The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 02, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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uri tat f tt
Tn buying drugs and'6thpr;(lr(itf ritoro goods, ypu should
lienr In mind that quality fB thq truo tent or cheapness
Inferior goods arc" denrany price, Wo make quality
the first consideration wlioirfwo buy and if youbtiy
uhi ami nnwi-piHuiiuruKH uini me mantel aurus,
Wo buy drug sundrlOB'and other goods just ns'carcfully
as wo buy drugs.
Lot Uo Bo Your Roguiar Druggists.
t tl?e Urt ftwjre3 'or Cwcado Locks whero Bho will
r a
u mn Catarrh
tfliwthar. and until
mi! uhmmiI f n U lactfrablai
treat mny,yilr (JlorABywouMrt It m
local dlMarni and 'local rome- O, Adams.
die, and uy cmimanuy mum io euro
taittti' liua f Ivaaltllatll nntBMlnt1 It I
rs. A,
I Hci6tic Ima proven Catarrh to in s I Tlio Bprlngficld mill and elevator
! AWlS&Mi:t0Jfi company nro unloading a car oVwheai
' T?ttVThfy on Morrlon' spur today, andaro load
t IlllllAlmal .11.. .... at ft la
i LIlinillMllUIIIII I Uin 1711 Lfiu llllll NClt al
I tnkan Infernally, It acts dlrtctiy on
,l)Ioga and murout surface or Uiyitem
ftcml forsclrculurn
i Thy offer one hundrWI. dollar tor any
1 cnM lt fall to euro.
nnu ireumon ai.
floM br rrr1t, Jtn.
Take llall'e rarallr I'M for corf'utloD
Town and Vicinity
John Hubbard
town Monday.
of Crcawoll was In
E. E. Morrison shlppofl a car load
or hay to Cottage drove Friday.
A. J.' Fox of Coburg was a Spring'
field visitor Saturday.
Fit your own eyes with vpectaclos
at Poory's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Elliot of Jasper
woro In Springfield Monday.
R. F. Scott of Croswell was a' vis
itor In Springfield Monday.
J. J. Skornlchakn spent Sunday .at
Santa Clara.
First-class shoo repairing nt tho W.
A. Hall Shoo store. adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Hagcr were
Springfield visitors from Croswell
Monday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Haley of
Camp, Creek were In tliip city on bust-
ness Saturday, ,
Mlsa Anna Dldwoll, who Is teaching
a school at III von lew spent tho week
ond with her mother In th's city.
Ilcst Shoo Repairing at
Mrs, Luolla.. Uomarcst of Cottage
Qrovo Is visiting at the home of Mrs.
Rose Runno In this city.
Rev. H. C. Ethul of this city preach
ed Saturday night and twlco on Sun
day to tho people of Landux.
Miss Llla Miller loft Monday morn
ing for Oregon City where she expects
to have employment.
Seo tho nuto eye tester at Poory'a
Mm. N, W, Emory, who loft for Tort
jinnrt last Friday to visit with relatives
, ami menus, returned homo today.
Mrs. II. V. Doxsoo of nrownsvllle
has been visiting at tho homo of hor
brother J. E. Nell. Bho returned to
hor home yesterday.
. Miss Vera Perkins, who Is an In
s'tructor In tho Florence high school,
visited nt hor homo In this city ovbr
tho week-end.
Oregon grown seed Corn, Mexican
Wonder Beans, Beardloss Uarley, Soy
Deans, Rapo and Kalo Seed. Spring
field Feed company. adv
Mrs. Roso Lctklowltz accompanied
by hor ltttlo daughter Jano left Satur
day for a visit with her sister at Fore
land. i Georgo A. Dorrls, who owns a truck
farm Just south of town, ships as
, puragus to Spokane, Seattle, and' Port
land ovcry day.
A.' C. Dixon, manager for the Booth
Kelly LuruborJcompany 'was in this
city Monday attending to como business.
Charles Kupkubsko was a Wendllng Evelyn Miller of this city 1 visited
visitor Sunday. her aunt Mrs. J. B. Robertson at Donna
. . ovcr tho week-end.
J. D. Edmlston of Thurston was a ., ......
Sprlngflold visitor today. " John Honderes went to Cottago
Grovo Sunday where he spent tho day
Tom Swarta of Natron Is In Sprlng
flold today.
Egglmann's, whero quality
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shaub and
daughter. Dorothy woro Springfield
visitors from Croswell yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rubs Goddard's old
est daughter la seriously III with pneu
monia nt her homo' hero.
Mrs. J. W. Noot, or Wost Sprlngflold
who has boon qulto 111 for tho past
week is improving.
Ida Larlson,
Phono 115W,
Splrolla Corso
Springfield, adv.
MIbb Altha Shnub spent tho wcok
ond with relatives and frlonds In Cros-woll.
with friends.
C. E. Lorah who works at the Palace
of Sweets has been qulto III this week,
but is much Improved now.
First-class shoe repairing at tho W.
A. Hall Shoo store. adv.
Born Friday April 20, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Stafford who live north of
this city, a, son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver or Port
land spent Sunday nt tho home or Dr.
W. C. Robhnn und ramlly In UUs city.
Mrs. Drucllla Howard who has bse.i
quite III with tho measles Is rnnortn I
as being much Improved at this time.
Reliable remedies right reasonable
-Roxall. . '
Miss Marlon Whlto or Cottage Grove
, who' attended tho Springfield' High"
school lal winter, visited friends' in
this city over tho week-end.
I Mrs. R. P. Mortcnscn, who under
went an operation at tho Eugene hos-
j pltal some tlmo ago, has been removed
to her homo here.
Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Clover and
llttlo daughter June wcro tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cox Sunday
from Coburg.
When you have. a party, call Eggl
mann's, the caterer, Gl. adv.
A navy rocrutlng party, who . are
making a tour of tho Pacific Coast,
wero In this city yesterday distribut
ing posters.
Miss Edna Duryce, a senior in the
Springfield high school, is assisting
at tho Egglmann candy kitchen and
bakery. ;'i v -
Robgrt Van Valzah, son or Mrst A.
B, VnnValzah or Oils city, retunicd
last week from Portland, whero ho
has been working.
ing a cor of flour there also.V
BornYesterday, to Mr, and Mrs!
John Pursell of Marcola, daUgh'tor.
Mrs. Pursell Is staylng at the homo of
hor mother, Mrs, Pcttljohn In this city.,"
Particular pcoplo prefer purchasing
perfectly puro potent pills, powders,
potions, plasters, patents, pens, papor,
and pleasing perfumes nt Feery's
PnlnstakJng Pill Parlor,
Mr Humphrey of Eugene, a student
in the university of Oregon, under
went on operation for appendicitis, at
tho Mercy hospital. The operation
was performed by a local physician.
Cecil Mulligan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Marlon Mulligan of this city, returned
Monday noon to Camp Fremont, Cal
ifornia. Ho had been here for a week
on furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Foster of
Portland will arrive in this city Sat
urday to spend the week-end with
Mrs. Foster's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. A. Dc Pue.
Insist, on Egglmann's bread at the
grocerys. . adv.
Rey-.'J. S. McCallum, pastor of tho
Christian church, left Monday for a
trip.ito 'North Bend and other Coob'
county points. Ho expects to be ab
sent ,two or three days.
J. N Palmer or this city, who Is
working In the paper mills in Oregon
City 'vtelled hlsJamlly here over thoi
week qnd.u Jfe rrived Saturday and
loft for. Oregon CRy Monday.
Mrs. W, R. Farnum and Mr. and
Mrs. J1. F. Gates of Eugene visited
last week-end with Miss Jane LIndsoy
of this city. They had been friends
In Nebraska before coming west J
Only a few Onion Sets left at 2 lbs.
for 25c If you neglect to use fertil
izer on your crops you are not doing
all you can to produce more food.
Is tho BEST fertilizer
you can buy.
Springfjold Feed company. adv
'J. C Neil made a business trip to
Brownsville Wednesday at last week.
Ho brotight" homo a two year old
thoroughbred Holstein heifer which
he has'owned for somo time. j
John Seavey, who owns a hop ranch
near here, Intends to plow up about
twenty, acres of hops that rotted -in
the ground, duo to the excessive dry
season last year.
Rod Cross"Askft
uti'fflnii . til ii .
for 100 Million
Week1 'of May 20th Has Been
Designated as Date for
Shortly after America's t entrance
Into tho world conflict, the American
Red Cross, through its war council
appointed by tho president, asked of
tho American pcoplo one hundred mil
Hon dollars, as their first contribution
to the war fund. That war fund had
been decided upon as necessary to
carry through tho broad plans of Eu
ropean and American war relief on
tho scale that their need Justified,
The monoy contributed at that time
will bavo been all expended by early
this summer and the accounting of
this expenditure, audited by the gov
ernment, has been given tho widest
In order that this tremendous work
of humanity may be carried on the
9 RedrtjSir
president. fcM deals.
May 20th, 1918, as Red'JJrW wi,
during which the pwhlic. 'wIltT m
pealed to tor another hundred raVtikt
dollar c6fltri4th4fl." ' v
Every meahs will be taken duiitm1
that week to inspire and-sttemtate Hb
public-to-gfve'gcnerously to th!gTt
need. It In As much "a matter of -(riotlsm,
as tho support of our arW
arid navy! Tho local chapters isv,
every community will ecck.ta canvas
each Individual.
Purchases Stu3ebaker Car.
Mrs. Rosa Renne, Mrs. Luella. Dem
arest, Fred Bosscrman, and Mr. nn'S
tMrs. Dan Gore went to Salem ye-
torday whero Mrs. JJemarest pur-
chi8ed a fine Studebafcer. Mr. Gore
; drove the car home yesterday even
ing. Mrs. Demarenst expects to 're
turn to her home in Cottage Grovw
the last of this week.
Nerval and Howard powers arrive!
from Southern California Wednesday
and will remain for an extended visit
at the homes of their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Young and Mrs. ant
Mrs. J. F. Powers.
anil the . CHEAPEST
Self Appointed Boss T.
Afraid of Stanfield?
Tho best bread,
on curth at
S. II. Solbort and son Loslto Solhort i In
Mies Beatrice and Vlo Rico, students
tho University of Oregon, spent
tho homo of Mrs. W. B.
spont tho week-end with Mrs. Solbort : Sunday at
in Sprlngflold. Thoy nro employed at . McKlnnoy of UiIb city. They return
tho papor mills at Oregon City. od to Eugono Monday morning.
.. Miss1 Verge Anderson, domestic science-
instructor in the Springfield
schooled' nttn(liil the stnte montinir
Wolf & Miller are closing out their L, ho' econom,c tochers held Frl-
entire stock. This is an absolutely , day an(f Saturday In Portland,
clenn-up sale. Wo will make repair- j n
ing a specialty unUl market conditions j Miss Ruby Senseny, daughter of A.
Improve. adv. E. Senseny of this city, has accepted
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lyons, Robort ft Position at tho Varsity confection
Van Valzah, C. An Brady, Harry ery at Eugene and entered rpon her
Stowartimd family and Mr, and Mrs. duties yesterday.
William Dawson spent Sunday above
Winberry having mado tho trip in
automobiles. Thoy returned home
lato Sunday evening.
! Merrltt G. Tuel or this city yester
dny enlisted In tho naval reserve. He
(ls nn employee of tho Oregon Power
assHSgBBMBEs . " s: 1 asssssaassssssssss 1 g
Wo take this means of announcing to the many friends and patrons Qf
Hill's Department Store
that wo have purchased tho entire stock and .fixtures of tho store and will continue the
business at tho same location, Fourth and Main streets, Springfield, where we will be
pleased Xq meet and become acquainted with the people of Springfield and vicinity. v
It will bo our aim to cater to tho needs ot the public in our lines.
Dry Goods, Notions, Light Hardware,
Crockery and Glassware, Tinware, Station
ery, Toys, Confectionery, Men's Every-day
Wear and Brick-a-brack.
Wo will keep a fresh simply ;of all goods, In our and will bo prepared to offer
many bargalns'ffom timo to time. ....... 1 ,, .
i Mr. and Mrs. Ben Skinner, Mr. and
J Mrs. E. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
I Bently, Miss Barbara Boiler and Hen
I ry Fandrem formed a gay company
' and motored up to the McKenzlo Sun-
Jdny where they spent the day. They
j returned homo lato In the evening.
j Mrs. J. H. Bummette or Springfield,
'and her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Eaton
and two children ot Jasper, left Sun-
Bl day for Blachley, where they will
' 1 . 1 1- ....... I .. . U
itpuuu ifirea . hcbhd vibiiiu& ai. m
JitimO of Mr and Mrs. O. As Thomp
son. Mrs. Thompson Is, a dauchter
of Mrs Bummette,
Mrs. A. Blgcfow left this city Sun-
, day for Wasco In eastern Oregon
to visit her daughter, Mrs, D. M. Goln,
'formerly of Marcolu. Mrs. Bigelowr
after hor visit, will go no Raymond.
K. N. StanfiM.
, v, - Believing that the Republican, voters- of the state
,of Oregon would not look with favor upon Oswald West
' naming the Senatorial candidate for the Republican
And inasmuch as I have received many thousands
of letters and other assurances from the Republican
voters assuring me of their support, I must respectfully
decline the proposal of Mr. West that all other candi
dates withdraw and give a clear .field to C. L. McNary.
I feel that I have the confidence of the Republican
voters and the people of this'great state that I will serve
them honestly and efficiently as a Senator and at this
critical time they are inclined to support a man from
the. business walks of life.
Oswald West has heretofore asserted that he only
desired to be a candidate that he might oppose me if
I should be successful in defeating McNary in the primaries.
His interference is intolerable to me, as I believe
it is to the Republican voters of the State, and I will
welcome the opportunity to oppose him in the general
election If he should be successful in defeating his
Democratic opponent, Mr. King.
' 1 frits tnYirt ...111 1 n . n 1
.- ... luuiiuuiuui uiuuwio win uu uitviiKfu iu r ,
McDowell Department Store
TJie former clerks will bo in charge
Wash., and Join
M: husbauu for tho
' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lamar ot Weed,
'Cal., who are visiting Mrs. Lamar's
sister, Mrs. Stacy M. Russoll In Eu
gene, wore Sprlngfle'ld v'lsYtors Thurs
day. IWr, and Mrs.' Lamar la'ro both
Uvoll, known hero. Before 'hor mar-
atiher lnx
was aEQcIdted with tho Altan Hamp
ton branch' stoVo hero for several
years, and later worked in the Spring-
Held Toggery.
rlajjo Mrt!tlafcn1kr,,-aB a' '"teacl
Diei BpringfIeid,i'8chool andiir, i
Mr. Stanfield makes' the above reply tp. the pro- ..
posal of Oswald West that all candidates for senator
withdraw in favor of Mr. West's candidate. The whole
activity of the Democratic machine in attempting to
stem the tide of dissatisfaction against their candidate . ;
now in the senate Is laid bare in this last supreme at, v
tempt of Mr. West to bolster up a forlorn hope. , ...
The question is do the people and the Republicans'"
' want this sort of bosslsm in Oregon, or do they want
lOQtf- Americans and J0Q Republicans such as Mr.
Stanfield, a successful, energetic, patriotic self-mado. ..
toian whoso every ac.t has added to the progress and-.
- growth of Oregon, a nian who gets results. accomplisK
es something, who has worked and knows how to
work; and who will work. . ,
' "
, " Stanfield is 100 American and-100 Republican
nrirl Kn' wriiilrl' Rimnort tho Presidentnin -winninK this
,W a
Which do you want? A man who c;
Adv, by Stanflold Senatorial League,
Bank Buntldlng, Portland, Oregon.
an stari'dbii 1 "
203 Northwestern