THimSDAY. MARCH 1I. llHR. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE 5 SMUTLESS GRAIN and SCABLESS POTATOES Will Holp Solvo the Food Question The parasitic diseases of grains, potatoes, etc., arc duo to spores or gorniH planted with the Heed. An offlclont means of prevention in the treatment of all seeds with a Solution of Ono pound of formaldehyde of standard strength added to forty-Hvo gallons of wtitcr 1b BUfflciont to treat seventy to eighty busholB of wheat or corn, and fifty to Blxty huBhcls of onto or barley. PotatocB may also ho Inoxponslvly treated. Wo havo a guaranteed full strength formaldehyde For thoso who prefer It, wo can, supply I31uo Stono for grains and CorroBlvo Sub limate for potatocB. PHONE ' VVK NIIVCR SUUbtlTUTE $i9 Reward, $16 Tli rtniUr of Oil puptr will be plriMod to lrrn that thoro la at leait one drrudad dlnonio that clonc Ima. befit able to curn. In nil IIn taa, nnd (hat I Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure l th only potltive euro now known to the rntdlcnl fraternity, Cninrrh bulnff a conmltutlonal dlcne, rr'iulrcn a constitutional treat ment. Hall's C'jliirrli Cure In takon In lurnnlly, actlnsr directly upon tho blood and mucou (lUrfncon of thn ayatem. thnre by destroylnir tho found.illon or the dls-, onto, ami Blvlng thn patient ilranirth by building up thn conMlltitlon and nml-llnir nature In dolnir It work. Thn proprietor hava io much faith In Ita curatlvn pow r that they offer Ono lliirvlrwl Dollnra for any eno that It falln to cure. Bend for Hit of t'-ntlmonlnl. Aaatfi v. j. rur.miv a co, ToUdo, o. Hold by all DruKKliI. He TV IMII'a VunUr I'l'l' tor oonttlpatloa. : Town and Vicinity J. It. Snyder of Lcona, Oregon nr rlvt'il In this city Tuesday to visit with his Bister Mm. Ocorgo Catching. Ho loft yesterday for Coqulllo to vis It anqtber Blntcr, Mm. F. C. Poraloy, who liven there. ,. Alvln I'rlco of Murcoln wbh In town Monday on bualncas. Mr.' nnd Mm. Mux Croon of Donna woro in this city Monday. ' ' Reliable remedies right roaaonablo Iloxall. Mm. Cofor of Wondllng waa In town Monday on business. John Madron of Cottago drove was In Springfield Sunday. , i Host Shoo Repairing at WOLF & MILLER Win. Oarrot of Corvnllls waa In Sprlngflold for tho weok-ond. Byron Noot of this city Bpont last wook ond in Portland vIhUIiik friends. Mm. Uhl, Nullono Comotooro will mako her headquarters at Mrs. Thomp Bon'a M minor Storo' ovory Saturday, beginning March Oth. . W. C Myora of. Hayden Urldgo was 'in SprltiKflold Monday on buatncaa ' V. T. CornolluH of Goshen waa In town on business yesterday. For tho boat broad on earth, cat Egglmnnn's broad. ndv. Tho Springfield Feed company tin- Sidney Hubbard, of Denver, Coloru loaded a car of poultry aupplloa Mon-ido, was In Springfield a few daya ago day. i visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. E, J. W, Koyoa of tho Eugeno Power I SwnrtB' plant at Waltarvlllo was In town Mon- j day on btiBinoaa. , i FirsbCJ.isB ahoo roparlng tat tho W. A. HALL Shoo Storo. Mm. Francla Dowdy wbb takon to tho local hospital yoatoVday for treat mont for norvouancsa, doorgo Mussolman of Portland was roglatorod at tho Sprlngflold Hotel Friday. Uo Hiiro and try n' St. Patrick's ; Special nt Kotol'a Fountain. ndv. Mr. and Mm, John Lnmbcrty and daughter Charlotto, and Mr. and Mrs. ; Potor Lamborty, all of Albany, visited with their mother Mm. N. A. Itowo of thlM city, Sunday. Mm, Emma Hagcr and Mm, A. C. Chaso of Croswoll motored to Spring field this afternoon. Robert McKoy- of thin city has taken a position as oiovator boy in tno "Cbckerllne and Wetherb'ee building In ' Eugono. i Fit your own eyca with spectacles I at Pccry'a. .District Superintendent James Mooro will preach nt tho Methodist church hero both Sunday morning and oven Ing. Thoro will bo a special com munion service In tho morning. John L. llrynii, of Sprlngflold enter ed a plea of guilty of assault before Juatlco Wells of Eugene Monday, and Hen F, West of Salem wua in this was aaaeascd a flr.o of five dollars. city yeatorday. Ho is a cundldato for nomination of Stato treasurer. Unkory lunch Samds, Sandwlchea, Coffco or Ten, at Egglmnnn's. ndv. Mm, Jap Hilla returned to her homo at Oak Rldgo Monday after an extend ed visit with friends in this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Al Stlfler or Portland nro In this city visiting Mm. Stlfler's pnrcnts Mr. nnd Mrs, Cliff Lybargcr. Anybody having good Hoover Reci pes plcaso leavo with O. II. Kcssey at Commorcial State Rank. Dr. S. A, Dn n ford delivered an ad dress yeatorday at the County Sunday Bchool convention uLYnrncll. Mr. and Mm. Lyman Adams of Pen gra were In Sprlngflold Wednesday on business. They returned homo to day. - -- r Boo tho auto oyo tester nt Pccry's. Tho Pacific Auto company dcltverod to tho Sprlngflold Feed company, Tuesday morning a ifow one ton Max well nuto truck. D. W. Sturgos wont to Portlund Tuesday on business connected with tho draft board. Oris Wilkinson of CamaB, Washing ton was roglatorod at tho Sprlngflold Hotel Monday. " ( Soo uh for Flold drains, Clovor Sood Land Plaetor, otc, a rain Cleaning, Rolling and Grinding at our Warohouso Sprlngflold Foiid Co. S, D. HuBton, who Is a candidnto for tho nomination of United Statoo Bonator was in Sprlngflold yoatordny. Tho Sprlngflold Mill and Elovator company shlppod a car 1 oad of flour east Saturday. Uo sure and try a St. Patrick's Special nt Hotel's Fountain. adv. C. E. SwartB of this city was In Portland Monday nnd Tueaday on bua Incsa for tho Swnrts & Washburno rinn. Mr. nnd Mm. llnsll Slgnor moved to Eugeno tho first of tills week, bo that Mr. Slgnor could bo nearer his work In tho car shops thoro. Tho ladios of tho Christian church will give a St. Patrick's ton cent tea on Friday afternoon in tho church parlors. Every body is Invited. Thoso visiting tho Elite hotel this wook nro Ella ScholcB, Portland; W. L, ''Dunham, Albany; Silas Kcenoy. Jobb Wilton and Uryon Gnrrott of Portland,' 'j. Particular people prefer purchasing perfectly puro potont ptlla, powders, potions, plaators, patents, pons, pnpor, arid ploaslng porfumoa at Poory's Pnlnatuklng Pill Parlor. W. L. Goodoll and family moved Tuesday to tho Dr. Young rancl) two miles south of Sugono, on Eugono R. F. D. No, 3. They camo hord from Junction City tho first of tho year. Smith Mountjoy and Thomas A. 13111 inga of this city havo purchased now , Harloy-Davidaon motorcycles which inro electrically equipped i i For St, Patrick's Day, got your order In early for Ico Cream, Candles, and Pastry, Egglmann'a Candy Kitchen and Uakory. adv. Jahn Ynto of Tornsvllle, Ohio I spent yeatorday visiting with Mr. and Mm. Sam Richmond. This Is Mr. , Yatc's first visit to tho coast. He Is nn old friend of tho Rlchmonds. Mm. N. A. Ashworth has received word that her son, Sidney L. Ashworth has arrlvod safely "oversees." Ho Is with Co. C, 7th battalion, 20th engine era, A. E. F. Via Now York. Mrs. Ed Nlnnls and son from Trod well, Alaska arrived hero the first of tho weok and are living on a farm noar tho ML Vernon school house, cast of this city. 1 Miss Eva Hughes, n reporter for tho Albany Dally Democrat, arrived In ' this city Snturday tQ visit with her alstor Mrs. W. R. Dawson, who lives here. j Throo twelve foot marhlo slabs wore . rocclved by tho Eggimnnn Candy Kitchen and Bakery on Snturday to bo used In tho construction of tho now soda fountain. Dr. James Mooro of Eugcno In tho. I Methodist church In Sprlngflold next Sunday, morning nnd ovening. adv. Tho official board or tho Methodist 'church held a short business meeting !Tue8day ovening but dismissed early I In order to attend tho sorvices nt the Musical Cppcerto What Are They? The Greatest Musical Compositions Writ ion and Playod by the Mastoro Tho Pacific Conaorvatory of Music of Eugcno has tho undisputed record of producing pupils who arc proficient In concertos after two years of train ing. , - . Eminent instructors say they have never heard of ouch a thing. During tho existence of tho Pacific Conservatory of Eugcno tho past soven years it la the only school of music In Lano county that has turned out pupils that play concertos. Concertos aro for the masters in inuMc, other schools will tell you, and not for tho ordinary music stud ent. Tho Pacific Conservatory be lieves that Conscrtos are for every person who has talent for music and this 'school produces thorn after two years of training. Ono pupil of the Pacific Conserva tory Robert Hanoy who has only tak en two years playa four concertos in ono evening's, program and is now studying his firth. Robert Hnney will appear in a re cital at Eugeno April ISth to which tho public will be cordially invited. Tho proof of tho music is in the pro duction. Come ajid hear him. It costs no more to take, training nt tho Pactric Conservatory than at other schools, but pupils finish up in much less time. In choosing a school why not choose tho best, es pecially when It costs no more than the inferior kind. Pacific Conservatory of Music " 731 Willamette Street. Eugene, Oregon adv. Tuscania Victim Writes Mother Dr. Shannon L. Van Valzah Des cribes "Scenes of U-Boat Disaster I Baptist church. Only tho regular I monthly huslnesR wns transacted and tho monthly hills allowed. SELZ Ladies' Fine Shoes at reasonable prices at the home of good shoes. TheW. A. HALL Shoe Store Main Bttwn Fourth an J Fifth Also Firat-CI i Shoe Repairing Miss Eatella Martin of this city, who has boon employed in tho Ax Billy departmonttoro In Eugone, has accepted a position in, tho Golden Rulo storo there. She began nor now duties this morning. Wo, offer you tho largest stock of Poultry Supplies in Lano county. Let us help you to figure out a way to makb your flock moro profitable to iyou. Srrlngflold Food Co. ! Guests at tho Sprlngflold hotel this, j weok nro John Madron, Cottngo Grovo jO. W. HIckson; A. W. Smith; Wm u uarreii; una wiuunson, uimas, Wneh; T. E. Whlttnkor, Thurston; John Innls, Addlo Pnorstroot, Port land; Archlo Wlllard, Croswoll; Jack Harris; Ed Dlack; and Jack Roan. Robert Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Mimn who live north of this city passed through Eugono this morn- j ing on his way to a training camp in tho South. Ho enlisted recently In tho avlntion sqrvlco. ' Don't miss Dr. Jomos Mooro of Eugono at tho Mothodtst church In Sprlngflold next Sunday, morning and ovening, Thoso who heard him when horo last fall will romembor his great sermon on tho Uible, and will want to hoar him again on a "Patrlotlo" thomo. Spoclal music. adv. Mrs, Homor Davis of Eugono was In this city yeatorday visiting friends and relatives, Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah of this city this morning fccelved a letter from her son Dr. Shannon L.Van Valsalt first 'lieutenant, commanding a unit, who was on tho Tuscania when It was torpedoed off tho Irish coast a fow weeks ago. Tho following is the let ter in part: I was quite sick in tho boat. Had Grlppo and an awfully sore throat for 3 days before wo were struck. At the tlmo I was In my berth asleep. I was fully dressed and ready for any em orgency so when I heard the report and all the glass flying and felt the shudder of tho ship, I put on my life belt and made for tho boat station. Everything went smoothly for a while. Tho ship listed toward tho Bide, struck but that was all. Sho did not sink rapidly and Reader and 3 of our men and' myself stuck, to gether. Aftor about an hour and a half, ono of tho torpedo boats camo alongside and took off Eovoral hundred men. : Many had gono In life boats and woro Inter picked up by trawlers. ,Wo didn't got away on tho first T B, so waited about a half hour longer when a 2nd came along side and all the rest on board went on her. A I third stood oK nnd picked up lots of men on rafts and In boats. j Wo woro then takon Into the const towns and kept for tho remainder of I tho night. I couldn't sjeak abovo a 1 whlspor so layed low the next day and folt much hotter. 1 Thon wo started nnd novor stnyed ( moro than 3G hours In any ono plnco until wo got horo. This is a Rest Camp. I havo grown steadily bettor so that now I am O. K. I oat Hko a pig and feel fine. All of my men aro hero and O. K. They all went orf In completo uniform and wo saved all our records so wo havo not suffered at all oxcopt as to change of under wear and shirts which wo got from English 8tock. The only thing wrong la that wo had to leavo all our porsonal effects on board. I don't mind that tho as I got amy with my life and can always got moro. I loat about ?500 worth of stuff at tho very highest figure while many lost ?1000 or oven moro. What I got now will cost me not more than $200 and I'll havo plenty and will bo ablo io movo It well, Ab it 1b usod up I can get more., and never have so much that any oi It is in my way." 2ND QUARTERLY" MEETING At the Methodist Church Next Sun day In Springfield Dr. James Mooro of Eugeno, the District Superintendent of tho-M(.h OfJIat church will preach next Sumhr morning and evening In tho Mcthodlit church. It la the ocensaion of the Second Quarterly meeting and la a rare chanco to hear ono of the great est preaches In Oregon. adj. Red Cross Benefit, 8pclal A social will be given at. tho W. O. W. hall Wednesday evening March 20 under the Auspices of the Unte Art isans. Each lady please bring, a-lunch for two which will bo .auctioned. Hot coffeo will bo served. A gopd prqgram Including somo very excellent. read-, ings from Bible University students. Everybody Is Invited, come .and make, this a success, as the proceeds go to; the Red Cross. , ajy iaar DUNTLEY VACUUM SWEEPER ONLY $7.50 Ask ihesa Indiea nt Qnt-irruiw about their Machines: Mesdames Carl Fischer, H. M. Stewart, Ceo. Barnes, W. N. Long, D. .W Roof, .Dr. Mortencen. Dr. RiiimnH J. W Coffin, J. M. Withrow, and j t,-..uimm. . There aro about 400 delighted owners in Eugene. 4. Oi McCrady, Agent, Eugene Phono 884-J. coma. 1! A." Johnson Secretary. ROBERT BURNS Lodge, No. 78, A. M. F Ancient awl Accepted Scottish Rito Uai vuraal and Symbolic Froe Masons meets first and third Friday evening in W. o. W. hall. VlsiUng brothers we4 Chas. Klngswell It W. M. No. 8941 REPORT OF TrtE ddWpJflON OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK oS MSc"hS"?lM8. .iWetim, at the dose of bua.noM RESOURCES.- 1- a Loansand discount except thosejjhown in b and TnTlZLZr 2. Overdrafts, secured. 5. U. S. bonds (other than Liberty Bonds.of .1917) :' a U. S. bonds deposited to secure circtifatibn (par value) .'.....!:. l.'.?' '" . 6. Liberty loan bonds: i . T-. "-7, , a L'berteadngeon(l fiMSJtf P.nd .er cent 7. Bonds, securities, etc. (otneii'than--?: -"" b Bonds other than U 6,. .bonds pledged 'to secure, postal savings deposits . b Securities other than U. S. bonds (n6t Including stocks) owned unpledged : Total bonds, securities.: teto, , . 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent ofeub- serlntlnnl ' 10. a Value of banking house l. b Equity In banking house 1L Furniture and fixtures 73 111.C75.73 6,250.00 ' 5,500.00 4,500.00 36,890.87-y.1- $111,675.73 1,252:02 6,250.00 5,50(0 12. Real estate owned other than baniTnighouse . ij. iiwiui re8erve with Federal Heserve-Banic- 15. Caah in vault and net a.inounP due from- naUonal banks .i 18. Checks on other banks in the same 'cttFor'tbwn as reporting bank (other than ttenr 1TJS,- Total of Items. 14. .15. 16. 17.-and.-I8. 20. Redemption fund wlth'U. STreas aind dne from U. S. Treasurer - '8,082.61' 60,819.71 Total LIABF 'ITIeS-' 24. Capital stock paid In 25. Surplus fund ... b Less current expenses. Interest, and taxes paid 30. Circulating notes outstandng-';;:K. . Demand deposits (other than bank. deposits), subject to Reserve (deposits payable withln..30 dayB) : 34. Individual deposits subject to checik ,' ' ' ' 35. Certificates of deposlte due in less than 30-days (other than for money borrowed;). . 37. Cashiers checks outstanding 4,538.08 1,945.65 Total demand deposits (othor tha'n biink de posits) subject to Reserve, ems " -34, 35. 36, 37. 38.. 39, 40, anfl.-U-;- . Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice and postal savings) : .-(:-42. CartlflcateB of deport (other than, fer, money bor- 44. Postal savings deposits J.:.L:....' '.t. Total of time deposits .eubJectf.-UJ Reserve,; Items 42. 43. 44. and 45 , 53. a Cash Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks out standing 168,940.56 41.390.S7 850.00 8.082.61 2,300.0-2 10.250.99 IS.OST.H 46,001.41 4.81S.30 312.59 $253,782.11 $25,000.00 3,530.09 2,5.92.43 6,250.00 132,569.57 36,039.71 331.23 44,557.33 2,841.79 . 4! 399.12 100.00 100.00 Total ... $253,782.11 State of Oregon, County of Laue-ss. . I, D. S. Beals, Ca?hier of. the,, above-named bank, do sol emnly swear that , the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, ".." V D. S. BEALS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me CORRECT Attest: this 13th day ot March, 19lS. L. K. PAGE. FRANK A. DE PUE, J. F. SMITH, Notary .Public ... , , CHAS. L. SCOTT, My commission expires Jan. 13,' 1920. Directors. Spring Fiarmtiire Arriving We Are Daily Receiving Shipments of Sprin g Furniture And you will find bur store full of ibeautiful Bed-Room and Dining Room Suits, Floor Coverings, in all the standard sizes, Draperies, Ranges, etc. . Don't wait until you begin your spring house cleaning to mako your selection BUT DO IT NOW while you have so many patterns to choose from,. We can lay them aside and deliver' when wanted.- '' ' ' ' l ,; ' Come in and let .us; figure vitji you, wihether your wants aro large or small for' wo can save you money .011 anything in the housefurilishifig line. " .. . USE OUR.,'EXCHANqg'!DEPARTMENT" If you have furniture that doea'iiot'Kult or you want something botr ter we will take it and allow you a HhpraA price for It in exchange for new. I BAUER &! CONLEY Cor. 9th and Oak Eugene, Oregon