, -iJO t'-'X SPRINGFIELD NEWS MitatKivuuf il. iiu.ii iirlnitsi t. '" Mowi j C1m mtlrui)'lr not of ron ro oC l rih, law SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918 VOL. XVII. NO. 27 1 JTxIL 5EE0 POTATOES II LANE COUNTY BEST 1 PACIFIC COAST Government Specialist Aftor Investigation Places Our Product First. CERTIFICATION ISIGHEST Industry Derives Qront Stimulus and , , eiTrabla's Warehouse' Room. Last week oiip of tho greatest nil thorltlcR oil potatoes In America ar rived In Lajio county. It was Prof. J, O. Mlllwnrd, nnd hln mission hero was nt tho behest of tho U. S. Do- pnrtmont of Ajjrlcult,ura Ho wfe,f-unfonnB nro turned out with magic- Bent tiirough several Pacific Coast HiaieB to gainer oa.a rcinwvo 10 ino potato inuustry. nml especially to pursuo his Investlgntlotyi nn to tho comparative morita of. scod potatoes in iiiuvuiiuua niu iu niuui hit- YlHltCtl. 1 no passcu up i-oioraao, passpji ur,d Idaho, a famous lotnto growlng stato; passud up tho Yakima valley In Wash ington that mines spuds by the ton. Nono of them enmo up to tho stan dard ho wns looking for in scod pottn t)CH until ho ;trick Lane county, Thon ho was satisfied. He bad found tho "laBt word" In certified seed pot.v tr.os. Ha bumpod into N. S. Itobb, County Agriculturist for Lano county, and an ardent advocate of cert Iflod, spuds, 'nnd 'EL TC. Morrison of 8prlngfleld, a pioneer in tho certified seed gamo, nnd tho biggest individual shipper In Oregon. Lane County Heads List. Aftor a thorough, investigation Mr. Mlllward found that Lano county could boast of 7GCc of tho acreage de voted to th growing of cortlflcd soeJ potatoes ln tho State, and with a cor- UfIcatIon so high that ho put Lano county at tho head of his rooort. for- rot the rest, and started homo with his mission fulfilled. Nothing In specialized agriculture han ovor aroused ds much Intercut among Lano county farmers boforo. Tho meetings arranged by Mr. Itobb nfl which Mlllwnrd was present wero largely attended and tho moat Inton. bIvo Interest wna manifest. That tho notato Industry In this Boctlon of tho county, already mammoth In Its pro-, portions, will recolvo a furthor lm ' pctus goes without saying. Mr. Morrison' Activity. A year ago Morrison had disposed of 7,000.000 pounds of potatoes, val ued nt $160,000. This year, owing to tho crop shortage, ho did not fall much under thoso flguroB. Ho dis posed of 1,500 sackB of certified scod potatoes. California Ib an especi ally heavy buyor of Morrison for Lano county Whlto Itoso nnd Burbank sood potatoes, as tho soil whllo well adapted for growing good- potatoes from seed grown in Lano county, It will not produce its own seed pota toes satisfactorily. Increasing Warehouse Facilities. Mr. Morrison starts hoxt wcok to greatly enlarge his warehousing fa cilities. Ono will be IncrcaBod from 40x00 to 80x120. Another adjoining It. will be Increased from 40xG5 to C0xl20. This will provide storage ca pacity of nearly 30.0P0 squnro- foot. Ho has aluo began tho construction of n new warohouso at Coburg, Wijh bucIi natural, boundless re sources as the potato Industry typi fies, nnd with tho right men ''behind tho gun," Springfield nnd all her ad jacent territory will suroly find their plnco'in the Bun, "PERSHING'S CRUSADERS" First Official War Film to Be Shown at Eugene Theatre This Week, At thq Eugone Theatro, Eugono,Or., tho cjjmunlttea on Public Information, yrlll janw through tho division of Mtoti, of which Charles S. Hart la di rector, tho first official American War Film, "PorBhlng'a Crusaders." Tho engagement Is for Friday nnd Satur- day, August 0 nml 10. Thl feature film nlrlilrna tlin trrlm oifrnftKf fw'HX t wo uniicu nmioH gavgrnmem. in im wun .actlvitloa and lujrdotormlnnL'on In ntntiin nut ItnttJhrliim. Following tlio frog of- Franco5 sr-lontlld Idea In given of how, Amon cnnii fight. Tho lout half ofjho pic turo, In fact, 1b fntlrolydovotdd lo what i our boya nro accomplishing ovor thoro.. You noo thotn In tlio front lino trenches on tho firing lino tho first of our hoy In khaki who took ovor a sector of tho French lino. You boo them wintering In tho snow-covered villages of Lorralno. With tho .coming of spring thoy march through tho quaint sYrootB with spring Jn their sfo'r". Thcro In ilotormlnntlon !n their vory stride. You know (hoy arc going out to win. You huo tho first Gorman prisoner captured by our hoys, got ting elonb'Ups of tho flochOH. Thoso' nro not old plcturos, but tho very i Intent that hnvo arrived on this Hide. In tlio first half you boo what Undo .Sam's countlosi civilian nrmy 1b doing ovor tlioro, miicb of cniuonnioniR ciow before vvour oyn, You seo tho raw recruit becomo tho hardened i flKhtor, Floats of aeroplanes darken , tho skies. Masslvo Bhlps of Btcol, concrete and wesd Bpocddpwii tho . way. Mighty gqns and 'projectiles hm m n do nn vou look on. Millions ,ko rftpl(,lty. Vou begin to reallzo ' 0 American Is doing his best ,n . ,.-, wnr nll, vn know for ,nRtancCi mt Unclo 8nm , ninnnR iU)0 b(KgC8t ,nundry ln ,ho worl(1. ulgravo of Lieutenant Quentln Itooso- .Is worth Hccintr M Then watch tho - I Tnntlna lftlnr ftin't urna Ik H In tint , t Jg ,f throbi,lnfr with' virile patriotism. It 1b a picture that ovory soldier's mother, wlfo or Bwoot heart will want to eoo. You may bco 'your boy ovor thoro. "Porshlng's CruBadora" Ib distributed by tho First National Exhibitors' Circuit, Inc. MUST LEARN TO SWIM Recruit In Training Will Be Given Lesson In Aquatic Work. Every man. of tho 13th division, now forming at Camp Lowls, will bo obliged to know how to swim. In vestigation by officers in change of tho examination of arriving seloctu show that a surprising number of thorn cannot swim and a well devel oped program for this instruction has (boon worked out. Members of flvo companies In the 44th Infantry who cannot swim will 10 American ibko, a Bnort aisuinco wny and tlloro receive swimming Wessons. Thoso who can Bwim but, "who wish to improve tholr st.oko will also be given attention, for It is the hopo of tho officers who have boon glvon charge of tho Instruction that overy man in tho division will becomo nt home In tho water. Followlng tho 44th, members of tho iBt infantry will bo given tho In Btructlon. nnd by that tlmo It Is bo- licvod that soino of tho other regl mentH in tho division will havo been organlxod. The swimming Instruc tion will bo glvon by Prlvato Goorga Cuiihn, an export, who has won nearly ovory Bwlmm.'ng rnco ho has entered ln tho water carnival held at Ameri can lako laBt weok. What We Fight For. The high il'tiB of America and her allies aro well oxprosBod ln President Wilson's grcotiiiGB to Franco on Bas tlio day: "As Franco celobrated our Fourth of July, so do wo colobrate her Fouc loor.th, keenly conscious of a com radeship of armB and of pur"so of wli'ch wo nro tdooply proud. Tho noa ti: r.ni a nnpim rv.l n r Cpatinfi la a closo nolghbor to our hoartu Tho war Is being fought to savo oursehb from Iniolorablo thins but It Is ! being fought to Bavo mankind. W, extond our hands to each other, to tho great peoples with whom wo aro associated- and to tho neoolea ovory. whoro who lovo right nnd prlzo Justice nn a thing boyond prico, and conso- crato oursolvoa once moro to tho no- bio enterprise of poaco and Justice, realizing tho great conceptions that hnvn llf(n,l Vrnnm nttrl Amnrlcn tilorh among tho froo pooples of tho world. morthanU have began' to koop ro Tho French flag flloa today from tho cords. Evory salo will bo sot down staff of jtho Whlto House, and Araorlca Ib happy to do honor to that flog." Return From Training, Word was received nt the Nows laat Monday from Camp LowIb that tho Y. M. C. A. Secretarial school at Camp Lowls closed Thursday aftoroon and' that W, S. Wright, a railroad man of this city, returns to hlB homo to wait call for overaooa aorvlce. I Elfll TISH SMASH FOR 61 on In Faco of Doaporato Resistance' American and French Forces Mako Steady Gains. Between the Vesle' and tho Aisne Roosovelt'o Grave Found. The long-looked for BritistVotfcnsiye is under way. A gain of five miles was made today, much material and several thousand prisoners were captured. Tanks in large numbers . were employed very effectively. American' nnd French troops, cross-. Ing tho Solsions-Rhelrna highway, aro driving on the heights between the Voslo and tho AIbiic. DcBpcrato counter uttacks were broken up under fierce allied arill- lory fire, Tho allies aro holding all the positions they have gained and aro steadily pushing on. Heavy fighting Is going on along a wide front norm oi.-inq vesio. Additional bridging material , is be ing rushed up and now crossings aro being established Tho weather has .cleared. Find Roosevelt's Grave. American airmen have found the volt, who wan brought down In an nnrtnl h.'ittln tinrk nf thn nnnnan llnefl before tho counter offonslvo started. Tho grave was marked with a wooden ctobs.- It wn located nt tho edge of Chamory wood (about four miles cast of Fero-en-TardcnoIs.) The gravo'waB found by Lleuteil- ont Worth of tho aerial squadron, of AMERICAN TROOPS EAGER FOR BOOKS i Novels and Stories of Western Life Are Especially Wanted by the Boys. A new request for books. for tho boys "over there" has been made, whether now or old, especially novels nnd stories of Western life. Books by O. Henry, Rex Deach, Zano Grsy, Jack London, Ralph Connor and Owen Wlstor have proven to bo the most popular among tho boys, "over thoro" and over hero. Moro timnNj00,000 have already been 'unnt nvnrennn-lmt tlio aiirnlv Ib nilnrlir o:Jjmustod and seVotnl hundrod thou - Band moro will be needed soon by tho six dlsnntch offices which are shipping , - ' . t, i; -. . - . books to Franco. Tho hooka nro;casn 8alo system, selling nt a close packod In strong boxes or cases so margin and making deliveries. built that thoy may servo as book cases. ' I Thoy go on tho docks of tho trans- tno trans - porta and are opened so that thoso on board may enjoy them during tho !vnvni-n Ail thpsn hnoltH nrn cnth. I . --r, - ored up at tho end of tho trip and re- placed ln tho cases anu1 dollvored lo tho propor ofllclols. In Franco tho books aro distributed by an expert-.! enccd librarian representing tho Amorlcan Library association,' Most of thorn go to Y. M. C. A., Red Cross nnd Salvation Arniy huts, hospitals' nnd canteens. Others go. djrectly to canteons auu omcors. Hooks in Snrlncflold may- be loft at tho Public Library as thoy wore be- fro and thoy will bo put In tho proper , . To Keep Sonar Record. All rotnii grocers or, uano county nro ( "'nK roquostod by tho county food, administration to begin keeping ro - f"ds of overy sugar solo mado. Tho administration will undoubtedly Issue cards In' a Bhprt tlmo. , , Notices havo already boon mailed nut tn nll rntntlnra nntl BOmo of tho nnd at tho end of tho month will be sent in to tho office of tho admlnlst - a - tor for checking. By this rapthod no person can possibly purchnso moro than tjvo pounds. Any ono who !a found to bo buying at more thnn-one store will result in aomo agitation by the administration. . ' . Denying the Bwoet tooth Is a real 'acriflco. FORWil I ! I OF FIVE N 4 wjtfoh young.Jtoo8Qvelt.was a member, The boche airmen had marked the gravj with a, , cross, on trlru.od In English: "Lieutenant Quentln ' tmrlcd by tho Germons, with a, cross, on which was Roosevelt," July 14, 1958, IIES 'JonBtnnt search for the grave had ,, lK"" the West Coast Lumbermen's Abso- bf.en ln progress for, several days. and .General Pershing. This jcJaton at tne.SeattIo oHlce( Btate mSit It will bo marked carefully and will rk Is bel"f pffo,ed f,n ' c '"e the government has ordered the .flr be appropriately honored by Ameri-. "jeratlon with tho Y. M. C. A., the . prodllcUon board t0 d;8tribute aa or ran airmen.. , , fKWta of Columb.and kindred I der for 24,000.000 feet of fir loaher Noth.no Can StoS Yankee. ' in,Uon offlc cosnized by toe Wasilngtoa Nothing can Stop Yankees. jgovernment. Thp members of Uie mIj8 , ji,-, Tho Americans' late yesterday Salvation. Amy .are, performing a " . ... . ' . -, . ,j. , , .,' A J The flr will be used In the constrnc- rcached the railway and main high- most difficult task with notable cowl,. . , . . .. ... ... j- ... . ' . .. itlon of new cantonment buildings at way north of the Vesle. They crossed age an devotion and are most worthy ' , , . , . . . , ,, , , , . , , , . ' 'Rockford, III. The mills are also tm the river on footbridges Imorovlsed of the confidence and assistance of,. . . '.. . , . , , i r n ,.i ,., be asked, the advices Bald, to plaa frpra the trunkB of fallen trees lashed our citizens. , ,. . . . ' : ,i ' ... w " , .v, i . I for the handling of a govemmeat jav together. , , "I cordially commend this work and I ef fof Q Tho Yankeca waded, through the call upon the people, of the.State of .. Fscher.Bontln Mft marBhes' on the. south bank and Oregon to give earnest heed to Ita.the Booih.Ke . mU!s wJ recelv, charged up the high northern bank call for ass Btance in rais ng ts war ordenj fnjm aUot- in tho face of heavy machine gun and service fund, thereby manlfeatlng onr no ,aUon8 haye afl t beejt artillery fire. The Germans counter attacked Immediately, but .were com- jletcly repulsed. LYON PURCHASES SMITH'S GROCE : Assumes Charge August 10 and. 'teen Lane county boys and two from Will Conduct Business Upon Cash Basis r W I.rrtn nmnplotn. rt the Springfield Feed Company, has pur- chased the grocery store of It. W, ' i i i i 'smith on Fifth street and will take I charge on Saturday. Aunust 10th. I Mr. Lyon will move thestock to his j present location on Main street, and j begins the work of remodeling his store building at once. The grocery dornrtmVnt will occupy the west half I nf tho hiillri'nfr' nml nnrlltlnnpd frnm 'the food department. Mr. Lyon will Inaugurate 'the In- ornnninsr . nnnninritv nf thn ntriptiv Tho success of tho method of gro- cory selling In Springfield will bo , walfJl0d wlth considerable Interest. j Mn Smlth wU1 'in wlth Mr 'Lyon for a short tlnl0( but ,,na an. " i .ni. , -."- .. .. iiuuiii;t:u uu uuiiiiiia j,uia tuiv.iiic iu- ture , OREGON ASKED FOR $50,000 Salvation Army to Have Campaign to Aid Their -War Service Fund. i Tho Stato of Oregon outside of Portland Is soon to be given an oppor- aiutiicj ui vuiuiiuutiiib iu (.tiu biuAw humanitarian Salvation Army War Service which is boing carried on in and about tho big camps and canton- montst ot ,!,is c"ntry R?,,a frcnt ne TtIro,nc,!e ,f .Tim United States is bolnp asked for uiiwuwi muu ,w,v. eon's apportionment Is $Bd,000. half lf which was raised in tho city ot Portland last wlntor. A campaign Is now being organized, which will open tho third weok ln September through- out tho Btnte- t0 Becur0 tl,e remaining . ,UUU. The organization which so success- fully conducted the Portland cam- : I'algn has boon kept Intact and will J conduct tho stato campaign Dr. Wil- , Horn Wallace Youngson, general; Mayor George L. Baker, chairman of , tho exocutlvo committee; William m. Lndd, treasurer: O. O. Bortzmeycr, office, raanagor. ln addition, Evange list Jolin M, Linden of the Billy Sun day party, -will be campaign raanagor. Sinco thin Is war measure ap proved by 'the United States govern- 1....t II.. A.ot... n.l Ihn IIIUlll, MI illU mitt J HU ...v Council of National Defense, the de tail of tho work has been placed In ,tho hand of thl.ty-sfx county chair men of tho Council of Defense. Tho quota for each county Is already In tlio hands of each chairman, given them by State Bxocutlvo Secretary J K. Kollock of Portland. Assisting i these men will be a campaign mana jgor for eastern, western and central i Oregon. Campaign headquarters 4have already been opened In room 228 Chamber of Commerce building, Port land, where contributions may bo sent direct Of all funds collected, 75 ger cent goes to Salvation army war work In Europe and 25 per cent Is used In work in the cartps and cantonments of this country. rx Governor James WIthycombe Bays Mn lils proclamation co.mmendlhg this work to the sympathy and support of the people of Oregon; "The services of the Salvation Army in this country, as well aa in France and England, sinco the outbreak of .tho war,, have been of Buch meritori ous, character, as to receive the offl- continued and resolute purpose to give our men at, the front unstinted J aid and to support gladly those noble - and self-sacrificing agencies that un der God give hone and help to our sol diers and sailors." LANE BOYS OFF TO WAR Seventeen Home Registrant Leave for Camp Fremont, Cal. ' Tuesday night at 11 o'clock seven- ontfildo points boarded a special train for Camp Fremont, Calif., Svhere ;they wlil train for general service ln tthe national army, having been taken n tne arait. In addition twenty men from Coos county, who had arrived' rrt tho nftArnnnn t Mln rvnarnori thA special, which was laid up at Port' 'and, and contained several hundred nen from different counties in the State. I Charles Preston Hart, of EUgene motor route A, was designated by the local board as leader of the squad nnrt xana rpannnslhle for thn nnnear- ance of all the men. The Lane county boys who w ' sent from Eugene were: Calvin Marlow, Eugene; Mlchelu varrlano, Suver; LeRoy Hebert, Oakrldge; Clar- ufc. ub. linciii, tiujaua; Anionio uuauyu, v,ui- lUBD u,uu' tace Grovo: Anarew AsnDy, worm "ena; Aoe Kocn, coourg, varies McDonald. Mohawk; John Stamra, North Bend; James Lancaster, Cot- , tage Grove; Charles Hart, Eugene; .Holgor Berntren, Eugene; Robert Holbook, Eugene; William Yancey, Cotrtage Gove; Clarence Landerklng, Canary; Chlssle Hanshew, Eugene. A Call to Duty. From tho bottle fields, in France there comes an unspoken call that BIIOUIU 1II1U UU uuanvi iu utctj American's heart. The recent great ov nts in Europe, the successes of American arms on tho fields of France should 6T every Amer,can t0 sreat- er effort. . . t Our people, at home should not rest on Uie iurei ui uur numiofB m France. Every death on the field of honor In the lino of duty and for our country's cause should be a call to us f0r every sacrifice nnd every exertion to aid the cause for which our soldiers are fighting, for which our soldiers httVO died Increase production, decrease con- I sumption, save, and lend to tho sov- eminent. Every cent lent to the United States Is used to surport. strengthen, and aid our soldiers ln France. Jon Limit Club. Lone Morso of this city became a member of tho Limit Club last Friday,' having purchased $1,000 orUpfW&f Saving Stamps. There areljowTTour in the club from Springfield. GOVERNMENT TO PUCE 816 ORDERS FOR FIR LUMBER Fischer-Boutin and Booth-Kelly Mills Will Behofit by Allotments. TOTAL REACHES 124',000,008 Product to Be Shipped to Rockforit, III., for Use In Construction i of Cantonments. 1 made as to the' exact quantity. ' The quantity is so vast, however, that) the belief is current in lumber circles, that nearly all Pacific Coast mills will receive orders for all they can produce within a specified time. Time will be the essence of the ee tracts and' .mills .best 'fortified to de liver their production en time to met the government's' pressing needs anfl the "apeedlng-up" program, are uw ones who. will receive the lion's shar of the business. Mere Question Are Staggering. "Wo used to think that we ha come hard questions to answer in United States camp in the Statee," ! writes W. J. Walker, a Y. MC A. Una n.nno rVm . Vi la afnt i j-txt 1 France, "but now we know what a simple thing It was to answer home grown queries like hose! We have another sort now. Here are a few question? I must be able to answer when I go back into the tent tomor row "How rniiph is two bits, worth In French money?. . ( "How can one send money to B. ! Greece? "How should ono address a letter to a brother in an Austrian prison camp? "How long does It take to cable to Dallas,- Texas, and'how much will It cost at the week end rate? , "Will the Banque de France honor a check drawn on a bank In Rome, New York? "Where can one flirt a list of the) Stetson University (Deland, Florida) men in France? "Here are some of .the errands C must perform after I dig out. tho ans wers to these questions: "Bring three books for men reading only Russian who want to study French. "Bring two khnki handkerchiefs, & money-belt at least forty-four inchea long, two silk handkerchiefs initialed in embroidery. 'To my Sweetheart (to bo sent by the same Lothario to two different girls), and secure the address of the Moore hospital ln Franco. "This Job of being a Y, M. C. A. secretary ovor hero isn't the clncb. some thought It was going to be." Is "Over There." Word was received yesterday from Rny Bally, who la with the 34lBt aero squadron, that ho has arrived safely over there," He Joined last Bprin? ana nas oeen in training in mo buui-i over elnco. Ho is the son ot Mrs. Ethel Jlally of this city and was popu lar In,, all the high school activmei and Jiihlet,ca hefore lln enlistment rfQwaa ono of tho honor graauaiei tno June ciass, oeing one oi mo 91bs members In the Benflco and re ceiving hla diploma with' Uie rest ot h!a claas.