The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 24, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    M6N1UV, ma, 24, 1017.
aiift test ftrisljes for a
(jHerrg (EIrtettttas
! Town and Vicinity
Slio'llttlo ion of Mr. 'and' Mrs. John
s-ls very V with tonsllltlu.
.Orson VaUKhn Is spending a fow
days In Portland.
Q Alberta I'arvln wont to Dexter Sat
urday to spend Christmas at homo.
Allnjs Morle Nlmmo ! spondtng tho
holidays with rolatlvci nt Albany. '
(Ilor't Cox. of Wcndllng, Id spaedlng
Christmas In Springfield,
,1,11a Mlllor Mpont
frlomis at Donna.
tho wcok-oad with
Curia Iloonon, of Vcnota, apont Sat
unlay In Springfield.
Buy your Christmas candles at tho
l'alnco of Sweets.
Ilobort McCulloch. HUlo son of Mr.
and Mrs. V. L. McCulloch, Is suffer
ing from an attack of tonBllltla
Krnnk Vaughn, -of Codar Flata,
apont Saturday la Sprlngfiold on ubbI
bomb. Merritt Tule Jinn boon III for tho
post fow days with a Bovoro attack of
la grippe.
Mrs. J. J. ltryan, who has Sieon -III
Jorjho past two wcokB, Is very much
EVerett Wilkinson loft Thursday
for Camas, 'Washington, whore ho wffl
work In tho paper mtllB.
A linv lanit hnrn tn Mr. and Mrs. I
Milton Cyr at tholr homo -on Sprits-'
field HoWrths Friday nlgJit. I
Kato Imnsborry is hero from Man
mouth, whoro sho Is attending iNoraat
achoolrfor tho Christmas .holidays.
Mrs'. K. A. Kowo 1b sponding Christ
mas with her eon, John Lamberty and
family t Albany.
Gordon Whlto, of Cottngo Grovo, la
vlfiltlng with his father, W. J. Whlto,
of tho Springfield Theatre.
William Hodonboussh, of TJyrtlo
CrooK, Ib visiting with -friends in
Springfield for a fow dnys.
Mr, and Mrs. J. A.
vatlls, aro Bpondln'g
Seavoy or Cor
Christmas In
Wo will Boll you llnoloum till Christ
mas ove, or whlo it luKts, for boforo tho
war prlcoB. Holbrook.
Goorgo Carson, of Ltnslaw, U hero
4o spend tho Christmas holidays with
, " ills parents.
V Woiloy Courtrlght, who wob oporat
$ od on at tho Eugono hospital Satur
day morning is doing nlcoly.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCrnckon, of
Wondllng aro spondlhg Christmas with
i rolatlvoa in Sprlngriold,
Mra. John Wlionrlod loft yostorday
to visit hor daughtor,"Mrs. Joo Lomona
at Portland.
Frank Wlnzourlod, of Portland, la
TiaitfiiB with his brqthor, John WIron
rlod, jof Sprlngfiold. . . v '
MIbsob Ella, Nina and Thora Dooson
aro' sponding tho wook at tholr homo
at yonota.
Frosh Joreoy milk at the Spring-
fipid Creamory. 0 cents por quart, 6
cents por pint .
I .
Mr. 'and Mrs. D, B. Ferguson, pt
Jaspor1, camo down from this morning
to spend Christmas with Mrs. Fegu-
unri'H intrants. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leo.
Tinvnrnrwl .T. W. PmalrliUi 'filfiliehtJr.
..j-.y "(---tt-. i " '
ThcdaJ and granddaughter, Carmen,
arrived Saturday from Salem to spend ,
ChrlstBas with friends and relatives
In PpriBirfleW;-' ' ' "
Wo .thank nil our friends for tholr
pntrongo durlnc Uio yenr 1017 and
wish ovcryono a motry Christmas and
happy and prosporous Now Yoar.
Holbrook Trading company.
.James. Higgcnbathon, ..of Marcola,
had his adenoids and tonsils romoved
at tho offlco of a Springfield physi
cian Thursday.
Claude NyBtrom, of Wcndllng, Is
spending tho holidays at his homo In
Springflold. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Ott Hlco aro spend'
Ing thor Christmas holidays with Mrs.
Itlco's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Lawrence Holcomb, of Notl, Is
spending tho Christmas holidays with
hla mother, Mm. Allco Holcomb, of
P. W. Taylor, of Eugono, has been
assisting as stenographer In tho Ore
gon I'owor company's offlco la this
city for tho past fow days.
Mrs. Goorgo Larlson, Avis Thomp
son, and II, II. Parker aro auditing at
tho Cbx ft Cox doparUntmt store (lur
ing lira holiday runa.
Cash only at Wolf Miller's. TTvo
Pr tont discount
Prod ThomaB, of Wcndllng, , has
geno, to Sweetwater, Idaho, to Tpend
tho ChrtBtmns holidays with his
paronU, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. ThomaB.
Mrs. Francis StownTt and ;two chil
dren and MIbb Etta Valllor arrived
Thursday nlghl from Richmond Cali
fornia to visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gray, who aro
spending tho wlntor In -Springfield
I spent tho week-end with Mrs. Gray's
I nloco, Mrs. IX 12. Ferguson, of Jaspor.
W. L. McCulloch, who la installing
a boiler for tho progon Power com
pany nt Its plant at DallnB, Is homo
to apond Chrlstmao with his fnmlly.
Pnulo MaTtlnt for a number of
years with thu section gnng In Spring
flold, oxpectB to leavu at onco for
Onkltnd, Cnllrarnla to mnko Vis homo.
Vera Porlclim who la teaching In
tho Floroncu hcIiooIb this wlntor, Is
upondlng the holidays with hor par
onts, Mr, and 'Mrs. E, G, Perkins.
A select line of Christmas
candy at tho'Palaco of Swoeta.
Mlns Myrtle Copenhnvor, a teacher,
In the Warronton, Bchools, is spend
ing Christmas with her mothor, Mrs.
Adolalno Copenhnvor, and 'family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllmot Foster, of
Portland, are -visiting with Mrs. Fos
ter's pnrontB, Mr. an3 Mrs. F. A! o
Puo, of Springfield.
Clinton Conloy, la hero from Drom-
ortcn, whoro ho Is oraployod in tho ,
government labrntorles, to spond tho
holldayo ' with friends and relatives.
Inza Crabtrco, a Sprlngfiold high
Bchool student, wont to her homo' at
Camp Creek yeatorday to spend tho
ChrlBtmas holldaya.
Mildred Thompson, ot Portland, is
Melting with Constance Itobhan,
daughter of Dr. and Mra. W. 0. Itob
han, for ten days.
13, B. Morrison and family and E.
G, Sutton and family loft yeatorday
morning for Fortland to spond Christ-'
May and Fay Smith, of Jaspor,
woro business visitors In Sprlngfiold
Mr, and'Mrarodls' C. RaybVn' will
Moave WednoBda'y for. tholr homo at
Mt, Vernon, Washington. Mrs, Ray
burn waa Mlsa Helen .Kopnor before
hor marrjago a fow" weeks ago. She
is a former Sprlngfiold high school
Mrs. Luolnda Richardson, who Is
teaching In tho Goshen schools this
winter will loavo tomorrow for Port
land to attend tha mooting of tho
State Teachers' association.
Mr, and Mrs, II, K. Michael, of
Thurston, wont to Goshen Saturday
to apond Christmas with Mrs.
Michael's .paronte, Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Cornotlus.
Horbort Moorp arrived Friday night
from Salem, where ho Is attending
Willamette university, to spend tho
holidays with his parents, flovorcnd
and Mrs, J. T. Moore.
Vera Nolson will leave tomorrow to
spend tho remainder of tho week with
nor parents, at Urownsvlllo. Gertrudo
Williams will fill hor placo at Kctels
Drug storo.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wcsolowska left
today to Bpcnd Christmas in Portland
Mr. Wesolowska will return tomor
row morning but his wifo will remain
for about a wook.
Harold Poory, a University of Oro-
gon Medical student at Portland ar
rived Saturday evening to spend
Christmas with his parents, Mr. 'and
Mrs. M. M. Pcery.
Miss Genovlovo Gillespie, second
grado teacher In tho Springfield
Hchools, la suffering from a sore
throat at her homo on Second and D
A $5 oil painting with every cash
purchase of C0 till Docembor 31-17 fX
tho Holbrook store.
Vornon Harper, of Douglas Gor
dons, returned Friday from Portland
whoro ho has boon visiting wth
friends and relatives for tho past two
Lucllq Coponbavcr arrived Satur
day afternoon to spend Christmas with
bur mothor, Mre. Adeline Copcnhaver
and family. Miss' Copcnhaver Ib a
toachor In the Suthcrlln public schools
Joaoph Clark, who Is attending high
! school In Sprlngfiold this wlntor, left
Saturday for Independence to spend
Christmas with 1ib parcnU, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Lh Clark. .
T. W. Carney and wlto, of Thurs
ton, left Friday for Los Angolea to- bo
gono until tho middle of January, i
Thoy expect to bring Mr. Carney's
mother back with thorn.
Registered nt tho Springfield hotel
last wook woro: Dalo Owens, Mabel;
J. E. .Roberta, Oakridge; E. P. Thur
man. Camp Creek; Mra. Tom Chlnne
borgor and Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Wilson.
Mr. und Mrs. N. A, Baker and Bmall
laughter aro spending Christmas at
th thonio of Mif. Baker's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Baker, at Pleasant
Wo have fresh Jersey milk for said
at S cents a quart or 5 cents a pint.
Springfield Creamery.
Uorttlo Brace, a teacher In tho
Ociaaon Hchodls, and Lcota tMcCrnck
on, a teacher at Voneta, aro spending
the ChrlBtmaB holidays at tholr
homoB in Springfield.
Misses Aiuio Young, Anna Thomp
son, and Marian Richmond, teachers
In tho Springfield schoolB loft Friday
night for Peruana tq spend Christ
mas at their homes.
Mrs. Ed,esEO Ccx and HUlo daughter'
Joan, have xno to American Lako to
tpond ChrlBtmas with Mr. Cox, who
Is stationed thoro. Sho was accom
panied by Mr. Cox' parentB, Mr." and
Mra, IS. n. "Cox, of California.
Mrs. Butler ,tho lady who has boon
delivering "butter milk to Uio people
of Springfield for goveral years haa
had to discontinue doWorlng milk for
tho pixwout aa tho horse, which sho
csod lu delivering died a woefc ago,
Vour children nood tho oxorclso and
ploasuro thoy will got out ot a veloci
pede or wagon. Holbrook has thorn.
O. G. Wood returned to her
homo at
Timber, Oregon, Thursday
morning after a visit hero with, her
mothor, Mrs. G. H. Moats, who' Is ill
at the homo of her daughtor, Mrs. R.
E. Davidson.
Oliver W, Johnson, who drives ono
of tho big lumber trucks botweon this
city and Eugono for tho Dootli-Kelly
Lumber company,' .will spend the
Christmas holidays with friends In
Mrs. Earl H. 'Zoller arrived Satur
day ovenln'g from VancoUvor 'to spend
Christmas with hor parents, Mr, and
Mrs, A. L. Ingalls, of Glenwood. Mrs.
Zeller, who was formerly Miss Der
nice Ingnlla. la nt Vancouvor with, her
husband who IB In the opruco rcgi
m&kl MitIonod thoro.
F, i), Sanders, of Jasper, collected
$2,C0 bounty on a big timber wolf
Wednesday,. It was, killed near his
Defense Society
Issue Petition
Congress 4s Asked to Enact
Law Imposing Punishment .
On Pro-Germans.
Tho American Dcfenso society of
Oregon has Issued a petition asking
that tho Congress of tho United
States enact a law imposing punish
ment on any ono connected with Pro
German activities. These .petitions
are at tho two banks, tho city hall and
tho mayor's offlco and ovcry citizen Is
urgod to sign them.
Following Is tho petition:
"Whereas tho security of tho
United States and tho success of our
arms are ondangered by tho activities
of disloyal persons and organizations (
within tho borders of our country,
we, the citizens of the United State
whose names are hereto subscribed,
do hereby petition the Congress ot the
United States to enact forthwith a
law imposing punishment upon all
personB or organizations responsible
for Pro-German activities, or for the
publication or public utterance of
statements tending .
"To Impede or interfere with the
operations or success of tho United
States In war, or In recruiting or en-1
llstmcnt, or '
"To hold the Government ot the
United States or any of our allies up
to ridicule or obloquy, or
"To cause disloyalty or refusal of
duty on tho part ot any person in con- j
nectlon with the war." ' '
Pupils at Glenwood School Celebrate
Friday Evening
evening tho pupils of
Glenwood 'school gave an excellent
Christmas program consisting of reck
tatlons, songs and dramatizations.
At tho close of the program tho
children were surprised by the arrival
of Santa Claus, who had a treat for
each of them. There was a large
crowd in attendance.
Christmas Is Theme of Sermons
ChrlBtmas was the theme or the ser
mons at all of tho churches in Spring
field yesterday. The annual Christ
mas program will be rendered this
evening at the Methodist church, all
of the churches going together In ono
big program.
All persons knowing themselves. In
debted to the undersigned pleaso call
and. settle their accounts by tho first
of th yoar unless previous arrange
ments have been mado as I am aiming;
to go on a cash basis.
bec.247.31 J. J. BROWNING
Springfield, Oregon December 10,
Su n.l8SettlobL?Vleft 2? bTd a'nd - jSf t U?, f
board, without my consent and re- t0 act 06 an Executor, Administrator, Guardian
moved all her houas-hold ertcct from or "Trustee.
tlw residence whero wo resided on This is a new service our officers will be glad to
Fifth street In Springfield. Oregon. dtafiis wiMi vnn
Thia la to tiotify all persons Qrat I will aiscuss wuu you.
finsT national bank, eocene, obfgcw.
1 1
Made in Springfield
and a HaDDV New Year For UgUU heat nd pr
ana a nappy ,car .,Made in Spi1ngflejd,.
PHor, ' Oregon Power Co.
"MADE IN SPRINFjIPtD" -Oftft B.i 8h.
,N , and Painting, Livary Barn and Fd Stab I a.
'SPBINGFIELlJEWS junk? 8tlHwy pelt8 "f c
EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY , C. H, WiOit iS Stfii Working r m.
t eubsorlptlon $1.5Q pet ftr Phane t SOUTH SECOND T., 8PR!N6FIEt.p j
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
'(intiot reach the soat of the 4-le. Ca
tarrh I a blood or constitutional ileae,
find In order to cure It you mitit take In
ternal remedtr. Hall' Catarrh Ctre H
token Internally, and acts rtlrectlr upon
the bloo4 ami mucous aurfnee. Haifa
Catarrh Curo la not a quark medicine, It
waa -prescribed by one of the beat plir
alclan In thl country for yeara and 1
a regular prewrlpilon. It la comaoaed ot
the bent tonlca known, combined with the
brut blood purinera. ncllnfr Erectly on tha
mucoua aurfacea. The perfect combina
tion of the two Ingredients la what pro
duce auch wonderful results In Curing
catarrh. Rend for testimonial, free,
V. 3. CHBNEr Jk CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Hold by Drurslit. frlr 7Ce.
Take 1111' Family rill for constipation.
After Jan. 1st, wo are going to dis
continue open ledger accounts. All
amounts under ?5.00 will bo CASH,
Amounts In excess of 5 may"bd"ar-1
lowed to run 30 days without Interest
by giving Note or Trade Acceptance
duo In 30 days. Wo will be glad to
explain this further to you at any
time. It works no hardships on any
one and eliminates a great deal of need
less office work. On all cash sales
we will allow a CASH discount of 1
Springfied Feed company.
We wish you all a
ONE of the privelegeb of the Holiday
Season is the opportunity gladly wel
comed by us to wish our customers &r
ery enjoyment of the festivities of
Christmas and all prosperity and hap
piness in the coining New Year.
H. M. PEERY DRUG CO., The Rexal! Store
Consider Your
Children's Eyes
If a eaalSis eyes aae Imperfect, cor
rect gtassas. should he obtained im
anedhtely. 9f this 5a done the child
may grow out nT Its trouble but
otherise the defect Increases until
glasK&a uue '.inevitable, while a cure
becomes Smposslble.
Our 'eervlco does not end until you
ore satisfied wlBh out work. THAT
Quickly Replaced 881 Willamette St.. Eugene. Ore.
Keratlne (suites mn4 Jfyf j
Opal Vhrtdsfoy, si MefiB7inR4ffe4sI
glrf, and a student at the UalrenHr
of Oregeti, was. burn 'about Ihe'fae
last week when some coat oil whfck
sho was carrying ignited as sho wm
near the stove at the home where aha
is rooming. The accident Is not sety
lous as she was ablo to bo hack to her
classes at the University next day.
O. R. Gullion, M. D.
VKtfea Ltmrtetf M
Eye, Ear, Not and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
oar White Temole. Euene.
mrinfif field HJs&r&flfe
. Hepalring a Specialty
Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Phona It.
Factory on