toxin. ' We sleep with s the "Manual of Arms" by bur side; " , Wo have leased a gas mask .from the Oregon Poweri plant i" ' ' ! . We cheerfully , lay aside, the pen To take up the sword;' AVo are ready to "go In" ,ar.y time, Mister W'l80n 80 i Don't worry. ' If fou think It will shortcpthewar To advertisij our offensive. Go ahead and advertise. ,- But If you cant induce' Congreso to settle this thlng'soo'n yqur chanco To see us in khaki will be ne plus ultra-r minus.'" ' In the meantime our ser cive star ("made- in Spring- field") bursts with baherul i rlaro ' arid ' sinister slcnlfi- ' cance In the constellation of patriots. We know It has not the elegance of contour of the five-pointed varloty shlmmerng'lri a blue" Held 'of memory; It looks like a cross between ,a brainstorm and Halley's comet, But It typifies us in "action." Its rays gleam with a spectral' radi ance of things yet to happen;" i. And tho clammy clutch of terror, Closes upon Hunland Ab with anxious eyes It' fastens Its gaze Upon our service star. (P. S. Never again will we go to a movie war play Just before press day). rutarrkal TVafnes Cflnnnt Re Cured by local application, aa they cannot tcicIj the dlieaatcl portion of tha ar, Jhera It only ona way to euro catarrhal dtafnm, ana mai vr wuuiu.iuu, uaiarrnai uvminvmm wmhw ... flamea condition of tb mucou llnlns of , f,.i..h,bn Tnhji When MA tub Ifl perfect ''h!arlflr-, Tand when It U entirely Inllammatlon can be reduced and tnli tube reetorntl to. ltj normal tojA tlor, "" will be detroyd forever. Many caaej of doafniwi are' cdueed by. catarrh, which U an Innamtd condition ,of the mycoua ur facee. Hall's Catarrh Medicine, acta thru the blood on the mucoue aurfacea pt the "'wV'wIll elve One Hundred Dollar for any caae of Catarrhal Deafntu that cannot be cured y liall'a Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars frfe, All Drucrl'te. TCc, r, 3. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATI.ON, Department of the Interior. V. S.' LAND OFFICE. Roaoburg, Oregon, Jilly 22, 1918. Notice is horoby given that Arthur F. DoSautel, of Oakrjdge, Oregon, who, on July 15, 191G, mado Homestead Eatry, Serial No. 010042, for SE'4 Lot 2, BVs NE'4 'Lot 2, E 8W4 Lot 2, SE4 NW'4 Lot 2, Section 4, Township 21 S, Range 3 E, WIllnraottQ Meridian, has fled notice 6f make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo- described, be fore. E. O. Immel, U. S. Commissioner, at bis office, at Eugene, Oregon, oh the 3rd day of September, 19J8. Claimant names as witnesses: C. E. MeClane, of'Oakrldge', Oregon; Walter Hamner, of Oakrdge( Oregon,; Ciiaries Donning, of Oakrldge, Oregon; John MoClattflt of Oakrldge, Oregon. W. H. CANO Rlljrpi West Side News. 11. 13. Loo nnd family woro motored to Crcswoll last Friday by Mury Loo in their car. Oren Uuckbee was a guest at the homo of Avery Oliver last Saturday. Walter Ellison was homo Inst Sat urday and' Sunday from Camp 14 at Wondllng, whore ho Is employed. Ho spent tho tlmo planting tUrnlp socd, Mrs. WUej! .KllUoti .han received word Hint her son Karl underwent a serious' operation" at tho camp wnorq ho Is located in San Francisco. Ills company; had to leave without him, but.ho, Vrltoa that hb hopes' to io Franco yet. Ira Craighead Is doing consldcrahlu work 6n his strawberries on lils Wq'wt Sldo tract, and they , wllUuinko a flnq show1ni??when tlioy ripen. AVcjy(QUvor has received word that h!n parents are on tholr way north itttor tholr evangelistic tour In South em Oregon nnd Northorn California counties. Can nil you can and uso tho least sugar possible Bicycles ON1. , , Ar-TA-NDARA WAKES. BICYCLE REPAIRING JW-STEVeiNS THIRD AND MAIN STREET 8 SPRJNOF1EDD W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER . ' ' FUNERAL DJRECTOri , Office, Phono, C3; Residence 67-J West Main St. WANTED Your Sweet Cr eam EUGENE FARMERS. pI?BA!ERy? dOOK wirn PEARL OIL A New Perfec tion Oil Cook Btovcmtani kitch en , comfort and tonreniencc. Atk Tour frltad who tus eat. Used In 1.000,000 homes. Inuscntlve, eaijr to operate. Bee then at your dal ers toiajr. NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE M. C. BRESSLER & SON Springfield, Oregon Thousand .of men have chewed Real (xravely Chewing Elug for , twenty-five years and more. And every time they have tried, some-, othqf brand it made them think . more of Gravely than ever. ' Oti ' 40c 10, no mar H1IIHsbVH4 iiiiaDlSsHwHBK ' Ml THE "FEOfeRAL REaERVrT"vBAMrflrJn'VRTPM. ' BANKING SYSTEM EVER THOUGHT OUT. ,, . .THE MEMBER BANKS HAVE. PUT .137 MJLLiONS v . OF. GOLD, INTO THE U. S. TREASURY., .OH THIS V GOLD THE, GOVERNMENT ISSUES MQNEY. WE CAN GET MONEY vWHEN jWE WANTr IT BY, . TAKING OUR SECURITIES TO OUR DISTRICT, . "FEDERAL-RESERVE" BANK, i l YOU. CAN. GET YOUR MONEY. WHEN .YOU.WANTd, . ' j IT WHEN YOU ARE. A DEPOSITOR. IN OUR BANK, u LET'S DO BUSINESS. COME IN. . ANtQWlTHUS. .if - rftlE. 36-223 Mm Makes Cooking a Pleasure A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove takes all the drudgery out of cooking. Lights at the touch of a match and heats in a jiffy. Bakes broils, roasts, toasts.Tall the yekr round. No smoke or odor; no dust or dirt. Economicalall the coveni-., ence of gas. In J, 2, 3 and 4 burner tlies, with or without ovcni or cabinets. Atk jour dealer todijr, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Peyton Brand Real Gravely . Oiewinc Plucr TT 0 , f,. a pouch am worth it ; Gravity la$t$ionmch langhrlt cos fa to cntui man oral nary pmg VP. B. Gravity TsWee Otmptjiy DajrrllU, VlrgWat ZT,..' ' t'J'.1,' , 'I JJZZZ STSTIMOf JANKS Classified Ads For.Sale,' .Rest, WantsU, ItQ, FOUND Silver bar pin. Ownor, may iihto wma oy caning at inia omce and paylos for this ad. FOOND Cuff button;' Owner 'jaT havo eamo by calling' at Uilb oWct and roying for this 'ad. , jn.rn-1"""'"'- 'T" i "sj "n"in i"iiisrji'iiirTisi' f Msias FOR RENT Kimball piano. ' Good condition. Call Springfield SB. UU) NU3WSPAPEIIS tar rale. One coat ye? pound. Snrlagfieitl Hem. FOR, No. 2L Mlsolon heater; flno condition. IU L. KIRK. Duy W, $.8. this month. They'll cost moro next month, UOUER.T.JJURNS E(lge,.No. 78, A. M. F Ancloat. aad ACcoptod Bcotlliih Rito Tint vorsal nnd Symboflo Free MBBQha.neoU flrat and' third Fri'day evening In W. Q. V. hall, vlsltins brothors vol- como. P. A. Johnaon Secretary. Cbaa. KlnRawolI It. W. M. Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST surroN bLdq. . . phone 2w RESIDENCE PHONE 12W D. W. ROOF JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, OREGON FINJJJ WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY CAREFUL. CONpCiENTIQUS DENTISTRY DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 11W Over Commercial Banli Springfield, Orwron, N . Phone 302 47 East 7tk Ave., Eugpno, Or, Imperial Cleaners All kinds of, Cleaning, ,Preth lug and Repairing. ' Prompt Bervlco and ood vVorTf1 Are otir. pec)attleB. , tJp' yia in prices, "Postage paid one sJsaBBsPP 4