The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 18, 1918, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, APniL 18, 1018.
Mmifi of Unttsd State
Senator McNary to Peo
ple of Oregon
Menay la nstdwl U wpart ami
protaet our stUlary nw fffMIng In
foralgn Hind and the pnmt pvr
ohaae by ins Amartaan aaaala at
Llbarty "owls will atiaaly aha
funds. Mm af aha manay hm
tafara aln1 by Hia gavammant
thraOfK tha aala af Ulbarty Muds
ta It attlxana haa baan axaandad
In tha arafM rattan af war. Now
our raaauraaa and aur aavlnga muat
ba dtvatad to a enildrabl ax
tant In providing for the. safety,
oemfert and aaalatanfa of our
horeaa on European battlefield.
Three thouaand milts of ocean In
tarvane and thla long lane mutt be
made aafa far our soldier. Shlea
we muit have In aver Increasing
number. Without tonnage the-full
meoeure of our elaborate and mill,
tary relief organizations must re
main Inoperative. Without money
we oanoet build the ahlpe; without
the ehlpa wa cannot win the war.
With sadness we antlolpate the re
turn of thousands of our aoldlera
wounded and crippled who must be
rehabilitated or capable
through vocational education for
elf support. General .hospitals In
whloh physical reconstruction work
and vocational training can be un
dertaken muat be conetructed.
This requires money. A' great
army la going forward to face the
Are of batUe and American dollara
will be forthcoming for their wel
fare If we all perform our duty and
buy liberally of these .Liberty
United States Senator,
lSan Francisco Woman
Gave Country Three
Soldiers-One Lost
With Torpedoed
I Transport.
Mre. Louise Mooro of 139 First avo
puo, Ban Francisco, knows tlio tncan
1ns of war. In tbo front window of
per homo, a servlco' flag bIiows throo
stars. Tlrreo of her sons answered the
call to colore.
And. when the Tuscanla waa torpen
Joed, with tho loss of. moro than ono
aunurea American liven, nor oiaosi
son, William Mooro, raaao we groat
k&crlflo for hie country, On tho rocky
Eoasi oi ireiana no ucp ouriou iu iub
rafo which enfolds others of his com
jradea In arras. - '
J The other two sons 6f Mrs. Mooro,
Vho were alucr'on tha Tuscanla. aro
iistod among Hboso, .saved, The ioy
over Ulr safety' liaa been tempered;
only by the grief which followed tha
word of William's .passing. . (
"f Itlft ttiA.A hnvi T vni inrrv
khero waa go to war," said
lira. Moore, smiling through tha arf4
kulsh thai waa har portion In therdys!
following tho Tuscanla, dlsaater. "Dub
I told" them also," sho added with a
triumphant smile, "that If our country,
was worth living la and enjoying whea
things were going along smoothly, It)
iwaa certainly worth fighting for when)
it waa In trouble."
; Tha la tho spirit of American
Motherhood in those days of trial and'
aacrlflco. "Our country has not aekedj
iniich'Of Its young people In the way,
kit sacrifice." paid Mrs. Mooro. "Things!
nvo beon fairly easy for most of the!
fcoya and glrla of this generation. Now
pt Is their time to ahow how they have
appreciated all that has been given to
I- Mrs. Moore haa two other sons, one
pf draft age, and tho other old enough
(to enlist but not .old enough to be
"Now they're crazy -to go," aald the
Frave little mothor whose service flag
lrcaAy haa one haloed star
"Do you know the last thing the
ithroe boys did beforo thoy loft?" she
leaked with motherly pride. "They all
bought Liberty Bonds, and aald they
hiyould leave the rest of that work to
lus. Now we know what wo can do."
' ' PrlVato William Mqore and his
brothers ba,ve left,' a message for the
atay-nt-homes, In America to heed.
F'Tho reat of you buy .Llborty Bonds
Ithat can bo your work."
Have you planned, to buy your next
ono, how that tbo Third Liberty Loan
!ls called for?
i THREE .MEALS p68T $14,000
I .
Feeding 42,500 troops at Camp
towls, Soattlo',' throo meals il'day will
cost the Qovernmont ,$14,000, and In
Hm nrenaratlon of. the mealB . 13L tops
of food will bo used. Morioy U needed
m huv tho food. That's why the
aovornmont wilt' ask, you soon1 to b?
Llborty Bonds of the. Third Liberty
Tetfs of Many Things of Inter
. eet Aboutthe Old City and
Surrounding Country.
Mr. ajd Mrs. L. J. Dyroo, who llro
In Weat Springfield, received a lettor
from their bob, Norman Byrno, who
la a member of the marine band and
atatlonod at Pekln, China. It was
datod March 7th.
The lottor follows:
I find mysolf In a very peculiar po
sition h'irb In Pokln. About tho mid
dle of last April I left tho university
for tho oxprcss purpose of going to
Franco and bolng thus of Immodlatoi
ii no In thla war. Yot aftor somo two
months at Maro Inland, I found my
self placed In tho marino band, and
last fall, on my way to China, half
way around tho world from Franco.
Thoru aro aoir.s 130 marines ata
tlonod In Pokln, comprising a com
plete garrison of guards, artillery,
cavalry and band, whoso duty Is, In
caso of trouhlo, to protect Amcrlcdh
Interests and prevent looting. - '
j Every nation of any. Import Is jro'p
rosontod hero In a llko manner, b.clng
j all grouped together In what Is known
as tho "Legation Quarter,' which. Is,
In reality, a fortlflod city within 'l'o
'kin. Among tho dlfforont guards tho
marlnoB aro conceded to ho tho host
npporalng, noatoat drossed, host paid
In all, tho bent soldiers. 1
Pokln, although qulta old, Is tho
soventh city In this alto, tho others
having been destroyed at various
times by earthquakes, flro and sand
, storms. At prosont thoro aro two
Sites, tho old "Chin Men" and tho
' Tartar city. Each is surrounded by
a wall, tlio Tartar wall bolng such
'tho larger. This wall, although only
ilxtoon miles long, Is almost twlco
tho slro of tho groat wall, Thoro
iro gntos In each sldo, and ovary
night tlicso closo of old. Along tho
top of tho wall ono may still boo tho
stono bascB for tho old catapults.
Ilunnlng straight through tho city
'rom tho tomplo of Hlomon (supposed
)' tho Clilnoeo to bo tho center of
tho earth) to the forbidden city,
guarded by a dozen gates .surmounted
! by pagodas, la tho Imperial highway.
No railroad 1b allowed to." cross this
highway, which necessitates tho
building of a road around the city,
merely In order that wo. may cross,
tho street.
Tho forblddon city Is In tho center
of tho Tnrtar city, surrounded by In
numerable 'walls and gates. It Is ono
grand docoptlon, for Insldo la only a
fow govornment buildings.
It Is next to lmposslblo to glvo'any
ono an Idea' of-tho 'peoplo of China.
Ono could wrlto columns and still bo
far from It,, Thoy bayo to bo seen,
ryct oven then It Is lmposslblo to .un
derstand thomthoy aro so radically
opposite '
AYhon judged by westorn
thoy aro crazy absolutely
senseless. Perhaps thoy havo somo
rodoomlng qualities, hut I confess that
I've fallod to discover thorn as yet
Thoro are half a dozon dlfforont
kinds, of ChlnoHo hero In Pokln Mon
grels, Tartars, Monchus, Southern
Chlneao, otc, all dressing different,
having different languagoa and cus
toms. All over China It Is the Bamo,
ovory'vlllago havlnp a dlfforont dla-
lpct. In Shanghai tho peqplo on ono
sldo of tho street can't understand
thoso on tho othor. Tho most com
mon dlaloct In Pekln Is tho Mandarin.
Every marina knowB slmathing of this
alaloot, Without It wa would bd lost
outs'do tho barracks. It Is tho most
complox simple thing wo could Imag
ine. Although It 1b only fourth rato
and coiiBlst mainly of towns and
simple verbs, ovary word haa innu
merable inflections moaning something
Tho money systom Is tho "height
of tha ridiculous," bolng a veritable.
Chtnoso puzzlo for ypU. An cxplana-'
tlon of it covors soveral printed pagos,
In tho first place, silver has no stand
ard value, but fluctuates with tho
morkot, making a dollor gold worth
a -dollar and fifty cants In ChlnoBO
monoy (Mix as, It Is coifed) ono day,
and perhaps two dollars or only si dol
lar and x twenty .conts anothor day.
Thoro Is blg iiiony. and llttlo monoy,
and bad money, and money that Is
discounted; - . . ' ' ..
Nood-lesB-to-Bay.i thoro is plenty of
bad monqy. , Yorjpyl ThorO end
of Iti One finds', a-jdifSront ralptcd
According to how ono spends it, tho
snmo dollar may bo worth 100c or
120c. Thus ono may. buy an artlclo
for 00c, glvo tho morchant a dollar anil
rocolvo GOo in change. I might go on In
thla for over, for tho paper money has
yot nriothor standard) Kach copper
cont (clflclies) Is divided Into ton
bVasa cash, which aro In turn dlvldod
into tci
plecos of bambo money (Mon-
ton chin)
Tho story Is told of two men who
robbed .a Chlneso bank during the
Involution, and finding only papor
money, ballod it up, shipping ft to
Japan, In reaching Japan they found
that tho money would not oven pay
tho shipping charges on itaelf.
Thoy say that a Chinaman is clover!
Well A fow years ago a Marino sold
tho battleship Brooklyn to tho Chlneso
government. Again 80tno Marines
painted blocks of wood with aluminum
paint and soldHhom for tho truck
blocks on tho garrison rifles. A coolie
carries ovory thing in baskets sus
pended from a polo on his shoulder,
lie may bo clover perhaps ho has a
"doop point," but I can't for tho Hfo
of mo sco why ho carries two pieces,
of leb in ono banket and puts a cobblo
stono In tho other for a balance.
Ho will loarn nothing. Lay Euro
pean tools beforo him, show him how
to uso tliein, explain Hiolr superiority
and. yot ho will contlnuo to uso tho
crudo, nerve, rending, wasting tools
thai, havo dOBccndod from tho daya"
of Confuslua. -
Ono of tho greatest pleasures wo
havo Is to hlko out through the couu-
try on Saturday and Sunday. Wc form
n party tako our lunches and start
out to visit temples. On ovary ono of
thoie days wo cover from 25 to 35 ( teachers, clergymen, ofllcers of lodges
miles. Then as a diversion wo takojand WOmcn's clubs and other similar
donkey rldos. only, when wo do this public organlzaUons. The committee
wo novor attempt (o visit temples, for j sueeesta thaTas many aa possible of
tho trip is ono hilarious picnic from j these representative citizens consider
noginning to cna. ino aonKoya aro
so small that one almost thinks It
proper to carry them, and Just as con
trary ub tho average Chinaman with
all a donkey's stubborness combined.
Off wo go, Uio wholo bunch, shouting
and calling to each othor, out through
tho city gateV Pushing, pulling, beat
ing, shouting, working harder than tho ,
dnnlrnva tfinmflnlvnR wn crn. thrnUfrh
.... . . , ...
corn fields, pea-nut farms, rico paddles
many Tillages of mud huts wherp
children stare and "chow dogs" bark
at ub.
0 i -
uno 8008 many quour dibiiib m mur - - -
bltng around over thla country. In!t ho necessity of speeding-up tho
tho field a farmer hitches his donkey, fwortc to a very considerable degree I'
hlB cow and his wife to tho plow. In j tho Lano county quota of $882 000
ho street a boy may bo scon pulling i "th of atamps is to be disposed of
with a donkey. Carts and rickshaws d" tho current year.
aro tho only means of conveyance, WaltervlIIe Women Met.
vehlckles boingtunknown. Tno women of Waltervlllo and vl-
A stranger sight yea. You can woll cmltjr mot jaBt Thursday In tho inter
Imnglno our feelings' when four of. ub ' CBt ot tno i,omo food' conservation
broko Into' a room in a temple away d'mjmign Miss Ruth Corbetti homo
north of. tho city, where we found ; demonstration agent, talked on food
Uty doad priests . sitting In boxes.
Some had'only been dead for a fow
months and others 'had "been there
for n hundrod years.
' Thus It Is with tho wholo country.
One mlnuto you see the most beauti
ful slcht ton earth and the next, one us
rare chance and your last chance in a great many lines that will be of- . . .
y fered to you at less than present wholesale prices our loss, your gain. r
Framed Pictures 1-3 to 2-3 Off; Stock Picture Frames 1-2 Off; Pottery
, yases, Bowls and Jardineres 1-3 to. 1-2 Off; Trays, Baskets
HBookEnds 1-3 to" 1-2 Off; Wallace Nutting Hand-Colored f
Photographs 1-2 Off; College Posters 1-2 Off.
Sale Now Going On, vPaibe BldfrtkeWRP GEO'' H. TURNER.
Executive Committee, Postmast
ers, Buslneee Men Teachers,
and Clergymen Invited.
The State Organization, Plana to Have
Many..War-8avlng-8tanip Socie
ties Formed In County,
Organization of War-Savlngs-Stantp
societies in Lane county will bo pro
moted Friday, April 19 th, by C. N.
Wonacott of Portland, associate direc
tor of tho State campaign, who will
meet tho Lano county workers In Eu-
geno oh that dato.
Tho first of tha conferences wllj bo
hold, at 4 o'clock In tha afternoon,
when Mr. Wonacott will meet .with the
county executive committee and tho
local chairman of the forty-two dla-
tricta in tho county,
At tho Becond meeting Mr. Wonacott
Kwlll confer with bankers and with aa
many postmasters from tho county as
aro able to attend. This meeting is
sot for 7 o'clock Friday evening,
I Xno tnjrd meeting will bring to-
E0ther representative- business men
themsolvos invited to the meeting
Friday night.
All tho sessions willboheld in the
roomB of tho Chamber of Commerce.
It is tho plan of tho State organiza
tion to ha"ve as many War-Savings-Stamp
societies as possible formed In
ovary county In tho State to affiliate
with the national organization In the
' promotion of tho selling campaign,
.v "
' which will last throughoutthe year.
Tno committee is well pleased with
tho progf ess already made in the War-
'SavlncB-StamD campaign, but Is awake
conservation. Liberty bonds were es
pecially featured.
extremely repulsive. It is a. pbuntry
pt. extremes and opposltes, contradic
tions, not only of Western ..standards,
but of themselves.
Eugene Art Store's
Now Going On
'"I am quitting business and will close out the entire stogk of the Eugene
' Art Store at a saving of one-third to two-thirds to the public. vThis is a
An honest, ecoaoihlc, baaines ad
ministration of the office for the bene
fit of ALL.
I will not bo controlled by any boss
or cllquo of politicians, but will per
form my duties Independently of them
I will see that all K ces collected aro
accounted for,
I will perform the dntles of the of
fice without teat. Irrespective of per
sons, and make a determined effort
to apprehend all law violators.
For four yearn Dcput County Clerk
of Lane County. During the past
three years twice elected Treasurer
of the City of Eugene. Assistant Post
master in Eugcno for one and one-half
years. For four years engaged In
the abstract business In this county.
Paid Advertisement.
All persona are hereby notified to
keep their dogs in corralls or' tied np.
All dogs running at large on the
Btroets will be captured and held 48
hours, during which time they will be
turned over to the owneron tho pay
ment of $1.00 for first offense. Sub
sequent offenses the full penalty of
$10.00 may bo Imposed.
Thla Is by city ordinance.
By order of City Council.
April 18, 25"; May 2 Chief of Police
Tne Entire Stock and Business
S. H. Friendly & Co.
Has Been Purchased by Us and We
Will Be Pleased to Serve Former
Patrons of Friendly's at
Our Store '
"The Fiiendly stock is one of the largest in the county
and one of the best -in the State, and combined with bur
splendid stock will give us without question the largest and
best lines of merchandise, in the upper Willamette valley."
Be Patriotic
Your country need metal
of every description and you
that have oM copper, braes,
aluminum, nlckle, steel, Iron,
or &sy kind of metal are not
doing your duty It you fall to
put R on tke Market.
Ed. Pompier
buys all kinde of
and offers to pay real cask
or It , .
Chemical Works, dealer in
Junk, Hides, Pelts,', general
Blacksmith. Harsofshoeing a
specialty;-' ' ' .
Consul Is Administrator.
A. O; "BJelland vice-consul ''Nor
way for the State" of Oregon, has been,
appointed administrator of the estate
of O. A. Thorensea, deceased, who
leaves property In this city valued at
$500. The only heirs are hia paresis,
who reside In Norway.
pfocoWe'ryayY , ' . -'
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