The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 23, 1918, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1018.
Society Doings of the Season
, Several members ot tho Needlocrnft
Club ami their gxrtssta vero dellgbt
fully entertained .Thursday fcttornoon
at the homo of lire, R. U Drury on
Fifth street. Needlework and coa
sorvatlon caused the hours to pass
irteasntnly ton Ike ladles until lato
afternoon, whcnt dainty refreshments
' mte served ,liy Ihp hostess. Guests
for 'the aftornoon includod Mnu N.
A. Baker, Mrs. Anna Knox, and Miss
Myrtle Ralston of Corvnllls, Club
members present xvtro Mrs. Y. H.
Pollard, Mrs. II. K. Walker, Mrs. J.
E. Richmond, Mrs. Ethel Bally, Mrs.
Carl Fischer, Mrs. II. M. Stewart,
Mrs. D. W. Crltcsl'Mra. J. C. Lusby.
Little Miss Fairy Hcrrick doligM
fully entertained nine ot her little
friends Tuesday afternoon at her
homo here, tho occasion being her
sixth birthday. Swings, a merry-go-round
and lawa games cntortalned
them until 4:30, when a dainty lun
cheon was served by the young hos
tess. Guests who were so pleasantly
entertained by Miss Fairy wero Hilda
Ditto, Joan Cox, Maxlnc Edwards,
Maxino Posey. Margaret Halsey,
Maxlno Lemley, Cdnstanco Rebhan,
Do Etta Duryee. and Margaret Mor-
The mombors of tho Royal Nelgn
l"jr rud Modern Woodraon lodged met
t.-uethor last Thursday evening and
heia opon mooting. Attor tho bun
UQtfs Bcssloa an Icecream social Us
litld, tco cream and cako being served
to tho members ot tho two bodlos And
their guests. An Interesting program
was rendered during tho evening,
which was spent with games an I con
ivorsatlon. A splendid timo was tin
Joyed by all.
Have Junior Choir.
Tho children of tho Christian
church, under tho direction ot Mrs.
M. H. Fagan, who Is aiding In tho re
vival meetings being conducted thero,
have Joined themsolvcs mto a Junior
choir. Tuesday night was tho first
night they made their appearance,
and thero wore forty-ono juniors
Receives Last Paper.
Lieutenant Eugene Kestor, who en
listed In tho medical corps from
Springfield, received his final naturali
zation papor.j Tuesday morning of
this week. C. E. Swarts and Harold
Peery accompanied him to Eugono
when he received them. He Is a na
tive of Canada.
Think Well Before
Buying Your New
Coat or Suit
Already this season we have had
the good fortune to help several
hundred customers avoid purchas
ing impure fabrics and hasty tail
oring in coats and suits. In hard
ly any season during the past ten
years has it been so important to
watch closely everything, big and
little, that goes into making gar
ments -and this applies to our
purchasing as well as yours.
Frankly we recommend Wooltex
garments,. -: We know that the
inakers back up without the slight
est hesitation the Wooltex guaran
tee of ALL WOOL fabrics. EX-
:! yt
Dnignm J0
PHONE 525.
Candidates Are
Now Nominated
Mon Are Named to Be Voted
for at General Election
Next November.
Tho primary elections held last Fri
day resulted In tho following nomi
nations In the Republican party:
For Momber ot Republican Na
tional Commtttoo Ralph E. Williams.
For United States Sonator, short
torm A. H. Burton. For United
States Sonator, term beginning March
4, 1919 Charles L. McNary. For
Representative in Congress, first dis
trict W. C. Hawloy. For Governor
James Wlthycombo. For Stato Treas
urer Thos. F. Ryan. For Justlco of
tho Supremo Court Charles A. JohnB.
For Attorney General Qcorgo M.
Drown. For Suporlntcndont of Public
Instruction J. A. Churchill, For
Commissioner ot Labor Wm. A. Dal-t
xlol. For Commissioner of Public
Service Commission Frank J. Mlllor.
For Superintendent of Water Division
Porcy A. Kupper.
For Senator third district O. II.
Foster. For Joint Senator John B.
Bell. For Representatives David M.
Graham, H. C. Wheeler, Louis Boan.
For County Clerk Roscoo S. Bryson.
Tor Sheriff Fred 0. Sticklos For
Treasurer Edna Ward. For Com
missioner M. H. Harlow. For Sur-
vcyor-Hollls W. Llbby. For Core-!
nor W. W. Branstotter.
Nominations mado by tho Demo-(
crats are as follows: i
Membor of National Committee!
Will II. Hornlbrook. For United
Statos Senator Oswald West. Fori
Govornor Walter M. Pierce For,
Representatives H. L. McKce, T. O.
Russell. For Shorlff D. A. Elkins.
For Treasurer Berntco Van Valxah.
For Commissioner Wolby StevenB.
For Coroner Marion Veatch.
Br Boatrlco Holbrook.
Tho Junior cIsbb Is having secret
mootlngs after school nlmost ovory
night. Some way It tins leaked out
that they aro t ohavo a class play as
soon as It has boon practised sulll
clently. -
Last Friday Sprlngflold high school
waa well represented in tho domestic
Bclonco department at tho fair iri Eu
gono. Miss Anderson and several of
tho high school girls In hor depart
ment wont to tho fair to arrnngo thoir
oxhtbtts. Hasol Haydon won a priio
for her "war bread" and one for hor.
"war cako without Icing." Jean
Fischer won a prixo for a child's pina
fore. Tho Junior Red Cross of Springfield
has been very successful under Miss
Andorson'B supervision. They havo
mndo many wash clothos, squares for
convalcscchco quills,. etc. Tho,.prlxos
won wore! First prlso on patching
and darning, first priio on Rod Cross
work, first prlto on layer cako without
Icing, second prUo on war broad, first
prlto on rofugoo garment, socond and
third prlto on cartoons, first prlto on
budding and grafting, socond prlto on
gonornl school exhibit.
Tho senior Invitations havo arrived,
n . wcok before . they wero expected,
and now ovory senior la snooping
around hurriedly for stamps,
Tho physics class was not hold last
Friday afternoon, owing t otho Illness
ot tho instructor, Miss Helen Wlthy
combo. ,
Some of tho high school boys havo
been getting freo exemptions from
class nttondnnco lately. Wo hope
they enjoy them.
Tho members Vf 'thosenlor class
havo been working hard and search
ing mental Inventories this week in
ordor to find something worthless (6
will to thoso who aro not so fortunato
as to litrgnditatfiig this year.
If any ono wants to know thu roa
son for tho flvo smiling facosono
hoy and four girls at bcIiooI every
morning, lot him go up lo Mlis Ltnd
soy's room and boo. Tho Gorman IV
class has dlsbandod.
Mtts Llndsoy, In English VI: "I
wish Bon Davidson would QQino back;
our light Is almost out."
Offlcs Phone 83; Rosldeneo 67-J
West Main St
Dr. N. W. Emery
Tomorrow Is Layman's Night
Tomorrow evening at tho Methodist
church Rov. Guy Fitch Phelps, who Is
conducting a series of meetings there,
will have a layman's night Every
one is asked to bring questions con-
icernlnr the Bible and its teachings.
and Mr. Phelps will answer them.
The meeting well be for the discus
sion and answering ot these questions.
.. Will Change Location.
Nice & Donaldson, local grocery re
tailers, expect to move their store '
fom Its present location', between
Second and Third, to tho site of the
old Springfield bakery, between Third ,
and Fourth streets. The change will
be made In a week or so. !
Are Erecting Fence.
An eight-foot fence Is being erected
across the open spaco between the
First National bank building and the
theatre building, to make the place j
look less open. The work is being
done by L. K. Page of this city.
We have just received a ship
' ment of white dishes in a great
variety of pieces and on
Friday and Saturday
will give a package of uncolored
Japan tea with each $2.00 pur
chase of dishes or glassware in
the store.
No trouble to show goods.
McDowell Department
Fourth arid Main Streets Springfield, Oregon
Local Boy III.
Word has been received In this
city from Ivan McKinney, who is
with the 65th artillery, C. A. C. In
France, that he is In a base hospital
; with an attack of munps.
Go to Vancouver, B C.
Mr, and Mrs. B. A. Washburne and .
daughter, Mrs. W. F. Martin of this j
city, left Sunday evening for Vancou-
vor, B. C, on a business trip. They ;
expect to return the last of this week.
Sells Large Farm.
G. G. Gross has sold his 4,100-acro
farm In Alberta, Canada, for $186,300,
cash deal. This land Is mostly wheat
land, 800 acres being put in this year
of wheat .
Proper Food for Weak Stcmach
The proper food for one man may
be all wrong for another. Every ono
should adopt a diet suited to his age
and occupation. Those who have
veak stomachs need to bo especlall
careful and should eat slowly and
masticate their food thoroughly. It
Jf also Important that tbey keep their
bowels regular. When they become
constipated or whan tbey feel dull and
stupid after eating, tbey should take
Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen
the stomach and move the bowels.
They are easy to take and pleasant in
effect. adv.
Attend Grand Lodge.
Mrs. D. J. Glendenning, Mrs. E.
Collins and Miss Jeio Walker left 4
Monday morning for Seaside, where
...... .. . ,,. , ,., i
invy win uucuu iuc fiiuuu iuu&u nn i
ueiegaiua ot inu jucui duauuu luuec. ;
-ttali i
For My Final Sale on Ladies'
and Children's Shoes which will positive
ly close Saturday night June 1st", I have
decided to include all my
Men's Shoes
Every pair of shoes in my store will be included
Profits will positively be eliminated. I am forced to
make this sacrifice in order to meet my obligations.
and have only got until Saturday, June 1st to raise
it, therefore I am forced to include my men's shoes.
Sale opens with men's shoes included Friday morn
ing. Watch for our circulars quoting prices.
Springfield, Oregon