THE SPRINGFIELD MEWS v .r SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1918 VOL XVII. NO. 26 tln mettorunrlr nctof Coiifrt nlHswti, 1M A UNGLE SAM TAKES OVER TELEGRAPH lND PHONE LINES Will Retain Present Operating Forces' Under Supervision of Committee. CO-ORDINATION IS POLICY Companies' Obligations In Bond and Debenture's Subject to Order of noatmaster.Ceneral jltls right to thirty acres of land bant I of Springfield, on tho coast fork of 1 tho Wlllomotto rlvor, according to a jdoclston hnndod down In tho Lnno county Circuit Court. Tho court .holds that. Mi'n lnnd rovorts buck to I tho holrs of Andrew Koonoy. tho land was ncqulru'J by tho Bcavoy fam ily In 1014. Tho tltlo held by Scavoy was faulty and ho retained tho land under tho rulo of possession. Tho court holds tho fact that tho fonco was allowed to bo down for so long that It broko tho continuation of Sea 'vojfs possession, 8civcy claims tiiat ho was using the land continu ally during tho tltno tho fonco was down for gracing land, Tho land In TOlvod In tho litigation adjoins a 2000 acto trnCt owned by' Soaroy. 'vey donation claim, on tho McKenzle J rlvor, a fow miles from Springfield, yesterday. There wore about fifty I people who gathered who nro the de scendants of the old ronecrs. The Scavoy., now own approximately 2,000 i acres of land near the old homestead. A basket dinner waB served and a urogram was (riven by tho youtiKer j members of tho family. Including pa- " " itrlotic songs and repltatjons. Tho n, . i L m r V 1 members of the Searcy family pres- rick and r lower or German boldiery t were jes seavey, corvams; wn- ! iliam Seavey, Donna; John Seavey, oent Against American 1 roops bo YANKEE GRAINS ID BULLETS WIPE OUT PRUSSIAN GUARDS ALLIES REST FOR Til ON LATELY WO LAURELS Down to Death in Fierce Duel. Yoatcrday was a day of hard In- and-out fighting on tho American front. tolcgraphs Heutcr's correspondent on tho front north of tho Marno. Ho had learned subtlety and were deter mined to have a real fight to a finish. Thoy consequently- withdrew as If re tiring from Serfages and tho Germans , Washington, Aug, 1. Control of telephone und telegraph lines was taken ovor nt midnight by tho Post offlco Department and their operation was placed under tho general supervi sion of a apooinl comniltteo created corps. for tho purpono by Postmaster-General Uurlcson. Mr. IlurloHon announced Inst night that until further notice tho companies will continue operation In tho ordinary course throngh tho regular chnnncls and that nil olllcuru and employes will conl'nuo In the performance of tholr present duties on the same terra's of employment. Older Men for U. 8. Army. Tho bureau of navigation of tho navy department today Issued rulings raising tho ago limit for enlisted men from 35 to 40 yours and giving permis sion to all nnvy rocrultlng stations to ! creditable achlcvcmcnot Face German's Best. T!in rhnnsrn frnm r,nr tritnrri WAr. faro, where tho Germans' machine gun I. Ut aB bcgan to orgnnfce dobTb had tho attackers at a disadvnn- tho,r dc cnB0- thy -ound that bueta -appearoa to uo coming in irom mreo Springfield; James Seavey, of the old homestead; Tom Seavey of the Mc Kenzio river district, and Mrs. D. Was on ot Coburg, Another sister, Mrs. Edwin Bushnell, was not present. M'ss Nellie Tllachly of Spokane was the only Blachly In attendance. The remainder "I the people were other relatives not in the immediate family. '.American and;.. French Forces Hold .Jyijmyr,Ml Points in Latest Cains. Arrives Over There. (1) Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coffln re- accept enlistments In unlimited num- bor. Tho two rulings nro designed to , Insufo a continuance of tho present rnte of enlistments following tho or- says that tho final capture of Serlnges ! crossed down from tho high ground ' liv Hin AinnrlrtiiiM wn, nn nnnnMnllv rnn vlnrorl 1hrv Vmrl holr nnnnnnntH i I ' . vv 'efr.ri snril laot Mnmln Hint hnlr. beaten. Additional German troops i- , cflmn nmirlnc In tinfJI f no fnwn wn, i , 'occupied as It never had been before. I91st dlv,9,on' had arr,vd Bafe,y ovcr" " i nno nor iHHilftfl vpntnrHv liv Prnvnut Mnr . " ' . "... :. :taco 'to a warfare of nttack and coun- w",wu uo tu,,l:UB " snai uenerai urowuor insirucnng urau sides of tho village and it was not boards not to release men In class one jaJ before they discovered that the for .enlistment In tho navy or marine ZlT" while withdrawing from nnn An.nrlrnn .lvlnlnn mot tho 4th lm- ""oni 01 inciown. nau commencea 'porlal Prussian guards north of tho ,a" encircling movemont on both sides Ourcq in the vicinity of Scrgy. There "'uo "b b " w- I. . . .... .lv nrnunil lt. i mo nittcrcsL sort ol 1 cni tragic fighting. The s COMING I HER OW u.., i . nu. ly around It. j iiuu itvvn iiiu uiiiuiuni. null, ul iibiii I M !ni nf hrnvn men ncalntt hrave mun. I "Tnt,n came The Amo-lcan soldiers who charged (Pru8slan mrd had voted, not to su ' these Prussians manning machine ,nder and t,,elp "Pnonents were ji..t guns toll mo thoy had to shoot at tho laB an3t,OU8 t0 8e0 tho thl"S throuGh ,guns to make them stop fighting. !U was an afra,r of sraa,! anUB' but I Rvn,. r:rn,n ,hn, wnr rnnt..m,i Americans proved to ho better Tho plan Is, however, to co-ordlnato Droam of Yqars ns Wheat Ter- worn members of tho 5th foot guards , l,u u" rcginicni, a pari 01 (no 4111 i russian , guard division. They said the day I "fhen 'n'5 A'-"'""" 0e5n to ad, before their company. 150 strong, was TOnce and bIowl' the,r Pncircllng ring thrown Into tho light. They refused c,08cd at'oul tI,e v,llaBe- As ',e ri the facilities of -tho various companies to tho best Interests of tho public and tho stockholders. Investigation Into win conditions being conducted by the special com-, ininal Boing Roalizeti at Last Coincident with nnnounclnc fodnv Postmaster-General Koons. David J. bo established at Astoria, Frank J. Lewis, former.roembers of tho tariff Millar, chairman of tho public service . to retreat and tho Americans refused Tho soven said they were drew closer end the defenders saw .their dotm epproaching they r.v (2) Miss Hazel Dean hag received word that her brother, Orvllle Dean, ARTILLERY ONLY IS ACTIVE Further SltQht Gains by Allied Forces Reported in Dispatches as News . . Goes: to Press. Wheiher, as a result 'of weariness after two weeks of. incessant fighting present located near Wash. Walla Walla, has arrived safely over there. Ho is- or because' of- the greatly Increased the son of George Dean, who is at strength in -man power and positrons or tho enemy forces, tho allied armies on the- SoiEsons-Hlieims. front have noticeably decreased their efforts to clear the salient If the pause In the offensive is at tributable to Weariness, the armies of the German Crown Princo also must be worn out, for, despite reinforce ments , they have lacked tho hardiness to thrown back their antagonists. Tuesday night witnessed violent at tempts by the Germans to expel tho Annual Convention to Be Held Americans and French from the valu- at Coos Bay City August aDle positions they hold north of tho STATE EDITORS TO GO TO MARSHFIELD i-.. doubled their fire, but still the Amer. w i.i . . ... . .... . n.11 mBL was igil oi iiiu coniDanv 01 , ivoonn. unviii v. no .esiaonsnoa at ABtona, KratiK J. , " " ' ..:... .. ' r., tcitiir- came on. unfalterinc like rthe.. 7 . . 77 . .JI - f iiu. laay were cnpiurcu m a nana- - 1 .v.ucn interest upon ine pan 01 wi- .otj tuuno no.o cumuv uuiwns. j Ourcq in the region of Fere-en-Tardc-jnols, and along the western side of the 'salient near Oulchy-le-Chateaa, where Scottish troops arc holding with the t;pu convene at Marshfield on French the wedge that has been August 9th for .a. three-days sessloa.ri.Ten eastward. lnta-th enesay Haa.- 9, 10 and 11. The Oregon State Editorial conven to-hand fight after their ammunition unavoidable stroke of fate. S'ate editors is being evinced, thOugL ! The latest Berlin communication as- commleslon, and William II. Lamar, 'commission, said Astoria's port off!- solicitor 01 me rosiomco uoparuncni. ciais nau assuranco tnat luuy z,ouu,uuu i - nroclnct of tho vlUaBO their nre:;:. - 7 , .'., ' n' 1 iiu uiii Kiiutu kiviihu.uib iiiuiuiii I iit'wuptiucr ujauiB, iiu rcKumr aiicuii- -- "j viwao w . . . ? . ,,,1,1, nnA Ihntf r V ' . ...... . was cxhaustod. j "When tho Americans reached the j onacc6unt j,f labor shortage' in th sorts that more than 4,000 prisoners will t ftnntlnilfXl ftn ihtli. fill tinnRIIlln liliatwila nt vrnlri wnnlrl ln cAyalvnrl fnformaUon can bo secured before any! this season, and predicted 4t would ndtho 93d reserve regiment, also a changes kro undertaken. 'mark tho beginning of tho diversion ot thP thliPl,",a,? BUara d,v,8,on Pursuant to tho proclamation of tho of grain shipments from Pugot Sound "v-'" " . ., ... . . . i iuh is mo lorcnioui 01 iruiiD uunii iiiu vuiuuiuiu iivvr. I .. . lUlVlblOllb, Resident of tho United States,' said Mr. Burleson's tttatomcnt, "I havo as. mimed possession, control and super- vision of tho telegraph and telophono down tho Columbia Hirer, Astoria has systems of tho United States. (just completed an elevator with a ca- "Until further notlco the telegraph .paclty of 1,000,000 bushels and has and telephone companies will continuo wharflng facilities for 60Q.000 busholn operation in tho ordinary courso of in sacks," said Commissioner Miller. business through regular channels, "Tho port officials Inform mo that ceased and with one wild yell, they closed with the foe. The fierce up. roar suddenly gave placo to a strange all German ,8llence 08 man BraPP,ed with man. It mlniilnn. thin time. ne. uniy lao cmsn 01 sieoi on aiw auu "With tho view of diverting grain , German tho 8roanB of the trioken could be ,, Pinmhi. n,.. A..rln H'8. w drive tho Americans ,aea back Into the Oucq. Thoy failed for tho first time during the war. Tho Americans are game fighters The End of the Prussian Guard. "Tho issue was never in doubt for '.an Instant. At this kind ot fighting and therefore somehow or other havo;.tho American Is more than equal to "admiration for these Prussians who. Prussian guardsman, and in a .iucb. xnrouB.. rv8u,r c.m....0.o. - mo port omciais iniorjn me imu , different from ttle moro than 10 minutes all was Ilegular dividends heretofore do- thoy have received assurances from "ht 8 l,ard' T "'f6"1 ,rra. 'over. Excent for a few German oris- clared and maturing interest on bonds. Bra.n dealer that easily 2.500.000 S., every German in the v.Hage debentures and other obligations may bushels of grain will bo received In .J0yp8tl,'aV;i0bt 'h"r i tnead breathed his last Such was the bo paid rf. duo courso and tho contpa- tho port from tho grain country adja- " oy , . surrender when he i srinBM nmv rnnw or nfnml thlr mn. tn n,,mMn nu-n 0.1. n Americans goi cioso, uui lougnno uie i. - . 7" " turlng obligations unless oiherwlso or dered by tho Postmaster-General. son, and In my opinion It marks tho beginning of tho shipment of grain down tho Columbia Instead of ovor death. "During tho night the enemy twice i mo is expected to show a slight 1o the past few days and that since July ' Mr' t . n . aaa ' i i crease. i. lu bcbb uj i.uuv auisn anopa Following are some of the topics have been captured, of tho program: J Whether the Germans have choses ' "What the Newspapers Are Doing to the, sPot where ultimately they -will Win ' the War." .faco aD0Ut and give battle to the allied "The Paper Situation in Its Appli- .forces is not apparent G.reat fires be cation to the Pacific Northwest" hind the lines possibly might indicate "At What Point Does the Newspape. Hthe destruction . of further village (fasa to be "a Private Enterprise and which it is Intended to ovacuato and Become a Public Utility?" press on northward to a chosat.baUIe-' "iJi'VHiopIng Foreign Advertising, nuts. , j "What Is "icur Space Worth to Your Advertisers 7" As the News goes to press, late dis patches indicate that after a rest ot How I Keep My Circulation, 100 , a few hours, American and French in My Territory." 'F.linnnatiim ,f the Waste Involvi.1 In Fii-i Pjb.'icity Thru the Mails," In tho whole two days' fighting of ttcmcted to retake Sergy but each j Elltcualn1',ent features are beln i troops are again pressing forward at a few points in the Rheims-Soissons salient. this division wo took only 11 prisoners. itlmo ho 1? MORE MEN ARE CALLED L- t i n,. , c ,T 'That tolls tho bitter story. Instead .losses, men no niaqe, a nerce nssauii i( raunt mciN HKt tho mountains to Pugot Sound ports. ...... ,, ..... !nn Mourrv farm enst of Serinces . . nf flrlnir thn'r ninohlnn puna until hn on muuri-y lurm, iui ui ociiiics. waa repulsed with heavy j lrirahfleld citizens. Mechanics Are Wanted '.tranches. Certain "oroioioro mo port oi Asiona nas nau which was nlled with the dead which .practically no facilities for handling QKraMm charR0(, wth tho ha had ,oft thoro the day before. !Monday foP Vancouver barracks at Nine Lane Men Off for Army. Nine Lane county men entrained , rlflo and bayonet. Tht kind . Ttm nlnrlf nf Mm Ijinn snntitv lrnf( I "Thn n'nw lnvntoi- will Iin onnnod board received a call for twelve men August IB. and by then tho grain ln. JAeMIng our men like and tho result of Every lnan dofendlng It died at his 10:4B 0-ciock( where ,they will enter ,u post. Thoro again tho enemy was un-tne Bpruce product'on branch of tho mn n it ltlnrtil m a In II rr ti InH . . . . . . . . nuo u u uuuj muahiiiot. to proccou to mo liciison roiyiocnme specuon uuroau wnicn tno comnus- - crossed steel In tho big farmyard and InBtltuto In Portland for training In slon will furnish ttio port will havo1, Germans Resort to Treachsry. jtho q Gcrnlnn 8,nln had been various mochanlcnl trades Used In tho been established and ready for bust-' It so happened that two of tho dn . , (ho rHns about Jt . . M. . ... . ... ...... i ... 1. 1 .. . i .... . .. ... . . i. .. i . finny, last Tuosaay. noss. i no uurcan win no pui .in uuuipuii-.uu wnn nuipvu iu muui mu TnB wa8 ciBBSc fighting Indeed These men must hnvo had at least chargo or nn oxporloncod grain man Prussians aro composea lacgeiy oi a grammnr school education and must as chief deputy, and ho will obtain Gorman -American fighters. Thoy havo work, the school Thoy trades: Auto mechanics, blacksmith- tho foos of tho Astoria bureau will bo with tho Germans hurling counter at. ing, carpontorlng, electrical work, ma. sufficient to defray Us expenses. If tacks and tho Americans doing like chino work, plumbing and shoot metal thcro Is nny deficit at tho ontl of the wise. Often tho two attacking parties work. 'senson,, Astoria will rolmburso tho mot half way and had it out at closo ! Men of tho class of 191 8 may volun- commission, its officials having ot- range. r Tho Germans mado uso of all tlio'r 1 successful, though not until steel had army. Five of the men were volun teers. They are: Leroy C. KIrby, 'Not!; Charles E. Harper", Not!; Wil liam L. Lyons, Walton; Gilbert Cook, OI t . .1 uk T. - ,n I ' . nun ufcuiiiDi luttu u uonui icotte, Junction City. Tliey will enter win, There was no call for quarter. jthe general service of the spruce pro- some aptitude for mechanical tho nocessary export, grain samplers sign of lovo or respect for Th(J ,d of th professlonal 80ldle,. .,n,. n. tllft nrmv Thft ... , Thoy nro to leave Eugeno for nn( graders. Thu grain Inspection do- tho fatherland or lta best military fop-- up aga,nst thQ pr,de of tho freoJ. August 15. partmont of tho commission Is opor- rcsonmtives. b nre(orrJnK death to 8ur-''.A ,aM. n r-n ipum 1 aro to train for tho following ntert on a foe basis, and I nm satisfied Tho fight yestordoy was violent, . - ,,".' n i 1 I " . WiitlllUb f 11U1 I J l MHC1 IIUHMIU, r 25 DRAFTED MEN DESERT EM ROUTE Leave Train in California and Southern Oregon at Dif ferent Points. Telegrams have been sent by th re ceiving officers to the police of several California cities and the adjutant- Wondllng; Faustino Taverinl, Wend-1 general of that State notifying that 'ling, and Glen Bowen, Dexter. i twenty-five men from Ukiah, City, i Mendocino county, deserted while on Red Cross Benefit. thn troon train for Camn Lewia which arrived yesterday. A Itcd Cross social will bo held at the Camp Creek school houso Satur- How the Foe 'Was Trapped. After tho Americans took Serlnges, Monday, tho Germans kopt .up a con stant artillery and machine gun fire 'to drlvo them out This continued aH day bn'Tiiosday and towards oVcn Ing tho enemy began to emerge from the Nosles forest In a way that seemed to fnrocast a fresh attempt to take tho r- n..M'.V Ao.M.t Rtauev ton cor foot, ana will nrocooii on tills village, ui me iignung wnicn en- yyuil Muwiwva rpw i w w - ' On account of allowing a fence to ro- basis, although It will not entirely i sued tho correspondent writes mni HAn fnr n noriod of olKhtoon Ignono tho coet. por ton pot mllo "Tho AmorlcanB. oftor throe days ot months. and tho second number, 172, by Chief Donaldson of this city. Tho net nmount received for selling the chances amounted to $63, The ladles of tho circle are very patriotic aud en- n admission of 5 and 10 cents will bo charged. Everybody welcome. Sour Stomach This is a mild form of indigestion. It is usually hrought on by eating too thuslastlc and have worked diligently rapidly or too much, or of food not L. of G. A. R. Give Quilt. The Ladles of tho G. A. U. Iuka Clr clo hold the quilt drawing Saturday ovenlntr In the Dark and had an en- toor for this sorvlco. but nono nro to fcred to do that." ' Tho Germans mado uso of all wot nn.rln,, wnn bo drafted from this class. 'However.' Commissioner Mlllor also said that .weapons, including treachery, for wo Kjvon by Councman M Ct Bresslor. day, August 3, at S o'clock. A good! If nojt enough, volunteer men of tho tho commission la now assembling en- have proofs that they carriod euns' q flm Juck t, . Qt numbered 372 program will bo given and refresh-1 .., mn, i.a inAA-in .loto in AnnnAAtlnn Ha in ml n nn liko r! mtchfirH which otinblod I . . .. . ' . -I , . i- uiiiBB ui nm, uiiuicu, biutoi.ut, vims.ii r -r j-jj- WOr8foa aunt waB drawn oy ments servcu InvbBtigntlon of tho grain rates of tho the gunners, each beams a rea cross , Nowt Uy ton of Dougln8 c dens New Red stratlon Probable Oregon-Washlngton Railroad & Navl- on his arm. to got close to the Amor-; number. 172. by Chief Washington. July 20. August draft Ration Company down tho Columbia leans. Tho Gormans used much artil calls which nro expected to roach Hlvor to Portland, and that It would 'lory firo und gas and bombed our 300,000, from tho provost marshal-gen- mako n thorough probo of them from lines nearly nil day and daring Bocho firni' ronorts. Indicate that claBS ono nil angles. Tho Investigation of tho aviators strafod us with machine guns h. ,i-..f im nnmnininiv n. oomDnny's ratoB was Instltutod on tho .nt closo range haustod by August 1. This means thoory that thoy aro discriminatory that congress will havo to got quick and oxesaivo whon compared with the action on tho now man power hl rates on Bra,n ovor 11,0 nountnlns to' whon it roconvonos August 19, and Puget Sound points, that a now registration and classlfica- "aonorally it has boon tho practice tlon of 'America's manhood Jusfcom.'to'figirre'th8coat of transportation per ' Ing August 21 will bo bold beforo Oo- ton por mile, but tho commission bo 0ljeri llcves mora accurato cost figuros can , ' be obtained by figuring tho cost per art for tho year's work. Thoy have raised by different entertainments and so- suited to your digestive organs. If ypu will eat slowly, masticate your clals tho sum of $102,35 for the Red food thorough, oat but little meat Cross funds. The Iuka3ircje coiuprMnd nonQ M fm 8uppej. yoa wI ses iwenty-one raomporB. uinu ui which are not residents. Thl8 makes more than likely avoid the sour a credttablo showing for' twenty-one busy members. whatever. When you have sour , stomach t&ke one of Ohamperaln's tTamllw Rnntnn ! Hetil. ' ' - ' aln down for a porlod of olghtoen Ignono tho coet. por ton pot mllo "Tho AmorlcanB. of tor throe days of scendants i lonths John H. 8caVey had forfeited trioory," said Commleslonor Mlllor. .hand-to-hand flghting through villages. ,andor Gctv Tablets to 'aid digestion. Tho fifth annual reunion of tho do- p-- scendants ot Eben Blaohly and Alex- Every little hit helps. oy was held at tho old Bea. Do your "best," forgot the "bit' adv. The leader appointed by the local boottd to deliver tho papers for tho county's quota of selects and whoso name is not known by the officers hero was among those who quit the train. Tho men did not leavo all at ono place, according to tho other se lects of the county, but dropped off In different towns In California and Southern Oregon. Tho most glaring error mado by the local hoards In sending men horo who aro unfit was discovered today whou a, select from an Oregon county, with one leg six inches shorter than the other and afflicted with a congont tal hip disease, waa examined in the mustering offlcoB and dlschargd, Oth efs who have be,en discharged .t?ecaus of easily apparent physical deficlen clou ul a to that examlnersMsent them her bcoiuso it was a nljo trip una nnybe the; would, be taken. H .