The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 28, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAtUM! 28, 1918
i II ft
L k 4v ,'sr i Wtf. mUu KMmt ivmrTi
I Tone Up Your System c
i Don't wait Until spring's Ills arc hero before you start
to got'your toystcm In slmwe. Uy taking u good blood
A purifier novf, your bothljf bo nblo to ward off disease.
,P ., V ' 'V. '-Si .
al Hot Springs Medicine.
is nnulo of herbs" mid Isaturo's-own roincdv. 11 crth
tains noumrcotlcs uiuTIb llloroforo harmless.
'? After. tho months of jndoor life practically everybody
t needs a good blood purifier.
v !
'Price $1.00
j SIM Tta-warri. SIM
f a 1 A Km mm au fltiat scMaMak hat Art II'
nB o eiirn in mi to MMrf. n3 thri J Joho, plmm, who has ,boen .
unarm., nul l) uimni kvrf m uia nniri il..i.. . - . . . ..
M eurn'nnw known to III Ined ear Pn relatives ana iricnUB in 1'
fraternity. CMrrIbrlnifiirnlltutlonal
(Ms. r'itilr- 'a eOnmfefMnap treat
ment. Half's latnrrh CUre,-1strTf In
ttrfially, actinic directly upon ttio blood
una mucous aurrnce 01 III" aymom. uirro
by (Icitrojrlnff the foundation of Ilia dl
rasa, and Riving- tha patient Irenclli by
building up the confitllntlon and nsslnlln
nature In dolnjf II work. Tli proprietors
hsvo io much fnlth In 111 curatlvt pow.
ftl that they offer One llumlrod Dollar
for nny fn that It falls to Oir. Bend
iot nut or tiimnnini.
JAddrrssi V. J CHKNHT A CO., Toledo, O.
'Sold l,y ( llrllBRll. 7e
.Trk llaU'a Family rilte for constipation.
s Town and Vicinity J
Hot your clock ono hour Sat
urday night when you go (o bed and
then forgot It,
M,fJ. Woarln of Wnlttirvlllti wan n
thlsilty yesterday.
John Downing of Wondllng wan In
thin city yoBlerdny.
Sao tho auto oyo tostor at Poory'a.
Charles I X 111 of Fischer" camp was
horot yesterday.
A. Arnold, who lives In Mnrcola,
wan In thin city Tuosday.
W. F. Cornollus of Goshen was In
Springfield yoBtorday.
A now assortmont of babies colored
shoos JuBt In. W. A. Hall store. Adv.
J. K. Platts. of Camp Crook was In
this city Saturday on business.
Lano Morris and wifo of Coder Flats ' mQoB
wore In town Saturday.
Chnrllo Jack and wifo of Camp
Crook wore In this city Tuesday.
C, L, Drift, representing tho AIlls
Chalmors Company, Is visiting at tho
plant of tho Oregon Power Company
In this city this week.
Mrs. Taggart and Miss Isalcno Kcs
tor of llarrlHhurg spent tho week-end
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. NoUon
Kcstor of this city.
Goorga Prottymnn, who spent
week In Portland, casns homo Satur
day and roturnod to Portland Sun
dot your pastry for Easter dinner
at Kgglniann's, Adv
Melton Cyr and family returned
Friday from Kverson, Wash., whoro
thoy havo been visiting relatives for
tho past four wocks,
MIks Mia Miller will clerk In tho
Wolf & Miller store during tjielr com
Ing sulo. Sho will begin her now du
tics Friday.
Bounties were awarded Saturday
to Bvorett Thompson of tills city qn
ono groydlggor snulrrol and two
Hot Cross
Dunu at
J. E. Hill, who lives on a farm near
here, was lu Springfield yesterday.
I W. I, King was In' town' yoBtorday.
Ho lives In Waltervlllo. .
CharlJo Ward of Cann Crock was
hero yesterday ou busluon.i.
Fit your own eyes with spectacles
Rt Peory's.
Mrs. Al Roadon and Mrs. Chrlcs
Culp of Mnrcola woro in town yoB
torday on business.
C. B. Scott, of tho First National
Dank of this city, was Indisposed yes.
torday and unabla to bo at his work.
Mr. and Mrs. M, M. Malo and daugh
ter and son woro guests at tho Taylor
Noodham homo at Thurston Sunday.
Thoro Is a nlco lino of. lints now on
display at Mrs, Thompson's Millinery
store adv.
Mrs. Walter Price of Marcola was
a Sunday visitor at tho homo of
Dr. W. H. Pollard In this eity.
Mrs. Ilobort SIdwoll wont to Coburg
Monday to visit relatives for a few
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Duryoo spout
Sunday with tholr daughter, Mrs, E.
Q, Hadloy at Yornoll.
Ladles' gray kid shoos In tlirco
stylos. W. A. Hall's store. Adv.
jMrs. it. V. Huck of Wondllng had
hor tonsils removed Monday morning
at tho oflco of a local physician.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Myors of Hay-
don brldgo woro in .Springfield' yes-
ipruay on uuBinos.
Arthur Morsdorf of Bolso Valloy,
Idnho, spout Sunday with his hi other
Harry Morsdorf and family of this
Spring riyo,' four klndH of Spring
Darloy, Fancy Flold Corn, Deansf
Soudan QrasB, Spring Oats and
Wheat. Springfield Food Cd. AlUvi
Tho ladles of tho O. A. R. of this
city wlllklvo an old ffttjbloned danco
this ovoft'lfijjfln tllo poery'W'nronrlod.
hall. The entlro procoeds will be turned
over to tho Red Cross,
Reliable remedies -righfffe sonablo
Wilfred P. Tyson of this city, who
Is a nntlvo of England, Saturday (lied
a potltlon with tho county clork for
final citizenship papers.
D. A. Washburno of this city went
to Junction City today on business
for tho Swarts & Washburno moat
R. L. Young of this city was admit
ted to tho Eugeno hospital Friday,
Ho Is sufforlng from a sprained
Dost Shoo RepalriM? at '
Horn At tho
Tuosday morning,
Ernest Endlcott,
Eugeno hospital,
to Mr. and Mrs
of Wondllng, a
Thomas A. Billings of this elty has
purchased a now I'DIS Harloy Davidson
motorcyclo from tho FlBk Motor com
pany in Eugene.
Oeorgo Jordan, brothor of David
Jordan of this city, Is horo from
Raymond, Wash., looking for 200
workmon, principally carpenters, to
work in tho shipyards thbro.
Ladles' whlto kid top and black
vamp EngllBh walking shoo at W. A.
Hall's store , Adv.
Tho shaft on tho dolivory car of
tho Fifth street grocery storo broke
yesterday. A new one wns obtalnod
fron Eugono and tho car Ib making
Ha usunt run today,
Thoro will bo, special Eaator cerv
ices Sunday morning at tho Molhodlat
church by tho .Primary Sunday school.
Thoy. will bo hold atOspS, ho regular
Sunday sphoolfhoiir- $!L
.0., K,?toaVaroihaB takon pobsosbIoii
of tho grocery storo nt West, .Spring
fleld,,.whlcliwn8, forniqfty owned by
Q, Fluyji "whpsqdoa'th occurred a
short tlmoiugo;T(
Land' Plaster, Cement, Fonco Posts,
Sood Cloanlng, Roiling and Grinding
nt our warohouso! Springfield Feed
Company. Advv
Mrs, T. C.'WoUand four children
loft Friday for Wcnatchloj WjisKjf
whoro shb will rqjolu.jior -SuSbandr
Mr. Wolf has employment there, and
thoy Intoija to make their homo in
that place,
jtalsV Edith Ctaflln, prlmnry teacher
In' tho Qlcnwood schools, has boon 111
nOshorhomp ln Eugono for tho past
two week"i'Mrs. Hlno of Qtcnwood
Is Btibstltutlng.
Miss Margaret Gorrle, who 'is nt'
tending tho University of. Oregon, )s
sick. Sho is tho daughter of Mr.'
and Mrs. C. I. Oorrlo of Douglas Oar
dons. Sho has tho measles.
Kurl Helnrich, who rah a cleaning
and pressing establishment In Spring
(told last summer, was In this city
riuosiiay, no lives in iiarrisuurg
Ladles' chocolnto kid shoes In throe
stylos at W. A. Hall's storo. Adv.
Harry Klefor .bricklayer, on Satur
day completed building a chimney in
tho now office which has recently
been built at the Springfield flour
Mrs. C, W. McLagan and children
ofHhls city left yestcrdoy for Albany
to'Ylalt with her brother Verne Smith
who expects to bo called In the next
draft. Mr. McLagan will go Sunday
and thoy will return Monday.
0. I. Dcon and two sons, Eddie
and Raymond, left Wednesday for Al
berta, Canada. Bert Mace, who lives
on tho Decn place, will look after tho
business in tho absonco of Mr. Deen
Egglmann's Candy Kitchen for
quality Candy and Ice Cream for Eas
ter. Adv.
D. W. Sturge3, of the Springfield
Garage, has rented the Mrs. D.
Crcuch homo nt the corner of Soventh
and E streets, and -will soon begin
housekeeping thero.
EInior Forusot who l; with the um
bulance corps nt Cam? Lmvln cam-!
homo Sunday on a SO day furlough.
Ho Is suffering with an offui-tlon of
ono of his limbs and walks by tho al!
of crutches.
W. L. McCulloch of this city re
turned Saturday night from an ex
tended busincs trip to Halifax, Boston
Now York, Washington, D. C and
other eastern cities. He was gone
about seven weeks.
Now Is tho time to buy that Easter
hat at Mrs. Thompson's Milllqery
Storo. adv.-
Harry Withers loft today for eas
tern Oregon whoro he has a farm. He
oxpects to be gone all summer. His
wifo and son will follow later, at pres
ent thoy are staying with Mrs. WJth-
ors parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gor
rlo of Douglas Gardens.
E. E. Morrison, local potato dealer,
Ib dipping his cholco Whlto Rose seed
potatoes In corroBlvo sublimate, which
will kill any dlsoase that attacks a
potato. Ho began tho work yestor-
Guosts of tho Ellto are: J. S.
kon, Rosebnrg; J. P. Duckwurth,
Miss L. E. Hall, F. W. Gray, Eugeno;
Silas Keonoy, p. w, Ryan, Portland;
M. Suiter, Salem; Miss V. Upper,
Nowburg; Chns. S. Campbell, Cor-
vallls, and L. G. Black, Albany.
Men's English shoes In assorted
combinations in tho latest stylos at
W. A. Hall's store. Adv.
Thoso registered at the Springfield
hotol this wock are Oran Nawlund.
Brownsville; Joseph A. James, Brown
sville; Mrs. C. Hnnthorn; Marlon Ad
ams; Theodoro Thompson, Waldcr
Traitor,- Marcola; O. L. Parsons,
Thurston; 'B. R, Cook, Wondllng; C.
C. Parks; R.', W. "Rnsmussen, Wend
ling; E. Thomas, Eugono; M, A.
Young, Lobanon; J, J, Skornlcka;
and G, R. Baker, Portland.
W. S, Dodd, of Springfield, cashed
In onflvo ptojq polls nt tho County
Clerk's olllco In Eugeno Monday afternoon.
Wolby Stevens of this city shipped
for. tho past wee's, arrived home Mon
day morning.
MIbs Eva BratUin,' a teacher in tha
Cottage Grqvo schools,, was a wcok
end visitor with her' parents, Mr.: and
Mrk E. B, Brattaln of this city,
Kcdrt, Kcds, Keds at tho W. A, Hall
shoe storo. 'Adv.
BornSunday, to Mr. and Mrs,
George Waske of Goshen, a daughter;
Mrs.. Margaret Hill of this cityvhas
gono to Cbchalls, Wash.,, to reside,
and' Is shipping out her household
goods ,over tho Oregon Electric.
Grant Oxley Is seriously 111 with
pneumonia at the Springfield hos
pital, f
Mrs. Ida Larlson, Splrella Corse
tierre. Phono 11GW, Springfield, adv.
Molvln Fenwlck, who Uvea on his
ranch near here, is reported as being
' i
, Early Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets,
Garden Seeds, Flower- Seeds, "Gro
more" Fertilizer'; Springfield Feed
Company. Adv.
Leonard Green of this city Is still
confined to his bed. He has been
seriously ill.
Mrs. William Donaldson of this city
returned homo Wednesday after hav-w
ing gono to JunctlofT City to attend
i surprise yarty on Mrs. M. R. Wag
W. N. Thompson of this city left to
day for Portland and points in East
ern' Oregon on a business trip con
nected -with his mining property. He
oxpects to be gono for some time. 1
The- Springfield? Flottr -Mill 'shipped
'out' two cars of flour this wpolc
Several nice linos jjf-wnito shoes,
rubber or leather 'solep .lower high
heels, at the
Main, botween Fourth and Firth
streets. Adv.
Miss Marlon Richmond, a teacher
in tho Springfield public schools, 'will
spend this week-end with hor parents
In Portland. ,
Geo. D. Vallier, who Wcmploycd' at
tho shipbuilding yards- In Marshfleld,
' Mits.Bektrfce
vlsltedflW Ml
two days this week.- Miw OIHewj to
Is a teacher in the public 0chete k4ra.
Robert, or as ho is more commonly
known 'among his friends, "Bob"
Athen, will appear with his own conv
pahy at the Bell Theatro for ttntm
nights, starting'1' Monday night, AtBtU
1st, Mr. Athen has the distinction 5f
Jiavlng' stageil-somo 'of tho blggext
ht-rivcd Sunday for tt brief visit with h,t8 New York ha ever ccn. in tkv
his family, who reside here. i amusement line, he having been' sUn
Mrs. O. H. Brown, of Eugene, nndjd,rcctor tor tbo Ke,tn and Proctar
little daughter, are visiting at tho i interests at uie rashionahie Fifth An-
home of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C, E. Brattaln. They are
planning to move to Portland as soon
as Mr .Brown finds a suitable location.
Owing to ill health Mr, Brown was
compelled to give up his position as
nne Theatro In, Nejv York for sorerat
yozTS. He was in the original pre-.
ductlcn of "The' Darling of the Gods,"
with, Blanche Hates, and has. appears
with such well known stage celebrS
ties 'as Wilton Lackye, Otis SHInnec,
mdtorman on the street car service'11 Wills, Nat Goodwin, Robert im-
between Eugene and Springfield.
Hard, etc. Mr. Athen has hit upofi
tho novel Idea of giving tabloid ver
sions of the world's best plays, an
'his Idea has netted him thousand
'of dollars, for he has the name of be
,lng one of the' wealthiest theatric
men on the Pacific CoaoL He kmb
for his motto with his cornpaay,
"Your Money's Worth or Yonr Money
Back," which seems to be about the
fairest p reposition one could ask tot.
See. this company at the Bell Theatre
Monday night, April 1st.
Stearri Shovel Located at Natr
The Southern - Pacific Compsae
steam shovel located at the gravtfl'lttt
at Natron today and will work teem
for some time.
Despondency Due to ConstlpKfitn
Women rlten becom? nervous artitiie
spciident . When this 's due lo catie 11
idiH. ..iie Jounson, leading I pall n it is easily corrected b- ttutmp
l3dy rith The Athon Company, Ian occasional dose of ChambeUM5B
Particular-people prefer purchasing l;o - i ometo the Bell Thea-1 Tablets. These tablets are onsyi-to
perfectly pure potent pills, powders, Us ;or ;.n extended engagement take and pleasant In efcect. xdv.
potions, plasters, patents, pens, paper, it; Monday night, April 1.
and pleasing perfumes at Pcery's'; JchnEon has the name of
bc.ur oneo" the best dressed
v omen on the stage, and re-
Palnstaklng Pill Parlor.
Mlsa Helen Colburn Is seriously 111
Parties owing ns can make their
payments at First National or Commas-
it tho, home of her parents in We3t .";ires f ve huge trunks for her c'al State Bank.
of Selected Leather
At The Price Of Substitutes
In the Saturday Evening Post this week is a full page telling the public about
Selz Shoes how they are made of all-leather selected leather without substitutes.
And this announcement is to tell you that our store is the headquarters for these
selected leather shoes.
The name "Selz" is never seen on leather imitations.
That i one reaoon why vre handle Selz Shoes, In time
tike theee, this feature is doubly important to you who
i buy shoe;
' Forealimple, the counters at tha heels are built of
leather inctead of fiber. Fiber save the money for the
aaanufacturera who ue it, but is harsh on the foot and
often cauaea bliitera.
The Selz Leather Counter molds itself to your heel.
It is anug and comfortable until the shoe ia worn out.
So it ia with eolee, inner soles, heels and other parts of
the thoe where Selz build of leather and leather alone.
When you can get shoe of uper-grade like these witW !.
out extra coat, why run the rule ot buying abees you coax
be certain of?
The foremost factor ia raakiag Safe Sbom ia aetecta
fine leather Jarat. There are scores of grade that seaaa
alike and to judge them accurately, take years ef trainiag
such as Sek specioliata are famous for.
Even the lininaa are tested for durability by Bractieel '""
experts. Such skill a thii give Sek Shoe reserve -J
sxrengm inai is ramoua.
The spring styles just in are wonderfully attractive.
We have lasts mat make tt easy to nt any tooc
Come in and see them new-while tha Use are
aad complete.
For Sale By
Main Between Fourth and Fifth
A Bilious Attack
Whon you havo a bilious attack
your llvor fallB. tq. pprfqrm its func
tions, You become constipated, Tho
food you out'fermonts in your stomach
uuu cuubuh nuuHuu, vomuiig anu a
lumuio jiouuuuiiu, iuko Liuamoor
lain'a Tablets, Thoy will tono up your
llvor, olonn our your stomach and
you will soon be as woll as over. They
only cost a quarter. adv.