fAQE-l TUB SPRINGPIKLD NEWS MONDAVTANyAY 2j, 1018. "ACTIVITIES OF OTHER COMMUNITIES TOLD I BY CORRESPONDENTS U THURSTON Jan. 19. Uom at Thurston Friday January ll,xto. Mr.and Mrs.. Dolborl ljardon, of Portland, a daughter, weigh Ing seven pounds. .Mrs. Harden was formorly Miss Km Hlggons, of Thurt . ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shear, of Cot lago OroTO visited Mr and Mrs. Wayn j Yarnoll Thursday Dr. W. C. Rebkan. ot Sprlngtiold tnado a profcsJon&l -call atf Ihla placo yeslorday. Lawrence George, who has been vis King his daughter at The Dalles for eomo time, has returned homo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor aro risking relatives at Haiti Hock. Hobs Matthews took a load of hogs to Eugene for Walter Edtulston. Thurs Jay. Mrs. Kvn inoisoii, or t'cndloton, loft for her homo, Thursday after a pleas ant, visit wth hor cousin, Mrs. Harry nuRsoll, of this placo, and other ro. Jat,iros at WaJtervlUq. Mrs. Be.sslo Totter will leavo to day for Port StoYons, whore aho will rlsit hor husband, WeBley I'ottor. Complimentary to Miss Mary Her bert principal of tho Thurston High ichool, Mrs, Joo Dortsch entertained a party or young people Friday evening. Mrs George Piatt is staying In Eugono to have sonio dental work dono. Musical Comedy Here Wednesday Tiny Mitzi Hnjos Is Star In Now Comic Opera at Eugono Thoatre Save Your Eyes Moody's Tone Lanstt art best IS SEEING AN EFFORT TO YOU? If The mail with perfect vision does not think about his eves. Whon one fs conscious of making an effort to see It means that .the vision is not what is should be. fl The right way is our way and with our perfect equip ment and 2S years of experience, we are in position to give you valuable Information and glasses, if you need them, will be warranted to your use and satis faction or you can get your money back. SHERMAN W. MOODY Broken Lenses EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Factory Quickly AND OPTICIAN uo Replaced 881 Willamette Street Premises TELEPHONE 362 To Theatre Lovers The management of the Eugene Theatre takes much pleasure in announcing, that Henry W. Savage, the noted producer of comic operas, will send, his most famous offer ing to the Eugene Theatre Wednesday Eve. Jan. 23 Then wlU come THE SAUCY M8TZI America's only Prima Donna Comedienne, in the Comic Oprea CCl POM-POM" that New York demanded 200 nights, and with Mitzi will come the entire New York cast of Singers, Comedians, Ballet. The Chorus of Girlish Glory The Complete Scenery by Joseph Urban, and even tho "Pom-Pom" Opera Orchestra. PRICES, AS IN ALL CITIES, $2.00 TO 50c. Note! Mail orders received now and filled In order o.f receipt Regular seat sale, Monday, January 21st," "ANOTHER MERRY WIDOW" Said the New York Press. SPEED UP! Conserve Time, Energy and Horse Feed We have the agency for both the Smith-Form-A-Truck and the Smith-Form-A-Trac-tor. In the interest of efficiency of production and transporta tion we invite your inspection of these two attachments es pecially adapted to Ford cars. J. C. Neil W. W. Ebbett jj 7T" r Springfield Garage PHONE 11 C. E. Stephens D. W. St urges The bbat evidence that tho public is fascinated br tlio twinkling too, In tho fact that ovory comic opora Unit' has registered a deefdod hit alnco tho days of "Tho Morry Widow" with Its sensuous waits theme, has had a dance ot some kind that stood out in tho memory and spread over tho land. Tho coining ot tho Russians .fanned tho flamo but It has taken a French cotnpoBor, Hugo Poltx, to mako pos sible tho "Apacho Danco" of tho French Slums. Thla ho has dono In Ills now comic opera, "Pom-Pom". Ho wroto it for Mltil, tho Henry W. Snv ago company's baby star, and it is sho ns "Pom-Pom" tho nlcknockot. who with a girl partnor honvlor than j herself, Is giving the clearest repro-: ductlon of tho dance of tho hnbltuos ! of tho Paris undorworld yet seen on j our Btngo. j Tho strength of a- man ot unutuial type and training is required to pick a partner off tho floor whirl her In , the air, up and around him malty times ns Is dono in this dance tkat , has brought Into popularity bo many . modifications of it for public uso. Yet tho tiny Mitzi, only five feet and one ' inch tali and weighing but ono hun- dred and ten pounds doos this in tho I new comic opora, "Pom-Pom" at tho j Eugene theatre Wednsday evening, I" Robert Burns Lodge Banquets Thirty-eight mcmbors nnd wives of Robert Uuras lodge Indulged in. n ban-j quet at tho V. O. V. hall Friday even ing The banquet was prepared by It. Wilson Ewer of the Homo restaurant. Sell Farm Near Hayden Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner have sold their farm near Hayden Drldge to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Groy, who re- cenetly camo here from Nam pa, Idaho j Mr and Mrs. Wagner will make their home In Springfield for the present Old Skating Rink Raised Mayor G. E. Morrison has complet ed tearing down tho old skating rnk at the entranco of town near the bridge over the Willamette river, Tho building collapsed during the heavy snows a few winters ago and has been in a dilapidated condition since. Go to Portland Mr. .and Mrs. Leslie C. Mack, left yesterday for Portland where Mr. ' Mack will work in the ship yards. For ' a number of years Mr. Mack has been ' employed as a line man for the Ore gon Power company. I Stomach Troubles . If you have trouble with your stomach you should try Chamberlain's Tablets. So many have been restored to health by the use of these tablets and their cost Is go little, 2E cents that It is worth while, to give thsm a trial. SEE US ABOUT Selling your cream. It will pay yon. Ask us about feed. EUGENE FARMERS CREAMERY. ED. DOMPIER SAYS Be Patriotic Your country needs metal of every description and you that have old copper, brass, aluminum, nickle, steel, iron, or any kind of metal are not doing your duty if you fail to put it on the market. Ed. Dompier buys all kinds of and offers to pay real cash for it. READ. THEN ACT ED. DOMPIER TELEPHONE 30 ) SPRINGFIELD, OREGON I Chemical Works, dealer In 'Junk, Hides, Pelts, general i Blacksmith. Horseshoeing a specialty. OH BOY! OH BOY! Make Room for the W. A. HALL SHOE, STORE This is not going to be a little 2x4 shoe store an more. We are going to he a slam, bang, up-to-date, down-to-the-minute, nothing too good for Springfield store, and there is going to be SOMETHING doing. But what is this mysterious SOMETHING? Patience please, just wait a little bit longer. Give your imagination free rein; go as far as you 1 like in trying to dope what we are going to dish up for you, and then take our word for it we are going a whole lot farther than that. It?s not a new Sale's Plan. We've had our sale and did fine. It's not a cut price on a few numbers nor anything of that kind. It's a Revolution Ana tne way it s going to call the clinking coin into my store Will Be a Revelation And it's going to start off with a rush, and it's going to . last! LAST! LAST! One peep into the plan and you are going to hop into your old "Tin Lizzie" or your little old "Henry Ford" and beat it for W. A. HALL'S SHOE STORE Main Between Fourth and Fifth Oh Boy! Oh Boy! We Can Hardly Wait to Tell You COME IN AND SEE Made in Springfield A DIRECTORY OF MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN WHO WANT YOUR BUSINESS AND WILL GIVE YOU GOOD VALUES eggimann s E L E C T R I C I T Y : FOR FINE PfnVs and Candies For Ught; heat and V0VfiT' rastries ana anaies (Made ,Jn s EGGIMANN'S CANDY KITCHEN AND ... ? phqneIi , Oregon Pdwer Cb. ; YOU GET ALL THE NEWS THAT'S y "MADE IN, SPRINCFIFLD" JOB PRINTING, I EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY . r ' ) n the Made in Springfield e SPRINGFIELD NEWS At the 'Ne:s ' Office? ' Subscription $10 per year Phn 2 ,, ' " . .. .. ' 1 ' ' -, ... fl Ai