The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 09, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    VHUIWDAY.v MAY 0. 1018.,
MAY 12th
' Come In uml hco our beautiful nBBorllmcntof.
Mothe! Day Booklets
;RRICES So TO 35c.
Remember mother and greet nor. on that day.
Mmm m mm Catarrh ta tfcla aUwi d
tto ae4ry (ban all otMtr Mwmm puf
mil t;,t nw t
Irf MMhcrabt. Fo
local dlw and jrearllml, local
tMMhfcr. arid
wa uepoJ Id baMmrarabl., Tot m
et many ynr doctor pronowivMaii.
dim, and by coniinnily faWn to cur
with local irefllrtmnt. nrniiftunccd It Incur
able, Hllic linn promf Catarrh to b. a.
conflltutlonal ,dl(ii0, nml tbr(orn ro-qulri-
cornlltullonnt treatment. Hall'
l.utiirrli Cure, innmifnfturnd It V, J.
Cheney A Co., Tolerto, Ohio, M die only
Conslltutlnnnl rurn oil the market. It I
faxen iniernmiyy it net niroriiy on
blood and mtlc-nui surface of the nyitqrn.
ni uonnm ror liny
Bend for circular
cum It falli lo cure,
ana teaumoninis,
AddrfH) V. J. Vlir.HKX A CO., Toledo.
Koia ny iiritKKi.u. ,te
Tak Hall Vamlly I'll! for eor'otlou
1 Town and Vicinity f
Harry Michaels of Rend, Ota., wns
In this city Monday on buslnoss.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. EsKlmnnn motor
ed to Donna Monday,
Mrs. F. T. Donlvan of Eugene visit
Oil friends In Uils city Saturday,
Boo (ho auto eye tester at Poery's.
,,; Mr. and Mrs, T. Hlcklln of WondlinR
were Springfield visitors Saturday.
Miss QeoQvluvo Glllc'ploji teacher
In tho public schools, had a too ampu
tated Saturday.
. H. E. Pitch of this city was In North
liond, Oregon from Friday to Monday
transacting buslnvHS,
" First-class shoo repairing at the W.
A. Hall Shoo store. adv.
E. B. Morrison of this city received
ono car of hay and one car of fertilizer
last Saturday.
Mrs: Llla May Hellman of Mabel
purchasod a now Ford car Saturday
and drove It to her homo.
V. L. McCulloch came from Port
land Saturday and spent tho week end
with his family here.
Mrs. Ida Larlson, Splrolla Corse
llcrre. Phone 11GW, Sprlngflsld. &Avr
C. W. Hanson of
town today.
Thurston Is In
Mrs, Charles Jack was a city visit
or from Camp Creek Tuesday,
Tho llttlo T. A. Rnthbun child Ik
aulto ill at its homo here.
torud to Elmlra Saturday
Stovo Bowles of this city mo-
to try out
horJnow Ford cur.
Mrs. Ethel Bally and son Joo spont
thowook end at tho farm homo of Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. King near Coburg. I
Mrs. Itay Lcmloy and Hoy Mencham
of this city spent Sunday at tho homo
of Mrs, C. O. DoVero nt Creswoll. I
Oregon grown seed Corn, Mexican
Wonder llcnns, lleardless llarloy, Soy
Ilcatiu, napu and Kalo Seed. Spring-,
field Feed company. adv ,
Mr. and Mrs. Murlon Hngor of Crcs
well woro Springfield visitors Monday,
They brought a load of cream to tho(
local creamery. "
Mrs. I. C. Dlrd of Olyraplit, Washing-,
ton Is spending tho week at tho homo
of her son,' II. C. Bird and family In
this city.
Mrs. T. J. Graves of McCoy has beon
spending tho week with hor daughter
Mrs. W. C. Ilobhan and family in this
nollablo remedies right, reasonable
rioxnlL ' r
Ooorgo Stafford, head mlll'"wrlght
at fho noolh-Kelly mill hero,' wont to
Portland 'Saturday with ills' wire;
whero thoy will reside,
B. Avory of Everson, 'Washington;
visited last week end at tho homos of
M. T. J, Cyr and E. F. HorbBt in this
city)' Ho arrlvod horo Friday and left
for his homo Sunday evening.
, ThV Springflold. M"l and Elontor
couJJany received three cdrloudn of
wheat Saturday from Portland and
shipped out a load 'of flour the sumo
day.? . "
Only a few Onion ScTa'left at 2 lbs1,
for 2Bo. Jf you'$?ect to use tcrtll
(er"on your crops yo'fero' not46lW
All (yiu. can to product aoreiobd.
GROWMORB is the BESTftferUUiwr
and tho CIIBAPEST you ban bur.
asrUgSjId Fel com pas y. adv
First-class shoo repairing at tho W.
A. Hall Shoo store. ml v.'
, . .'V
Jobn . Carson of this city left Tues
day for points In southern Oregon.
K. Mclor and wifa of Camp Creek
woro in Springfield last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry motored to
Noll Monday, returning tho samo day.
Deputy Shorlff Thomas Bailey vis
ited this city Tuosday on buslnoss.
Fit your own nyes with spoctacles
at Pecry'a.
Mr. W. A. Jack and wlfo of Camp
Creek wero Springflold visitors Saturday.
Arthur Easton, who lives above
Waltervlllo, was a Springfield visitor
J. Fullman is shipping several cars
of piling from the Jasper spar to
points In California.
Paul Van Scoy and wife of Camp
Creek wero In this city last Saturday
on business.
Best Shoe Repairing at
Tho ladles of tho Progressive 22
club will moot tonight in the Odd Fol
lows' hall,
Charles Dority of this city loft Sun
day ovenlng for Portland whero ho
will servo on tho grand Jury.
Chnrllo Storks and Ed Cupp who ,
loft hero a short tlmo ago are now em
ployed In the shipyards in Portland.
E, .E. MorrlBon received a car load
of fertilizer from tho Union Meat
company In Portland yesterday.
Miss Lillian Hull of tho Bell theatre
loft Wednesday for Portland. Sho
does not expect to return to Spring
flold. M. N. Thompson and family have
moved to tho John Starks residence
on Emornld Heights for tho summer
Mrs. A. W. Matthows of Dexter wob
brought to this eity Sunday and on j painstaking Pill Parlor.
Mrs. IIchsIo Tripp of Eugene, who
formerly lived In this city, was in
Springflold Tuesday. Bho visited at
tlio J, J. Browning homo.
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of
Portland arrlvod In this city Sunday
to visit for a few days with Mrs. Mar
tin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
of this city.
Wo aro closing out our ontlro stock
JJoU of bargains yet In men's women's
Boy'n, Misses' and children's shoes.
Como quick. Wolf ft Mlllor. adv.
Mrs, W. O. Campbell, formerly of
this city but now of Orogon City was
In Springflold tho first of tho week
visiting hor mother, Mrs. Andrew Moo,
and transacting some business.
Mr. James Stewart of this city lelt
this morning for Portland. H
oxpocts to bo gono aj week. Mr. Stew
art has only recently returned from a
trip through tho Tillamook country.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lyon motored to
Drownsvillo Saturday wlioro thoy
visited friends and relatives. They
returned to their homo hero Sunday
Mrs. Frank Healey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Sldwell of this city,
returned Saturday night to hor homo
at Spoknno, Washington. Her sister,
Mrs. Ernest Skinner, accompanied her
for an lndeflnito visit
Mrs. C. V. Hutchinson, and daugh
ter Myra Dell, of this city, who havo
boen visiting Mrs. Hutchinson's .par
ents at Cascade Locks for tho past
weok and a half returned homo this
Glen Ditto of this city and Howard
and James Orcon of Roland are leav
ing today in tho lattera car for points
in Northern California and eastern
Oregon. Tho trip will bo a pleasure
trip for tho boys
Miss Ruby Sensenoy of this city
and Miss Marlon White of Cottage
Drove are assisting In tho Varsity con
fectlonery store in Eugene. Miss
White is staying in this city.
Thoso registered at the hotel Spring
field .Uiis week are:E. C. Martin, Mar
cola; Lena Courtwrlght, HaTrlsburg;
John Bowman, Leo Miller, A. O. Adler
Rosoburg; Col. C. L. Vaughn and wife,
Seattle; C. H. Scllus, San Francisco;
D. L. Coy, Fall Creek.
Ralph Oakcs and family of Gqshen
moved the first of the week Into the
Uiouue on Cth and B streets which was
fonrorly occupied by J. P. Robley and
family In this city. Mr. Oakes has em
ployment In tho Booth-Kelly mUl hero.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Posoy nnd little
son Verlln and Miss Altlia Shaub
spent tho weak end' with relatives and
friends in Creswoll. Mnxlne Posey
who 1ms boon visiting there for tho
past two woeks, returnod homo with
Particular peoplo prefer purchasing
porfoctly puro potent pills, powders,
potions, piasters, patents, pons, paper,
and ploasing perfumes at Peery's
HgEigft, Economics
Ladies Discuss "Sugars and
Fats" and Conservation of
,Jheat Flour.
The subject discussed by the ladles
of tho Homo Economics Study Club
ot Springfield, .which mot .fast Friday
afternoon at tho Lincoln building, was
"Sugars and Fats."
Mrs. Juno Korf gavo a paper on su
gar; which showed tho necessity or
the use of sugar at tho front and also
nt home. Sugar makes energy and
onorgy Is absolutely necessary for our
soldiers. As, therefore, they need su
gar so much moro than wo do wo
should economize and use substitutes.
A great saving In sugar could bo made
by substituting syrups, honoy, fruit
Juices and raisons, and fruit sauces.
Instead of bolng preserved and thick
ened with sugar, could be thickened
with flour. These sauces would be
Just as good as tho others and far
moro economical.
Miss Anderson, domestic science
teacher at tho Lincoln building, spoke
on "Sugar and tho Conservation of
Flour." She told of tho great need
of these two staples for tho boys in
France and how great caro must' bo
taker that the present supply of both
may1 last until tho next season's sup
ply Is ready for the market. We must
pledge ourselves as near sugarless
and whcatless as possible now, or we
may have to go entirely without them
for. awhile. Householders who are
obliged to use wheat- should not use
more than l-pound ot wheat flour,
or -prepared wheat in any form,, per
person .per week. This Includes the
wheat flour In Victory bread and the
wheat flour or prepared wheat In
crackers, pastry, macaroni, breakfast
and. other foods. Householders in
cities and towns may not buy more
than a quarter of a barrel of flour at
any' one time. Householders in the
country may not buy moro than half
a barrel of flour at any one time. No
purchaser Bhould have more than days' supply on hand. Each
person may have threo pounds ot su
gar -per month. All kinds of food, es
pecially1 wheat, meats, fats and sugar
should be1 economically used.
These regulations were sent from
Washington D. C, April 3, 1918, but
are subject to change at any time.
During the business part of the
meeting six new members were en
rolled, making a total of twenty 'ac
tive members. Mrs. Joe Lusby hand
ed In her resignation as chairman of
tho club, and Mrs. Juno Korf was
elected to serve in the place. ,
N9 subject was given for the next
meeting, which will be held n( the
Lincoln building May 17, because
Miss Ruth Corbett will give demon
strations of labor-saving devices for
tho horne. Among theso devices will
bo a homo mado tireless cooker and
a home-made Iceless refrigerator.
Monday underwent a serious operation
at the Mercy hospital in Eugeno.
Tho Knights and Ladles ot Security
aro making plans to glvo a Red Cross
benefit dance Friday ovenlng In Stev
en's hall.
W. C. Myers;, ot Hayden Bridge
who has boon qulto ill at IiIb. liomo
for the past wook with an attack of
(agrlppo is improving.
Mrs. Ray Qoff of Eugeno undor
wont a major operation yesterday nt
tho Morcy hospital. Tho oporattnn
was porformod by a local physician.
Mrs. Dan Doloharity of Portland is
visiting hor B(lstor-ln-law ' MrB. Emory
Rltjhar'dsbn in' this c)ty Mrs. Delo
hanty formorly lived horo.
Mrs. Rosa Letklo,, ot LotkU's cafe
returned Tuesday from Portland
whoro ' shq and hor llttlo daughter
Juno havo boon vUitlng with relatives
MrB. J. W, Mallcha, Mrs. Letklo'B mo
ther, left horo yesterday for Portland
nnd will bring hor grand-daughter
buck when flh rdtyrns.j
Mrs, Cash iMeatf,ihd.ydp,iitp,i:;rsi
Williora Darling X and' lltUo ' dautf
Allco Darling left here Saturday night
fpr Portland vrlioro thoy were efttyed
owing tp tho serious Illness ot "Mra,
Mead's mother, Mrs, Davids. Tkotr-,
stay -will be indeflalttt. N
Tho Booth-Kolly .Lumber company
and' the Fischer-Boutin Lumber com
puny men who comprise tho home
guurd ot Springflold' are getting tho
union all uniforms for drill practlco
which Is twice a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vornon Proudflt havo
rontod tho houso formerly occupied
by W. B. McKinney and family on Eth
streot. Mr. McKinney has work in
Portland and tho family expeel to
leavo for that placo as soon as tho
Bchool torrrt is conjplotod. ' '
Wo havo only a fqw, Theso are ac
climated and Bolectod sood. , AIbo
havo n nlco ' supply of Goldon Plow
Yellow Dont Seed Corn. Acclimated
and tests 97. Minn, 13 tor cnsllago
and Soy Boans to plant in with tho
com. Soo ub for all kinds ot Field
Seeds, Food, etc. Springfield Feed
company. adv.
Those rogtBtered, at' tho Elito this
woplc aro :Wm. Frazleri and.yflfo.of
Abordoen,WaBhtngtontvL. T, Walters
Charlos FouBjor and' vftfp'j Oiastpiie.
Hmoiyn uiaasiono,- -uiauaiope; jeun
Sherman, :Mffl:''A-"K, cna' jwM
Uyi J J. 'Signer, Orane dalvla
Ckrler.'Yoncalla R. W, Qllll JBcIo.;
Roso Alles, ror t land; Ray jont$ti,
Portland; and F. Frank, Portland.
Miss Jano Lindscy Instructor in the
Springflold high school, spent the
week-end with friends in Albany.
A solid, practical o,nd -sensible
man wfyo ha$ the support of
ovemvoter who knows'hls char-
actor and ability.
! If ttlijA.
! Wid Ad; 13. 0. Immel
Kugono Loan & Savings Bank
Buildup, riagono, Oregon.
WJLL,. REft&Ei ty Jutland
Former Springfield 'iarber Employ id
' : ' ln'hWaVcs " 1
Mr. and Mrs. -William Bishop left
Eugene Saturday for Portland whero
Mr. Bishop will be employed in tho
They wore former fejBidentu of
Springfield, tMr. Bishop having been
In the barber business here for a num
ber of years after which he formed a'
partnership with George A, Dorrls and
delivered milk in this city. Last fall
hd sold his Interest in the dairy to R.
C. Rush and has since been living In
Eugeno where ho was employed In a
barber shop.
Phone 31)2
47 East 7th Ave., Eugene, Or.
Imperial Cleaners
All kinds of Cleaning, Press
ing and Repairing. Prompt
service and good work are
our specialties. No advance
In prices. Postage paid one
General Public
Since the raise In butter fat
the' following quotations for
Tee" Cream have' gorifi Irito
1 gal $1.25
Quarts . . y . 5cl
M gal. . 8Sc
Pints 25c
Fancy Ice Cream Fruits $1.59
Nut Ice Cream $1.75
Nut and Fruit mixed ....?2.00
Per Gallon.
Dr. N. W. Emery
County Treasurer
, (Republican)
Born within three miles of Springfield, Lane coun
ty hag been my home since birth. My private -and
public life is an open record.
Judge me in my promises by my past perform
ances. If my efforts to promote your rights while
, in your service established confidence in -me, why not
give me the position I seek? 1
My pledge is to "make good;"
Paid Advertisement
Your Last Chance
Our closing out sale has been far ahead of our expec
tations and the store will be closed soon but some ex
ceptional values still remain, June weddlnjgs and Christmas
are not for away. Buy now at a saving of from 1-3 to 2-3.
Pictures, pottery, stationery and picturccframes. School
Pain Bldg. 10th and Willamette, Eugene Oregon
George H. Turner Prop.
New Straw Lids
And there is
one for you
Have IMmm, C S
Made to Order
$15 Up
The Mab.erdasher
..rdr 'Men' ofifte. r .
PAul Willoughby Eugene, Oregon' ' ""WiPoejw