The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 24, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    iPAGE 4
M6r"V7. DEO. 24, 1017.
IncbhieTax Man
Will Visit Lane
Heavy Fino or Jail Sentence Is
Punishment for Attempt to
Evade Law.
In a communication received by
this paper, Collector of Internal
Revenue Milton A. Miller, announces
that a federal Income tax officer will
be sent Into this county on January
2, 1918, and will be hero until Janu
ary 25, 1918. Ho will have his office
in the court house at the county Beat
and will bo there evory day ready and
willing to help persons subject to the
income tax make out their returns
without any coat to them for his ser
vices. How many incomc'tax payers will
there be in this count'. It you can
guess how many married persons ltv-i
O. & C. Land
Grant Is Not Open
Anyone Cutting or Removing
Timber from Tract Is Con
sidered a Trespasser.
Undor the acta of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, and March 3, 1891, real
denta of the atato of Oregon are per
mitted to take timber frco of chargo
from tho vacant, unreserved, non-
mineral public lands of the stato, not
within national forests, for their own
uses for building, agricultural, mining
or other domestic purposes, but not
for barter or salo, undor rules and
regulations prescribed by Uio Secre
tary of Interior. Copies of thoso
rules and regulations may bo secured
by application to tho Chief of Field
Division, General Land Oftlco, 310
Custom House, Portland, Oregon.
i will. .If- 1. . I. 1 111 1 I
.uB e ur uuauu.m ... .. u hng bcen ho,d( nowover Umt 0
net incomes of $2,000 or over and ,ands embraced wlUlln tho 0regon &
how many unmarried persons will ; CaHtornia Rallwny grantt tlUa to
nave net incomes or i,ouo or overwhlch has becn revertet, t0 the 0ov.
this year, then you know. The col- ernmentt are not vacantt unre80rved, ,
lector of Internal revenue estimates !nonmineral publlc lands wltlim tho
that there will bo 1120 taxpayers in meanlnB of tho aoovo Act8 of Con. .
this county. jgress, and that there is no authority '
Returns or income for the year 1917 for the granting ot permission to cut
must be made on forms provided tor 1 or remove from these lands. There
the purpose before March 1, 1918. ! fore, any person cutting or removing ;
Will Talk on Seed Certification
K. E. Morrison, Springfield potato
dealer, has boon notified that ho has
boon plncod on tho program for tho
Fnrmora and Homo Mfkors Woolc
which Vlll bo hold at Corvallls un
dor tho auspices ot tho Oregon Agri
cultural coltogo January 3. Mr. Mor
rison will .talk on "Seed Certification.
Flteher-Boutln Witt Close One Day
Employos oC tho Flscher-IIouttn
Lumbor mill ot this city will only tako
Christmas day off for tho Chriatnuu
holiday. It Is planned to do tho saT.o
In tho company's logging camps.
Springfield Lady Married
Mrs. Emma Bowman, of Sprlngtlold,
and John W. Gates, of Eugono, wore
married at tho court house In Eugono
Because a good-many people don't un
derstand the new law won't know how
to make out their returns, the govern
ment is sending in this, expert to do
It for them. But the duty is on the
tax-payer to make himself known to
the government It he doesn't make
return as required before March 1, he
may have to pay Si penalty ranging
from $20, to $1,000, pay a fine or go
to jail. So if you don't want to take
chances on going to jail, you better
call on the income tax man. If you
are not sure about being subject to
the tax, better ask him and make
sure. Whether you see the income
tax man or not. you must make re
turn if subject to tax.
Of course, persons resident in other
counties may, if they want to, come
and see the income tax man, who will
be at the county. seat on the date
above mentioned.
The collector suggests that every
body start figuring up now his income j
timber from satd Oregon & California ;
TI o llti-n ! ftmnf lnnfla mnaf Yin nnn. '
sidered a trespasser, and BUbJect to
prosecution under tho laws ot tho
United States.
(Continued from page one)
V. J. Schooling, Peter Thomseth,
William Tanner, Henry Vollstedt, M.
G. Vlles, P. A. Wooley, J. B. Weldon,
F. H. Walker, W. E. Warner, W. N.
Williams, R. D. Wilson, Nels. Whit
taker, Mrs. Vera Wilkinson, S. Wil
wins. L. W. Montgomery, J. F. Old
ham, L. R. Perkins, Herman Peach,
Chas Stltes, L. Standacher.
Edna Swarts, Solicitor
Mrs. Robert Drury, Mrs. L. M. Cag-
and expenses to be ready with the ley' Mrs- Frank Do Pue, Mrs. Adeline
figures when the expert arrives. Ex-1 Copenhaver, Mrs. Eliza Hall, Mrs. E.
penses, however, don't mean family E- Morrison, C. E. SwarU, Miss Lacy
expenses, money used to pay off the Copenhaver, Mrs. F. A. Wesolowska,
principal of a-debt, new machinery, I Mrs- Arne eIson. Mrs. Frank Powers
buildings, or anything like that They
mean what you spend in making your
money interest, taxes paid, hired
help, amount paid for goods sold,
seed, stock bought for feeding, rent
(except for your dwelling), etc In
come includes about every dollar you
Hardware Store Will Be Known As
Holbrook Trading Company
A deal has been completed whereby
Mrs. J. C. Holbrook, of Springfield,
and C. E. Sox, of Albany, have be
come stock-holders in the firm for
merly known as Holbrook's Hard
ware store but which will be known
from now on under the name of the
Holbrook Trading company.
The change was made in 'order that
other lines of business which Mr. Hol
brook is engaged In outside of tho
hardware business may be satisfac
torily handled in connection with the
( r-r r
"News Received from Young Boys
Friends of Sam and Will Young,
formerly Springfield boys have re
ceived word from the boys. Both
have seen active seryice at the front.
Will is at present in a hospital in
Ottawa, Canada, suffering from gas
poisoning which he received while at
the front in France and Sam is a
first lieutenant in the Royal Flying
corps and expects to be sent from
England to France Boon. They are
the sonB of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young,
now of Portland.
'" Do Not Have Usual Program
Instead of having the usual Christ
inas program with all of the classes
taking part in it at the Lincoln school
building each class celebrated accord
ing to its own ideas Jn some rooms
they had short programs and in others
grabi boxes. ,
How to Prevent Croup.
In a child thaUijjSubJect to attacks
of croupT tmfalrst. Indication of the di
sease is hoarseness. Give Chamber
la, In's Cough Remedy as soon ns tho
child becomes hoarse and the attack
may be warded off and all danger and
anxiety avoided.
Mrs. T. H. McCumsey, Mrs. Gustena, A
Pollard W. L. Dunlap, John Wlnzen
ried, Miss Ethelyn Powers, Norwood
Cox, J. J. Smlt8on, A. E. Senseney,
Mrs. N, A. Baker, N A. Baker, Mrs.
A. C. Travis, Mrs. Ethel Bally, Mrs.
Bruce Lansbery, A. C. Travis, Mrs.
W. F. Bartlett, Mrs. Claud Knott, W.
B. McKinney.
Mrs. Robert L. Kirk, Solicitor
Mrs. Alice L. Thompson, Mrs. Etta
L. Robley, Mrs. Cora Herrlck, John
McKay, William Donaldson, Mrs.
Maud E. Luckey, Mrs. Laura Brattain
Mrs. Clara Walker, Mrs. E. May Daw
son, Mrs. Clara Snodgrass, Riley Snod
grass, Guy Halsey Paul Robley Mrs.
Mary Beals, William Dawson, Mrs.
Ida Richardson, Mrs. Ina A. Scrivner,
L. E. Scrivner, Mrs. Beulah Bucknum
Mrs. Mabel Lofer, Mrs. Elizabeth
Montgomery, Mrs. Catharine Basford,
Mrs. Burga McBee.
Mrs. Albln F. Weaton, Solicitor
Hazel E. Scott, Mrs. Maude Beebe,
C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Geo. Ditto, Mrs.
I. A. Valentine, Mrs. Tom Allen, Mrs.
Emma Gorden, Smith Montjoy, Mrs.
Alice Brattain, Edward Brattain.
Mr. Edythe V. Larimer, Solicitor
Isaac D. Larimer, Mrs. Adda Peery,
(renewal- Mrs. Edesse Cox, (renewal)
Miss Joan Cox, Mrs. J. J. Bryan, F.
F. Barnard, Mrs. Lydla Moore.
Mrs. H. Hill, Solicitor
Mrs. Ida Collins, Mrs. Lucy Strubln,
Mrs. C. J. Murry, Mrs. A. Korn, Mrs.
R. N. Griffin, Chas. Miller, Mrs. Cecil
Calkins, Mrs. Tllton, Mrs. J, Bently,
Mrs. Oma Horning.
Notice. Is hereby given that the of
fice of the city recorder will only bo
open from 1 p. m. to 5 p. ra. after this
I will receive bids up to ten o'clock
a. m. on December 29th, 1917, for the
sale of 100 Bhares of the capital stock
of tho. FISCHER-BOUTIN Lumber
Co.; terms of Bale, ten per cent ot the
bid must accompany tho bid to insuro
good faith on the part of the bidder,
tho balance cash in hand upon appro
val ot the sale by the County Court
tor Lano County, Oregon.
Address all bids to S. P. Ness, Eu
gene, Oregon.
Administratrix ot the Estate of
Milton O. Bally, Deceased. Dec.20,27.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
This is not only ono ot tho best and
most efficient medlclnos for coughs,
colds and croup, but Is also pleasant
and safe to take, which Is Importunt
when medlclno must bo given to chil
dren. Many mothers have given It
their unqualified endorsement.
Housewives Attentlonl
Tho noxt tlmo you mako ti pumpkin
plno, don't mako a crust to hold It,
Instead, groaso your plo tin wull,
then lino It with n layor of corn-moal
about a sixteenth at an Inch thick,
pour In your pumpkin filling and
bako. You will find this conservation
crust a saving of tlmo as woll as a
saving ot wheat, also tempting to tho
tnsto, as well as patriotic.
Change to 8a Made In Rural Carriers
Postmaster Harry M. Stewart has
boon notified that Henry J. llano
kamp, of Eugono, will bo transferred
from tho Eugono rural routo No. 3 to
Sprlngflold route No. 2. W. V. Hutch-
Inson is now carrying tho mull on
routo No. 3. Tho change Is to be
come offoctlro January 1.
Mother Dies In Kama
Mrs. L. M. Cagley. of this city, re
ceived word last wook of tho death
ot her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Snldor,
at her homo at Mankato, Kansas, De
cember 17th. Mrs. Cagley spent tho
summer In Knnmis with her mother
and other rdlatlvos last summer.
8tomoh Trouble and Constipation
Thoso who nro afflicted with Htotn
nch troublo and coimilpntlon should
road tho following: "1 liavo novor
found anything so good for stomach
troublo and constipation ns Chamber,
lalu'n Tablets. 1 have umchI them oft
and on now for tho pant two yenrs.
Thay not only rogulato tho notion ot
tho bowols but stlmulato tho llvor and
koop ono's body lu n healthy condi
tion," wrlton Mrs. Benjamin Hooper,
uburn, N. Y.
I'. A. Johnson
78, A. M, F., Ancient and
Accoptod Scottish Ulto Unl
vorsal and Symbolic Fro
Masons moots first and third
Friday evening In W. O. W
hall. Visiting brothers wol
Chas. Klngswoll
II. W. M
Dr. N. W. Emery
Offlco Phono 03 1 Roildonco 07-J
West Main St.
Soiling your cronni. It will pay
you. AbIc uh about food.
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 11S-J
Over Commercial Bank.
Springfield. Oregon.
II .
The Springfield News
J Offers Unusual Opportunity To Its Readers
MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many
who are interested directly or indirectly in rruit growing,
dairying and other branches of farming. All of these nat
urally wish to keep in close touch with agricultural activi
ties throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is
being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against
all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agri
cultural interests of this state.
We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with
THE OREGON FARMER whereby any farmer or fruit
grower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not
now a subscriber of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en
titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination
with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone.
This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub
criptions as well as to all new subscribers, If you are interested
directly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this
unusual opporturity but send your order in now.
THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is
devoting itself exclusively to the' farming activities and interests
of Oregon. It has a big organization gathering the news of
importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and
poultrymen; and it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods
and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders
and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will
congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and
attractive clubbing offer. ft v
The Springfield News , one year
Oregon Farmer, one year
By our special clubbing plan, both for l.So
2.50 . I
if I A . . I I