MONDAY. JULY 2, 1017. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE? Save Steps this Summer During warm weather whopping often becomes a timk. Whenever you (Irene! a trip down town on account of (lie heat, or for tiny other reason yon find It Incon venient to come, JiiHt phono 31 you'Jl find whopping by phono a great tlmo saver In fact, It places a drug Htore at your door. Our Htock In very complete and Ih made up of high grade goods, thcroforo you may alwayH bo sure of getting Jimt what you want. Small ordern will bo delivered ub promptly and an clieerfully iih largo ones. Cultlvato tho Tolophono Habit It'o a Real Convonionco. How's This? Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Rewnrd for nny cano of Cntnrrli that cnnnot bo cured by Hall's Cfttnrrh Cure. P. J. CHKNRT tc CO.. Toledo. O. Wr, Urn undernlKiinl, hftvo known V. 3. I Hnw'flThU) Mr. and Mr. W. Dawnon left thlx morning for Albany whore (hey wilt upend tho Fourth and vhlt friend. Mr. J, A. Nelson, mother of Vent Ncliion paNBcd throuKh HprlnKflold, Sunday on hor wny from HrownHvlllo to Anhlnnd to aDcnd thn Fourth in Ch.nty for Oil Inst IS yearn, arid believe ;,,,, ..i--,. hlin Derfeetlv lioitornlife In nil liimlneei I'nni plflCO. trnnaNCtlonN hihI nmmclnlly nliln to carry I out any otillrnllnim innilt by bin firm. Mr. and Mm. A. Wllkonmki and NATIONAL IIANIC OF COMMKItCK. , a. wiikowbki anu Toledo o. baby left thin morning: by auto for c7.?Mr Oregon where they will mnko coiia yurfarra of ih avMem. Trtlinonlol tliolr homo. Mr. Wllkowwkl'8 inoth-jr rnt frir. I'rlrn 7G ccmIa per bolll. Sold , , . .... by nil DriiKHUid. 1 find brother accompanied them. Mi. Tk. 1111. Fainlly fill, for con.Hp.tlon. wkowk ,nH ,,ccn mpoye(, at tho j ... ,, ., , , , , , ,, ; Hoolh-Kelly mill for iieveral month' m u.. nrMio ,1UK U".V . ir' and wan a member of the ChrlstHn noi, mano a ouHinoHn trip to spring Cleaning. Pressing REPAIRING Made to Measure Suits Lemley Suit House 1 Phone 75 Watmtk PH0NE wi: SUliSTITUTE field Saturday. II. itenulo. Mr. and Mr. K. II. Ward were In from Camp Creek Saturday. Mr. and Mr. John Dankn of Tliurii ton woro In HprlnKflold Saturday, draco Male Ih very III with totiHllltlH at hor home on Mill and (' Htreeta. , Mr. and Mm. Kmext Skinner of church baHketball team laat winter DONNA I Juno 30. Mm. Wan tch and daughter j MlHf I. a lira of Eugene where here j vlHltlng Frank Sporca and family Frl-1 day and Saturday. Mrs. John Itobcrtion and daughter j i ihm liura woro in Kugene i uesuay to vlall the doctor. Mr. and Mm. K. L. Iloberts and on Glen made a buslncHu trip to Eugene Town and Vicinity J. Cowden of Thurnton mado a bug IneHu trip to Springfield Saturday. Will Scavcy of Donna made a htm- InrHH trip to SprltiK'leld Saturday, I John Mullen made a bualneiiB trip to Fall Creek Wednesday. ! - llend, Oregon are vlalttng with Mra. j Wednesday evening returning homo MrH. A. IJIglow who Iiiib been vlalt- Sklnncr'a parents Mr. aud Mra. Uoh- Friday mornlne. nig in waniiiiigion ror moiiiu tlmo ro- ort Sldwell. turned homo ycMlcrday morning. i ,,,,,, , Goto returned Friday from y Italph t offln and MIhb Alta John- ,on ,,ay8 trp Heattu ant, othor aon apent Sunday vlHltlng Mr. Coffin ' ,)olntB , Waahlngton. Ile was ac- parents, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Coffin, eompanlcd by hla family. Marlon rnwell and hoii Karl left today for KaHtorn Oregon where thov , Fourth of July. will help to harvcHt the cropH. W. I Short of Colwnll, Idaho In thly territory buying aheep. Ih II. W. CalllHon of Fall Creek wai In town Saturday for medical treat- Jack Llttoll left Saturday evening ment for a very sore finger. for Portland after having spent no oral days vlHltlng in Springfield. Mra. ilarvc Kobcrtuon and daughter MIskcs Una, Dorln and Alice, of Eu gene were here to spend tho week , end vlHltlng Mm. HobcrlHon's brothc-; In-law John Robertson, family and friends. 1 Mra. M. W. Webber of Springfield wag here Friday to vlBlt her mother Mra. J. C. Nicholson, who la not Im proving very much. I The "Iteds" entertained tho "Blues" Joe retcraon, mother and father, Friday night. Games were played Lubricating oil special price, brlna u big can. J. C Holbrook. L. May ond Fred IlrcMilor loft sat urday for Newport, for a weeks' outing. Klcunor White left Uila for a vlalt In Portland. morning and Mrs. Delia Peterson and llttli ', at tho school yard until 10:00 o'clock ; MIsh Anna Cappn of Salem la visit daugwor left yesterday by auto forLnfter which the crowd marched down Ing at tho homo of hor aunt Mra. M. Seattle where they will spend the to the hall and were served straw l"0UChan1, Mrs. Paul Uratlaln left ycB,cnlayerrles. cake and lemonade and more I Franco Travis worked at Kotlo's morning for Palscly where she wUP Kmea were played at the hal before In.n. ...... l.. l ..I .1,1. II b.. hn.Uml lu I , l"" "U"iW. ."1MB JVUlUiUU; 111 I1U (IIU(;U Ul '". w .0 Uri..Ufc.,.v 'Vera Nelson. a largo ranch there. The "Illues" all wish to thank tho Reds" for the good time shown them. Mr. and Mrs. J. liradham and child Those registered at the Kllte are ' Miss Lela Jlennls of Marcola was iren who live neur Deadman's Ferry H. H. Sawyera of Portland, Hen Sypert . down Friday night to tho Sunday Jack Mltoll of Portland Is visiting ,ptnt Sunday at tho Kd Duryoa home, pf Wonder, Oregon; Pert Cox nnJ school contest treat. friends In Springfield for several dnyn. Chus. Hlrah, t, hide-buyer of Port land, visited the local butchers Thurn-dny. Mra C. A. Harnett and daughter. Nevada, Hpenl Sunday at Foley Spring with friends. wife. C. I.. Shllltl nnil Paul l.nnahprrv It. M. Mitchell and wife have pur of vldll( am, G A SUe,don. chased SO acres of land of tho John Shelley estate onu mile from Jasper. ' The cost of pnlnt does not depend Card of Thanka We wlgh to thank the many friends for their lioln and svmnnthv and beau- millrfdv linnn tbn nrlrn vmi nnv iinpat..i i i --i . . .u . cfvoS ordered from ho Fast l,n Ka"n bMl What U '8 Wr,h ,,ca'1-1 Oregon for their help In the beautiful ceucu, ordered from tho hast somo fifvinir nH nmn-ii,r vn,lr im.n. w.. .... . . . ...,... , ,..... - - j jul Bun lunurui Bcrrice 01 our oeiovci Absolutely! gon and brother. IMIOOK 'MR. AND. MRS. K. C. RALSTON men, goi your naia. capa. snina. . Mr8. w. C. Dunboor and daughter , ,, .,. ,... ...,. AND FAMILY. alioca. all kinds of toggery at Wolf Florence of Portland are visiting at worklnc for James Clark on HUCar and Miller's Clothing store. ,hu home of MrB. c . shrltt. , klnf e"'"k 5 tlmo ago. real bargains let us show 8ol, ihot!nlx puro pa,nU them to you. J. C. Holbrook. RUarantced. j. C. IIOI.I Tho Springfield planing mill will bo closed down only one day (or lit.) discharged Fourth of July. .Saturday. .beet farm near Salem was brought George Masterson of Marcola wan; ,0 ,no local 'iBPH Saturday for nied- from tho local hospital leal treatment. I S. Pratt MrH A. V linilnru.,i n Illle DCCn Florence Darllnc In vlsltlne at the I I . I.unin II1IIIUI t;ill U I1IU' homo of her brother Wm. Darling at Jor operation at tho local hospital Marcola, j Saturday morhlnK:- II. N. Nixon purchased a flvo-pai- j senger Chevrolet touring car through tho local dealer last week. , Mra. Adeline Copenlmver under went nn operation on her nose Sat unlay morning. J B Mondell of Wnltervdlle made ( Mr. ,, Mr8, cllCHter K,8pnHH of fonil0p.H fatheri ,,. j. Scoflell of the n business trip to priiigrieiii urday. Sat DAIRYMEN! We paid 50c per pound for butterfat In' the cheese factory I last month. Does this Interest and Marlon Adams who you?, working at the Fischei-j EUGENE FARMERS CREAMERY Houtin mill on the Sltisluw arrlvi , J yesterday to spend tho Fourth hi. their-.. ''0C8- i LEARN MUSIC AT HOME; ... ......... . Lessons Free New Method Learn to Mr. and Mrs. W A. Scofleld an 1 p,ay By NotcPIano 0rgan VIoni family arrived from Kent, Washington nanlo. Mandolin. CornoL Ham. 'Cello. unuay ror n row days visit witb tlu GuItat.( plccoi0, Clarinet, Trombone. Flute or to sing. Special Limited Offtr of freo weekly lessons. You pay only for music and postage, wnleh Is small. Money back guarantee No extras. Dcglnnere or advanced iiirner are visiting at tne Homo or Kugene Chemlcnl works. .Mth. ICIspass' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fischer. Evn Mrs. win. o uer. .Mr. a. . airi - Vance Cngloy of tho medical corps. , Titus, and Ulla nrondel of Marcola .Marion Ady o: isugonu spent w eunov H,utom,,i . Vancouver barracks ur ou..h Q..,..,fi..i.. i exiras. "eginnera or navanceo ilnv with Mr and Mrs W L Dunlan ' ... . , . , , , ' ""' " " .' pupils. Kveryth ng Illustrated, plain. day with Mr. and Mrs. w. i uuniap. , rlve,, ,l0m)) ycatomay on u five duy'h tliolr way up tho McKenzle on a camp- simple, systematic Free lectures Ing trip. .1. II. t .1. mm . N. A. nowe and M. W. Wober mi l no is mo son oi air. anu families arc upending the day at tho MrN' M- c"Bo' of thlB c"' hatchery. Mrs. C. F. Egglmann returned Frl- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Raker of Oak- ,lu' 0Vt,,,iK fro' Foroat Grovo where 'fomla soveral months ago hove ro ridge aro ranking a business visit j H,", ,ll,s ,,eon H-ndliig tho encamp- turned and will move back to their Mr. anil Mrs. R. W. Makinson who moved from hero to Turlock, Call- each course. 1G years' success. Start at onco. Write for Free booklet to day Now. U. S. School of Music. 225 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Springfield today. Good reliable fire Insurance. No as sessments; no membership fee. Pay onco and you are dene. li. li. Walker at tho City Hall. Tho first watermelons of tho Rea son were on sale in local atorca Sat urday. O, R. Kosuey and family and W. N. Ixing and family spent Sunday picnick ing along tho McKenzle. Dr. W. C. Rebhan and family loP, Saturday in tliolr car for Ashland to attend tho Round-up there. Mra. R. W. Smith who wna oper ated on at the local hospital last week was dlsmlused today. Tad Luckey and family left for Ash land Saturday in their car to attend the Round-up at that place Mr. and Mra. W. Dawson and Mr and Mra. C. E. Lyon motored to niuo River Sunduy. Mra. R. P. Mortcnson and children npent tho week-end in Harrisburg vis iting frienda. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCulloch and Hon Bobby loft Saturday for a wooku visit In Seattle Georgo Godman of Doxtor made a business trip to Springfield Saturday. , Freda Fandrem returned Saturday from Wondllng where sho hna boon visiting at tho L. lCrickson homo. ment of tho G. A. R. ranch on Camp Creek. Mr. Mncklii- Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Morrison and Bon Mya ,hnt 11 18 then-. lamiiy. .Mr. aim airs. j. w. ivoys and Mrs. K. F. Dohcrty and baby girl i rnniny spent, hunday aitomoon visit- WM ,aVo been staying with Mrs. ;ng friends In Cottage Grovo. ( Dohorty'H mother. Mra. Holconib for .1. .!. sini.1Hnn .....I wifn nf ini,o.;l Pn8t montii. lett Wednesday view. Orecnn nnBHod tlirnueh Snrln flold on their wny to Cottage Grove l'10'1 for San Diego where Mr. Doherty is em Friday. ,' Mrs. F. A. llrown nnd lnzn Crab- "treo of Camp Crook visited at tho ihonio of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duryea Fr!-i JUHJ. Mrs. Mary Grodzkn and children rom Portland are visiting the form er's brothor, F. A. Wosolowgkn of the Springfield bakory. Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Devitt of Loa Angeles. California are visiting Mr. j Dovltt's sister, Mrs. M. Thompson, i Mr. and Mrs. Dovltt will go from here on to Alaska nnd return home by wav of eastern points. , Thoso registered at the Sprlngfiell hotel tho past week wero Clarence Snvago of Fort Klamath. E. O. Mar- I tin of Prinevllle, Geo. W. Rlgga of Helen Mullen returned Saturday Mabel, nnd Nout. J. Larsone of Port frnm ThurHton whore alio hns boon laud. visiting Mrs. Needhnm for tho pas Taking Big Chances It Ib a groat risk to truvel without n bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, as tlila preparation cannot be obtainable on ttao tralna or steamships. Attacks of bowel complaint are often auddoa and very eovere, and everyone should jlto prepared for thorn. Obtnlnablo everywhere. wook. Services at tho Raptlst church yes terday, wero in chnrgo of Arthur Pen- gra In tho morning and Walter llailoy -Jila way from Sunny aldo, Washington In tho evening. .to visit his parents nt Corning, Cali fornia. Ross Woods of Portland was la (SprlngfIeId Saturday buying tho hop i C. F. McGlashan of Truckee, Call wlro from tho local hop men who have j fornla, unci G. Simon of Sacramento flowed up tliolr floldg. with his wlfo and mother-In law nr j . , , , ., iguosta of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Pago of ... .... ub.u iu.iu th0 Amorlcnn jtotol. Tho party Is Karl Heinrich TAILOR Suits Made to Order Alterations, Cleaning and Pressing Opposite Ketels Drug Store W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 62; Residence 67-J West Main St. HERBERT . WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC QfTtet (n City Hall, SDrlngflald, Or Oscar Shoppard, son of W. O. W. Sheppard who formerly had chargo of tho Palaco of Sweots In this place. stoppod In Springfield Saturday on ovonlng from points in Iowa nnd Kan gas where sho has been visiting for ,tho past two months. .traveling by nuto and from here wl'l go to Portland nnd points in Idaho. Constipation and Indigestion "I havo used Chnmborlnin'a Tablets Biliousness and Stomach Trouble "Two years ago I suffered from fro- and must say they aro tho best I have quont attacks of stomach trouble and over UBod for constipation nnd Indl-'biliousness," writes Miss Emma Vor Bostlon. My wlfo nUo usod thorn . bryko, Lima, Ohio. "I could eat ifor Indigestion nnd thoy did hor good, very little food that ngrood with me writes Eugene S. Knight, Wllmlng- and I bocamo so dizzy and alck at ton, N. C. Ohamborlaln'a Tnblota my stomach at times that I had to iaro mild nnd gontlo in thoir action, nko hold of something to koep from Glvo them a trial. You nro cortnln falling. Seolng Chnmborlaln'a Tab to bo pleaBed with tho ne;rooahlo lax , lots advertised I docldod to try them. atlvo effect which thoy produce. Ob- I Improvod rapidly." Obtalnably ev- tamable everywhere, erywhore. I I ROBERT BURNS Lodge. No 78, A. M. F Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Uni versal and Symbolic Free Masons meets first and third Frldny evening in W. O. W ball. Visiting brothers wel como. P. A. Johnson Secretnrv Chns. Kingswcll R. W. M O. R. Gullion, M. D. Practice Limited tl Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate Nurse Attending 306, White Temple, Eugene. Springfield Garage Incorporated Repairing a Specialty FORD STUDEBAKER Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Phone 11 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Dr. N. W. Emery DENTIST 8UTTON BLDQ. . . PHONE 20-J ) RESIDENCE PHONE 12S-W " SPECIAL VALUES. AT THE Eugene Sample Store 605-609 Willamette Street Men's Union suits $1.25 value $1 Ladies' White Top Shoes, Havana brown and gray not $10, but our price, only SG.95 Ladies' Sample Oxfords and Pumps $1.25 to $2.95 Sizes 2V2 to 41n. Ladies' White Petticoats, our price 65c and 75c Ladies White hose, 2 for 35 Same in black 2 for .... 35c Ladies' black hose 2 for 25c Ladies' white pumps, high heel, rubber sole and heel, while they last $2.50 Ladies' white Mary Jane pumps, welt sole $3 value. always $2.25 Men's Panama hats $5 val ue for $3.50 and $3.95 Eugene, Oregon Men's Panama hats, $6 values for $4.95 Men's dress shoes see what we offer for .... $3.45, $3.85 Neolin or Leather Soles Men's work shirts, our price 50c GOc 75c 85c See our $14.50 Men's suits Men's fine dress shoes, R. B. Z $5.50 to $7.50 Men's Work shoes, here always $2.25 to $9.75 See our Men's hats, here at .... $2.25, $2.45 and $2.85 . Men's tailor-made suits at $17.50 to $22.50 Why pay more Men's shirts, $1.25 val. $1 Men's sport shirts 65c Men's $1.50 and $1.75 shirts at $1.25 Men's black Sox 10c Men's Silk Top hats only 50c Buy Your Shoes AT A SHOE STORE Seven different styles in MEN'S WORK AND DRESS SHOES At $3.50 a Pair We 'have all sizes 35 WEST 8th ST. TP II DCDT EUGENE, OREGON i Jt, VJlJLiDILfV 1 i "FISK" on your tire is a guar antee that you have the greatest dollar-for-dollar value that it is possible to buy. When yon pay more than Fisk prices you pay for something that doesn't exist Fisl Tires For Sale By Springfield Garage Authorized Ford Agents n.nnui.nnllllliillllllllllMlllllinillllHHIIhlllllMIMiniinHIIIIIIIIHllllNllliHIIIIIIIimiimmJ J. J. BROWNING Creamery Block Dealer in HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR, SEEDS, SALT, MILL FEED, OIL MEAL, SOY BEAN MEAL ALFALFA MEAL (Sweet and Dry) POULTRY SUPPLIES ROLLED OATS, CHICK FEED SEEEDS In Package or Bulk True to Name and Kind Give Us A Trial 0