The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 27, 1918, Image 1

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-1 iM -( .;
1(;mltofunrtrctof tanitrii of H tth, IS7v
,VOL. XVII. NO. 22.
w. s.s,
Undor Supervision of School
District Number. 19 of
, School districts
LANE'S QUOTA IS $00,000 union hitch districts........
- '.. ,in6ad 'dlstrloto .".
..... ..; .. ...... ' i.4:
mairopoiiun nays . voiunieor sarviees
And Help In Drive; Four
Are at Work.
Good progress In tho War Savings
Stamp campaign hos already been
lujiyiju uu pun uucr regime oro
hoped for.
The town has boon dlrldod Into Ovo
districts under tho supervision of the
school district No. 19 board, composod
TI A Wn.hl.nrnn rl,.lr,n.n. W.lhJ
Slovens, Dr. J, E. Richmond and J. E.
Edwards, clork.
Thoso on tho commtttoes aro Mrs.
B. E. Morrison, captain; Mrs. Robert
Drury, Mrs. M. V. Kndicott and Mrs.
V. A. CUngan. Mrs. Harry Whltnoy,
captain; Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Arno Nol-
son and Miss Grace Walker. Mrs, ,ako of opportunUy un,,er ug0
R Lon,mrl' cnp,n,n! Mr- U Mny' of a patriotic domon.traUon to In
Mrs. William Rouse and Mrs. Curtis flct unt0,(, (,amno on proporly by
Harden. Mrs. Fred Walker, captain; oxpIoBv0B rC8u)llnB , u,Ba8troul!
and Mrs. Hanna Hill. Tho MotropolL , moan8 Qf .Jnfornn
tan agents volunteer Uiolr services and (ho eMtma of s inflolt, tmt ,t w
liavo taken up tho work too, and havo , .... . .
formed with C B. Kinkald. captain, ho utnM or nnyon t0 buy flra'
and tho remainder aro Homer Carson, crnckorfl oU,or Pvo" for tho
H. I). Carson ud Ray Hylnnd. Purrose of flrlng or exploding thorn
within tho city limits. In ohosrvlng
Tho quoin of the. county IsJGOO.OOO, Ulo Fourth of Jul. , aBk Um copora
and tho Springfield o.uotn Is J27.320. ton of evory ckicn of Sprlnf;flc,
Tho amount Is somewhat largo for to aB8,8l , mMng t B 8afo and snno
tho town, ns tho school census only ccIobrnUon of thla Indopondonce Day.
trlct No. 10.
Fishing Trip Eventful.
A smnll party of campers went up
tho Wlllamotto river last Veok-cnd to
fish and met with all kinds of nils-
haps and tbnd. fortune. Tho fish were
not very pood, nnd they dldn t ovon
blto. Tho water was too warm and
they had been too long In It, making
them a very poor Quality, Dad luck
was with tho poor unfortunato poo-
pie all of tho time, bocauso It was
one thing after another. The worst
thing was that ono of tho men nearly
got drowned because i rained very
hard during ono night and ho slept
with his mouth open and got tho full
benefit of tho long-hopod-for shower,
which camo aUho wrong time. They
ovon ran over farmer Williams, but
it was only a shock to tho unfortunato
Tural rosldont and meant much moro
to tho frlghtonod occupants of tho
car. Thoso who woro In tho luckless
party 'woro Mr. and Mrs. Frod Par-
kor, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Drury and
two child ran, Cathcrlno and DooEttn,
and Angollno Fischer , i
Roynl Neighbors Have Unvelllno for
Lula Gilo, Now In Franc
Tho unveiling services of tho so.-
vice Hag for Miss Lula Gilo, now In
tho war territory, was held last Thurs-
aay evening uy tuo itoyai Noignuors
and tho Modern Woodmen of Spring
field, Tho ovoning was began by tho
singing of "Amorica," followod by tho
unveiling of tho servlco flag dodl- ttUto accd0nt on tho Natron road last
catod to Miss Gilo, who Is now "Some Sumlay whon tUo cnt; tHrnod ovor n8
tvhoro In Franco:" Tho f)ag was un- Uloy W(5ro turnlng a 8hnrp cornor
volled by Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. Mrs Huskoy was quite badly bruised,
llobort Drury. Thoy thon sang "God but nolthor of tho occupants of tho
Savo Our , Wbraon," and Itov. Walter car woro fatally injured. It was a
Bailey guvo a patriotic address. aftor.vory narrow oscape, howovor.
which thoy sang the Star Spangled j .Ha. Good Luck ri.hlna.
Banner." Ico croam and enko were j MlBB Ellon LaInbort wont to Walter,
served and. a enjoyable evening was vUe (o flBh yo8torday nnd cnmQ homo
spent. There was a good crowd out wUU n,n0 good.B,zod flflh Mo8t of
for Um services. Mrs. Sue Glle, flfjh nQw Rre not bocauBo of
mother of Miss Gilo, was tho honor tho m moi
ttnnai ft nvanlna nnJ Tmr n ti ,1
"u"v ' """
MrB. Walter Bailey, were guests for
tho ovoning also.
Long Datiilquont Sum U Deposited
With TreMurar. t
Last Tuosday tho 1016 taxes woro
turned over by Shorld Elklna to Edna
Ward, doputy treasurer. Tho shorlff
collects' Uiobo taxes as lio can and
whon ho has Accumulated qulto a
I sum ho turns It over to tho troasuror.
Ho oxpects to turn qvor tho 1918
, taxes soon. Tho amount turned In
Tuesday was as follows:
Htn'fj and county,.. j 839.44
v i Cities
Tort of Bluslaw. ,.u...
rorost nro control ..
MflVOl PlltS Bail
f rrJt V. 4lHtwf
Oh pirecrackeirs
Proclamation Calls for Sane
' , '.
For Uio protection of food supplies,
war materials, and other necessities
necessary to support our boys in
Franco, and bocauso of tho advantago
soma norsoni: mleht bn illnnnsorl In
B. E. MORRISON, Mayor.
' Meat Restrictions Off.
All of tlm meat restrictions In Ore
gon have bqon temporarily removed
according to an announcement mado
liv tl;i Klnln Pnnil nilnifnlHlrntlnn In at
ThurB(,ay at VoriM
. 8prnofleld Has new Tailor ..
A D Moo on Ernest eft t,)0
,nltor part of ,aBt weok fop A8torlai
whoro Ern08t w, lcarn luoc,mn,pni
englnoorlnR, ,mvlnK Brmiuated from
h,Rh 8p,,00, thB BprJnK Tho tnljor
fllop formorly ownctl nnd Op0rat0d
by Mr Moo ,,a8 ,)(jen tnkcn oycr by
u n nntn30y of Snn Franc,8C0. Mr.
Utmi80y ,B OXp0roncod In tho business,
hnvnB been ompIoyod , tho 0Ccupa.
Uon for flfty y0nr8 Tho fam,y of
Mr Moo w, romn,n horo unt h,fl
roturn t,0 faj
Jack Qorrle, Well Known Here, Has
Gone Into the Army.
Jack Qorrlo, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. I. Gorrle, who reside on a farm in
tho Douglas Gardens dlBtrlot In the
oast part of Sprlngflold, Iuib enlisted
j tho mochanlcal dopartmont of the
Ut s. army, and will leave" about the
first of July for San Francisco. Mr.
Qorr,0 n8 Uvod n thlfl communty
of Ma ffl nnd ,8 yory known
hor0i Ho ,m8 ono brothep ri Prnnc0
Auto Has Accident.
Mr. and Mrs, Huskoy mot with an
.water too warm for. too fish and
,nnk0B tUom unflt jor UB0( but Ellon
soomB to havo, had good luck,
Food Administration to Regu
late Prices of All Staple
A "Prlco Interpretation" system,
through which tho public will bo given
full Information regarding tho cost
to retailors of all staplo food com
modltlcs, togoihor with a suggested
prlco at which such commodities
should reasonably bo, offered for'ale
by tho retail dealer to the consumer.
Is now, bcln inaugurated In Oregon.
In accordanco with a pood Admlnlg
t ration plan which is nation-wide in
I ABBfjtan,t Federal Food .Admlnl'f
trator Newell, In announcing the in
auguratlon qf the system said: ".The
Information regarding tho cost of Im
portant food commodities to the dea
ler will be secured by price Interpre
tation committees, who will also do
termlne and suggest tho reasonablo
figure at which these staples should
be sold to tho consumer. It should,
bo rcmembcrod that the wholesale
dealers nro already, under llcenso and
that tholr margins aro already limited
under National Food Administration
regulations. It would bo impossible,
however, to govern tho profits of tho
retailer this way, because of tho vary
ing conditions in different localities,
hence the need of tho price interpre
tation system, which will extend in
every county In the State. Each
county administrator will form a com
mittee, in tho personnel of which will
bo represented every class of retail
dcaor, and.thg wholesale, or. Jobbing
industry wtio supplies the retailer, as
well as the consumer to whom tho
retailer sells. These committees will
make weekly investigations and give
out their schedule of prlco Interpre
tations through the local newspapers.
It should be understood clearly that
thoso prices, however, will not bo
dofln'te or absolute, but aro merely
suggestive prices that will bo reason
ablo for both consumer and dealer at
tho time and In tho locality whoro
Secretary Mrs, J. C. Dlmm Hands In
Resignation to Auxiliary.
The monthly meeting of tho Spplng
field auxiliary o ftho Hod Cross, mot
Tuesday night at which tlmo Mrs. J.
C. Dlmm, secretory of the auxiliary,
handed in her resignation and re
ports of the month's work were given.
Three new members were taken In at
that tlmo and personal donations
amounting to $10.75 were presented.
Tho monthly report was Bent In to
tho headquarters of the Lane County
lted Cross,
Donations this month from organi
zations wcro as follows:
Neighbors of Woodcraft 17.30
Robeknh Lodgo 60.00
Christian churcli . ' 85.8S
Total $163.15
Personal donations Tuesday night
amounted to 75c.
Tho roport on surgical dressings
and hospital garments was made.
Surgical dressings: 291 4-8 conn
pressors, 78 5-yard rolls. Hospital
garments: 50 pads, 10 bedshoets, 5
operating robes, 99 caps.
TIiq successor to Mrs. Dlmm will
later bo appointed by tho chairman
and oxccutlvo committee
Former Springfield Boy Enlists.
Albert Sololm, formorly of this city,
who haB been living in Richmond,
Calif., with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs.
Ed, Sololm, has, Ja'ned tho army. Ho
enlisted. In the signal corps soma time
ago and is now statlonod in Chicago
as company clork. Albert waB very
woll known ' hero, having graduated
from tho Springfield high school, and
ho worked In 'sovcral of tho local
stores. Ho has a great many friends
among thojjpung people hero, having
boon raised In this city.
Both" Boys In the Family Are in
lniled State Arm v Family '
urmea oiaie Army, r.amiiy
Haa Military History.
ri7U ,aj,o.., -u ul r. .m
Mrs. L. E. Thompson of this city, has
"A ,7','"u
can fighters. He is very well known
here, having been born and raised In
BpnnBeja. ino pruca -eryico
claims "this Springfield boy now, ' and
he Is locatod at Vancouver barracks,
where He experts to be located per
Jmanetly. Floyd was a student at the
Springfield high school about, four
years ago and then went to Grand
Junction, ' Colorado, where he was In
the Government reclamation service.
In, the, spruce department ho, has gone
in as a surveyor
1 His only, brother. Earl Thompson,
Ms now at Fort J, Governors Island,
in the quartermaster's corps and is
overseeing tho concrete work being:
dono there.
j The Thompson family has been In
volved In every fight for the United
States from the RovoluUonary war to' ' " ' , . .7
V Present itxuggle. the principle '"nlf?D- ThT?., I r IT Z
ones being the Revolutionary war, the'
war of 1812, tho Spanish-American
war and tho European war that we are
now in.
Thurston Auxiliary Elects.
Tho Thurston auxiliary of the Red
Cross met June 20th and elected of-!
f:ers for tho ensuing year. Mrs.
Walter. Edmlaton was elected chair-
, '
man.Jgrs. C. C. Mllleryice-chalrman,
Mrs. Ollvo Taylor secretary and treao-
urer, and Miss Edna . Bertsch as a
correspondent for tho nnxiliary. Mrs.
Ethel Yarnell has charge of the sur-
gical work,, assisted by Mrs. Lizzie
Gray and Mrf. Homer Phetteplace
has chargo of tho sewing. The Red
Cross ladles served ice creUm last
Friday evening to the Homo Guards
and their neighbor friends, and after
wards a social dance was enjoyed.
Captain Thatcher and wife of Eu
gene woro present.
Bird Is Exhausted and Appears at last Friday noon for a short visit with
Home on Mohawk. .ifcls frlen'ds . and, relatives. He has
. 1 '
A homing pigeon that had apparent
ly lost its way appeared at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Conley on the
.Mohawk and the bird seems to want
iy auy tunic.
The pigeon seemed to bo all worn
out when It arrived at the house, and
It Is, quite tamo. It. enters the houso
at every possible opportunity nnd has
a desire to go to a certain corner un-
der tho kitchen table.
i The bird has a band with tho lot -
'tors "A" and U" combined with the
, numerals "16," and alsa the letter
"C" on ono foot and on tho other thero
is a brass band with two initials on
the Inside of the band.
The bird Is thought to belong to and Main. One of the chief events
some club In Portland or some coast of tho show will bo the big parade
city sent on a flight. Mr. Conley'son Main street which will form at
auaress is AionawK, uregon.
River Is Very Low.
I Tho Wlllamotto river Is very low
hero at tho present time, Leo Goet-
schlus, federal rlvqr observer in this
community, reports It at a height of
'one and seven-tenths feet above low
water mark. Tho rainfall this month
thaa only been .02 of on inch, which
Is far from, normal. Thero being; no
snow ln tho mountains It is thought.
jthot tho river will go still lower. Un-1
less heavy rains fall In the near; fu-
ture thero will bo still a greater) re-
ductton In tho d'opth and water of
the Wlllamotto river here and in tho
other streams of tho community.
. .
Receives Letter From Son.
Mr. nnil Mm. nnnrcrn Fllttn rnnnlvnil
a letter from tlielr son Glenn, who en -
Misted in the truck drivers' division,
L. M, G. Ho Is now at Jacksonville,
Florida, with lots of mosqUltos and
hot weather, but is feeling flno.
Ten Men Are Chosen to Train at San
Francisco School.
Ten Lane county men who are
called In the last draft hare been
chosen to train at the San Francisco
cnool of mechanical arts July 1. Thel
l"6 tojeport at "" 010 1
cnuntv rinrk. stacv nnanMi. . jn 29:
at A p. m. and entrain ,for San
I Francisco,,, where-, they, will, get or-
riern to leave thn next, mnmlne at
fl m ThfJ ,, b(J ;
.1. ,,. i.ut '
auto, driving gas engine work, .car-1
pentcrln- plumbing. Among
th080 ch08en wcre Emmettl
, paraon(, ftnd Tftck Rtnnn Oorrfn. hoth
of this city.
Fake Soldier
Is in - Counbyl' "'J,"01 dted rae
' ,to do sent from Lane county was sent
. , , , from Eugene last Mofeday' foreaooB,
People Look Out where a great 'B sathered to
. . ,ee them off. Ninety-live raea left
Tor- impoKer wno is Kais-
ing ryioneypishoriestly.
Thero are all kinds of fakirs in the,:hus6iBd brother ttereU
world, but perhaps the worst yet is bo f ew iurlo tighs from now on.
the man who .has een obtaining mon-j Tho m8ni gathered at the armory at
1 ov ltA tha holn ft tVia TTnlfnrl fitatoa
" . , . . ,
Tho man Is wanted for obtaining mon-
ey under false pretenses from the Red
v.ro88. e as pienty 01 money, out
is trying to get all ho can at the game.
Ho also solicits young girls, saying
that he is broke and must get back to
duty. This man may change his name
but will probably keep at his gam
He is uescnoea as being rather a
. .
yunB mn wea?B a B0,,er? -unI;
' J-
MurPhy. He claims to be on a fur-
,0UBh from the 3l8t engineers, sta-
Uoned at Fort Douglas, Utah. He is
an ,mPoter and is not a member of
tho UnIled states arm5r- He wcara
khakl U I twenty-three
ycars 0,d' he,Eht about flve feet B,x
,nches' we,ght about 450 Pounda,
orown nair ana eyes, ratner a long
face and a very prominent chin, body
long and legs rather short
a Home From Navy.
Forrest Iteed. son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
nwt n, nr fh!B Mv .. .,m.
been in tho navy for a year on a
transport in New York. Mr. Reed
Just got an eighteen day furlough, but
the trip homo and back limits his
tJme home tQ day8 and he faad
'to leave here last Monday for Now
0Pr,n8ne, Wl" "a,8e Mne ,or e
1 On Saturdav nlcht thern will ho a
n - J o
regular circus. Parade, sido shows
an(i a loud time In general all over tho
city for the benefit of tho Red Cross.
The sldo shows and program will bo
In tho old garage at the corner of Mill
i7:30 and march tho longth of Main
'street Clowns and nil sorts of cally
I -
! dressed people are promised and It
i Baid tbat lt wm ba tho funniest pa-
rado over hed jn Sprlhgfleld. A real
band wlll lead tho p8rad0t
Tft080 ln charge of tho affair are
MrB Porcy Ty8oni Mrs Sjia8 Gay
Mr8, D, w. Roof, Mrs. N. L. Howard,
M,88 Edna Swar't8 and Mls8 Florence
, 1
Man lujures. Eye,
Man lujures Eye,
Morgan Workman of Mabel had his
eyo injured in tho mill at Mabel last
Saturday. It Is thought that ho will
lose tho sight of his eyo and will bo.
I totally blind, having lost tho sight of
his other eyo in a similar accident,
Uwo vears aco In the mill there.
1 Is Recovering From Operation.
Mr, J. Cox, who is recovering from
his operation In Portland, Is much
bolter, but It wjU be some time be-
foio ho will bo able to return horn".
Leave for Camp Leva's .y here
I neV Will KGCWVe. Mill
Will Receive,.
' " ,
" .
many sua rnem uood-bye at Train;
Some Young Brides Are Left
Behind; One Man Late.
jSomo of them left brides of a few ays.
moiaers ana sisters.- Many realized
that perhaps that-this would be the
test time-, that they would see' their
i .....
' OC10CK "er roll call marched
t0 B-Ion. The leader, Charles
(i-resion wart, -R-as appointed, and K
not 6tray away unU, .
entrain. When the train was. ready
to 8tart a but one man was pre8enL
Jt waa Joha KIng and he dld not
rive three hours after the train
had puned out fo Ca Law. ft
me ta on Coo Bay train and
iett immediately for the north. Ho
ha,, n, Ma
" " "- HHUUO Ifl . C
- Port - unUUlt was toolatej-to-taketthe
-." . " .o., UVUUUO ua I c
train for Eugene last Sunday and had
t0 r0maia there another day,
Lieutenant Laird or. the national
army and who , and has to be
at home at Peasant H,( sp()kg o
tho men during the half hour before
the departure of tho Rosoburg. local
on the army and what they were to
expect H gave them gome
valuable adyIce and on
was expected of them
. -, . ... ,.
I Those of this community who were
called in tho draft were: Elmer Mar-
Ma; Fraak Joseph ;EmmerIch.
Waltervllle; Robert .Samuel. Cox, Ma-
''" Wliam Howard. . Weadling;
W"Uam Frankn Ware, Springfield;
If fin Aft. Pnooinn TI AArllm O o . tj
" t " v-.. .uf, 0jsm;
.ley Edward Saflo- Springfield; lloe
v.uusiur otevens, spnngtteid; John
Howard, Volgamore, Marcola; Jtoy
Adams. Coburg; Frank Everett Mil-
yce Appleby Young,
Guy Cassill, Springfield; Melvin An-
drew Renfro, Winberry; Andrew W.
Goddard, Springfield; Merle Beeson,
Coburg. and Percy Robert Rossman,
Waltervllle. Substitutes were . El
mor E. Mason, Jasper, and Robert
Frank,ll Stephens.
Tho latter was
County Charge Dies.
Mrs. Jennie Parmenter. a countv
Datlent- d!ed ,ast Fr,dav mornln nt
tho gprlngfleld hospital. She was 70
yoaTj( old and formerly Uved neap
Cottalfi Grove Thn fnnn . wnB ...
frnm th ,vi. i..i' i o....v
j c t, . .
uaj. iuio. l uriuuuicr was not Known
a Springfield.
Complaint Made About Picketing Cows
, There haB been much complaint of
Jate concerning tho putting of cows
0ut to feed and letting them reach
tho sidewalk. If tho owners would
picket thorn so that they could not
got on tho walk8 nothlnB would bo
lgald about ,aUowlng them to be put
Broke gones In Leg.
Mrs,. E. V, Sneod fell from a lad.
or, whllqpjcklng chorries- lastrMon-
day, a,n,d .brpko, of the, bones In
hor Jght .Jeg.: ,Sho .fall- .about tea
I Conducting 'Services at Junction. .City.
Rev. Hownrd Fagan is now conduct-
Ing services at Junptlon City, .having
discontinued ' tho services at the'
Chlatlaa Church last w'ook.
-i v