Thursday, august i, loij TUB SPItlNdPliSLD NEWS' PA(3)5 r Plan to Can and Win the Sorvo your country -hiivo the full yield of ltrrls, frultH und vcyotitbloH. SucccHHful cunning Is , deter mined by attention tolittlo dotnlls. Secure Hcnllug Ih one of the cBBontlaln. Wo hnndlo nil of, the best bcuI Ing tuutorlulH BEES WAX AND ROSIN, PARAF FINE, STICK SEALING WAX, ETC. If you with to tnako success doubly nurd, wo can supply you with any of Uio harmless Preservatives and can toll you how to uso thorn, Town and Vicinity Whon In town look for "Egglmann's. 8oo the auto oyo tcatcr at I'oory'a. Wllllntn Dock loft for Scattlo last , Monday. Rollablo remedies rlsht reasonable r Roxall. M. Wabcr has purchased a now Maxwoll car. Fit your own oyos with spectacles nt I'cory's. Mr. llruinetto wau In town Jaspor yostordny. from Huy W. 8.8. this month. They'll cost mora next mouth. Suit that M-18 in War Saving Stamps. They grow fust. Miss Wllma Whlto of Cottage Grovo spent over Sunday In town. Kor unexpected company, call "Eg glmann's," 61, for Ico Cream. Mrs. Herbert Cox went to Mabel whoro sho spent over Sunday. Paul Weller of Jnspor spent last Saturday In:, town on business. Mrs. I!. T. Cox spent last Sunday visiting in Mabol with friends. Jess Piatt of Camp Creek spent the -week-end in town on business. . Horry Hallacks for sale, adv. COX & COX. Dlndor Twlno, Sack Twlno and Grain Sacks at Springfield Peed Co, 9 Mrs. H. (. Palmor of Tacoma i:n- heon the guest of Mrs. W. C. Hebhani Dost Shoo Hopatrlng at WOLF & MILLER Tho Sprlngflold Food Company ro cotvod two car loads of feed this week. . Sond "tho kids" War Saving Stamps. Thoy'll like to paste 'oni on, A. P. Johnson of Creswoll was a Springfield visitor laBt Saturday. Now shipment of fresh Rico Flour Just rocotved. COX & COX. Miss Mary Walters has gone to f Portland whero she has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Dob Illalr of Jaspor spont Saturday in town on business. Oct our prlco on fresh Rico Flour, adv. COX & COX. Mr., and Mrs. R. It. Shultz spent .Sunday ut their, homo In East Spring. Hold. First-class shoo repairing at tho W A. Hull Shoo storo. adv. D, Crouch, of1 Yoncojla, was In town :inut wook-ond and attending to busi ness horo. f O, W. Johnson arrived homo from p 'Portland toduy, whero ho attendod to 4 business and vlsltod with friends ' there. ARMY SHOES for sale at the W. A 7 , . Sho.e OY f War PHONE 31 Stevo Holies Is quite ill at his homo hero with a bud case of ptomn'fno poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carney of Thurs ton spent tho week-end In town on buslnoss. What danger did tho United States run from tho Oorman spy system? Tho Eaglo's Eye. J. W. WhKo, proprietor of tho Bell Theatre, spent tho week end in town from Cottago Grove. J L. LopHy, who Is employed at tho Fisher Uros. mill at Marcola. Is qulto ill at his homo hero. Whether tho namq "Egglmann's" appears on bread wrappers or candy sack, It spells Quality. C. E. Fischer loft last Tuesday for Loona, whero ho will crulso In tho timber In the hilts thero. Floyd Dartlolt, who Is employed In a Jowolry storo ut Oregon City, spent tho week-end at hls homo here. Roy Mlllor nnd family of Scattlo, Wash., aro visiting at tho J. W. Mc Dowell homo. Mrs, Frank Morris of Marcola spent a few duj-B at tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Dojl Spong. MIbs Hlldagardo lladley of Portland visited last week.end ut tho home of Mrs. Maggie Duryco. Miss Ruth Smith of Eugene spent a tew days tho first of this week visiting with Miss Lectio McDowell. Mrs. Roy Jonog of Loona under, wont a major operation nt tho local hospital Monday evening. W. II. Hunter ha3 been, employed by '.ho Springfield Food Co. to oporato ktho!r warehouse on Second street. For your 'convenience wo have stocked berry Hallacko. Seo us about them. ' COX & COX. Arthur Roborts and Earl LopJey loft last Thursday for San Francisco In a cnr( whore they will spend a' few weeks. Walter Smith of Dexter had his tonsils and udnolds removed at tho olllco of a locul physician last Mon. duy. County Agent Robb and E. E. Morri son inspected Whlto Roso potatoes In tho vicinity of this city last Wednes day. W. J. Flynn, chief of, the United Stutes Secret Sorvlco, broko up tho Gorman spy system, Tho Eaglo's Bvn. Mls8 Mabel Ilralthwulto left ." for Portland las Motnday, whoro sho, will visit ut tho homo' of L. It. Perkins and family. Mrs, J. M. Shaub nnd daughters, of Creswoll, aro visiting ut tho homo of Mrs, Shnub's brother, C. L. Scott and family. Mrs, Zolla Cantroll has returned to hor work at. the local telephone office aftdr a two-weeks vacation, which sho spont at tho coast. Stpre . Carl H.-Fsclior arrived homo Uv.d. nesdny ovonlng nftor spondlnij a fo.v days attending to business at Loona. Fifty million dollars was spont by Ithq GcrmanH to dostroy tho industries or ino unuou mines, waicu lor uio Eagles Eyo, Mrs. II. A. Wilsliburno and (laugh- Iter, Mrs. Helen Martin, returned tho latter part of last week frdm an outing nt Newport. It. C. Hulln of tho First National Dank spent Sunday at Nowport visit ing with hlg family, who is spending tho summor there, t D, J. Heals loft last Tuesday for Portland, whero ho will Join tho Oio gon Mllltla Pollco. Hp expects to bo stnttonod at St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Domarcst, who havo been confined to their rooms with tho mumps, apo now back at work In j Uio Homo Restaurant. Mrs. James (Jay and baby wcro dls-i missed from tho Springfield hospital last Tuesday and went to tho Gay homo at Dougla8 Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Peto Lamborty of Albany, motored to Springfield to upend aver Sunday hero with Mr. Larnborty's mothor, Mrs, N. A. Rowo. Marion Adams, son of Mrs. Sarah Adams, and James Gorrlo, son of Mr, and Mrs. C. I. Gorrlo of Douglas Gar dens, loft with tho drafted men fpr Camp Lewis In tho last draft. Mrs. A. C. Jackson of Creswoll un derwent an operation at tho Mer-:y hospital last Monday. The operation was performed by a local physician. "OREGON" Comont is tho.klnd that looks bettor and lasts longer in sldo walks or In buildings. Ask your con. tractor ho knows. Sprlngflold Feed Co. Mrs. Lello Brltt, who, has been spending a few wccks at tho homo of Mrs. R. L. Ktrk, left the latter part of last week for hor homo at Harrison villc, Missouri. Miss Margaret Dixon, cashier at tho Oregon Power Company, will leave next week for a two weeks' vacation, visiting her parents In Portland, and for an outing at Scattlo. Particular peoplo profcr purchasing perfectly puro potent pills, powders, potions, plastors, patents, pens, papor, and ploasiug perfumes at Peery's PalnstaklngPill Parlor. Tho Sprlngflold band will glvd a small introductory ontortalnmont on tho streets of Sprlngflold somowhereH In tho neighborhood of the Springfield News office next Friday ovonlng. Iva 'Hill Pengra left Monday lor Fort Stetrcns, whero siio will Join her husband. Norton Pengra, who is Ra tioned there. Sho will remain until he Is stationed elsewhere. C. A. Brady, who has been employed by tho Coast Rango Lumber Company vnt Mabol for tho past month, has re turned to Springfield and Is. spending a woek up on Uio Mckcnzio river. 1 State Fair, Salom, Oregon, Soptem- j ber 23-28. Splendid exhibits, excellent music, high-class ontortalnmonts and a superb racing card. For particulars writo A. H. Loo, Secretary, Salem, Oregon. Llout. Wilson spent a fow days at tho homo of his mother, Mrs. B. F. Wilson, and his sister, Mrs. Chas. Shontz, on his way from his home in Seattlo to Palo Alta, tho baBo hospi tal at Camp Frecmont, Calif. Mrs.- S. II. Baker and daughtor, Mrs. May Stevenson, and two chil dren, Helen and LaRue, of Drowns- vlllo, motored to' Springfteid lust weok-end to stay with friends for tho wook-end. Mrs. W. F. Wnlkor went to Scio last Friday and returned tho first of the woek. Sho was accompanied homo by her llttlo nolco, Isoleno Hes ter, who will remain horo a month visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowhorg and daughter, MIbs Holon, of Clearwater, Idaho, aro spending a fow days at tho homo" of Mrs. Crowthors' brother, Charles Shontz, on their way to Los Angolos, Calif., whoro thoy will make their homo. Mrs. Fred Hlnson returned from a trip up tho Willamette last Saturday. Mrs. Peter Tomsoth and daughter Margnrot loft last Tuosday for Fort Slovens, whoro thoy will visit tho son of Mrs. Tomsoth, Arnold Tom soth, who Is stationed thore and ox pects to leave soon. Thoso registered at Uio Sprlngflold i hotol this wo ok wcro Mlnnlo Schon borgot, D, H. Mack, Wendllug; C. V. Critos, II. 8. Rogors, Portland; Chas, Ned and wko, Lundax; W. Winfrey and wlfo, Landaxj Robert .Howo, Port land; S. E. .Bryant, Shodd; Meryin Srocnborgor,; J. J. .SKornlehka, F, E. Hotherlngton, Soa.tUo; Ben Morten, son, Portland; J. 'B. K.nox. Hulsoy; E. E. Hafford and wlfo, Souttlo. Wo aro closing out our cntiro stock Lot of bargains yet in in en's "jvom en's Boy's, Misses' nnd children's shoos. Cotno aulck. Wolf & Mlllor. adv. First-class shoo repairing at the W. A. Hall Shoo storo. adv. William McCulloch of Portland spent Inst Sunday in Sprlngflold. Mr. McCulloch was formerly superintend ent In tho- local Poegan power plant horo and assisted In tho work last Friday adjusting tho hugh smoke stack spark arrosters. W. W. Ebbott, olectrlcal shark, and at ono.tlmo prominent in Uio social whirl of "ould Erin sassloty," loft this morning" for a trip to Portland. Mr. Ebbott owes tho News 40 cents plus tho cost of this ad, so wo pray for bis safo return. Sorgio Snocd will leave for Rich mond, Calif., noxt Monday in his Ford. Mrs. Sneod and baby will go over the mountains on tho train, whero thoy will join Mr. Snocd. They will visit with Mrs. Snood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nixon and family at Rich mond. Tho guests at tho Elite hotel this woek, wore J. V. Sims, Blue River; Bulah Ireland, Independence; J. C. Carsaw, B. O. Wilson, Fall Crock; G. H. Bolsell, Eugcno; Vern Vaughn, Jos- per; M. G. Hutchinson, Portland; It H. Shllts, Portland; Jean Thompson, Portland; Miss Thompson, PorUand; D. Crouch, E. I, Harrison and family, Brlsto, Oklahoma. C. R. Alexander and family, and his mothor, Mrs. W. H. Alexander, arrived In Springfield from Portland the mid dle of last week and visited at the homo of his uncle, F. R. Alexander, and family. Monday afternoon Uiey loft for a trip up tho Middle Fork of the Willamette. Mr. Alexander Is a linotypo operator and holds a position on tho Portland Oregonlan. ' WEST-SIDE PERSONALS. Mr and Mrs. B. Verauford of Shedd Oregon, aro visiting at tho home of E, M. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. eo. Crawford were at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ciawford last Sunday, returning to their homo at Cottago Grove that evening. II. O. Mork, Union Evcngollst of Baker City, is visiting at the home of Rov. Mary Buckbce and son, Oran. Mrs. Frank Ellison is out again af ter a long period of Illness. Harold Oliver visited with Oren Buckbce Monday afternoon. H. O. Mork and Oren Buckbee left for Landax today. Three In Limit Club. Two now members were y?etorday added to Uio Lane County Limit Club, whon Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Metcalf sent In their subscriptions to Carl Wash bumo, lieutenant of the organlzut'tu. Thoro arc now three limit members in Springfield who have purchased tho limit in War Savings Stamps. Those who belong from Sprlngfio'I aro: Felix Wesolowskl. Mrs. K. G. Motcalf and E. G. Metcalf. Tho;3 In the community who havo purchased tho limit aro: Albert Zlnlger, Cress well; George Williams, Waltervllle; L. M. Lowls. Cottage Grove; Margary Wlson, Cushman; Alex Swenson, Crow; H. S. Ewlng, Fall Creek; Michael Kebolbeck, Cottage Grove; Carl Rasch, Cottage Grove; V. R. Sly, Croswell; M. P. Jenkins, Junction City. has a Good Opinion of Chamberlain's Tablets. "Chamberlain's Tablets aro a wond er. I nover sold anything that beat thorn," writes F, B. Tressey. Richmond Ky. When troubled with indigestion or constipation give thorn a trial, adv. Made in Springfield A DIRECTORY OF MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN WHO WAIST YOUR BUSINESS AND WILL GIVE YOU GOOD VALUES "Where quality is the base." TTI FfTRIfITY Service combined with real Confections. LliLVllVIVl Ice Cream unequaled. For light, heat and power. t.t, "Made In Springfield." EGGIMANN'S phone 51 Oregon Power Co. YOU GET ALL THE NEWS THAT'S "MADE IN SPRINGFIFUD" . JOB PRINTING I EVERY THURSDAY . . , irVTHE ( ( ;;'IriaderU3 opringneld . SPRlkG-FXELD NEWS..; """At the News Office Subscription $L50 per year '' ' 'Phone 2 ' ' J . SOCIAL. EVENTS V sr.-'. ' LITTLE MISS HAS . BIRTHDAY PARTY. Tho friends of Mls8 DccEtta Duryeo woro delightfully cntcrtalnod by her last Saturday afternoon, tho affair be ing tho birthday party of tho llttlo miss. Tho hostess was nlno years old and was congratulated and re ceived many lovely llttlo remembran ce,, from all of her friends. Tho af ternoon was delightfully spent at play ing games under the direction of Miss Inza Crabtrce, who saw that all went well with tho youngsters. Tho lunch, con was perhaps tho crowning glory of tbe afternoon whon tho gayly clad little girls devoured ice cream and a huge candlo decorated cake, which ap pealed to every childish heart. Those who spent the delightful afternoon with Miss DceEtta wcro: Constance Rebhan, Angclino Fischer, Hilda Ditto, Johanne Cox, Maxlne Edwards, Doris Myors, Ruth Hoffman, Margaret Hal soy and Artls Cox. RED CROSS COMMITTEES ARE ENTERTAINED. Tho members of the Red Cross com mittees were delightfully entertained last evening by Mrs. Van Valzah in honor of the former secretary, Mrs. J. C. Dlmm, who will leave for Ore gon City soon to Join her husband, who is there. Tbe committee presented her with a silver thimble as a token of their appreciation of hen faithful services. The usual good time was enjoyed during the evening and re freshments were served at a late hourt, Those who spent the merry evening were Mesdame Catching, Poery, Rouse, Page, Dlfflm, Wheaton, Long, Van Valzah and Misses Mary Roberts and Edna Swarts. ODD FELLOWS MEET. The Odd Fellows of the Eugene lodge were tho guests of tho local chapter last Tuesday evening, when they witnessed the conferring of Glen don H. Dodson, who will leave for Spokane as an auto mechanic August 15. The Initiatory degree was con ferred in Eugene and the Springfield lodge is assisting in conferring tho de grees in order that he may receive all three degrees before leaving for his post. HAVE HOUSE GUEST. Miss Helen Mullen is the week house guest at the home of her friend, Miss Hazel Brattaln at her home on east G street. Miss Mullen Is for merly of Springfield and well known here, having gone to school here for many years. ENTERTAINS HOIJSE GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. O. B Kessey arts en tertaining p. s house guests this ween Rov. and Mrs. E. C. Riclmnis of S3--lem. Rev. Richards Is field man at the Willamette University In Sa'cui. YEOMEN HAVE PICNIC. The Yeomen lodge of Eugene had a picnic last Monday at tho old Powers ranch north of Springfield. Several of tho members of the lodge who live in Springfield attended the affair. Fills Pulpit Sunday. The Rev. E. C. Richards of Salem, who, with Mrs .Richards, aro the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Kessey, filled tho Methodist church pulpit both morning and evening last Sunday. Rev. Richards is field man for the Wil lamette University at Salem. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Buckley of Cottago Grovo, a daugh tor, July 36, 1918. MARRIED At tho home of Luke ScoU, at Creswoll,. July 30, 1918, Frldthjof Romtvedt of Toledo, On, to Mary Elizabeth Whitney ot Creswoll. ICCF HUNTERS WILL OPEN SOI Season in Lane County Opens August 15 and Closes October 31. Although many of tho' leading sportsmen and best hunters in tho county are in the service, It Is be lieved by thoso in a position to know that thero will be more nimrodg shoul dering gung this fall than for a number of years past. Shortage and high price of meat aro deemed certain to spur the hunters to take advantage of tho open seasons, especially in. the case of deer and pheasant seasons, to provision their larders. Another rcasoa for this' belief is bo cause of the plenUtUdo of both deer and pheasants in the state at present. due to the exceedingly mild winter 'and open spring. I Thero has always been a certain .amount of illegal poaching In tho mountains by deer hunters. Some of these law-breakerg have been appre hended, but it is known to the state game warden and his deputies that this has been going on, greatly reduc ing the supply of available game. This year a great many of the men who committed these depredations are in some branch of Uio service. In fact, the mountains aro comparatively free from men, giving tho 'deer a chance to thrive unmolested. The local deer season, as far as district No. 1 is concerned, opens on August 15, two weeks from next Thursday, and closes October 15. In district No. 2, which includes the counties in Eastern Oregon, the sea-. son starts September 1 and closes Oc tober 31. Last year, on account of the ex treme drougth, it was believed that the season would not open, or be cut short, on account of the danger of hunters starting additional forest fires. It has been drier this year than ever, for a long period of Ume, but the ralnB of the last week will make It entirely unnecessary to anticipate any danger from, this source. According to State Game Warden Carl D. Shoemaker, the outlook for the pheasant. season is also encourag ing. The extremely mild winter and continued warmth have .been ideal conditions for the young pheasants, who have increased wonderfully in numbers, from all reports. The pheasant. season opens October 1 and closes October 3U There is no danger of this being closed, for any reason apparent at present according to Mr. Shoemaker. A hunting license remaln8 at the same price as that charged last year, $1.50, and a combination license for residents of the state, which Includes both hunting and fishing privileges, can be procured for $3. The state game warden still haa 16 deputy, or district wardens, who are under him on salary, who will look after any law infractions. In addi tion, there are a great number of vol unteer sportsmen who are signed to watch for law-violators during Uio open season. These men wero of great, assistance to the state officials last season. Home on Furlough. Clarence Chase, who recently joined the, navy, has been granted a fudougn nnd Is spending the time at n'.' homo n Prunefiuo. He has been stitlocod nt Uromerlon, Wash.